Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, August 03, 1901, Image 2

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The Chine«« inhabitants uf the
Vtitled Stales are decreasing, but
Tlnrc are millions of acres of the Japanese residents ars increas
land iu 'lie arid regions that belong inr. There is no special objecti n' TbVrt*4u*g. frig'itrllr.l, tie ' n "*
to the Government. That land is to the Japanese. though if they why. Between her *»t>« she t« '.l*
lvnlamd of her n><«. ry.
It I -
now utterly worthless. The Gov­ were to reach n* hij*h figures as th. enough for the hndwnd to votnioit
ernment has Ken offering to give Chinese had ten years ago there wile in thia von-
»he ne<«!»
it owav fur the last thirty year« if; might bo sotue talk uf putting tq dition,
help In those
curly »lay* when
any body would go and live on it. the bars against them. The.Japs
(!« aha low <>f
No o.ie will take it a« a gift, T.et cse are superior tn tnout respect* to tnaternitv (trat
begina Io fall
Rain throughout the corn belt the Goveriuuent use its credit to the Chines»». They confurm mo
nv u the wouiao
came to late to do much good. put up irrigation reservoir«, get nearly than the Chinese to A meri- »he
ia orteu nerv-
Howevjr. a large part of the crop water on to there dry acres, and can idea» of oivilixstion
1 here ou*. sleepless,
will be saved for feed, which mean« invite the settlers to come, provid­ are 21,0X1 Japanese in the United i wit'tout
*ki full of vague
a great deal to the stockman.
ed t! at they will pay the cost uf States, as compared with 89.000 feats.
'»’he blip nerd-
irrigttion. See how they flock (’hint's". A* th»» form ?r are grow
«-I 1>v women at
t‘ii« crisis 1« hilly
If the present ratio of re .unci- the>e in unnumbered thousands. ing, however, while the litter are tumialicl by l»t
tiens continues until the democrat There would not be a vacant acre shrinking, the chance* »re that bv . ieecc' 1 r.voiita
I’rewri pti«'«i.
ic national convention meets there left in five years, if men only had 1910 the numbers of the two races It ou t i »hr «
will not be enough free silverites to pay the actual cost of irrigation may be pretty nearly even.- At nerves and
present the Chinaman is not a men quirt* th«m.
to get a title to the land.
left to properly burv the corpse.
teatorva the .ip|*-
If the great desert stretches of a-e. but the exclusion law should, ti'.e Mid iiaiuccs
the and West l»e reclaimed «nd at its expiration next May, l»e ex reiraalii'ig -Jeep.
It R"r-* phvsual
Instead of preparing for war I
made into comfortable and produc­ tended for another ten years—St strength .ind nir-ital t.novancy Io meet
with some country, the European
the tri.il ot motherhood, *ml makes the
tive hon e* for million« who seek Louis Globe Democrat.
Labv's advent practically puititaNL
gossips now have the Czar prepar­
them, the Federal Government
"I aril’ 1»- ver. »fj.1 t > •*> « l»w •"«J« is
ing to give France a King in the
D’ r*< rv « Faw
P:<- ’(♦ lieu.“ wt
M •
will necessarily have to take the there are 21»MX' Japanese and N9.
I M aiiv '* im . r. ttrvr.r C ■ a*»**
person of one of the young Napole­
«> • • v • ’ ’
■ r
lead and I uild tlio storage irriga­ 0U0 Chinese to tu tnv in this coun­ I ■> («coniinx m r» ’.hrr I ••t«T»ir»l x<r\ bmuc *
ons, who is an officer in th»; Russian
'? «« i UJit-'fi an«! * . B* • ’»M
i I irl: «.» Icftlhh
tion reservoirs.— Lit.c-»in Independ­ try The Jap may be superior to «k h I « uM •rafN.cly tut
fink at
all K»r*l*'* I ** a 1. Atr>4tiui« i u:\i< t
'he Chinaman in many re«[>ecta sh f»i n-ikv .t. ! he («»Id i- r Iu
hh !*•’• » ’
u »’»4 n N ei .t.- vf Gvl«kn Mol»
stated, but as a detriment to Am-r t»ix«»*e’y I
r—'. a;.'I wh« . 1
! a ’. iak< u tbcr.i a i» w
-» I ir t XHMah teettf»
An exchange «ays : Every mui
ienn labor especially in the West rul when i ! .»I t«»kc • st Hy thfw
A prehistoric citv. of immense
I '.».It w*-11 mu <*■ J
should mind his own business, and
41V *>n*
»« ».l>i d*1 ’ v wufk ** itL- »’I
proportions, is eti I to have been
?f\M Uc it . t k‘ 1». t •»«•
• * rksrr
I f' !
only that. It is bird to tell him
i x '. S j nV.
t l>
’ f '• • • »•.'
unearthed on the N.ivejo Indian exclusion law isextended if it should I U
trll ui«- lhev «<♦ - a L i • Rtt U» •<
»• in plain words, yet it is one of
wriit lo In VI rtw."
rerervation. between Durango. Col­ 1*«. attd it ought to be, it shou'd 4r rdm.:««
In. I’r rvc » PkaMiit Pcilct» regulate
the simplest rules of conduct, and
orado, ami Farmington, New .Mexi­
U m 1«vwie.
the most useful that mankind can
co. A mercantile cotn pan v, which p’e have no use for either.
adopt in their intercourse with each
had been exploring the territory in
A Minister * <Joo«l Work.
Ser alor Butler is quoted a.’ BAT- I
question for some time, a »bort
had a severe attack of biliut «
iime ago found a palace of prehis­ tug that the I'upulist party will go
got a ixittle uf ChamhcrHin’a
The beauty fakirs must take toric age. containing, it is said. it alone next timer and will poll
Cholera and Diarl.oet Rem­
seats in order to give the Parisian at<out 1000 separate apartments, mere votes than ever before. The
•ioctor, who claims to have dis­ same of them in a.i excellent state first part of this statem nt n.sv edy, took two doses and was »-ulire
covered a procee« to make women of preservation. Another stone . come true ; the secund could only ly cured," says Rev A A Power,
taller, room to pile his money up. cast.v contained 100 separate apart­ be made by a person who ha« either of Emporia. Kan. ‘‘My neighbor
across the street ««« cjvk for overs,
The process consists of stretching ments.
In some of the rooms in- I very little sense or very little re­
the ankle and knee joints, and, of ► pe<’ttd were found the finest woods » gard for the t-uth, savs the Port­ week, bad two or three bottles uf
mein-in* fretn the doctor, lie u»< d
course, of ‘‘pulling their legs.’’
and’otk-er relics of a valuable char land Telegram. The Populist party
them for three or four divs with
acter. specimens of wh ch bare i has had its Jav, and very nearly
relief, then calle 1 in another
Public opinion should demand been gathered and sent to the tun its course It never had much
doctor who treated him for some
that Comgress get at and make Smith-onian institution, Washing­ of »nv political or economic princi­
davs and gave him no relief, m <li’-
public all the facta in the West ton. The find i« said to be excep I ples or idea* except government
charged him.
I went over to re<
Indian naval campaign, and "ettle tiunally valuable f.oin a scientific loans to farmers, an illimitable
him the next morning. He sa: 1
cnee for ali the Sampson-Schley and ^thno:ogical standpoint, and is quan’ity uf paper money and the
his buwela were in a terrible fix i
rontroveisy. which has grown more believed to antedate the time of the ! ‘initiative and referendum " * The
tnat they had been running off so
than tiresome with the asseitions Aztec occupation of the country first two of th*s<* are ns riead a*
long that it was almost I loody tlnx I
Ignatius Donnelly, and the laXt is
and counter assertions that accom­ ages ago.
being adop'ed or sanctioned by the I asked him if he had tried Cham
pany its periodical revival.
demagogues and theorists of the berlain's Colic, (.'hole'« and Di
Edna Dean Procto- has a mis­
other parties—a* in Oregon—suf- aarh x*a Remedy and he said ’No'.
By the will of Lewi? Elkin, of sion. She wants Indian corn a-
ficieutiv to tako the wind mt of I went h»me and brought him my ¡
Philadelphia, his large fortune ■lopted as the National flower She i
Populists' sail«. In fact that par- buttle an 1 gave him one do»c; told
eiti mated al from $2.000,000 to appesrsid before the National Edu­
tv’s sai's have dwindled into rag­ him to take an>'»ih>-r dose in fifteen
13.(00,000 is set apart for the sole­ cational association nt their gr^at
ged clout«, and the wind that once or twenty minute« if he did not liml
benefit of needy women puolic convention iastweek in Detroit and I
relief, b”.t he took no more ami wa*
bellied them so bravely has de­
school teachers of that city. Ar.v read a poem cn her theme which
entirely cured”
For sale by 11.
parted to b stir bigger ganio.
unmarried woman teacher who captured the convention. We find
M Horton, Burns; Fred Haines,
has taught for twenty-five years, one stanza in the Des Moines Reg­
Harney City.
A too common error among read
— ,
and has no other itPui» of .‘•'jpporl, ister, as follows;
J ni-s White. I'.rvan‘avilie. Io<l .
is entitk-d to a life annuity The ro«e tnay bloom for England,
¿ay* DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve
uf $400.
healed running sores on both leg*.
Ireland may banor the shamrock, pings is sn endorsetr»nl by t e If. had suffered six years Doctor*
newspapers reprinting them, It
Scotland her thistle hold;
fined to help him. Get DeWitt's
The evolution of the windmill, R Jt the shield of the Great Republic, ; does not follow that this is so It An »pt no imitations H M Hor
is the mission of the well regula t’d ton, Bum«; Fr<-d Haines, llaruey
from the huge clumsy machine of
The glory of the West,
the fourteenth century, or from Shall bear a stalk of tasseled corn. j newspaper to not only have and ex­
I press views of its own, but to set
Manitef Ruble, thrvoung Filipino
even tho windmill of 50 years ago.
Of all our wea’th the best.
here bv the Second Oregon
to the present improved, light,
— Baker City Democrat.
a id oth*r people, that the public Volunteers, who was placed at the
rapid running but powerful form of
Indian School, has die-
to-day, has been as remarkable a*
may be enabled to judge for itself
___ ' ■ Chemawa
He was with th»- Che i
any feature of irrigation develop-
In this mad '■■base- fur wealth ami
m“nt, and the American windmill the vulgar ostentation and pinch- I clippings hat only accord with its maws Band at Oregon City and ]
of the present is no unimportant back prominence that go with it, own notions will not only fail in the Chautauqua AMetnbly, but did
access,orv to the grest irriga ion says the Washington Post, who it* mission as a newspaper, Lut not ref inn to tno school. It is
systems which are being year by­ clops, to put a value on lhe patient will be forced in time to tho con­ thought that he went to Vancouver
year projected and completed prophet of morals, usefulness, high clusion that the public has no par­ with some of the soldiers fioin there i
throughout the West.
thought mid noble aspiration«? We ticular regard for the opinions of and an effort will be made to find
■e- scholars teaching the young at the paper that docs it. Most papers hirn.
wages an ordinary machinist would of yood standing find it easy to ex­
Eruptions, cuts, burns, scalds
despise. We see clergymen wear- ' press their judgement at the proper and sores of all kind«quickly heal­
ing out their noble lives among the time and in the proper place; and ed by DeWitt’« Witch Hazel Salvo.
WITH A LAME BACK ? p>or and the aiflicted who count they iind it an eqtiailv easy matter Contain cure for piies. Beware of
for '.ess by the money standard to give other people the same lati­ Counterfeits. Be sure you get the
Kidney Trouble Makes You Mise» abb
tude which they claim fof ttaeiu- original — DeWitt's. II M. Horton,
than a hod carrier ur boot black.
Burns; Fre I Haines, Harney.
Almost everybody who reads the new;- I
papers is sure tc know of the wonderful
i, cures made by Dr.
'ji Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
11 the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
It is tho gr?it n.ed!-
7^ M’trtumrh of t>-e nine.
1^.1 ¡tenth certur;; d.:-
covered afier yea. M
scfenttfle research by
Dr. KUmcr, trip emi­
nent I Idney and bi«d-
c!«r specialist, a.-.u is
wond-rfuliy Micoestf.il in promptly dur'ng
tune back, kidney, bladder, uric «rid trou­
bles «nd Brtfkt’s Dlsesse, which ti t:.e wcsst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swamp-Root h not rec-
or irnendod fur everyti lng but if yeu iiave I tu­
nny, liver or bladder troub'e it tvili be f j..d
lust the remedy you need. I: bar hern tected
In so many ways, In ho.-rpital rtaik. in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
chase relief and has proved so successful In
every race that a special arranger era has I
been made by which all readers of th;» r»?' r
whr have rtot slready tried It, may ba ze a
«ample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
felllag more about Swamp Root and b'-rv to
ind out if you have kidney-er btaride vot'ble.
Wh<wi writing mention reading this generous
offer In this paper and____ f
rtnd yeur addresa I I
Dr. Kilmeri Co.,Ding-
hamton. N. Y.
regular M'y cert and
Ncmeof r.«»«»»
r «» u
OU-M ai«M ore seta t y all gooi dr.gjisa.
Tho tariff should he removed
from all those industries upon
which the monopolies has a strong
hold, and it is to the interest of the ;
republican party to legislate against j
monopoly and evil trusts. If this!
is not done we shall s<ton heir, dan
ger of socialistic rule, at socialism :
in gaining rapidly in strength in '
this our mooopuliriic age. Proper'
revision of our tariff laws will act >
as a prevention of socialism. Pre­
vention is at ail tii .es better and i
prefcrab'e to the cure of any di­
Celuuel J. T. Grayson, of Baker
vity, one of Oregon'» delegates to
(be mining congress held recently
in Boise, was honored with a posi­
tion on th»- "xecutive cmnmit'ee or
g' f r ;ing board.
Tf you know a good thing when
In the Baker City courts J. S
see it, you will take n thnncc
Kenyon secured a judgment of 49,
advertisement which ap­
»82 88 against the Gold Fields of
the last page.
Oregon, located near the Big Bend
of the Snake. Sheriff I.awrence
dispatched Deputy Sheriff Toner, Lan» Office Burn«. Or*»».», July St, Irti.
Tuesday*, to levy on the property, Not <*e In harsbjr »lien that In eoMplisnee <
with the pmel-iona ■>< the wt of <on<rw»« at i
which will be sold in ten or twelve Jun* *, 1ST«, ri.titled "in «<-t for the tale of Ifta,
days. Here’s a chance for some of t>-r >•■><!« In the State* of California. Ofrgno,
Nevada an-1 WaxblnfU.n Territory,'' *« •Ml« D(J-
the enthusiastic Big-Bend» rs tohuy e<l to all the Publie tend State« hr act of A:j%-
«at «, IM,
themselves rich.—Vai»» Gazette.
The Kind Ymi 1'avo Always llouglit. uu«l which I om boon
tn use fbr over 3t> year«, Ims borii«’ (he strn»n(nrw of
ui«l Ima tho n muda under Ills per»
son.il HU|»«'rvlaion since Ita liifkix-y.
Allow no one totlrcelvc you In thia.
All Counterfeits, Imitations »«nd “ Ju‘.t-«»-iroo«l” me but
Experiments that trillo with mid emlmii:<*r the honllti of
lutimi» mid Clilidrvu lCxpcrienco nguiust Experiment»
C'a»torli» l> n barmU-sM Mibrtltuto fur Cualor Oil, l*ar«v-
in>rlc. Drop« nixl Soothing Ryriipa. It Is l*1ewM»»«t. It,
rontaliiN neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nnrcotlw
mibatan* e. It« ng»' la Its guarnntec. It dealroyti Worm*
mut lülaya Vwiirlsline’»«. It curt s IMrirrhti'ii un«l \\ Imi
Culle. It relieve« Twilling Trouble«, cures Coniti pattuii
unti Flatulency« Il usslinlliUcs th«* V’ u » m I, r»,gult»t»-a tlio
Htoniacli niul Bowel«, giving lieidtliy nml natural »lisp.
'I’bu Children’s Piumccu The .>l<»tli»,r‘s Fricn»!«
Boars tho Signature of
The Kind You Rave Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Burns ICmite
Leaves Burns for Ontario daily at C.30 a. ui . an 1 arrive« it1 Ontario
within 42 hotira. Single fare ♦ 10 •>>; round trip ♦ lit ot). ' Through
freight «it» per tt» over '») #»*; under Mt th* graduated rale.
Hurns—Canyon <’it} Route
I raves Burns f«»r Canyon City, Tuesday, Tlinrtdav and Saturday,
at 5 a m , ind arrives in Canyon City within 16 hours. Single
fare' <7.00; roun I trip 113 00. Through freight 2 ct* p»T
under 5OR.s graduu‘<<i rate P. <> Addre«s, Burn«, Oregon.
Office at P. O.
I. WOLDENBERG, Jll„ Agt at Burns.
Monniotif li, Oregon.
I» ns <1 for Gradual»«. The i|«ma>,d for
gr«*t »»!•• nt the N'trtual School
th« past
)*«r h«4 b«vn r«u< h Layon«] thr » ippi)
lion» m Itn fruta KO.» (n >r, qo p«r mnath
Hlale f <>rtlllr«tr« mii 4 Ii||>l<>m«a.
Mtn Ivnl» <rr pr*-pared Inr the M'att F Kami«a
tin’« aii't r*?a<t Jy take alate papara mi praAna
h rmi<
tr.i.len.’c an<i rrnfea»tai,a) Coursa
Wall a iui ip«*»] 'I tain Ing baj artmrnl. Kx]»rn*ra
range frtsm >1 JO to ir.'iOO per year. Ka!l term
opon» Rrpt 17th. F r Val at«i<tlo mutai ut ng lull
tuiPHiureniaiilN. addri-a,
or j r. V nu«i».-.
Shelley & Foley
Work bout Satl*f«rtorily nml With Dopateli.
The Chicago”
The moat simple, practica! and durable
Typewriter op-the market at any price.
Ask for catalogue.
>1. Seaward,
Of Corti, Coni ty of Malheur, State of «
haa tula day Sled In thia oltce tit« '
A big sea lion made trouble for Orason,
.worn statement N<. .’*1. for the purchaa« of 111» '
some salmon seiners on the Desde­ NEtiNW', Seem la Tpn.jJ»“ ranee no .17 It W ,
mona sands, near Astoria, recently M. and will offer proof that the land ao'i*ht la ;
more valueblle for Ita timber of alonn t >an lor •
When entangled in the net no aicr.cn Itnral purports, and to •etabllah hU
chased the crew up on the sands claim to>ald land bale re the Ke-letar and Ite I
cofrer of Uil* ofllee al Burn«, Oregon, on Satwr-
and then returned to fill up on sal­ dav, the t Jth dey ofOetr.ber, 1W1 We name«
mon. The men had no firearms,' •a wttnraaoa- Ell-woith brown and 1. ft Spring I
er of Burna, Oreron; I I.. Seward of Cord. Ore
so the animal ate all he cared to »on, nnd Geo Marahatl 01 Narrow«, Oregon.
Any and all peraoiia elaimlng
the ,
uioiiiK anlrer
viver ely
ciy we
and broke a wav. Another of them
above-descrlb d land, are i r*qti*.t*.1 to Ale th«p J
attacked a seiner on Sand Island claim« In lh(« offi-e -nor b -for- »Aid t? day of
and the man had a hatd time es October; Irti.
fl »O W ft » V F. <
c aping.
M«gi l»t
Subscribe lor the
K.in*C, General Agent,
Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany. Die.