9 S Published in the Qraatost Valley of Extern Oregon. The Oldest and Most Reliable. The Best Advertising ■ Medium. í , e»-.»— r —«• -■ Items VOL. 17. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. AUGUST 3. 1901. w M, t>. W.twlyra, F>«wrl»tur t'has. M t «.hr»»a. *411»« a»4 Ms««g*r, OREGON NOIES REVENUE TAX ON BONDS. U. NO. 36, AGAINST LEASING would involve no end of difficulties and give opportunities for a great I'xerutar«, Administrators, Etc d-»al of favoritism. Mn»t Nllll Affix «Mh-btMinpM. To help the bill aloog it has been The following rulings of Coin- Jt Would flintier Hettlt mrnt of p^poied to donate the revenue de- (nterratine News From Different Public I-uuda. rived from leasing to a fund to pro­ mbsioner Yerkes, of tbo Internal Parts of the State. mote the irrigation of arid lands. Revenue Department, which have jiMl been received by I). M. Dunne, A better way would be for th» government to donate the revenue Collector of Internal Revenue, will At the next session oi congress a obtailtC)1 frota tJ,e u.nal „,e l( Portland la raising a subscription lje o( U,urest to many: * MmAww o/ fwry Daacription. for free bathing places. Bond» of executors and ad minis-, bill tn permit the leasing of public ]and to »«iters to this purpose. Wage hens uro said to be very trators require stamps under the land* for range purposes will be The only true way to settle thia BVKNN, OREGUM, numerous in Baker County. I amended revenue act. The act of presented and it will probably question is by private ownership of Volunteer wheat is said to be M«l«h2. IDOL ia ataeodiiig lbd»M!0Boee M greai ,] ,aj of discussion the ranges. This is the manner in yielding from 15 to 20 bushels to om.ls the cxen.p- among the people of the West and which it is being disposed of and if the leave law is prevented from the acre in some parts of Wasco •»<«/•*<,. Ux of I khk I s required m th*ir Venator« and representatives. passing for ten years the problem 1 j, ,unty legal proceedings, and re enacts the provision rcquiiiug stamps on A strong effort will be made to pass will lie solved In the I,a Grande A beautiful snake, some <4 in- L ojj J b fur the due execution or per- the bill by both sheepmen and cat­ land district alone, over 100.001 [Ches long, and colored pure blue forlUMrwe the dtlies of any office tlemen from different localities, but acres have been filed on during the Atk/i wvhiiA visa kilis»/i r*M*Antiv MMt » and while wan killed reccutiy uear Of position, and « to account . for their endeavors will be met with iait rix months and the largest H.C. LKVF..N8, 2 JOHN W tffUGH. I'HMildaut, Roseburg. 1 rnom-y r*-ei> ed by virtue thereof. vigorous oprswition »ays the I’rll- part of this area is grazing land. GEO FRY. < saldar. Vw« Frssideat. • dletoo Tribune. Wherever there is a spring of water Thc Heppner Gazette of recent in the «pinion of Commissioner læeil dis- Ths question has not or a small stream a settler or stock - data rays that a lamb with six Yerki• i-ir.itors and it ia there- rouoe of the large cattlemen iu Mai- , When this is accomplished th» foreruled tint the bondsofexecutorB heur, Harney and I^ike counties, land will lx? held or transferred ac­ BURNS. IFXJON. I - — OÄEOON College men bss gon« to gather and admin »trators each require the sentiment is much against tLe cording to natural business laws. : $25, ON 00 : fossils ia the famous beds of th*» a 50 cent stamp if delivered on or idea of the government leasing its If the capitalist is willfng to pay John Daj| regtou. lands to private j arties. This the highest price he may if wealthy | A Ceneral Banking Business Transacted. • i The sucker ciop around the ' after July 1, 1901. opinion exists among sheep owners enough buy the entire Blue Moun­ The tMUids of guardians, receivers • Directors: I H Geer, Geo. Fry, W. E Trieoh. • Sumpter luincs is reported tube , or trustees anpo.nteJ by the court as well as among tl»e cattle rarecn, tain ref ion or a smaller section of C. Welcome. something immense, and a pros- are aiso liable to tax on and after aud by it they show their wisdom country. It will require much perous seatoy is on for thc gill- July I, 1901, tor h< same reason, und foresight. The land leasing more money, however, to conduct I netters. ' 1 other bonds used in legal proceed­ proposition is generally upheld by a big stock business under there OFFICIAL niKBCTORi PROFESIONAL CARDS. A gopher gun inventor of Cor- ings. such as prosecution 'bonds, the big fry, but this depends upon cir< umstances and the industry valis was display ing bis machine injunction bonds, bonds upon ap- condit ons. If the big fry is a cal- would more likely l>e divided ui» • to a group of admiring friends1 peal or writ of erior, bonds for cost tieman and his range is being in- into numerous small ranches. V. a «•»«ton. lJu.rph Simon J U MrMCLt.KN. ,'J W McSrld« < The only solid basis for a coun­ ' when the thing went off and took »nd bonds given in claim and de- 1 vailed by the sheepmen he is iu CaacTwaw». .... .. I M A Mood» I Thom*. T<>< Iu» favor of Rasing. The size of his try is for its citizens to own iU livery actions for property are not a couple of his fingers. No one * * “ “ * PHOTOGRAl HER IMontr UtMril, U A. > HlaikLurn I herds m ikes it impossible for him • land. Renters are a transient class taxable. T T U^r else was injured. ■MtoCM > ot ««ai». .. r . I O.tnbor In regard to stamps on draft*, i tn buy range land and he must and no people are so prosperous Burna, Hre*"Main St.—opposite Book * gin cwt, thinks ths recvnUy discov­ •toto Frlater. . W II I a M> that a draft drawn with thc words his range bv a lease from the gov­ i A Irsee larely improves the land ho .C a Wolroru.a ered oil fields in Crook county are ■uproato JK «. H*»n I “at sight’’ erased and the words 1 ernment. If no marauder troubles holds and be fails to become iuter- far ahead of any other finas in Ore­ »E. A. Moura M ABSORB A OEAKY 'on arrival of goods” substituted him he is generally opfiosed to pay­ cited in the affairs of the communi­ gon and that sells can be sunk up­ Mtwru JODII IAL DUTRIUT 1 in which he lives like the mm therefor is a draft drawn otherwise ing a tithe to Uncle Sam. The big ty Clraalt JuA«», M. D. CIIBord W le. Mariden. John W Geary, on them with assursner of profita­ sheepmen who by owning a small rr«toa»ilac Aitora«r. *“ Millor who owns a place of residence. i than at sight or on demand, and is' rtiyfi'ian» A' Surgeon». ble working. U. S LARD OFHCB. BVRMS tract of land that controls water Where your treasures are there ii ! liable to tax ; also a sight draft on Bara*. Oregon, BMlffKf. Hay*« A big sea lion mad«* trouble for which ie printed, “If requested and a much larger tract of good your heart also, applies well in thia Irrtf“4<*haa. Xawall ai^roffice ,t reaidrnce. 'I’huoe 20. some salmon seiners on the Desde­ hold until arrival of goods—allow pasture land, is also opposed to instance. The West cannot afford HARNEY COvNTY. mona sands, near Astoria, recently inspection,” is a draft drawn other­ leasing. When tho time come* to put an end to settlement of its Joint H*n*tor J. W. Morrow ¡ When entangled in the net he •• R*i>twa*nlative___ 1. 8 Gear wise than at sight or on demand that he will be forced to open a territory. It is not American. W» H I . KLEBS, M. D chased the crew up on the sands and is liable to tax. County Jnilge............. Jam«« Sparrow way through his narrow strip into, must not give an opportunity for .. , i _ < y men ^re t0 fW^Ortice in Bank building. times a day. I had a CITY OF BURNS. appeared. He was with the Che­ wounded man bad but a lew hours corporations. A few rich manv b°l,le ofChamberlain’sColic.Chol- C. E. Kenyon. : Mayor mawa Band at Oregon City arid to live. Hi died early Monday would be benefited but thc t|iejf era and Diarrhoea Remedy in th» Jno. Cardwell. Marshall a YRS 4 SAXTON. the Chautauqua Assembly, but did morning, and was buried Tuesday i who w ould make homes on -• . house und gave him four drops iu C. 8. Bigtrs. Recontar It is i in the Haystack cemetery. We have lands and raise stock in smaller OXO. W. HAYES. JOnB G. 8AXTOX not return to tnc school. W A. Gowan. Teasurer eluded a Leaspoonful of water and he go’. (J C. F»l«v. thought that he went to Vancouver been unable to hear the report of . numbers would scon Le ext-------- - • better at once.” So d by II M Hor­ Attorney» at~Liw, )W. E Triwh. Ceaneitmen with some of the soldiers from there the coroners jury. A preliminary j I he great Western ranges would ton, Burns; Fred Haines, Ilarney. j<»eo Fry xvnNM. oiutooN. 'Geo. Shelley. and an effort will be made to find examination will probably be held i soon pass into the hands of a few Attorney tor Stala School Board big cattle or sheep companies, and him. here the latte- part of the week. . thus they would remain for years O. O. Buck. Beirne, Ark., says: I («A*» Directory. It is said that two Denver news- Many conflicting reports are in cir­ ■perhaps many decades. The was troubled with constipation un­ A W gowax . ' paper men Messrs Cooper dr Thomp-' culation regarding the events that growth the country is experiencing til I bough’. DeWit s Little Early Rt'BMS L ooms N o . 70, K of P son, submitted a proposition to the i led up to the shooting Lytle sturt- ■ from being settled bv homeseekers R'“”- Sinee then have been en- Menta avec* rhurndxv night. Attorney -at--I.aw, ... i » ■ . ' tirelv cured of my old complaint. ¡democratic state central committee, I cd for I’rineviiledmmcdiat -ly after 1 i would F. M. Jordan. C C. be stopped a ,d an aristocracy j re^tumen<1 them. H M. Horlou, I and and CnUaetlon bu.li>,.., recently, for the establishment of a the shooting and gave himself up 8. Motherahrad, K of II. 8. range lords and cattle kings Ruros; Fred Haines, Harney. g**Notary Public 'Phono Mo. Z democratic daily newspaper in Tort- to the sheriff and »* now in jail. would ruJo our mouutaiui and BVRNS' OBRUON. Lytle alleges attempted rape on Ins r , . , , BURNS CHARTER, NO. <9, O. E. 8 Hand with the Hearst telegraphic wife bv Eagan ns the motive lead-' P^-"8' h ,B cla,mc<1 that thc ”ro I Merla oecond and fourth Monday of Tbc Quceu City Furniture Co., I service. The proposition will be ing up to the killing. I ■ possd new law wdl protect actual «ach month in Masonic hall, Vorgtly WI LU A MS A FITZGERALD of Baker City, is reaching into | considered by the committee and i residents of any county, and the building. Mm M tggie Lavane, W. M Harney valley after trade. Their i Thornlou William«, M FlUcaraW. * 1 if found upon investigation to be Mrs. Eunice T1>onip*on, Bee. | possibility of any syndicate coming How's Tills? Attornay at Law, notary Public. , feasible will be accepted. * The | We offer One Hundred Dollars, in and renting the land away fiotn |' ad” appears in this issue. Read BURNS LODGE, NO. »7, A. F. Ä A M. ' Law, Notarial and Rial Estate [ Portland newspaj>er boneyard is Reward for any ea-e of Catarrh that local stockmen will Le removed ' what they have to say. Meets Saturday on or before full moon. i yawning for just such a victim. Practice. I cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Leases, it is proposed, will not be . Geer & Cummins : •••••••• i THE CITIZENS BANK | : - Capital Stock Qualified brothers fraternally invited, <5. E. K« ayon, W. M. F. 8. Rieder. Secy. I BURNS LODGE, NO. 93. A. O. V. W. Moats st Brown hall every Friday ove­ iling Vhitins brothers fraternally hi- vitml. Thoa. Hagers, W. M. Char N Cothran*, Recorder • Burns, Oregon. i gM^Officein old Masonic building p N. JORDAN. Practical Land Surveyor. Bara». Or»gon. (I.IRNEY LODGF, NQ. 77, I O O F Meets ererv 8uturd*y evening, B own's I g W. MILLER, hull Visiting broth-rs fraternally in­ vited. FrankO Jachann, NG. Notara Public C. G. 8mi h. Secretary. and Conveyancer, Mort«4.. Hara«. Orwfww. TULE CIRCLE, NO. 135, WOMEN OF Otic* at Mor* Woodcraft Meets 2nd and 4th Tnee- dsv at Brown's hall. Mrs. Till! »Jordan, Mrs. tens WMting, Guardian. Clerk. Ofagotdan ind Dems, f'2.00 The Northwest Li ve« took and Wool Growers’ Journal and Items, ’’ 12 a year. , nut up at auction but will be sold By a very large majority the Cure. Portland charter commission has F. J Cheney A < •< . props. Toledo, O at a moderate price to the m»n who We. the undersigi cd.hav* known comes first. Actual stock growers adopted the principal of municipal ownership of “public ctilities," F J Cheney for 'he last 15 years, will be given the preference, etc. which, bv the terms of the pro- and l»eliuve him perfectly honors- All these provisions sound well but posed charter, are to include street bio in all business transactions, and they cannot be carried into effect lighting, the water Bupply, gas financially able to carry out any ■ The syndicate with its money will gradually obtain possession of the works, electric light works, steam, obligations made by his firm, water or electric powsr works, heat- .V est a T ruax , Wholesale Drug- leases cithey bv securing them through paid representatives or by ing works, telephony lines, street gists. Toledo, O. railways, and such other public, W aldiso , K innana M arvin , Whole buying them from small cattlemen, along weth their herds perhapf. uülitios us the common council sale Druggists. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-| In ore way or anothir the cattle may designate.” It ie provided. ' however, that tho oity shall not ternally. acting directly upon ths king or the corporation will acquire acquire anv of these publio utilities blood and mucous surfaces of the the control of vast areas of pastur-* until aftor being authorized to do system. Price, 75« per bottle Bold land and tho small fry will gradu- so by a vote of the electors of tbo by all druggists. Testimonials free ally be crowded out. Not to m H Hall’s Family Pills are the best, the leases to the highest bidder city. ■ V