Local and General. Active preparation are under N. Brown A Hois, Agent« lor way for holding Harney county's Queen Quality Rboe«. second annual fair, which is to be Newt Lewis and wif« were visit­ N Brown A Boni, Agent« for b'-ld H'-ptember Iff 21. The past ors from Ltwen Monday. Queen Quality Mhoci. HEADQUARTERS for scasun has not been up to the i Jas. F. Mahon was in from his average but abundant crop« ate be­ O. \V. llarktiM« wh « up from I Anderson valley ranch this week. ing. or will be, bi>rvo»tir families, b ft '•ou ly <-"url will give one eighth. I 11 requires coiia< leutio >« cure «nd of ilie week. Tuesday for a short stay at their I rare or .»ram will lie given tiisl I ■«curate knowledge of drug« mix ! James Paul, a lluupv valley ranches on Pine creek. w ¡1 t ’.U r any former meeting in 51. FITZGER ALD. F.HKIEDEK. BIGGS Ä BIGG*. their relation« to racli other. We sheepman wns dying husincsa in ti i >r, an I in all probability I Pr; al*-, mad: a tiij» to li. W WELCOME .V CO., ' Burns merchants. resignation of Ctiauncy Cummins the Maher ranches this axle of Propi ir I um. REAL ESTATE W E Trisch made a trip to Harney ihe fust of the week to Frwl Hain««, the Harney mer- I Bought and Sold on Commission. Office in Bank Building. lie was take an inv< ntury of the stock. 1 chant, was doing business in Burns Crane creek Monday ■ aceompanic-1 on h*s return Tues­ He was joined thereby John Jones, one day this week. day by Mr« Trisch, who had been <) L. Khir.gk-decker and W. D. I Dr. C. K. btniidleo nnd Alex visiting Mr and Mrs. C. A Bonnett Marlin who were HATCHDAY JULY 37. 1001. a] pointxd to Olsen nero over from Drewsuy Mr and Mrs. Charley John«on, appraise the prop* rtv. The vali - ! Monday on buaina««. Miss Lulu Johnson, II. W. Wei lion of land, slock and machinery MOVE To TRANSFER LANDS. 2BÎ5CH ft ÜCKKEGAJT. »rsprieter«. Attys C W. Parrish and G. A i come, R. C. Angevine, J. Gould was placed at $2324 The Total Rvmboid left for John Day Thurs ­ --------BEST OK WÍXEK. lAQTOBS AXD CIGARS.-------- Another Effort totut Down the Lake« and Nolie Berd left Wednesday valuation of the «Mate will be ¡0 day on legal business. view IHstrlrt. morning fur an outing on Myrtle the neighborhood of *3000. fW* Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guaranted Mis William Morrison, of Har- creek Atty C. E, 8. Wood and Dr. H. Washington. July 17 —Renewed I ney, returned la«t week from a Your patronage Solicked. It is reported that Clarence Klebs returned Monday from a efforts are being made to have a Visit with relatives in Michigan. Drink wa'er has purchased the visit to Mr. Woof's son ai the P part of the Lakeview land district, Seth Bower A Co. «lock of mer­ » ranch. The latter bos been in this N. Brown A Hons, Agents for in Oregon, transferred to the Burns chandise at Harney, ai d -»ill here- county for some time for the her c- district, but what success will u* , Queen Quality Shues. - rT""r'rr'í*rT'rVer •’■‘TTf’YT rrTTf.X1 ana» i‘««aì» K. Maher, brother of the late hert after conduct the businesa of fit of his health. Mr. Wood has tend this effort remains to lx- seen that firm. employed I>r. Klebs as his son’s A large petition has been received John Maher, arrived in Burn« last Dr. J. W. Geary left on the physician, and also engager! Thos. al the General I.ami Office asking Saturday from hi« Lome al Gres­ ■ Canyon City stage Tuesday morn ^»ger« as companion for the young that a tract of land about (>0 miles ham, Oregon. s.piaro, forming the extreme south* Jorgenson has a fine assortment i.ig enroute to Junction City and gentleman. '1 he young men have eastern corner of the Blate of Ore­ of watches, clocks, chains, bracelet«, ¡other Willamette valley points. been furnished with a camp outfit gon. he removed from the jurisdic­ button«, pins, hair retainers, etc, Hu expect« lo bv absent about and will move from place to place as their fancy suits. three weeks. tion of the Lakeview office and I etc. placed un l«r that at B irn«. The County Clerk Richardson and Frank O. Jackson will soon com­ 1 The little von of Mr. and Mrs. signers of the petition assert that family left Thursday fur a few mence the erection of another r Geo. Voting hud his arm broken the laixli in this trac t are more Wednesday by fi.l'iug off a «aw- days visit with friend» on Silver dwelling in the Morrison additior. y accessible to the latter office than creek. F D. Barrows ia assisting iLuck, ? • * to the former. Their allegations, I Deputy Clerk Rieder during The p« ople of Im wen have made Sam Parrish has been employed ’ Henry’« abs'-nce. however, are in general term«, «ml arrangement for a Harvest Home l*canse of their ii d finiteness the as »««¡slant to Postmaster Water« Mrs. Geo. She'ley and children Dinner at the I.awen school house. pap«r< in the care hate Eton re­ ; -luring the abseneo of L. Woldin- i an I Mr« Harry Smith ami children Sunday, August 4, 1901 The pro­ berg, jr, turned. ts I'jp *1 to leave next week by gram for the day is as follows: About a yc«r ago many of the I « Chaunc-y Cummins is adding a pilvato Conveyance, on a visit to 10:30 to 11, Bible reading, Successors to I» A. Miller &. Co. people interested in this move 'large ai.d commodious barn relatives and friends in the vicin­ 11 to 12, Preaching service, petitioned for a similar ch tngc, Lu: to the improvements un hi« resi- 12 to 1, Dinner, ity <>l Portland. at that time were coms» rued in a ' deuce property. ! 1 to 2, Social season, Jack Dunstan and wife returned smaller tract. The names appear­ 2 to 2 ;15. Song »«rcice, Ben Cuhlwell. of Arlington, ar- . to Harney county Tuesday after an ing ou the original petition general­ J 2:15 to 2:45, Sermon fur children, ' rived in Burns this week on a visit absence cf nearly three wars. Mr. ly appears on the one just • • » c- 2:45 to 3, Recess, to his brother Ed, who ho has not Dunston owns property on Poison received, together with many ad­ I 3 to 4. Preaching service. seen for sixteen years. creek, where he and bis wife arc I I dition).1 one« Wb.le the a*sertion Those living iu tba community Our special inducements for sub­ «laying at present. is made that this fact is more ac­ I come and bring your Bibles and cessible to the Burns l.a d Oilice scribers to thia paper appears on Ed Jordan has so far recovered songbooks and your dinner baekete than to Lakeview, the map sc*ma the lih pago. , a« to be able togit down town with well filled. A special invitaiion is to so show the contrary to bo the M. F Crawford nnd «on. Chas, j the aid of crutches. His injured extended to all strangers who may I fact. Elim Cays ami Frank Davis ar­ leg is still in u plaster pari« cast be in the community on that day. j No member of the stu'e delega­ rived from the railload Saturday and it will be some time yet before All come and come early and on- ' tion appetr« to be interested in the with flour for N. Brown A Sous. ' he has th? use of it. joy a dav of good things. proposed ebinge, fur there is no L 1. I K Venator arrived from Mi«s May Thoma.«, who has been record of congressional recom­ You wil! -v.iBte time if you try to > Venator, Harney conntv, last Fri­ mendation one wav or the other. visiting her sister, Mrs. W. O day, and will remain for some cure ind'g- siinn or dyspepsia by ! White, for several weeks past, left However, when the petitioner« starving »ourself. That only makes time at his mother's farm to super­ 99 it worse when you do eat heartily make reply with more details the | last Sunday for her home in Salt intend tha harvesting of the hay ’ You alwavs need plenty of goo»l Lake City. departmeut will decide upon some crop on that place. Venator Broth­ i fooa properly digested. Kodal Dys- course of action. Surveyors John E Johnson and ers. I. K and Vene, are doing well I pepaia Cure is the result of vears of It h “Buy Where Yon Can Buy Beat.” F. M Jordan were employ'd Thur«- j in the cattle business in Harney, ! scientific research for something liiintinirton Harslet | dav io retting the grade stakes on Many people who believe in this principle, go wrong in the I that would digest not only some Cal Geer of Burns, farmer, has the «chord house block and the i —Lak evtew Examiner. 'elements of food but every kind. application through lack of judgment, or are misled by alluring has filed a petition in bankruptcy street« adjoining. N. Brown A Sons, Agents for And it is the on«* remedy that will descriptionsand impossible promises of eastern "catalogue” house«. 1 do it. City Drug Store. in the United States court. His Queen Quality Shoes. The Qtieen City Furniture Co., of Baker City, will sell you The Queen City Furniture Co, liabilities amount to *7UO. His Mrs. C. E. VmDeusen, of Kil- most anything in their line cheaper than you can buy elsewhere. assets, including a government 'of Baker City, is roaching into bou-n, Wis., wasofilicted with stom­ Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ You owe it to yourself and to your family to take advantage of trator. homestead, amount to 1732, all of i Harney valley after trade. Their ach trouble and constipation for u the opportunities otLrcd. You can make one dollar do the work "nd*' appears in this issue. Read In tho matter of the estate^ which is claimed is exempt. ! long lime. She says. ‘ I have tried of two. of John .Maher. what they have to say. Notice is herehv given to all whom it Mr. and Mrs. E. Sizemore, who many preparations but none have The Queen City Furniture Co is the largest house furnishing Tho teachers for tho Burns done mo the good that Chamber­ may concern that the nndersignej has have been visiting in Burns for tho establi»hmer.ts(outsid<> of Portland)in Oregon. They buy direct pant nine months, arrived in Hunt­ school the coming year are Profes­ lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets l-een duly appointed bv the County Court from factories east, in carload lots for cash and they will dupli­ of the State of Oregon, for Harney County, ington last week for a short stay sor A C. Finn. Professor H. A. have." These Tablets are for sale at administrator of the es'.it - of John Maher, cate it price and quality any article you see advertised by large with their daughter, Mrs John Dillard Miss Fannie Donegan, Miss City Drug Store, II. M. Horton, deceased, sudali persons having Caini» catalogue houses east or westfallowing for difference in freight) Chatham. From here they will Rosetta Eastland and Miss I»ena prop., Fred Haines, Harney City. against said estate ara hereby notified to and you don’t assume the riskfof freight, damage in transit, etc.) present the same with proper roncherà Price, 25 cents. Samples free. go to '.Valla Walla to visit a son. Harkey. as prices quoted will be F. 0. B. Baker City. to tuia Administrator, at the office of the N, Brown A Rons, Agents for Not a single pound of wool i« John Sayers had a rima vay County Treasuror in Ihirna in said County ! Friday, while enroute to town from within six months from the date of .this stored in the Huntington ware­ Queen Quality Shoes. notice. houses at the present time. Dur­ Headache often results from a the sawmill. He bad stopped at a Fur instance you see advertise I by an ‘eastern catalogue hotiM” Dated this 27th day of Julv. 1901. ing tho week J. H Neal and Jones disordered condition of tho stom­ spring to get a drink and while out W E. HU8TOM, wall paper nt 4c and 5c per single roll, 8c and 10c double rail. A Williams, of olein Mountain, ach nnd constipation of tho bowel«. of the buggy the team became C. A. 8week, Aanuuihl'ator. I You can buy same grades Q C. FurnitureCo. at nr single and 10c disposed of their wool at 11 cents, A dose or two of Chamberlain’s frightened and started to run Attorney for Adtnim double roll in Baker City. Take the item of iron bed«. You will and tho O. C. Co. received 9 oents Stomach and Liver Tablets will Mrs. Sayers and children who were I have to pav cast $2.90 to $3 50 for au iron l>ed that you can buy A private arhool for for thoir clip. There has been a correct these disorders and cure accompanying him were thrown H»tX from Queen City FurnitureCo. at *3.90 to $ 1 in Baker City. , h.xrcinit and day pu- good dunand for wool this year tho headache. Sold by The City out of the vehicle sustaining some MUTAR» J» f pii». Opvna I AC/UKMY, Tho carpet department of the Queen City FurnitureCo. is moat and the market has been strong Drug Store, H M. Horton prop., severe bruises. John had his Srplemb.r tSlb. complete and a new electric carpet «owing maehiwo will soon and active. The prices received and Fred Haines, the Harney mer­ shoulder badly bruised while trying y Vine u»w bntl«l»«a. he added with a capacity of over 2000 yurdn per day. , to stop the team, which finally have been satisfactory to the grow­ chant. Thorough in.truc loua I It will psy anyone interested iu the above lines to write cs I got away from him returning to ers, much bettor than some expect­ Th« prtnripa! haa had twenty-1 before placing au order. thraa year 'a ripartine« In Part- j the mill, where they were caught ed at the beginning of the season, land. lend brought tack. Mr. Sayers and thev aro pleased that thev Cnrraapondanrr solicited. For catalog"* a.ldrrra and family came on to town and could sell their wool as soon as it J. W, 1II1I. »I. D„ » PATTERSON A EPPINGER, Raker City, Or. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe was offered and be able to return Portlwn«!, Oregon. Tuykcr home to attend to other business, F O. Traw-r 1? Ladies’ Bazaar. Proper Compounding E. 0. T. G. CO. Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. The Capital J i L y Miller & Thompson, c £ £ y “GOOD SENSE ■«'I » —» — QUEEN CITY FURNITURE COMPANY.