Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 27, 1901, Image 2

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    TjJE ITZM3
Supreme Court Dectalon
What h glorious state Oregon is.
The supreme court Monday hand
anyway I Fiw appreciate »uch a i d down a decision in the f*>llowii g Hat been rewnaible fot much of hutran
mortality. Men and women die I’» thou-
eombu aiioti of advantage» as it , a-e token up from this o >unty:
sands in •*»* Itidi.iu famine, not
as Gccuu»e of tack of fo»xl but l«e
Alice L. llo.»ver, respondent vs.
offers. Those newly arrived do
M catinecaUe »iipetaiition prevents
Newt Hoover, appell.n-.t, appea'ed
them ftotu sc-wpuug it. liven
not, for they do not yet perceive
from Harney County. M D Clif
X in Auieuca there arc still to **
8AÎUKDAY JULY. 27, 1901.
many of these a Ivanl-tges; we w ho
those who believe that healing
ford. Judge
Opinion by Wolver found
herb» tack virtue tittle»» gathered dunu^
have l eeu here long fail to appre­
Um, J ; reversed.
certain ph*»e» of the tnooy
’Tis better to advise a man to ciate them through long and
The gie*t fo« of superstition is science.
INery year science lucre ise« the t«n>
"grin and bear it” than to tell him fuu iliar assM-istion
suit »gainst the defendant for a tory of the natural at tha
tu "keep COOi*'. at this beset n of
Climate—what n h< aven by
wi the »uper-
divorce, and alleged in her com­ expense
the year.
omparison th«se midsummer day»
Dtxtor Ptrree » Golden
plaint, among other things, that de
would be to ihv panting, partly, if
Medical Discovery
fendnnt was the owner and po»>c» achieves it* »a. craf il
The unveiling of the Perry mon- not whollv prostrated people of: »or of real property de»CJibed a* evrea because it is a
I Kan as and th«* whole middle part
scientific prepor itton orig-
umeut, iu J»p«n. addtd ,iew linki*
follows East I of the routhwest j tn.ited bv a ocientifiv moa.
to the chain of friendship bet »ecu
section 8. townshin 25 south, rang- It cures diwuw* of the
west, and even on the Atlantic
i- otna.h »nd other org-vis of digestios
the United Siate* and Japan.
32j E W M The prater was fcr and nutrition, purine* tlw Mood and
coast! Taking th«* year through,
a decree dissolving the bonds ot ecublishc» the bodv in sound health.
A* the writer of the following letter
even lounting our moist winters
Admiral Dewey, after a ¡borough at th«ir worst, there is certainly no matritiionv, at d allowing and Set­ •iv*. 'U is the '<-»t thing tor tiervou»
ne,< iusd tor a weak ruu-down condition
inspection of the new battleship. state in the Un.on superior in cli­ ting apart tothr plaintiff the real that
at»)ta>ly would want It gives •
properly heretofore describe i, and ii- retn new life «nd new blow!.’
Illinois. declared it to be the finest mate to Or» g*>n.
"Golden M,-dtcal Discovery « ciMitains
■"»»training the defendant from dis
and uioft complete warship ever
Pr> ducti ns—what a variety, and
no alcohol an I ii her from opium. c»>
poeing of, or in any mam.er in 1 nine an 1 other n ircotic*.
how sure most of them aie’ A
-I mn« agola wnd • frw l'oe* lovm t-»t^
cumbering the same. Service was « m
liw« >»M«r I am e-<tln< •:<■•>* »In,A
partial failure of one or two crops
which cured me tu,.
It would be difficult to compute
had by publication, but the defend la* w«a4,rfnl ee«r,
,(v> * wmn Xtiw Ben a
ti ay occur i ea.lv everv year in
Hxln of UK' Senlua Strew,
the exact money cost of the July
ant failing to appear, default wus
M t.nui*. X» "I *ti’.'. Ctmtlnu»
some lo. ah .y. but every year the
in wry
health and it la­
hot ware, but as it extended over
entered, a. d J W. Coleman was
ther» t, n»'t a twttr-r meJictae an
state, ns a whole, cun be depend««!
Curve a Gold»«
almost the entire country it was
appointed referee to take the testi­
Mrdi >1 t»lM»v»r»
It la th» Sod
upon for an abui da: c«* of various
thin« fcw eereouem-aa and for a
necessarily enormous.
mony uod report his findings of
wewh. run-dowu e .mill»,»« that
crops, and in proportion to popula­
anrr’mdy would w*nt It g'.eea a
fuels ami laws, which findings we. e
rtaon new life and new bl.«.l
tion a large aggragate surplus for
.an n w wr>rh alt •!»» Ions
m accordance with the complaint
whtan.t leellna the iea«t be llr»«f
No single vessel ever carried export.
I «a, vetv nrrn-r* and weak laU »umu.et
The court then entered a decrir, l.ch lie« •arltlea of t>r 1'iervr a OoMen Vledkal 1
more history-makers than will the
This year wheat, in portions of
»;»> very aad It juat made rue feel Uhe a new
transp rt Th >ms». which leaver Eastern Or»gon. is a comparatively granting th«- divorce and giving R e prre.m •
Dr. Pierce's Pleasaut Pellets stimulats
Ban Francisco on the 23d inst, light c«op. Umatilla county, for plaintiff the fidluwii.g d->C'ib<d the liver.
with *>60 American school tci chera example, will h«ve bat about 3,000.
west | of section 4, in township 25
bound for the Philippines.
009 bustiele, wh*-rea< it sometimes
south, range 321 E W M.
raists 5,000.000 bushels.
On November 4, 1899, nearly
Secretary Wilson xpresses the Eastern Oregon will turn off great two years later, upon motion of John Gilcrest ! Links a " Ise Leasr*
opinion that the damage to the quantities or numbers of wool, plaintiff, without notice to defend­
Law Will Save the Range.
corn crop of the country by the hot sheep, cuttie. horns, minerals, and ant, the court made a».d entered
»pell has been greatly exagerated other products, besides millions of an »mended decree nunc pio tunc,
John Gilcnst. of Burns the sup­
Last year the
erintendent of the Pacific Live
He is a practical farmer and his bushels of wheat.
which was in all respects like the
wheat crep in the Wiil imette val­
Stock Co., was in Vale this week
opinion is entitled to respect.
firet except th it section "right ’
ley was i.e<rc9t a failure it ever
»»is the D mocrat. In discussing
was substituted m»tea I »1 section
Gov. Allen will not, it is under­ was; but this was scarcely a calam­ "four" in describing the la d, anJ livestock interests and especially
stood, return to P-»rto Rico. As ity, wue peihap9 even a blessing in the laud itself was "set apart iu range leasing. Mr. Gilcrest was
governor of the i?la >d he has not d'sguise. as it turned many farmers fee simple for plaintiff's uwu use most emphatic in his opinions lie
to dairying and fruitraising. m<>re
thought that if congress should
only made a fine record for him­
and benefit.
ments. It would
self but his unde it easy for his
On April 16. 1000, defendant furnish no relief the stock industry
be going to far, ptthaps. to regret
tureessor bv treating the na'ives
moved the c-mrl upon notice to in the West would soon be a thing
so as to give them a good opinion that a good wheat crop will Le har­ plaiutiff of his intention to set of the past. Our onlv hope is in a
vested in the Wil amette vuLey
of Americans.
aside the amended or nunc p’O wise 1«are law, protecting alike the
this summer, i et its results will
»heepnian, as well as the small and I
tunc decree. Thia motion
not be beneficial to that regian if it
large cattle holder
Buch a law
It will be a long time before ary re-erreourages farmers to preaist in denied and the delendant appealed
island possession of the United raising wheat as their main crop. f.um the amended decree and the
Slates is admit'ed to tbe union as The Willamette valley is capable order last entered.
Tbe opinion holds that the er­ •traction. It would put sn rn I to
a sta’e, if ever. Puolic sentiment of far more profitable thiugs than
roneous entry in re»p>ct to sub- the migratory sheep Lands which
in this country will first have to
wbeatraieii g except as tbe wLcut
stituting the figure tight for the threaten to wipe out of existence
undergo a great change, and that is used up on the farms
figure four, wa« a mere misprison the local stock anil sheep men
change can only be brought about
Fruit was injured in some local­
Both alike sulfi-r from this came.
by the conduct of the citizens of ities, but on the whole there hi.« of the Clerk ; that the court bad
no authority to < Lange or modify With leasing, their bands would
those ¡«lands.
beea a splendid crop, and higher
the decree, and the defendant be confined to a certain locality
prices have been received for it
should be relieved from the efiecls »nd the self interest of the owner
A Portland woman prayed long than for any large previous crop.
of the Amended decree, and the would be sufficient to protect the
an 1 earnestly fur her huebned. and
The mineral ou’put is iucreising
range from overstocking I recog­
finally asked her pastor what she steadiiy; the forests are yielding action of tiie trial court in award­ nize the di liculties in the wav of
could do to induce him to stay at each year an additional amount of ing it will, therefore, be reversed, forming » law alike ju«t to al con­
home nights He advised adding lumber, and will continue to do so leaving the original decree to stand cerned. but think H can be done.
to his home comforts something for many years to come. Thes ock as it wti« when first entered.
Mr. Gilcrest »aid that his com
that he enjoyed »wav from home interest» are prosperous, with no
pany had.obtained a lease of the
Ambition to achieve has saved road land* of the Eastern Oregon
The next day the wife was inquir­ chance of a breakdown.
a man and woman from an Land Company in the southern
ing the price of beer by the keg.
There are fish in our streams,
game in our mountains, beauty in . early grave. From a health point of part of Grant county, in Harney
Ghisgow, StO'.laud, will try an our landscape», health in our air, I view a definite purpose in life, county and in the northwestern
experiment to '.«»sen the drunken­ opportunity in every direction; and 'Something which the mind is bent part of Mall eur ounly.
ness, which has brought the town there should be music in the soul I on accomplishing, is a factor which I
into disgrace, by giving a monopoly of every hevlthy Oregonian —Tele­ is too rarely considered. The will
If you know a good thing when I
i power which holds one to a set
of the liquor business to a private gram.
see it, you will take a chance
i task oftentimes wards off phv-ical
corporation. which promi.es to
advertisement which ap­
; weakness and weariness better
hand over to the city all its profits
Up in the mountains a few days
the last page
than drugs or medicines which the
in excess of 4 p*r cent and to make ago a partj- of hunters had
their physician prescribes.
"I must
a saloon surroundings respectable wagon broken and a
Quality and not quantiy make»
moti key accomplish this before I die," has
without making them unduly
DeWitt's I.tttle Early Ri»er» »nch
wrench was needed to repair the
been the expressed purpose of valuable little liver pills.
City I
vehicle. One of them walked over
J more th m one of the worlds great Drug Store, H M. Horton, Prop
to a ranch near bv and asked for I workers.
Fred Haines. Harney City.
The Eminent Kidney
the tool in as plain English as he
and Bladder Specialist. knew bow. but this is the reply he
K<<ltice<l Ratea
To read a person’s character from
got: 'No, dis ban no mokna ranch;
das ban sheep ranch Ah tank his face is an accomplishment
Are row in effect to Buffalo,
which few possess, but which many
you strike the wrong blace."
New Yotk.
would like to bare. The study is
Do you expect to attend the Pan-
an absorbingly interesting one. and I
Lambert Langdon, of Prineville, has not only an entertaining, but a American Exposition?
If so do not buy your tickets un­
recently broke the bicycle record
practical side ¡is well. An article
from that town to Albany. He on the subject will shortly bo pub- til you have investigalrd the ser-
made the trip in about 34 houre,
lishcd in The Ladies’ Home
riding nearly al! night.
Journal, giving careful details re­
Our accomodation« are tho be.«t
garding the traits of character
that can be had. our trains are al­
The old lire cistern« at Eugene, indicated by the different features
■ ■ •
ways on time, and employes courte­
TBs D.scuvertr of Swrraip-P.oct at Wert la dug t-ome 30 years apo, are being of the face.
and accomodating.
Bia Latcratar»-.
filled, 1 he town baa modern ap­
There is * disease prevailing In title
Through tourist cars from Pacif­
Country most dangero because eo decep­ paratus uow, and tho former water
A statement pr pared at the ic Coast to Bostcn via Buffalo.
tive. Mary sudden deaths are cau’ed by supply is useless.
internal revenue bureau shows
I;—heart disease, pneumonia, heart failure
If you will send fifteen conts in
er apoplexy are often the result cf kidr.sy
to’al receipts fr<»m the wa* stamps, to »¿dress given below, we
disease. If kldr.oy trouble is allow’d to ad­
vance the kidney-poisoned blood »rill attack
The eor.tract for the construction revenue act from July 13, 1808, the will forward yon. by return mail,
the vital organs, or the kidneys themsel /ea
a brick building on the Eastern date the act went into effect, to one of our large 34 x 40 inch ira'.I
break down and waste away cell by cell.
*i hen tke richness of the blood—the aibur .er. Oregon experiment station farm May 31, 1901, amounted to 4310, n.ftps of the United State», Cuba
—lacks out and the sufferer h .s Drlghi's
and Porto Rico.
«cat of Union has bean let for 053,358.
Disease, the worst form of kidney trr.ulie.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root tho new dis­ 14200.
Any information rrgarging rates,
covery Is tho true specific for kidney, btacue.
accomodations, service, time, con­
and urinary -roubler. It has cured thousand.'
Tre friends and relatives of nections, stop-overe, etc, will be
of apparently hopeless cases, after ail ether
efforts have fol lad. At drug gists ir. fifty-eer«-
Timber fires are raging in tie Claude Herlford, of Gold Hill, are cheerfully furnished by
and Joilar sizes. A sample bottle sent (rec
When 1 :st i
Ly mail, su'so a book telling about Swarr.)»- mountains in Lake and Klamath seeking news of him.
Root and (fa wonderful cures. Adoro.» Counties, and the valleys are get­ h»a>d from he was working in the ' 142 Third Street,
Com’l Agt
Dr. Kilmer At Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and
nx'*r.cs in Pçott Valley.
ting blue with f nok*.
menttsu this paper.
rwrtlaud Oro
The ICIml You Have Always Bought, mid wulih > ox Lora
in u.o for over 30 yenrn, hi»» borne (ho atgnatnro of
and lira been tiuido under Ida per-
■ounl stijMirvUlott alnco It.« InfUucy,
Allow no <*»«•> todocrlvo you lu thia.
AU Counterf« Its, lmltntlonn unci “.liis(-n«.-K«M>»r’nr»> but
E xik riiiiviits flint trill« with mid rinlnngcr the health of
Xufnuta und Children—llxpcrlem » iigulmt llxpctluicuU
Ctutorln I h n li.inule « aiibr.tltnto for Castor Oil, I‘n riv­
irarle, Drop» unit Southing Nyrup». Il I» I* human t- It
contain* ueithcr Opium, Morphine nor other Numida
suLst'incc. Ila ngc is Its guarantee. Il dvalruys Worms
unti alia)a Feverish no»«. It cure« Dinrrliwn him I Wind
Colle. It relieves Teething Trouble«, « tin •« <'ou*ti|>utlou
tuul Flatulency. It ns»i»nlli»l«**« the Vmnl, rctfulnles tho
Htoinaeh unit Howels, giving licititi»)' and natural sloop*
The Children's l’ni»ac«*a -The MoMicr’* Friend,
Boars tho Siguaturo of
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
tn Uso For Over 30 Years.
C, M. KELLOGG, Prapnetor.
Ontario—Huma Route,
Leaves Burns for Ont«i io daily at (1 30». in . and arrive* o' Ontario
within 42 hours. Single fare ♦ 10 (K) ; round trip ♦ 10 00. Through
freight Sts per IL over 50 !b»; under 50 ft>* graduated rate.
Burn«—Canyuii City Route.
Leaven Burns for Canyon City. Tuesday, Thursday and Faturdwy,
al 5 a. tu, »nd arrives in Canyon City within 10 hour«. Blngie
fare 47.00 ; munii trip 413 00. Through freight 2 eta per !b over
6uft>»; under 50lt>» gradua’cd r<«tc I*. O Address, Bum». Oregon.
Office at P O.
L WOLDENBERG, JR., Agt al Burtts.
Monmouth. Or.-gon.
Pama 'd for Uradwatna
Tha demand for
grad iato, nt U.» Xorma' S n->ld irlng It»« paat
year ha, bean mu<h beyond th* au|.ply
tl»n< w.tli from ftajJiofT.' osimr month.
»lata Certllleatea and
stud, til, a-e pr. |>arrd lor the Slate Ktamiaa-
Uo->>. and read ly tate alate paprra ni> tradua-
»iron» Academia and Prole,«Una! f'ourte .
Well equipped Tratnlt.p |w| ailment Ks|wn«e«
range from 1IM u> UM OS por year.
Pal* term
»pen,-»pi ¡7lh
F'rV-aialoguatuaialalni fell
»unouuceuivutr, aUdeaaa,
or J. B. V llutler,
St arefat,'.
Shelley & Foley
Wajnn Work Don« Satisfactorily at><| With Dhpatsti.
The Chicago”
The most simple, practical and durable
Typewriter on th» market at any price.
Ask for catalogue.
General Agent,
Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany. Ore.
Subscribe for the
$1.50 a year, in advance