I i r-, Published in the Gt ¿utjit Valley pf Eastern Oregon. rhe Oldest and Most' ' Reliable. • *--w • • *• - • •»*» - . » •>« - e a * Harney VOL. 17. The Best Adveitising Medium. , U. Mvlnl.r», Propri,tor lia,. N. i'uobraso. Mdltur awl Manager, r Items BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. JULY 27. 1901. OREGON NOIES rm. There running night and, turning out 12 THE OKEGON PENNANT. I the Orcgou Midland lust tear was no »ab ut any figure tint would carloads every mouth. i In accordance with the provis­ pay for getting th* to market. Samuel White, of Bake: City, has It I, 3.50 Feet Long, and Nine ion* of the act of the l.iat I.esrisla- For the past three rears many of Iua-iu-s tt ide at Niuall End. Loen appointed chairman of the turt', Secretary of .State Dunbar has the horsemen have n >t taken th«* democratic state central commit tee. W®«»® —0990 ••«•••••••••• caused to he printed 50 eopirs of JOHN W. HlGGN. l'reM>tenl, ||. ('. LEVENN, 2 | A Nebraska German colony de- c»- b of the charter bills passed at trouble t > round np and count tb-'lr, Salem, July 17.—The tix® of the horses. This year things are dif­ pennant presented to the state yes- UF.O FRY. Caahicr. Vice 1‘reaidciit. • eiroua of settling in Oregon ha* a the,'Ja‘t session. . These are bound ferent They have ga’h'jred their tetduv by four sailors from the crew representative luokirg over lands separately in pamphlet form an I horses and lake« care of them, for of tho battleship Oregon has been sent to the City Recorders of the1 the market is already in g >od con­ ■near Medford. i variously stated. The pennint w«» seyeral cili«-» and towns. Tho dition and is getting better. The measured last night and was found Timber fires arc raging in the ¿barter bill« were not printed in i ( Incorporated.) wars of two c -utineots Lave clean- to be 22 inches wide at the flagstaff mountains in Lake and Klamath i the Volume of g«ne:al laws, so a IIL'KNH, - * - - - OREGOX. td nut the usual sources of supply and 350 feet long. The pennant is Counties, and the valleys arc get­ ; coniid-rable saving of expense w*« and sent the nations to the On-gori supposed t> taper to a point, but at ting blue with sjjoke. tlrhq effected. Tbeforce in the Slate ranges for their army stock. When • the small cud it is nine inches wide, i The contract for the construction I’riBfer's office is now engaged in the hortoowners came to tak<- se indicating that a c .nsiderable pieew tg. I S Geer? Geo. Fry. W. K. Trisch. ? of a brick building cn tho Eastern j printing the House and Senate I count of their stock last spring they of the banner has been cut off hv J. C. Welcome. X Oregon experiment atation farm journals. found a peculiar coudi'.ioit of af «ouveuir-huntere. The end has the West of Vuion has been let for The cattlemen of CroA County fair-«. Their horse« wetv of obout appearance of having been Cist with A Ceneral Banking Business Transacted. 14200. have decided to run the sheepmen I '.lie same age and condition a* when a sharp knife. There is more of ths LDirectors: W. Y. Kin - - - J utitiofcertain parts of that county, 1 left on toe range three or four years r-ennant left, however, than can be The old fire cistern* at Eugene, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY PROFESSIONAL CARPS and a conflict i? liable to arise be- . ago. Thf co'ta we:e all there, but ■displayed to public view, and even dug some 30 years ago, are being tweto the two interests avany time., the g'ddittgs of four an! five yeate when hung in a glass case, as it filled. The town has modern ap-■ ....... Uu.rnh ?l-uou J e. a It MiMCLLXX. The Stockmen hare issued the fol ; were gone. This experience was will be. only a small portion of it paratua uow. and the former water |U •> MrMrtSr towfog notice, which is given by’common and it was plain that , cm be shown. The case to be made I M. Mood« supply is uaeleas. __ I rborna. To' gv, order ot the executive committee of j somebudv had bcon giving a-.Un- I will «ontain the en?ign ami uniats PHOTOGRAt UEIl, D X. X IMacMiura ,TuO friends and relatives of «.thaEHockmen'eAasc'HwtionofMaiiry ; tfou tu ti>« hors- bjeincas if the jack presented with the pennant, T T Uaar ./ .,. - F. I lb.obar Murns, ftre*M». Claude Hertford, of Gold Hill, Br*j Mountain: '’To whom it may con- owners of the bands had nut. Th« Oregon's colors will b-j kept ou ................. O. R M-ara week Ing news of him. When 1 •* st cern: The stock men of Maury ‘ Rustlers” had picked out the se- di»plav in the Governor’s reception- .... J U Ao»«naan a*««, r«*. UMWMtiM, : *^“Mnln St —opposite Batik. .......... W. • lo«l« beard from he was working in the Mountain. Crook County, Or., do, Iced, sal «ble animals anJ left th®! room beeide the colors brought State Prtater............... • C P. Wnlrvrt. U : mines in B^ott Valley. ¡»I «. P«»n i Sapr»«« JuApa«.............. hereby claim as thoir range, will scrubby stock, and aged and the home by the Second Oregon hoys. fp A Moor» MAKShENA GBARY not allow any sheep upon the same, immature. In some cases even; ’ Lambert Langdon, of Prineville, NINTH Jf Etcì At mSTXtCT ‘ : Camp Catnn creek on the east; east- those animals hod been run off the i M. U CUFord W L Mar.drn, JolKt W. Oaary, 1 roecotly broke the btercle record towit: Workmen Grand Q flirt ra. Clr»«U 1 «44«. Wm Milk.- Pr»te»altn( AUwtMy. Crooked River on the north; went Jangn and ehpped to the Portland Pt>yii iatu .£• Surycone. from that town to Albnnv. He c. s. land offici , at a?». Tho A. O. V. W. grand lotice. in llama. Oregon. made the trip in about 34 hours, fork of Pine Creek on the west, and abattoir hv enterprising thrives It . .. rj*o W ll»y«a aastKar. the summit of Maury Mountain on was well enough known that horse session at Portland, elect'd officer«» Cbte. XoaaU Kaaaltev................... . « at yvoidmre. 'II uihi 20. 'riding nearly al! night. the south. ” 1 thieves were at work on the range*. Wednesday a? follows: Grand miut- HARNEY COUNTY. A weekly paper, tho Whitney , , J but little attention wa» paid to them «vr work mam. C. C. Hogue of Ai- Jaiat Iteoator........... .. J. W. Morro« , The Oregon supreme court las'.; .... . . , i , , ... „ . . Record, has just been st artel by J 1. H G«-rr " Rapraanntativ» , ., , when the horsts were at such low i>anv ; grand foretnr n. 55 m. Smith H, sixna. M. n . Janie« Xpartow Z. Huffman at the recently incor- Ceaaty Ju4ga ......... * I ebb tn the market. But this year ,e Bake- City . giand overseer. F. < A. Venator (»orated town of Whitney, Baker V involving the question of ripar- ] it was that the ope rations ot the ') Winton of Aetoiia: grand record- Phytician and Surgeon. CeaMtisMeaara .... I Geo. Ilaicvy |Countv, The town itself is named ian ownership, Jai«l down th* fol- Buras, Oregcs. .thieves had been much more ex-!er, Newton Clark of Portland? Clerk .................... ....11, Richan'aon after lion. C. II. Whitney of Baker lowing ruling of law which will be 'tensive than had previously been:gr*nd receiver, R. L. Durham of Bheriff ..................... .. . Goo. Mhallt-y Office over Voegtly's hardware East­ : City. 1 i of °f interest to many settlers in East- Traaatwer................. .......... K. A. Milh-r store, Main St. supposed. ! Portland; grand guide, C J. Wheel- .... Jr ................... Horses are luoaed after now 'erof Portland; grand inside watch* Joshua McDaniel, of Rickreall, ‘■the first settler upon public land , MapL ot Sebeóla .... ............ J, C. (turilot! I ts ” have not yet cea^-d their; Inan. \V. J. Clark of Gervais; grand .... Oeo. Wliliir g , j Polk County, came to Oregon in through which a streim of water Morveyer ................. Qb.tU A HIGOS. ! operations, but the vigilance of th*- ioutside wa'chman. Philip GevurU Coreear................... Dt W. 1. MarMf-ii ¡1844. Ho sowed the first crop of flows may cither divert tho water J W r.ldjA Fallon Elf j horsemen makes stealing a com n f Portland ; grand trustee, C. H. Steck luspactor .... .. I.on Richaidaon grain near Hillsboro that winter, and use it for a l.enefieial purpose, P, l paratively hazardous occupation p r eremeder of Portland ; supreme BURNS PRECINCT. Attomeya-al-Law, (and has grown grain every year or exercise the common law tight JaaMra tary rubile. 'Phono No. 1 ! hors« stealing industry is hard to any good whatever. I have used 100. They are a forest bird and' the -1th page. BVKXS* - - _ OK KOON. BURNS CHAPTER, HO. 40, O. E. 8 stamp out. The best animal? are one hottie of it and the chills, cold will add much to Oregon bird life. I Meat* »»ronil and fourth Monday of in greatest danger of theft, there ! and grip have left me. I congrat- each month in Maaonlc hill, Vorgtly Good coal prospects are reported Beware of Olntineuts for Catarrh being little demand for the pour I yytlXUMS A FtTZUCRALD j ulate'the manufacturers of an hon* building. Mrs. Maggie Levons, W. M that Contain Mercury. on the old II, C. Owen place, eight stock among horte thieves or others. ! Cit m-dicine.” For sale by H. M. ! Thornion William», M. Fitacer»!«, Mrs. Eunice Thompson, Ret'. mi I os from Eugene. Capital has as nmrcurv will surely destroy the New methods are coming into the ■ Horton Burns, and Fred Haines I AUoraez *t Law, • Notary Cubile. i been interested and development sense of smell aud completely de­ horse business. Not ot.ly is it neces- BURNH LODGE, NO. 97, A. F. A A. M. I * Law, Notarial and Real Ettate Haruev. ¡work will soon be begun. The range the wh 'le system when en­ i sary to exercise gre.-.ter care to pre I Meats Saturday on or tintore full moon. Practice. Quelirted brothers fr^lrrnully invited, vein was known years ago, bat an tering it through the mucous sur­ ; aorve good hsrbes from thicyes. but Jorgensen has a fine assortment y mill«. the blacksmith shop near the home i you get the genuine. It is taken in*. up a band of horses, stock farms TÜUÏ CIRCLE. NO. 145, WOMEN OFi Muras, Ore*ee. Woodcraft. Mseta 2nd and 4th Titoe- Otrioe «I Sure. of William Neely, of Point Terrace, , ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio.; mu?t ha maiulaioed with facilities ting piles, sores and skin diseases 1 acquired by DeWitt’s Witch Hasel dar st Hrwwn'a hall. Mra. Tllli? Jordan, Laue County, last Monday evening, , by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tcstimon- for taking care of good animals. Stive, has led to tne making cf Mm- Tons Whiting, Guardian. Th. Nonh»«.. Live,..,ok ,„d>>-“Pl«‘»4«'«ri»«‘l«..hnp.>,d I ials free. * • Clerk. The old style of letting tho horses worthless counterfeits. Be sura j run wild on ths range and leaving and got only DeWitt’s Salve. City w.»i nrowin.’ .„d n™..,c k wT 7 ';w-',hl:.‘ [ Bold by Druggists. 75c. ., movable witnin the dwelling No 1 Hall’s Family Pill? orc the l**?t. the matter of breeding to e'miw,' Drug 'rinre, H. M. Horton, Prop • J at cay. * Ärego:iij:i find Items, *2 »0 IjcJ Ila i»es, JJarney City, Geer & Cummins : ! j THE CITIZENS BANK ¡ J i Capital Stock $25,000.00 »