Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 20, 1901, Image 4

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    £.<iuarkiible Cute* it I.’h’tnuati
Fieix tA»’ I’ii.di..».( r,
^i< iiini prt, A. C,
The <<Ltor of th«* PiniL ; . r has
ha<l oc
.i.i t,> test the i di.'icy 11
Chnuil ci lain « I’.iin F ilm l.iiei)
with tin» most t< ari k » ile ri u: o
in each < use First, with rhctitu**
(ism in the shoulder from which i ”
sutb-tc ! ex ru< ni'.
pin tor ti n
tiiv*, which was i it \(<i wiGi two
4' a it.it» of Pa ii B.ilm, rubbing
the I>.,.ts tUietvd and r»alising in-
st.'i.t la iiffit in il entire relief m a
eeiy »h.-iilitiic He.orni, in rh< li­
ti. ; i* m in thigh joint, almost pros-
luti, g hat’ wiih r> V'• •• p i:n which
was rcii«.ved ly two upp'ietiioiw,
tubbing with tif lit.imeni on re­
tiring at night, a .1 _■ t'.'i ,t up fiea
tromp-ii.i For-al • ' f.' M Horioti
Burns ’’’r« .1 H i
H «rm v, drug
Reduced Kate*.
Call for County Marrants.
Notice is hcicby given that there
are funds in the county treasury ,
for the redemption of ALL regia
tered Hartley county warrautw. »
J interest on same will «ea«e from
i thia date, July
R. A. Miller,
Treasurer, Harney Co Oregon.
‘ I nave L-eu truobled •» ith indi*
cestion for ten years, have t riid »
»»any tilings and spent n.uch men V « lAfüd effif«, E»rrw», O?*ynn. J jr.e
ey to no purpose until I tried K< do! » + li. e U here »y fivre that Heury V. Wei
Dyspepsia Cure, i have taken two rume of Bun:«, Haraey enurty,
to mat? prao* r>n Ms
Lotties ar d gotten u..re rehc-t fr in n.’ • • «.’..»-c* f
r*-.4*:d effeirj Nn ¿7-, forth« •rac’.incal N1,
them than a l c'.ir-r me I .
tak­ »ls**c
J4« >1. Tp23. s K31 E W 54. bvf -ra BrjUter «nd
en. I foci more iikea lev than I !'. r . * cp «• »- *r..n. ‘/rr< »!», ou
; day, the
h ive felt in twenty y«&sS '• Ander­ •. th day of J j!y. 1J0L
son Rigg’ of Sunny Lane. T- xus. Ke T.Aiae? tbc f->!lowing wHr.®♦»» prove the
’e * irr.¿a inn and r«c’*»«.aitoix < f a d
Thousands hav^ testified a-d:.i Mr. crinp
laud B P.
Henry C. Leve » and
Riggs. City Drug Store.
.-»•cl ar*:
: fe. ot * ar •*, Oregon, sud Da»«
caros rreucATtox.
Departmant of Ibe intarlar. V. 3. Lan4 OSrr,
Hnnu. <>rt*on. J i r l>. ie-l
KMiea '• hrreby (t«en Ibot the Wlvwtnc
rauieil »e-.llrr lia* A!»<l notice of h.. talantlon
to airkfi final proof in .lipport of hi. claim,
and :!i ,t .aid pr.tof will I mi rot j<- befor, Hull.
1er a-i4 r.aeelvar al Ii-una. Oiexon ol Aug.
:t iTOi. vta
-Iranio M. MeMnllen.
’l l an*ry Nn <!•'»< r t*v-
, -e- JS. Tp
3». 1 M Í. a id Lot. : au I 3, Sec 3J. Tp 21 à ,
ii .uK W M
He ’»roe.tbe foUewina wilne»«ej I« pr o'e
bl*eotititiuoa. residence upon and eultb'al'on
Turner »«* Uaruey. 3r ? n.
of »rnl rand, vii:
Lie >. W Hayew K. ri-trr
(iraca W UollMar. Frank Tl.ñlidar. Lester t
Headache often result? fruni a
MeMal roanj wM. I.]rtle all of Drenar, Hai­
DESE2T land , final pkoof .
ley C-ll t '. Oicx (3.
•iisordend e<aiditic;i .f the sh;ai-
C i Ix ;*l
®, Burnv Ore’fiii. J xnt* jt . IVI
Gru W. fl tve«,
M-*.h snd constipation cf tl.e bowels. N L**e la hereby cireu that ALntd C. ’Ae’.-
\ (lose or two •/ Cr:-t.nl:erljiii’e
3 e«J n* t:ceoi iuUfL»ion v* make proof on 1.1»
Stomach and Livur Tablets will de-.-..: >•
No. >*}. I- r the frictic-.ral 'S
co;: 'E.sr son- i:
correct these tL#ord *re ¿.:. I cure * •*«. 3*.. Tp i», S UFS L »V M, before Itegl-Ur
and Keccive» ut Burn?, Oreso.t, ou S.iturday, U.
Land <><’*»•*. B ira», Oregon, June ¿7 ¡9^1.
the headache. Sol i by Ti.o Citv taa ¿ikh day of J*»*y, I* 'I
I A • if7ic»»»r.l r »r.tr»t s TDI mv t bavin; b*»«r. filed
Drug St ire. II. M. Horton prop , lie r.arr.ei ti e fo!ln«’.u4 wltn**--«• to f rcv# tn th-« ' c»* Ly Wm Lh- ! ay. <•;
l’jc »• «r ri
irr»gvM’i sud reel®»» atfou of
’ f ’ ham*sti sd retry N ». 1.2». m&da A 'm*-4
«nd Fred Haines, the Ilarury mer­ w 1 *c«i E P. V ®H*. IJo-iiry Lx’-e*i* acd 7. r »í pjOfi,
for tb® N’jN*^. Sh\N'A .t, KF.'.b A w«
rL *’«»•> K ' C. of Burn-. Urvg«*n m ::»1 IM e 8<e
Tp I-, ». t'.«:>;:c Zi K W M It» Harem :>
: T irut-r. ut IU’n«y,<7re^..i»
P»rJc*T, conU: *4t-. in m '. j JC) it 1« mi I ck * J t •
<•*-» W Ila; t»«. KigHtor.
•M‘d kjerîikû l> Laker ha» nh*»’/. ata «Î ■ ed
When -.hr ktsned by pneuij.on::
-a:M tr«** t. and -hsr.f* 1 ht« residence Ü.creír n»
f>- any oth' r lung trouble, pn.mp
fur more than » » month« 0Iure makioç-a d
XT. Il H run PUH I A HOS.
r •li*-f i? ne 'resarv. an it i* d i”.gcr-
entry, and »»• xt to tk,e data h*jr 1* : »hat <%■«!
í.<n¿ OfT. •»-. I’.'irrOre*»..-, ¡¿ay Ji,
r> is to delav. We would sugg »»t No» ce i« Le’■«•by jf'ien tL<t in corr-pHarce trac» ta noi «eit!* ! upn. and « ultira ad t y *•:<!
th >t O.ie Minute Cough Core be u hhtt e p’ovinii n • ri th* art r.f Congre?» c*f party r.« r«q*nred by lar. ih »t »aM aband u
rr.*,-’H «a*» Dot cat »• I by the h »n*e»t«ad
♦■..’. i **4 ' ao art for
afe!« <>i t.m.
taken as ».ion as inaio aions of J in»* -,
ant Lt<n< aL»t*nl t:i Vi«* military <»r dm -al «»-r-
m <.f «.Miifornta. O recon.
having ta^cn cuid are
vi**- <»f tbe Luitrd f**M*p» durit;.'tñc Spi».|«h
< u * ì H aeMo&t'.r* lerritnrjr, ’ •«» eat-i.C -
War. Faid parties are H r*«I»; i.otífied p. oj
cures q-iickly ar. l its carlv n«e pre­ ed *.</ feOfe
&i; thè 1 ub«ie «feu<¿
oy act ut Ai-r-
TM-ar, re pond and »»Per ev:<t<n?e t > u:hlne na d
vents coiiauniption.
f’i»y ’/rug ti«t - , 1*.2,
a legations at 10 o'clock a ».* uaA'iyt i |(>,
< bari»» Bup«*r.
F’o-e, H M. Horton, Prop. Fred
l ui. b*f re tue iz.*/i»!er end Kerb er al the
of llar^ey. <’un tr «»( tfÿrn<yt S’-
' f
Haines. Harr.ev Ci'v.
I Cultc-'i S a'**» Lar d Ofil 'e in Lnri r , OFe<nn
^irctrnu. La» th’e oay f-.« i in tbù oftkt
T’.-*- raid c DtrNfani ! a ing, li. a proper aiH-
eu. rD : >t‘ H.f ;it >•* Cri, È r thè parce;*.-»« mí *1:«
<!«•» ‘f. f. *.d J id * .7, I ’ ¡. ►«■! f rt i fa' ti* which
T - •
^E‘zt yc « c 3 : l ip
- r*U'4»* no
p* r-onel service
M si • wi i urf't-r pr<> 1 ll.-at rii® ¡sr.d ¿caght u suo* da ’a for d’i*
of th is notice can n< the ma-ic. :t 1« hereby or
Notire ÍM her,’!.-. »;'.en l¡;.( ;!m i-.u ! r- •».'•re <r*-u4b,.c 'or it- tituber <4 «tune thia íor <ir»rr 1 and directed that »uch notice be ft ven
a: ! t-» e tabi i ah
s!--n<'.|, a ;i..|r., -tra-cr n li e • rt^t( r.f
Ly d *r aad ¡»roper pnblk*ML»n,
¿EMÍcn te .¿¡<1 tai 4 Im r® li.e 1 cpbftr »!*<!
»V. Ha 1, P.OMlster.
A. .1. VanH'.rn, íe.-ea¿e4, hi-
1 hi* r.iv^r ni C e - • rttct» at buró», uretfon, on ♦a’.’tr
f-ini iu-.-ount and t'.ut bv < r i •> of tie
. lh¿* zi«i «Uy of A i < h t, l'.ül. lie nam**
l'o-r- of <ÌAte tlitf 3rd day o: tiri.-, t i i. •i - witu< .-►<•». W. H >í »rrUnn. A. W. Ilow»er.
rijo* ¿lo*-er a .«J T J. \ irkvrt», all oí ¡Iarut/(
,d lly tn i.l • a- Î entele 1 Mond-iv A iu*'.el
ñ’.li, 19 I, at 19 o'ei'i k a hi ., W i*up-
A:iy t»n»¡ aii per« »n< riaimínz « Jver e!y the
pointu I i> t'ne time and th • < ot . ‘ Rooiir alvi’ e «R crib <i iaudr are re pie.ted to fie thelr
Tothe Honorable('o>inty Court, H u-
h li. . • n •• vurr b®L/re a‘d JJ day Of
of the C-nmty Court of H irncy C-rint> at
nt-v (’otintv, Oregon:
!.* i.
Furi s, (trop.n, :h-piaceior the Uearin-
U’«-, the nnder.ixno I petitioners, res:-
of the same.
HjTJi t< r
dants, taxpjycrs, and le/vl voters of
Al! |w*ii«of;s intereateJ ii s>ii ost.tr'
e i'l !!•» B'itte I’ri-ciix t. said county, an I
t - .slEAl N J |í $.
40'1 the final settieine.’it .<•<: in r'-f-fr-
Kt-te, most r.--|H rtfiilly fsMition your
notified to be an i appear a- h i id H ue
Honorable Court
to grant a license
A -ulicrtn’ «•*••:*tert a ILiavit La .'i! < betn
and place an I ti! - their i. .)<-.?tiorm to in this í«1.r « by Jíófhapl Br x>k'iou/a, on«
Newt Iatwis,
to sell spir.tu-
»aid Fina! account if any th<-v In-.-.-.
í-sU'it, AnaiDi't Tiwh. r CulUira entry N»». 11: 3.
ohm , ni^ii
I-M. for dK% íecíion í, Town«-
Fill ii-l e ! '■ y said rider in lue lliSKi.v r.iAdc A
I .»a q iir.i;ti -a than one gallon in sahl
A A I LEV 11-1-, . iiret p'lS i
i m liolll/
Coiné*»*»*, in w. 1 h it U allere*! ti.at l «.* í 3 F. 1'rwjnct for .1 period of three months
on ti»-2Jndùiy of Jti :.-, 19)1, io. four ¿triek 4P.«1 han fi te 1 to pía ¡t any trees, tree
beginning <;;; the Seventh d.iyoj August,,
full week*.
■»fu« or 'r«• - eut* ug.- d’iriutr the fir*t year after
l:HI ■
r»*-‘JaVf of h»e entry, or p’.«»u' <r cultiva** fl'a
G. 'V. PlSTiH,
t • r» f.f ; that be'aiir l to pJ >w or c iîliegî®
G. Coz 11,
A’ii;;i iitrator s* atty r part
of k >1'I trirt. or )4at.t a*iy »>f t *e «aine J i.’.fir.i
M. V. Hrnit*',
hiv. .tre -c; Í » *•/try? cittì
during the E I. Jord in,
N 0.0 tr i,
oud yrar iron the d.r« of Li» entry. Ile
Win. I. Clark,
4V;i) E. Gray,
'frile i to c ijtKau-a.:y pert nf aid tract op l«>
E, M.Cr.V,
piani any par. tn-re í to trece, • rec
r I F. A. Rise»,
ta, apd T«ada-M«r*u» ’a', -.
i»o.«ia«tBeoudu*¿-d ívf h:ce. n
Oua Ornee *« O»—U. !.. .- . r ;.«
end • cj » i » -ten: *4 **-* » ■ «.
. •
rc;r -t® L’ 'M V/ mw L- tíj *-*^
:*~U rntUL ara* -i'<< °F pr,c*»
?<oc We aavisa, if j»a*«»:a
qv »• ». i. : <<
u!» *r2C,
ft a- C- «“iuc -• . --Zn* 1»
a. /
A P«MF»K'-CT, “
'-*.4 r>t*-f > * V ■*!■ J
«y.t ci «&M*v JC tb« I», ii* an-i ior.'^a
»cut L«v. A ’ í .- ' m .
t O f »-. r«-rnr o» '<f •^•^f'to'V-tt. C r
r-»« c’jtî're» I irio^ the third y?nr >'t,rthc
•Mr of Li« entry t* r,t L« he.
>r.i 1 ir.'*1’.
-M •’ jitriir.- sr%* her« ! y notified to appear,
r p *t-1 a. 4-»f t.'c ’ b.-ut-t: f"»’»euin;' rail ell*-
FMtiop Mt l)n r’o<*< a. m >n Jdty 27, l»l. before
an*! fticj Tpí <t thj t'ljtcij Jta’a> Land
vM»«- u num*, o t/oi .
i be Mid contfe-.-Nnt
tn pv'«per affidavit
i X *y. -- l^l.
fo'Li »4cU vbi~^ «how,
th<t *»ft»r due diligence, p/r-'-n«*. Ftrvhe of
u»j ii </».|',« î ( annul be u.ad*\ ft
hereby onici*
cd en*1 •’»re<:*e<i that «n» h r»rt 4.2 be tflTcn by
»1 i» c .d proper p .bl!» a*1'’U.
i;ro W nivz«.
f-j: 1er
John G. Itoreey,
( T. Miller,
G. F Parker,
c W Jor l ii>,
i*. W Iordan,
(•. W, Drtokaalar,
II. Jordan,
I r
2,000,000- wtu
Fai in il.' ili.- ’ i- il i
i’l t’i. ’tbr,
r -ti I ile
! - 1 . I-., li . - I t 1
»end y
rate K
! I
!i ».
.'i I.
r (Jnvi-rnor and
( o H Cl ttifi-
• ti* I .*,111»,* to
I •• unar<l< I bv Ilio I I ;U>-i PU- l.Hlll a i A*OMClATiON .•ill ‘i. It. Ml< ii , to
makifig ih * in-1 r,-4t .- (fonar » of l!o- Q li, .at Voi.- ¡or ' ■ <■>>,’ r .1 th - fiate»
. fi. i In I.l OU th»
< i* Ohio, 'l.-*»- li ... ’I ila ,iod toa.i, l>> be <! letMllhvd iy li» ' -
fili 4 k » of N'iwniln r, 19JI.
Wo bave iim te .. i 1 ,i>. i'.-ri-« with Ibi* Fl!I ~ ’ ! I l rii::-. I vnst t l ATltilf
.,i. . . il.- .Ii•!»!»• ilion ut
<4 Detroit, Mil II , t > > et) i* '«* i .ir e-ll— ri‘a »*. • - p irli
•*, un . . itii» ; te -o I-9,Cititi
Ilo--* i
I I -I . •
I .
v i. i •• i da in
I l'etite kr
1 .
OUR 01 Fi li
I!. SI» V II > i . ’
> Klirr-, ve < la
4 ito.».-!.• -a ■ . i;-«l >ti IO !..
i -i t;. • i ■ r
c I’ i -, <
vi hi. Il wiJ ciltil .e him tit.
J Hi offer, a i th-ir r i i-ript one siili
aub.c ita-ia tnay taV - a i.aiii i.
Si I .
• i in I. in tin-
t.-nd.i 1 n.untba from dal
our pafa-r; joiif.-t t t.‘in (•(■rlifl.-jl,* al «*>!ii!rlv free.
Whan » <m
. »
mLlrt*«A ut, I i -...!•' I
»N. of 1* ir, li. Mi li.
ira-ir» lu.j any pria* » - li' -vi n .1 - m ti <*:i'
cale c- rtittcatn with tli ■ l‘r « i’ i'.i-:.i
•>•<•; ■<• T ■
i .' y -r i'>tiui iie, niii-h
• i • i i I u. It o will fl!e •
aa II- ei'ilil» »ub-
t.' . di
in i
r ! I >’i vldalt-wd.
,• .t, i
' •« rit r » uiir name
A a *> >en
... t n ■ » • ii -. nia r a,ay
i u« tiri’y tafln’dea atti « id rinvìi »
fi lì • ’ ■ ! I: ' !••■!.'
foli ral» r.-
ri Ulva'n
I« ei-
p: Ira ut
' . <!. of III- i RF.-M pl fl.
ript¡en »,• u id ten l ».
¡3 the t»»p
jcti> unti 1 • >
- o . r » H»
•MÜ ia>b«ou4<l tv«iy. iKal
esn by tuo t« ». «inhyk.
’••4. »t<4/ furew.ó by
m Ih» i • 'ttti ? or « ure,
r. t -i*d Fus ud*r* ■ W a*,
iluviic Mato c«r <Mh»r.
lw rlr H-tM afd r»»>4
rr«*if F .<• H v • t*p»»* ti.
en c4bcf
Murifthon’ iju be»»—e
! flit »»ir®» th « » wHb
X •:u li t«nnnd «
Hol » »vgf)wh»f4.
IU¿- Lt oL*. . v.b «ili CÔ
. »
11 i • i
¥ our Estimato
ViLlMBLE IlifOîWriûfl
■ i ’
th» e
1*71 **»»
l*.3 ..
1 ft ..
1« 1 ..
n »> ..
»HL ’■ *! V »to 1 i the»« StCr» l*i
LX7 i ft
1 * a | i; I Ii c rt«A r i *-■ft |wr rt
L<A417 4-. r a .« 1 « < •«
I.ÓT« M7
A î > ..
1 7 r¿ ine pa y 3«> / „
*J9■3 M
> M
i p > m J) «1er.- *
i..-* . j
« »*
1 A; , a. tn. re t r 7 ♦ i M
riHZ’S io B- WH.' t
Tot »< »»»*.rr»! r< f-«rt »«totale
r-> the . 4
.■ ■' i:
«¿uno <»<>
T-’h. r-1
To tl.e 4ih
’1 !’»•* Mil
T» 0» ’ »1 i
T Htt7 h
Tothe Alli
Tu me .th
b* L.e I th
Tiit’ia n*» V I > n e tro. 1
F-» tu« next
li er «et
Tu H e or
1 ! t»»î4.-e t
I ' t • ori » ihm re »t
Totbenvxt *A> D««*r t
i ’itLa *. - xt ; i H f4
I« Hie n xt V'» * rar. * t
1 <W(M>
fru oe
>A> *•>
1 r>(H
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60 0>
r» o»
*, 15 rirh -1'»0 Q)
The retti : r:.»a tA the itorra.ftfl e»
lin Me 1 JLX) U>
QI a LO nt.'i««’ t »1 j’VUin
U«tr-h. t>e 11 or.v'a:
|l v»-M --’10«»
Vote will drte ■-t.luw » hrt are «.util! r 1 to th«
,1 • •h- 0’13
Friar» ai»d Ibr l«ai J» w. • i*r tua4 .» w.ihm
I t f»rli - M I AQ
LO 4a> m tar
ILii Hui V
1« fe tuwni,
47 r. f, ITUU1
Tar ITIM i w’H pnbliati the iiasi e* of 1 r
« I car i «? <a>
»itcrrtot'X! > tita afora.
• »«»• n* j ».
t tat 'rar i ■ »( Mr W \ P i r-, ! *re
1 i t h i s fiuve Pi in », lhe
la a ! :
< P’.* i’trtr » i-i'. i’ï * Hu’ k !’('
fallow lug * i.l Fi ,z.i s wtil be
i Krt « ’ . « <• ; Hfy. f a* ih !•’*
F ibH h
IHiT \*»< m - m i i; it« r|rp » I <• 1 Li .5,W*) » *H I).*»
Ce .trai •■#<' 1 if» Hauit. he r«) t. M h., for the
!*•» the î er*' Tt
>■ i.utc t e rred r»
ex pre » ; urpi»‘ • oí fa» v I»»? t‘r r • •H •*« r t .!, » r . * < f » y Lit »
11.00» <0
; ijr.i Ml V 4» «1 lh •
i’on’rst nu il.»» < » .* »1
To the fo r on ’ - i - ? • e »-ar»* t rorrert ««•
n’.Mt* ' »4
t a
e*. - e t*l I • w e • cl ft na*e ÍM*fwe*.»
■ I l .- -1 IJth 17 ill.»
I Lal lb la f »•;«! < a n be u.c4 tor noo’h r
!.. t c j, -r ,
• tr- t c rrrrt
fe 40 UO
b* w« «•!> A*i< n an»i *rp' 10
Tota» i * n |»r rtM, emo id •fol? to ILYOMOQ
In ’!i»r «s. t it .• i rite will bv <1 vi ted
K ... ... _
5J. tf’.ilu
TI.« M.,t I*.,«
t). I ur r •>.
.a :
fee a
Wir*, I. •*,
ci ' ■
C ar Agirner*! H’-
m u-r*»«-*«» Ut
-v» 1 «*»
•*> Lvu eh UJ vr
0 «M'.sll •M'*»««
lt<CHt t'i-J ' I
’» ».«•hu mi
u»«r Cv* I.
I «!••<
,<»f(.M a(f»s
<»<vr » vq .1 »4«*« »!
t» rfe
» r r
» tLr n» **r u»r. *4
41 «■-% '•!<•- »*• •
. • • r I» f *r!v
•«•*» : » » mi <»-.• 1 • ••» ! • • Wi‘va ftr c • ■ «Jini ausi
-•»- •''•»•-! ••*• * «
im^M’WfdAN <*v <TO.
0 7 7.1 OHrk : '.1
CH'C.'.GO, l’.L
P « »-••«• F tir»« -» T’L*nTpj ViJg-«"'' t IL*
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’-'.I -, rí - = r
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to $12
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5pY’ V.71^
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Li trndt h
fi’yjxi 'll ill . *•’,
Digests what you eat.
\'/iC¡L' ary
Itai tiflctallydig' '-.th? food and aida
Naturo In ‘urengtbcnlng and recoii«
ptructing tbo <-.- teumted dlgeet.fvo Or­
gans. 11 ist lichte itdlscovered tllgc«'e
antand tonie. No ether préparât; i
ran approiuh It In efflc.lem-y. It in-
st'intiy roIicv.' i.UHl p< rnu>»i< iil ly eures
Dyspcpsia, lutii 'st'on, flcartburn,
Flatulente, &»>r Htomach, Nai.-en.
Fick Headncho, Gnstralgfa.f rampennd
allotbcrrc lilt-v fini perfect digestioo.
p c v'
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'i“ot absolutely
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!.^ m’W . '• <!<•• i i.r t i v!t yon.
■ ' i , Tl •■ . i . -r wrilteo for owe
t-< ' irv per . . .cl r. i. ihiai . erri».
ThT r
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k»; a. ¡•lAÎIl/ el €'t>r whe*í«.
ft It t(U;
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i t** »!’ Hbr/c catalogne« for vi ta
Ucycie. W. ¡ ' ' I
u nxad our «pedal oLcr,
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PrffcrA;.»r.<t|1. T, ,- z ■ Ixnrrwt nln» 3’4 tlrne»
OBiallsteo. H<
all al«.utdy»jx:psl;iuiaiiedfrt«
Prspared ty^. Ç. OoWiTT &CO-. CbluMw-*
< ¿r-’Á* Tr.'or Wons.«
7 «'■
Corve.c ht » Ac.
•nR.” «/ *i fe’.f.'-b *J •r'd .* --•HtHDni rt-»»y
rviir*' •• **«rrr-Di r - : ■ I . II frr- *!u-(l;rr ®n
t»*'i I« t»rn‘»»l 1/ • f * ’■»f»f I ». • i r. » -’irt'r*-
♦ .r»U> *tfk’IY ■ • !i <« uL/' 1Î-' . -.ok »• ' ?'P,‘««iL®
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j-iM-* .« i ■
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>’••’ A Cv. reed 'Ä
(.'. Lovenmcr,
T. F. iieina,
W. If. Jordan,
granting of the |f<>gniw* mentioned in the
al<ovf je-'itjon.
Newt Lewi»,
Otti day of Xovvmlier, l.x’l.
W. It. I 'raw ford,
.1. Itiggr,
(I. W. Hsrllrtt.
make app'iicatior, t > the i:..'in*y I'otirt
Harn-y County, State of Oregon, for the
THE 1-RÍSS I-VIII HllING AS mih IAITGX will Hlv« $10 <><10
in ItHKt Ciirb l«l L’. i - m t.i lli"»i tn ik.rij ilio ne «i-- .t . -tini.' a on tLo 11 m’lUivd
lirti lai Vote ol Olili», Milsatlt’liUvai-* tdU'id luwil. c <«l I ir < vertior vti ili»
J. I. giix,
Nollet: ir herein given tliit the under-
bignod will on (he 7th day of August,lit >J,
Given Away
Are now in eflect to UutTa'o,
r say ' Cert-'arr.ption can to cured.”
I *;?,tnro: !•> eWv.i’utoit. Itnculs
l>o you cxp'Ct to attend the Pan
Eiio'.p. JK-Jtors say
American Fix|x»»ition?
If so da not buy your tickets un­
¡“Sectfs EíEiidSíGt?
E Is tho best, hcïr.” But you must
til yon have investigated the wer-
F cogitavo its use cv&a io hot
r weather.
u ll >xxi h .vr not In.x! it. —u-t K-r txv s^np'.e.
S >•."
\OWNK, Cheta,--.
(hir aceoutoilatioii-arv the be t
• ?c I > : i,
Sr« Ycrk.
<-c. m ‘S' -J; all diurno.
that can be had. our trains ar* a!
wsya on time, and employes cutirb*
U. S. Land OlScc, Burns, Or.
atis au I a,•coined iting.
July 1, 1WL
A Good Cnnyh Medicine for children.
Through tourist cars f-o:n Pacif­
Notice is hereby given that the
“I have no hesitancy in rec. m-
ic ('oust to RosUn via ButTi’o
1’iemli’g ('hxn.herlains Cough hereinifter luenti-med and describ­
lfv<’U will send fifteen cents in
Remedy,” says F. P Moran., n wri! ed township plats have been rtf- . stamps, to sdjress given b< low. we
known »nd popular baker, of Pet- reived and filed in this office, tuwit; will lot ward you. by return unit,
< relurg Va. "We lave f ivcti it to T 21 S, R. 40 E T. 21 s R 41 E nnc of <mr large " I x 40 inch wall
our cniltL'en when troubl xl with T 20 S . R. 11 K. 1’. 21
maps of the I’nitcd States (.'uba
42 E
I ad coughs, a’so whooping cough,
and Porto Rico.
:md it has always given ,<ciftxl T. 21 S . R. 40 K T. 20S„ K 3!) lì
Any information regtrging
And that on and aft* r the 12th
»atisf.iction, It was ri'.-atnin-n JoJ
sorvioo, tune, con-
The ivos: h.-.diiig. *■< 'thing
to me by a druggist a* the In st day of August, l'JUl, filings "ill be I nections, stop-overo. etc. will be antii-epl
.ip!' • .1. i < v- r (in­
is I *<-\\ Ut s 'A . ' h I Li I b L ve.
rough medicine for children ns it re -ivei upon any a id a 1 lands cl.eerfully furnished by
re! ,ev< < »t o i •' 3 I c ; : * J
contained no op:u*.n or oteer hn-in- embraced in said townships that
yores, e •': ia n I rki:i <L->
fjl drtig.” For sale by IL M IL I are subject to private entry.
142 Third Street,
t'otu l Agt I'cwure of i :i. it a'inti« » itv I
tiro. W. Haves, Register.
ton, Burns; Vred Haines, lj.irr.ey.
•»tore, IL M H i
. Piop.
Portland. <)ro.
Chas. Newell, Receiver.
ll-iiio *, ILiru y
You will ws»‘e linn tfy.au try to
Thi- seaeon there is ti large Jealh
5 >riCE EOK W10<
cure indigestion or dyspepsia by
rate among children from cro ip
starving yourself, flat only makes
Notici» ¡»lii-re >y givea ly thè Cotin’v
it worse when you do cat Inarti'v Court et Hsri-.vv < oun’y ior bui* tu iurti- and lung troubl« s Prompt action
You always need plenty of cood i-ii Taenly fin» 35 - c- r.ls of «• od, jun- will eave the little ott 's from there
We know of
food properly digested. K< da! f»ya- ¡per or | ine, allieti l i l» w ili i»» operi, >1 terrible diseases
give inat.'nt
|s*psi.i Cure is the r> -nit of ve ir* of
an 1 < io»i<li re<t bv thè Cwun'v Court at rei.ef ns One Minute Cough Cure
scientific res arch for son.ething
thè court rvorn ihereof, at - O,clock p. in
It cm slwo be relied upon in gripp*
that would digest mH etilv :.,:iii-
at <1 nil throat and Jung troubles of
elements r.f food but ever/ kind. turi»: 7, l ri.
Ti.e iun r--*:*rve» thè righi to r-ject adults
Pletsaut to take. City
And it is the one reruedr that will
* n » ufi,« a.. . • ■*
Drug St 're. II M Horton, Prop i
*:o it. City Drug Store.
H. R.crt irms.'X.
Fred Ha nes, Uaruey City.
Hj !’. S. Rieder,
County Clerk
Mrs. C. E. V nDe’.’>-1’. ■ f Kil-
<TA*rr*: ,Ut 'l .VoKTIlV
(all for Couufy U arrant»
i ■
• a 1 a I » .;•*« I
bou'n, Wis., wasslUicteJ wi:h stoni-
f t hielt.*« of
r %.1J I
,aeh trouble and constipation fi.r a
C. M î^à
Office. Burn«, Or . Jun* 13,1
Felice is hereby civen that there
long lime. She says. * I hiu tried N: »íce i» ;hrr*(.-y fveu that Jean Pavla, of
funds in the county trea-ury
rnauv prep&ration» I ut i >:<♦ !.. .ve Ffe ihua.Cr «ok • runic. t.r®xnr, ha- filed net ee
• f i-.,Mention to irai*« pr r» ou ht» *1 »-eit-laud for the re>h>ti ption of al! warrants
.•ione tre thè g • i l th it Chat;»' it - . íaim N»» »“*». ’>r iae K;, of .-»E Sec 22, Tp I".
lain's Stoniseli and Li cer Tibìets & . P 24 E W >!.. ».dorr A. Palmer. C- S. Con: ngirtend prior to June 15, 19cl
jxaa’o-.'er at Ft in«^ if**. Or» gun, oj Saturday Iub r; st nn same will cto.sc from
bave.’’ Tbese Tablets are fcr sale a: la««3 d d*y vf A ’< i-t. LOL
City Drug Stero, H. M. Hor: n, lie Lause» the foifonmit w irr- es V» prnva thia date, June 14 IDOL
L:e complexe irrlgaLua and reelamattoa ut
R A. Miller.
prop., Fred lisine», Harney City. • Mi'! latti.
Co., Oregon
Price, 25cen‘s. Samp!es f.-eo.
ilrx jlajfci&Mia. a . ui Paulina, Cruok Cuuuty.
Geo, W. ¡layes, B« plater.
''•*«» •<
lyrfi"*, *
• L •
ill tllQ
Scktüifk J&üfrtcäsi
1 rttMt r'r
A LMi.U*»r*/,»7 Bt.’rtr i< d
f*xl«»l*>n n* M'ir i»* l-.u’iflc J« .ir’.al. •?
vr.;r [<•• *r.« JüiX. í I. .'-’Id Lf -il .. h» . - ***—k-r*.
'' t w ïorK
r.r^' I
."Jit ’513 v’» '»*"
r V-.. K?
Our fee returned if wc fail. Any one ssndin:' sketch and description of
any invention will promptly ri . ivc our opinion free concerning th» patent*
ability of s.inio. “How to z b';, i a p.b'nt,” t< nt upon request. Patent»
secured through us advertised for sale at our expense.
Patents taken out through us receive special not ice, without charge, in
T he 1‘ ati • r L’ ic .- uh , an illu. (rated and widely circulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturers an 1 Investors.
Bend for s imple copy FRES. Address,
{Patent Attorneys,)
Evans BuSMSiig,