Il VOL. 17. The Best Advertising Medium. O .*3it nt Valley of Eastern Oregon. P. Mrlnf>r*. I*ioj»rh-l.»r < ha« w ' * Pa >il.i»'» id if> th 3 í he Oldest and Most | Reliable. ___ Cu'liinn», «illt<>rnnU Manager« BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 20. 1901. « rr.™— OREGON NOIES futercsting Kew» From Differcbt Parts of Hu- State. Geer & Cummins r*r ïMf. Hu '4«.nife* 75 TT wool brings the top price le the market »■ the full length ¡ h retain- rd fid make« a desirable article. flange Leasing Bill President Luk. of the American Cattie growers’ Ass-eciatlon, baa ap­ I pointed the following committee to draft u bill to provide for the leas ing < I apj>e »ring bunch grara It IM'IUI and four « air of opium valued al which ia due to n difference in oe- ’ of that section. to llouri-h on hvd, dry soils with i 21 Susp'cion resle-l on Char. T: e wct>t side of the Cas­ • A dozen teams loaded at the O. a minimum of tn nature. Goodman, n reernt arrivai from cades is a solid farm It isathieki ? C Co.’s warehouse this xveek wilt* ( I nc«>rp<»ratcd ) Professor A I’» II 'ag, who occu. Borns, nt d a complaint was sworn liopulatcd rection Its residents freight for Malheur and Harney £ m it n s . OitIKiON. pied the chair of E-ijsli-1* in Albany to charging him with the theft. He gix-e strict attention to the Indus­ •> 1 c >unty points. The merchants of t’olh-ge last yea«, ba« purchne-d iv»« arrested Saturday night by trie* they follow and are naturally I t I Huntington report a good trade the Lebanon Critcriut; of \V. M Constable Kimberly nnd lodge! in anxious to upbuild that part of the I î A Ceneial Banking Business Transacted. I I Brown He will a-^utuc control of j“‘l At th- piel.minarv hearing s'a'e in which Ibex- era i.itcr« -ted with the interior this year. I Monday >n l ie justice de­ They r* quite a differtnt r-Ia.-»» os* A J, Kr-ollin A Co, brought ia JJ Directors: W. Y. King. I. N Geer, Geo. Fry, W. E Triach. e the pa|>er on August 1 O ci«! d there w .«• not ruttieient evi road !aws. sebo 1 la *s, stock laws, 5«>X) head of sheep front the Har­ • J. C. Welcome. e List yar’» c t ic prices are a- dene .- to warrant holding Goodman tax laws and fei ce laws from the e ney county ranges end yesterday »••• »••••»••«•eeoeeaoeao^. eeeeooaoeeeeeoaeceneooo» gnin ruling in tb>- cow counties; to the circuit court nnd be was dt*- cantern portion of the state. -hipped (hem from Huntington to r- lycirling s errs bringing t!8 to $20 cbarg» d.—Hun ting! on Herald. Ki-stern Oregon is largely a stock Sola Springs. Idaho. per bead, uod two year olds f30 OFFICI Al. IHKi:< rotti and range country. It Las a very John I) Daly, a member of the I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. dome of the breeder» ere reluctant small area of d-ns«dy populated Tli s J> er L ixv. firm of Duly dr Robbins of Drew- srarx or umkoon ! to sell at these tifuiei. country, and has a character p< ca-1 V. rt M«B4k*r«. lives'' »1 won II M-Mt'Lt.E.M, srv, Oregon, was transacting basi- i U » M< Uriel' J A Wasco C ounty crank built a The open reason for dt-er CO!D liir to herself. She ha« a distinct, r e»s in Huntington this week. I Ml M<»«4v Congressmen. ! Th»ui*> lo- •«'• «mail gc»* out of scrap tin and mences Oct, 1st an«l end; 's Oct. individuality. She differs tnateri PHOTOGRAPHER. P. K. N HtackL >rn Attornay Oanaral. G. W. Clevenger, a furniture istarted to Portland on it l>y wav of 15(h. It is unlawful for any per­ ally from the Willamette. She re- 1 f u«ar 41 over nor. d-a!er of Burns, was in Hunting­ F. I im«ibar * of HUb&e. the rapi«l«. TLi'seo«* ha* been found son to take, capture, kiil or destroy «pjircs a certain lire of treatment Murn«, eiregon. c a y.Ktro Mui« Treasurer. ! three or four mile* b«.-low The Dalles, in any op»n season more thin live^ w hich Western Oregon does not re­ ton Thursday buying st<*lraction, ... W It I m 4> •uu PrfnUr. E-utcrii Oregon would like transaeting other business. thul no face of tbo inventor and ■ I- Any rton who law.'ul'y quire. . - .<• r UolvarU.n S (K H. I'eau luprem« Jur« i f n i xcu:.~ vit before a-iv justice of the peace into habitable hotr.tH. She has an The KissTliat Wil! Never KeturB. M msnrs a gfary NINTH JUt'ICtAL OMT'U. T <2hu Ueary, quail are no* to I c found in the J-ro-acutlng AUornvy. * iu Mllkr It was a pitiful mistake, an error thereupon deliver to a'F.ant one terest which must be promoted and t*t>yei' urns not carry leather tag (designed and isAii-d by I AafMar. «leo W Haya* bear the expense of ridding herself way trsin. the light w low and the state game Warden) for the Jlarwivar, I'll*». Notfall it residence. ‘Phone 20. I ' the beautiful plume that the na­ hide of each net r not exceeding 1 of the anim 1 pests, upon which the dim. Itcameat l ist.and from the HARNF.V CUI NTY. I ■_____ __________ _________ tive bir.l does, they are equally as J. W. Morrow five iu all. One of these tags shall entire state low pays a bounty. ear there stepped a dainty dime; Joint Senator gatuey. and are certainly a very I. N Geer i H , XLRII», M. B ” Kewreaentallv« re securely fastened with wire to Her sparsely settled districts do not ami. looking up and down the place, pretty bird. J Hrm dim, but only once in a Jii«tic* "I the F smumi ..... D, tHincaon than 3'1 nor more than 120 d.iys, or III KM. ORKUON. i River took four young bald eagles ...Geo TregaekU diced Oregon might be cut in twain, mun.s whole life do such thing« CeoHtnl'Iu ...... tSF“Oill-e in Bank building. ' to Baker City one day last week, by both such iine and imprison with goo 1 resuit* to bith sections. come to him. GF BURNS. CITY which they captured after a desper­ incut. E. Kenyon. , The cost of sending representative« Mayor ate fight w ith the mother bird, who Joo. Cardwell. I Marshall from tbo extreme eastern portion An Honest Medicine for I-a Grippe. |_| XVKH A SAXTON De icon Lamb of the Silver City U.S. Riges. made a desperate attack on the Racurdcr of the state is enormous. The legis­ George W. Watt, of South Gardi­ W A Gowun OXO. W. HAYES. JOHN O SAXTON. young men, despite the fact that Nugget raises his lamb like eves Teaaurer lation sought by the different por­ ner. Me., says “I have had the ft C. F'llev. j they were armed with shot gnus heaver.ward anle system when cn- ■ mountains, the clamor for division attention; satisfaction guaranteed. Meets Huturday on or before full moon. Practice. QtulilVd tirotlmrs P itcrnally invited, of ponies pa-ked with wool that has tering it through the mucous sur- of the sta'e will be sure to increase. At Welcome's drug store. C. E Kinyon, W. M. F. 6. Rieder, Burns, Oregon. been stripped from unfortunate faces. Buch Such articles should shouhl never, On the other hand, if Eastern Ore­ I Hecy. sheep th it have dropped by the fWOtlicein old Masonic building be used except on prescriptions gon is permitted to h ive a voice in Jorgensen has a fine assortment _______________ _ ______________ i bracelets, *» w ivsido. Every pony load repre- from reputable physician*, as the proportion to her contribution < i of watches,clocks, — _ .-------- , cbvioe, -------------- BURNS LODGE. NO. W, A. <) U. W., aents a lot of work, interspersed taxes to support the state and In r pine, hair retainers, etc M damage they will do i* ten fold to i buttons, pins, etc„ Merts h ' Brown ball evorv Friday eve­ p XI JOKDAN. contribution of wealth into the chan ning. Visiting brother«« fraternally in­ with enterprise and bad emslls. tha good you can possibly derive I etc. vited. Thus. Hagere, W. M. ('lias. N i The old adage that "ihero is no from them. Hail's Catarrh Cure, nels of tra le, there w ill be no need Practical Land Surveyor. X'oehrann, Recorder. great loss without some small profit” manufiieturcd by F. J. Cheney A- of division, for then there can be a Burna, Or«K<>r, Our special inducements for sub- is here demonstrated The loss of Co., Toledo, O. contain* no user- reconciliation of the existing differ- scribers to this paper appears on fl \HNEY LODGE. NO. 77. I. <». <> F the sheepman is profitable to the curv, and is taken internally, act cnees that will be fair to both sec I Meets every Salimi iv overling, H ow n’s the 4th page. « hill Visiting bruth-T» frateraslly in­ I Indians. They cover a large ter­ ing directly upon the blood and tions. . Those of Western Oregon g W M1LLKR, vited. Julian Byrd, N. G. ritory in diligent search for dead mucous surfaces of the system. In who wish to continue to hold the C. G. Stui h, Svt-ratiiry. N. Brown dr Sons, Agents for Notary Publie and Cenveyaneer, sheep in order to get ‘ lipsoo ” buying Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure ic.ns and drive nil the time must Queen Quality Shoes. After pulling the wo >1, if the ani­ you get the genuine. It is taken in- expect to pay the penalty of their Tt’i E CIRCLE. NO 165, WOMEN OF Mortgage«, l>e*ds Eh»., correctly inaJe. Ojnce nt äU'Fi*. Ilurci, Oregon Woodcraft. Mu «ta 2nd and 4th Tims- mal is not overly ripe, they usually terns II v, and made in Toledo, Ohio, obstinacy a id £ lushness iu ti e d iv at Brown's hall. Mrs. Till! » Jordan, Quality end not quantiy make» take out a “tender” loin for a meal. by F. J. Cheney A Co. Teslimon- courte of timo. Mrs. tono Whiting, Guardian. DeWitt ’s Little Early Riser» such Clerk. I The East Oiejoniun gees division As soon as they gel their ponies ials free. Th« Northwest Livestock and valuable little liver pills. City of the state in the air, and not be- loaded they come to town and sei! Sold by Druggists. 75c. Drug Store, II M. Horton, Prop. Wool Growers'Journal and Items, the product of their I.Uair. Pulled Hall's Family Pills are the best, ing in symya’hy with it. for the Fivd U.»mee, Harney City. f 2 a yciy. Harihtraro of Every Description. iTHE CITIZENS BANK î Capital Stock 325000 00 i A Portland woman got a divore? ’ from her hu-band and marrid a ' f( a d< r. 'I It- n the form«r bu«bn>«l became a boarder at.d remained at the Liuse.