£ Published in the Qreat33t Valley of Eastern Oregon. The Oldest and Most Reliablo. The Best Advertising Medium. Harney Val ley Items burns . VOL. 17. * O regon . S aturday , J uly 13. i9oi. ————1.Ml—— .III OPENING HARNEY VALLEY the entire region The valley would I I NO. 33. ■—uur i a COUNTY COURT. In the matter of awarding con­ he rendered niore productive and tracts to gr«e In the matter of the resignation chang'd, ft is estimated that the of T. H Curl, jus ice of th- p-a<-e Drake C. O'Reilly han just re­ water to I m - obtained from the A special term of county court for Drews,.; p-oeinct. the same ac- turned from fi ari*« v County, where Sil vies is sufficient to irrigate all C' pted end John D Daly appoint­ Hardware of Every Description. he has linen for two month* in the the land in the valley lying under was held last week. th< main ob­ ed to fill the vacancy. interest of an irrigation enterprise it. but this must o|H rai- to dry up ject being the semi-annual settle­ In the matter of the settlement imiNH OHtXiON. that has been organized for that the extensive marshes al»out the ment with the county officers, with road supervisors, the report of section, says the Oregonian The lakes and the marshes will then be- though considerable other busines« the following accepted • M V. project includes watering 100,000 come plow land. was transacted. Not being able to Smith, diet, No 9; J II Loggan, 3; to 150,000 acres of arid land in the Al»out 50,(JOO acres of the arid give the proceedings in full last J T Barn«. 10; Bolar.d Haskins, Harney Valley, under the provis­ land of thejlarney Valley are in sr. 5; F C. Dibble. 2, A. Lundin, ions of the Carev arid land act, the grant to the Willamet'e Valley week, we giveac-rnple summary 18; Wm. Buffington, 12; S Whit­ I which tin-Oregon Legislature made A Cascade Mountain Wagon Roa 1 in thia issue. ing, 4: A McKenzie, : J. P Gear­ In the matter of the improve- hart. 6: Joe Varideryool, 13: A, avudahle in thia slate by a statute Company. This concern, which is • ?••••••• o«ca•• so«•••«•• -W.-W.o«««»«««» ■••• pa-red last Winter. That statute now owned by Chad«« Altschul.of ti.ent of the county road, It appear- -pandenl-erg 17: E P. Smith, 1: • JU1IN W i»IG««N. l'n-mL-tit, ILO. LEVE n H, • formally accepted the conditions of Kan F'rancisco, ir said *.o be ii syin- ing to the court that t*e road J. F. .MofTet, 7. GF. » FHY, Caablsr. Vice i t««»Htaiil Z the Carey act. with ad the grants pathy with the pioposed improve- known as the Mace road in in a bad In the matter of the employment <>rnt«--t with the taking up land, on I the prospect making improvements, and he ia I month. OREGON. In the consideration o^ •• 1 » -1 .... authorized «1____ J . io - go over the __ L. I State Land Board to reclaim any that water will soon 1 be available also pub the bids, Commissioners Venator tract of desert Government land there Mr O'Reilly says the charge lie roads in the Drcwsey and Pine and Williams voted for the »•-ept- o The applicau' must at hi« own ex- for water na* no'yet been d< finitely cr»ek d stricts an! ex «min- the ance of the first ai d County Judge A Cc r c » al B ink in? Business Transacted. |«ense m ake a survey of th« section fix«-d. but he believe* it will not roads and have the necessary work Sparrow the latter. Directors: W. V. King. I S Geer, Geo. Fry, W E Triacb. t l<> be reclaim"«! amt submit with exceed 50 cents per ucre per year, done on said ro*«ds as soon as p »s- J. C. Welcome. This is the first move to take sible • oaa .«••••«•aaoaaacaoaso •••o4ooaa»M«aaaaa»•••••• b.s ai'plicatinn tor contract a map The Ideal Newspaper, In the matter of publishing the. ana plan of th- propo««d reclama­ advantage.of the Carey law that tion project, with estimates of first has been made by Oregon citizens. experts report fil-d July C, 1901, You hear talk of the“ideal news­ OFFK I II. I»l KI.I TiHt % PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Cost, and for maintenance, state­ In the Upper Deschutes country, to court ordered 1500 copies ot paper, like the flower that never ments of the amount of water '.o be the westward of Prit.eville, two or I same printed. withers, the bird that never alights SI AIK OF OHKGON In the matter of the expert’« re- rendered available, the area to ba three i-rigation pn jects are onfo>t. U r»-.r|it| Hl Rtflti I C. a Sot, »«nr». H M^Ut'Lt.KN, the land when- sunlight i»evei fades, «u H MrHrM’ i < J. covered, etc. " he contract, when and at lea-ton« of them has pro port, W. E. Huston, expert, the it only exists in the imagination of i M a Mood* i C<>u»rM.«n«n. 1 Thoma« Igur ein C'ed into by the State l.and greased far toward completion i | same accepted. l> K \ niarbburo ' the sucker whom we are told the PHOTOURAt HER. Aunrnor Uenorol. Annual settlement with the va Board, shall create a lien fur the The«e were begun before Oregon T. 1. uwr <»<■*■-root. elements consume. Writing from y. | UUrtbar HorroUi ' of Malo. cost of construction and tuainte- had a -cepted the conditions of the 1 riou« county officers made. Hurns, »irrgnii. he stand point of a county editor C d M-nna Hui* Treasurer. Contract with Marsden A Geary, nance, which shall be valid against Carey law, but it is presumed that J II ArketmaD •M^.Main St — oppou'e Bank «•I « Fab ln»wue«inu. if you have ever been in bis sh cs, W H Ota«« Prieur, «he separate legal subdivisions of. ihiir operations will come under county physicians to furnish coun­ you know he is the repu-itory of F. W»»lve*l«tr ?K H the lund reclaimed for the amount tbe provisions of that act. Still a ty poor with medicine and medical I ihe wcrets of »he coinmun tv. none »upreia» Jude»«. S A Moore due a* agreed upon, with interest large part of th- land affected bv attendance for the period of six of w'.ivh he ha« ever divulge I He MAHSDKNA UKAKY M1MTII JCDK IAL PMTKICT at <’» per cent from date of reclama­ the Ur «ok Conuty enterprise« lies months, accepted. Circuit Jud»». M 0. «'Ilffurd W L. Maradwu. John W Gory, ' must publish a p»[»-r chuck full ef pTo»aruUii| Allncwy, Wm Mlll«r County Clerk ordered to adver­ tion. Congress grants the lands to within the grant to the Willamette / ’ f'y«»' irtu» <(■ Surgeon». news, whether anything hipnens tt. « LAND OPFK K. RVHN» th« slate upon certain conditions, Valiev A Cascade Mountain Wagon tise for bid* to furnish 25 cords of or not. His judicial mind must Bui ns. Oregon. «•ft.trr, Ueo W. Ilsy»» and those condition- must lie ful Road Compinv. and there is com- wood. K«n«lv»r, Ch»». Newell ¿.^F'lltlirr at residence. ‘i'liuuo 2U. t»e far superior to tlie districtju«lg», Liquorlicense granted to Clarence tiille«! as required by law, to the paiatively little to be gained by HARNEY CO« N’TY and give him pointers in instruct­ sa'isfaclio.i of the Secretary of the getting tinder the Carey law in that 8. I’uiman to »ed liquors in Wild ing tiie jury. He must discourse J. W Morrow ' Joint H» tut lor......... 1. S G«rr H , KLKBS. w. II " R«vn<»',iil ativo 1« ter or, befo e the transaction is section. It is only land still belong­ Horse precinct for a period of three with equal fluency upon the silver Janie- S|>artow County Jn«lge compleu d. ing to the Government that Is sub months commencing July 5 question and farmer Jones’ Jersey I A. Venator > Phyinrian and Surgeon. The license heretofore gran’ed Com tn iauionr rs It is under this grant of Congress | ject to the contra ctors’ lien for irri­ ) G«-<>. Ilag<-y I calf, china painting and Poland- and the statute that the Harney gation improvements For benefits H. B ,Ma«e and Peter Clemens toj Sums. CregcQ. Clerk ................. II. ICicImr. «on ' China pigs, perserved peaeh-s and HlierifT ..................... ««<•<» Nlu-llc) K^^Oificeover Voeglly’s hardware Vall«‘y Irap-oveiuent Company has to accure to land that has passed run water in ditches within 60 f«ct tbe perservimce of saints, foreign It. A. Miller Treasurer ............. . l>egun operations. The corpora­ to private owners, the irrigation of the public roads has been revok wars and local strikes, justiin ation store, .Main St. Jim Buchanan A asnsMir ............. ... tion was organized a short time ago company must make other arrange­ ed by the court. by faith and justification by type, Hupt, of Hehoola ... . . .1. C. Bartlett In the matter of supervisors with William Hanley, the Burns ments for compensation. « two. Wblii' g Surveyor ...................... the doctrine of election the elec­ DIUU9 A DIOUS cattle king, as president; L. R There are two ways of getting to claims for supervising In order tion returns, the doings of the last Coroner ...... l*r W L Maruden Webster, of Portland, vice presi i the Harnev Va'ley from the rail that the court iu»v determine the Stock ln*p«*ctor ........ Liti Ri< lianlbon J. W. Blgg». Dalton Blgga. sy n ro*s to Harney being performed. mind. With all this he must wait C. E Kenyon Mavor In the matter of the contracts I for the contract are now in progress 115 tuih-s From Ontario the dis on the delinquent 8ul>scrib»-rs. dis. Jno Cardwell. Marshall 1 he water supply will be taken taiice is about 150 miles over a good with John E Johnson to improve »> unt the bill of the patent rnedi- |_| WKS A SAXTON. U.S. Higua Kecor.lrr Most of the travel is through the public road. Mr. Johnson files c.ne fak-s, stand off his «ash hill, OXO. W HAVX8 JOHN O. SAXTON. from Silvie’e River chiefly, th »ugh r>>ad W A Gowan Teaanrer (I C. Fol-v. the construction of storage reser Ontario, which has for years bet-z« an undertaking in the sum of 46500 aiways go well dr-s-ed. pay the Attorney« .it-Law, ).V. E Triaeh. C«Hiicilm«n with J C. Welcome, C H. Voegtly voirs for emergency set vice is con­ the gate to the Harney Valley. J «<•<» i-'ry printer on Saturday nivht whether Bt'RNS, OllKGON, and Geo. W. Waters as sureties for ’Geo. Mielley. templated The watei taken from C9~ Attornty for Sta'e School Board. a cent has come in or not; write free the faithful performance of the Silvio's River for irrigation is ex- puffs, teach th- city; never ask for Beware of Ointments for Catarrh l.udgc Directory. work, and the same was accepted. I pec't d to reduce the volume of that any honors but help others to get that Contain Mercury. In the matter of the $25 trial fee Hire «m so that it will not overflow , A w GOWAN them, lioom the local statesmen B cmnh I xiimik No. “0, K of I* and creile so much ma»sh land as mercurv will surely destroy the in the case of tbe State vs Huffman, ivho ows him three year's suhscrii- Meria nvrrv rimra.lav night Attorney -at—Law, about its mouth. This marsh i sense of smell and completely de­ i it appearing that J. J. .Murphy, ’ tion—in short, be a'.l things 1.» nil Ueo W Have., C C. I and and Cnllrrtlnn bu»liie»». covers thousHfds of acres on the | range the wh 4e system when en­ clerk of the Supreme court of this men. make uo mistakes in dans, 8. Mother.head, K oí II. 8. Notary Publie. Thon» No. i. west side of Lska Malheur. an«l tering it through the mucous sur­ stale presented a claim of 425 tria take the« us-ings of the community HVRNB‘ — — — US»OIIX. BURNS ClllPTER, NO 40, O E 8 north side of Lake H irney, and at faces. Such articles should never fee in the ease of the state vs Huff and never cu-s hick. Tliat is the Meets eecon.l and foU'th Monday of certain seasons the water ore flows lie used except on prescriptions man and that a warrant for the >ideal editor an I his piper is a each month i'l Masonic lull, Voegtly and damages adjacent farm lands. from reputable physicians, as the same was drawn, and it now ap- daisy. We never saw one.—Ex. building. Mrs M iguio Levons« IV M yyii.t.itMe a rirzoKRAt.D I Taking water from the upper d »mage they will do is ten told to (wars that the sum of 419.25 hnd Mrs. Eunice Thompson, Sec. Thornton William», M Fingerai», stretches of the Silvies to irrigate the good you can possibly derive alredy been paid, the clerk wan AVoroey al I»», antary Cubile, arid land will reclaim to cultiva from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, ordered to cancel 1 the warrant for An Honest Medicine fui I .a Grippe. BURNS I.OliGF, NO «7. A.F. ugh. cold, chilis and moisture from marsh and overflow cury, and is taken internally, act ■wry. ing directly upon the blood and of Roland Hankins, sr., as road EWOlficein old Masonic building ed land. grip and have taken Iota of trash This process, however, will arouse mucous surfaces of the system. In supervisor of district No 5. the of i>o a‘fount hut profit t > the ven­ BURNS LODGE, NO. 93, A. O. U. W. [ the hostility of those who profit buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure same accepted and R »land Han­ dor, Cham I >er lain’« Cough R»m- Meet» at Brown I ih II every Friday cv«»- p M JORDAN. ning Visiting brothers fraternally in-1 from the present condition of the you get the genuine It is taken in­ kins, jr , appointed to fill vacancy j edy ia the only thing that h ,s done vited. Tlioa. Sauers, W. .M. Clian. N In the mutter of numbering Road country, and it is not improbable ternally, and m id-in Tote Io,Ohio, Practical Lind Surveyor. any goo I whatever. I have used Coehran'*, Reconier by F J. Cheney A Co. Teslimon- districts, it ap;»e «ring to the court that the courts will be a<-ked to de ­ Hura», Oregon, one bottle of it and the ch ¡Is, col l that each road district should be cide where the equities and rights ials free. and grip have left me. I coagrat- HARNEY I.(MMIF, NO. 77, I <». O F i numltered as a matter ef c'onveni-! . , F f , e lie Stockmen own the marshland, Sold by Druggists. < 5c. Meria rv.-rv S.inird iv evening. It own's tl-ii ’. v... ,;t.. Pil»s p;po am ... «u- l beat. —.t ence, . it was ordered . . that . „ ulat«'lhe nianuficlur. ro of >n lion­ lulls Family the Burns lull Visiting hroth-ra fr.itrrnnlly in­ g W MILLKK. which produces heavy hay and ia e*t tn-dicine ” For sal«- by H. M. vited Julian Byrd, N U. ------ —-------- 1 election precinct be R iad district excellent pasture when the outly­ C. G. 8mi h, Heer« .ry Horton Burns, and Fred Haine« Notary Public and Oonvcyanrer, ing range is parched and barren. The merited reputation for cur-1 ^*0 1« Curry 2, Harney 3, Poison Harney. Mortgage», Deed,. Hr., correctly made. They do not want th« country to ing piles, sores and sktn akin diseases creek creen 4, «, Silyies ¡aiiyies 5, a, Pine I'uie ere< cre< k 1», u,i TUI E CIRCLE. Ni» 1«5. WOMEN OK __ • . j i.. rx _ . nr:.. u 11 . . <» «> ■ >• Hura», Oregon. Wotalcraft. Meet» 2nd and 4th Tuna- Office at Store. , become thickly settled and tilled acquired by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Dr«wsey 7, Crane «rook 8, Saddle dav at Brown'* It ill. Mrs. Hili • Ionian, Quality and not quantiy make« for general crops, for that would b»* led to the making Rune M, Island 10, Lake 11, Dia- Mrs. Ione Whiting, Guardian. I)e\ ‘i itt'« Little F’a'ii R mh . Clerk. Ci' • Th« Northwest Livestock and restrict the open range, and, in tho g| d ? t on,v |),.Syiu»M qR]VP («¡lv m<>"d 12, W arm Spring* 13 Happy val'iahl- lit th- 'ii • r ; Wool Growers’Journal and Items, c/cumsUnces found (hare, it would Drugstore.’ H . M. Horton, Prop, Valley 14, Alvord 15, Wild Hors« I'm;.' Store, 11 M. Ho.-'t.n, Prop I Iti, Callow 17, Dt..iu Id. » .—U a L a . ixa , Huaiity G>»'. $2 a t ear. r materially change the character of Fred Hamen, llaruey City. Geer & Cummins I I THE CITIZENS BANK i Í i Capital Stock $25000 00 : : :