Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 06, 1901, Image 4

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rSK. i»9t-0
i:.uinc«‘ti iintca
Ketmtrkablt* Cure« of Rhrinuatisni.
Au* now tn eft’thjt to Buffalo,
The chlor of the riutlictitor bu-< New \: k
had occ.teiott to test the etHcacy of
Do j mt \t> * t to attend the Pan-
Chamberlain'» Pain Balm twice America Expositioni’
with the most remarkable results
It so do not buy your tickets un­
in each case. First, with rheutna- | til you have invostigntnl the ser­
tiani in the sl.oukler from which he vice uf the ILLINOIS CENTRAL
»uttered excruciating pain for ten Railrontl.
day», which w is relieved with two
(4ur accomodation* ar* the be.kt
Npplicatii.iis of Pain Bahn, rubbing that can he hud. our iratus ar” al-
the parts nlflictcd ami realizing tn- ' w.iys on time, an 1 “tiiployes coin tn
stent benefit at d entire relief in a ous »mi ucootnnd »ting
very short time Second, in rheu- ■ Through tourist etrs from I’aeif-
mutism in thigh joint, almost pros­ ic Coast to Bosti n via Buffalo
trating hint with severe pain, w liich
If you will reml liititn cents in
was relieved by two applications, stump«, to eddtess given !>• low, w«
rubbing with tne liniment on re­ will foiwartl you. by return mail,
tiring at nignt, ami getting up free otte of our large 34 x 4«> inch wall
trom pain. For sale by H M. Horton maps uf the llnilrd State-, Cuba
Burns; ’’'ml Haiaes, Hnrnev, drug and Porto Rico.
Any information rcgtrgiug rales,
accomodations, service time, con­
Such little pills as DeWitt’s Lit nections, stop-overe. etc. will be
tie Early Risers are very easily
taken, ai.d they are wonderfully cheerfully furnished by
effective tn cleansing the liver anti
bow<l< Citv Drug Store, II M 112 Thinl Street,
Com’l Agt
Horton. Prop. Fred Hames. Har­
Portland. Ore
ney City.
5'roet (tie l'iu</u'<Wvr, Rhlhrrfonitou, N. C.
fl In »u-nmor
«u*nmor can bo prcventoO
y bytaking
£ Ite
’s Emulsion
a3 beneficial Insuinmaraa 3
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to me, are hereby notified
to call at once and settle and save
W. It. Crawford,
Lawen, Oregon.
In wintar. If you are weak or P
run down. It will build you up.
Send Mr 1 re s.? nip le
SCOTT * 1: >WML iberni»««.
4<xs4t5 Pearl Street.
Ne» Vctk.
w and fi oc; all drusg!»ts,
v ‘
’ ». Land Office. Burn. Or , Juae IS, HOI
i t Nolle«
i> ¡hereby <neu that Je»u Varin, ot
Paulina. Crook County. Oregon, ha. Sled notice
of intention to mate proof on hi. deaeri laud
claim No 17», for Ute S', of SK'., Sec «, Tp IS,
S , R it E W M.. before A. C Palmer. I’ S. Com
lul.Mouer al Prineville. Mr. «ou. on Saturday
IkeSnlday ot Augii.t, IV01.
He name, the following wilne-.r. to prove
the complete irrigation and reclamatiou o<
.aid laud
E. B. Wade, Alex E>calle. Ernest Hey and
Alex Ma-kiiilueh, allot Paulina. Crook County,
Oso. W !!()*>. Reflate«.
Good Cough Medicine for Children.
"I have no hesitancy in recom­
mending Chamberlains Cough
Remedy,” says F. P, Moran., a wrll
known and popular baker, of Pet-
ereburg Ya. “We have (iven it to
our cnildren Yrhen troubled with
bad coughs, a!so whoopin’ congh.
and it has always given perfect V 8. land Office. Burns. Oregon. June
satisfaction, It was recommended Notice ;« ht.-*Njr fivan that Manry W Wei
to me bv a druggist as the liest I come of Burn». Harney county. Oregon, ha«
filed notice «>( tatentiou to mate proof on hi*
cough medicine for children as it de.'crt-’aud claim No 27s. for the fractional N’->
contained no opium or oteer harm­ SecSl. Tp 23. b R33 K W M. before Register and
Receiver at Rurut. Oregon, on Sat,i day, the
ful drug.” For sale by H. M Hor­ 20th day of July. 1J01.
ton, Burns, ’¡‘red Haines, Harney. He name» the following wltne«»ej to prove the
You will waste time if you try to
cure indigestion or dysjiepfia by
starving yourself. That only makes
it worse when you do eat heartily
You alwavs need plenty of good
food properly digested. Kodal Dys­
pepsia Cure is the result of years of
scientific research for something
that would digest not only some
elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy that will
do it. City Drug Store.
Mrs. C. E. V inDeusen, of Kil-
bourn , Wis.. was sftlicted with stom­
ach trouble and constipation for a
long time. She says. ‘ I have tried
many preparations but none have
done me the good that Chamber­
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets
have.” These Tablets are for sale at
Citv Drug Store, H. M. Horton,
prop., Fred Haines,'Harney City.
Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
“I have been truobled with indi
gestion for ten years, have tried
many things and spent much mon­
ey to no purpose until I tried Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. 1 have taken two
bottles and gotten more relief from
them than all other medicines tak­
en. I feel more like a bov than I
hive felt in twenty years.” Ander­
son Riggs of Sunny Lane, Texas.
Thousands have testified as did Mr.
R’ggs. City Drug Store.
Headache often results from a
disordered condition of the stom­
ach ami,constipation of the bowels.
A dose or two of Chamberlain’s
£tom teli and Liver Tabiets will
correct those disorders and cure
the headache. Sob! by The City
Drug Store. H M. Ilorton prop,
and Fred Haines, the Ilarncy mer­
Notice is hereby given that the t-.n<l r-
SigneJ. administrator (>f the rstale of
A. J. VanHorn, deceased, hue filed hie
final account and that by order of the
Court of date the 3rd day of tune, 1931,
duly mada and enter» t Monday August
5th, 19M, at 10 o'clock a tn. uraaap-
pointc<l aa the time arid tit Court 1’oont
of the County Court of II trney County at
hurt h , Or-goji, the place for the hearing
of tlie aarpe.
Al! persons ¡nter*-gts,d in sai i estate
pnd the final sett lenient are tiierefore
notified to !»■ an I itpp» ir a* Maid time
gild place and fi e their obj< etiona >
».lid Final account it any thev it.ore.
Published by said erder in the II vsnei
VALir.y Irras, the firi-t publication l>eing
pn the£Ind day of June, 19-H, for four
full week“.
G. W. P orter ,
V. G. Cozad,
CxvMCf, «od Tr.de-Mxrk» ct.t*!ne«1 end ,11 Pet-
ent buu-.:"i«conJ i-.’ed I r Moccsxrr »tra.
OuaOrrier K OrecciTt u, 0. r*TtaTOr'>?t
inJ wc < .u«r tre pa'rr.t u; La, luna t.i^t Ihvte
reme ta fiorò Waantaa toB.
. Scoi
dr*»mg or pV-to., w.th itnnp-
AVo adrùa, |f puroteUe c.f noi, ii..c oi
i .Sarte. Ocr ine net d rf ti.t patera I» »e, ^fri,
a a »iumi.tr ’* How to dialo l’Xeets,” «n:h
J-o»l oi »x-ne >n thè V. 3. »»al
Jwas Irta.
OPP. PATtHf Ornne. WAtMi’vc.rjN. P. r
f , . .
I* 8 Land Office. Barn*. Oregon, June 20. 1X»1
Notice U hereby riven that Alfred C. Wel­
come. of Bums. Harney tonnty. Ore^ou. ha»
fi’ed uot’.ee of intention to make proof on hl«
desert land claim No. 2*>. fur the fractional A’t
>rc 41. Tp^t.S R33.KW M. before Keght-r
and Receiver at Burns. Ore<jn, ou Satnrday.
the 20th day of July. 1‘jOl
He Dames the following witne»*?* tn prove
the complete irrigation and rec la i atlou of
aaid land B P. Well». Henry C. Lerena and
Richard King, of Bur«». Oregon, and l>ave
Turner, of Harney, Oregon.
Geo. W. Haye«. P.egUlcr.
8. I «-j 1 office. Burr», Oregon. May 1«, iooi
Solica 1» hx«jby fires that F»ed Ot!ey
proof bef re
and Receiver al thair office In Birn», Oregon
oa Saturday the
13th day of July. 1301. on
timber culture application No ItSl. for the
N W>4 of ecction No 2S, In Townab'p No 24 8 K
No S J, E W M
He name- a« witnesses Cha» J. Johnson,
fr*d Ot>r. Jr. and f. R Hendrick» of Lawen.
Oregon, and Joseph W, B uc U hmlq of Burn*.
Geo. W. H ate « P.egiater,
V- 8 Land Office. Burns, Oregon. June 4. l’-01
A sufficient« onte-t affidavit baring been filed
in this office by
Thoma« F. Matney,
contestant, against Hornesfcatl entry No.
1210. made July >7. 1 C. fur E'jNE 4 SWINE'«
Sec 34 and 8W^NW>4. 8ec 35,1 p U. 8 R
E by
Cyra.» O. Oillelland, conte>tee, in which it i>
a.'lecid that the said Oru» O Gfdellard ha«
wholly abandoned »a d tract, and changed hia
residence therefrom fpr more tl.^c 6 mont.i»
since jaukuif »aid entry, and next prior to the
date therein, that said tract is not »ett.cd upon
and cultivated by »aid party as required by law.
Said psrtie- a e hereby notified to appear, re
spoud and offer evidence toichiu; raid ailera
tion at 10 o'clock a. m on J ily 15. lyfil. before.
Register and Receiver at Burns. Oregon.
The «aid contestant having, in proper affida
vit filed fate 4. 1801, ret forth fact» which sh >w
that after die diligence, personal >e? vice of
this notice cannot M made, it is here;,/ order
ed Jand directed tha’ such notice be given by
<1 le ,<ud proper publication.
Gao. w, H at *«,
All persona are hereby notified
not to go upon or in any way tres­
pass upon my land known as the
Miller Spring popertv, situated
west of Burris.
M. L Lewis.
comple’e irrigation and reclamation t>f aid
B. P. Welk.
lltury C. Leve • and
Richard King, of Burna. Oregon, and Dave
Turner of Harney. Oregon.
Geo. W Hayes Reslater.
> >v
I^nd Office. Burn«. Oregou. May 23, 1901.
Not ce is hereby g’ven that iu compileac«
with the provition* cf the act of Ccngre»» ef
June 3, 1*7». eut'tled "an act for the sale of lira
bcr land- in the Stale» of California. Oregon,
NeAadaaud Wa»hio;tcn Territory," a« extenef-
ed to all the Public .and State» bv act of Aug*
< hark» K<;per.
of Harney. C»ju. ty of Harney, .State of
Oregon, ha* this day filed in this office his
»worn »uten.ent No. ¿4, for the purcha>e uf the
SWJ4 E‘ z 4 See 14 io Tp no 22 3 range no 32 E W
M an<l will offer proof that the lai d »ought i.
more valuable fur ita timber of »tone than for
agricti Viral purpose», and to e tafrIUh hi»
claim to tald lav J Leforc the Blister and Re
cci ver of thia office at Burn», Oregon, ou 8atur
dav, the 3rd day of August, IVCL He names
as witncase»: W. H Morrison. A. W f| »Wter,
1 ho» liow^cr and T J. Vickers, ail of Harney,
Any and al! per» » bi « claiming adver ely the
abo\ e de crib d ¡and* are repie. ted to file their
claims *n thia < ffee onoy before »aid 3 day o/
Augu*X; 1.01.
Gio W. H aysi
Kegi Ur
CCNlEdr NO lCf.
L’ 3 ¡mud office, Enrin, Ort gon. May 22. 1J?1.
A -uffie.viit «-oiite-.t aihd* ■ it hftvhffc >>♦*♦ n filed
in this office by Richard Brookho>i»e, oon-
Uatant. againat Timber <.*>i!ture entry No. 1133,
made Aug”.»t3, l**v. for Sh'/4 eeetior. 1, Town»
ship 2-i South. Range 12^ E . hy B. r‘. S rirkiaod
Contestee, In irhf h It is alleged that »aid B F.
9’.rick'<au<l has igilcxj to plant any trees, tree
seed* or tree cutting« during the first year after
the date of bis eutry, or plow or cultivate five
sere* t ereof, that he failed to plow or cultivate
goy part of said tract, nr plant any of the same
' to trees, tree seed» or tree cuttings »1 rring the
•ccond year from the date of Li* entry. He
failed to cultivate any part of «aid tract or to
plant any par*, there »f to tree», tro*! seed a or
tree cutting* durirg the third year gifer the
date of b|* estry: tr gt he ha* since wholly
gband.tned •-«* I trget,
8a‘d parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond a d offer evidence touching t>ald ude
gatioiigt JOo clock a. 14, on Jmy 22, 1 j 01, hefofe
RgguUrgnd Rcw.rgr gt th# United Htates Land
Office ¡n Burns. 0-cgon.
The «aid eonUsUnt having,in proper affidavit
filed Muy. 23. l»i. »ft forth fact» which show,
fb.gt after due diligence, personal service of
this notigs cannot b? mad«. It is hereby order­
ed and directed that auah notice be ghen by
duea’.d proper p-ibllcatluti.
UFO. W. H ate *,
Call for Count) ft arrant».
Notice is heteby given that there
are funds iu the county treasury
for the redemption of al! warrants
register*d prior to June 15,
Intertst on same will ctase from
this date. June 14 1901.
R A. Miller,
Treasurer, Harney Co . Oregon.
Outurio Burli» Boute
Leaves Hums for Ontario daily at 0:30 a. m., am] arrives ut Ontario
within 4'2 hours. Single fw $10.00; round trip 419.00. Thtougb
freight Sts |»er IB over fiO Iti»; under 50 IL» graduated rale.
n»irii»—('»uyuii City Ifoute.
Leaves Burn» for Canyon City, Titcntlay, Thursday and Suturi »y,
al 5 a tn., and arrives in Canyon City within 111 hours. Single
fare >7.00; round tup 1131*0. Through irrighi '2 ut» j>er It over
fiOH*«; undvr ftOlbs graduatid rute. P.O Address, Bums, Orujoo,
Office at P. O.
L. WOLDICNBI l RO, JR,, Agl ut Bum».
The moat healing, soothing and
antiseptic Hpplicition ev<-r devised
is IfeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve 11
relieve« »1 once ami circa pi ez.
sores, eczema ami skin diseaet»
Beware of imitations City Drug
Store, H. M Horton, Prop. Fr<d
11 tine“, Harney City.
$1.51 a year, in advance.
Baptist Church Services
Pre idling services al the Baptist
Church every 1st and ‘2nd Sabbaths
in each munth ut 11 u. m., ami ~ .'W
p. tn. Sundiiv school every Sab­
I t the Conntv Court ol the State of Ore­
bath at It? a. m. Prayer meeting
gon lor Harney Conntv.
every Thursday evening al 7:.”0 p ut.
Lt tin* .natter of Smith)
l»oo<U|>ee>L deceased.
Tl.e public coni ally invited to U*
Notice i* hereby given that the under­ present.
sign. d executor «>1 tlie estate lias filed hie
final account an t report of said estate, and
that Monday, the 1st day of July, !»>l,
has he n designate I as the date opon
which said final account will lie heard
and any and all persons interested in said
estate are hereby no»ifie 1 to Le present at
tie* Court House at Burns, Harney <•»»•> .-
tv, Oregon, at 13 A. M.a of the said 1-t
day of Ju.v, 1901, and show cause, if n »
why the said fine I account and report oi
the executor of sael estate slxvtl.l not be
accepted, and said executor discharged
from further liability.
W, L M iesdks ,,
G. W. Have«,
Executor, ’
Attorney for the Estate.
When threatened by pneumonia
or any other lung trouble, prompt
relief is nec< ssary, a» it is dangor-
ou* to delav. We would sllgge-t
th il One Minute Cough Cur»* be
taken as soon n« indications of
having taken cold a-e notic'd. It
cures quick ly an<i its e.trlv tt.*e pre­
vents c >0*11111 ption
City Drug
S'ore. II M. Horton, Prop. Frtd
Haines, Harney City.
wron»*n t • lra»<*l an«l »•t\?rtl*r for •• •! ••tab«-
lubr.j hone* «»f *<»hd fi’*a >• al «landlHf Salary
ITAtay«* r an I
»«•*. a'.l payat'r n raih
So rctva-Jt.K rr | ire I
Give rrfrrrn» •• and
• -elf n Mr-*««»-! »lamp«* » rm eloped.
Adl-r * Mihigcr. 355 CAltcm Kith ( hlcagu.
For improving the Potter Swamp Roid
and the Hoad iro n the Eist end of the
Sw e ’k lane, east to a point eight hundred
fe» t east of the Southeast corner of Se<
tion 1). Townsh’p 23 South, Range I,I
E W M.
Rids for the improvement of sai I roads
according to the plane and speeifica'iotia
of the proposed work now on file in the
office of the County Clerk an 1 whiih will
be file 1 brio e th * Z'Jth dav of June, 19 1.
and as indicated bv the stak-s set along
the line of the last nam*-<i road. Which
bids will b° opened and considers 1 by
the Court on Montiav, July 1st. 1901, at
1 o’clock p. in. of sail date, at the
court room of sai 1 Court, at Burns,
The party to whom the cont’act is
awarded will be required to give a l>oi d
in snubl-t tha amount of hi« bi I to be
approve.! bv the comt. and the court
re« Tvei the right to r*je<-t nny and a I
If It ciiAStraoN.
By F. 8. Rieder,
County Clerk
To the Honorable County Court, II.ir-
nrv Countv, Oregon :
We, thè un b-r-igno 1 is-titioni-ra, rea -
denta, tixpayera, and legai voterà ef
Sad II ; Butte Precirn t. said countv, an I
State, must r<—jartfully petition vom
Itonorable Court to grani a lieense
N«wt Lewis,
to «eli spiritu-
o'ts, malt and veno’l» liquor« i
I “<< qi lutiti*« tal irne gallon in «ai
l’r.-i im t ior ■■ ¡- riod of three u o- tl
tieginning on he S>-vuntli dav of Augii i
J. C. Grty.
M. V. Smith,
Ed. Jordan,
N O. Oar 1,
Win. L Clark,
W:n E. Grav,
E. McCoy, '
P. A. Ri/gs,
John il l>or«ey,
J. L Sits,
C, T. Miilr-r,
W'. R. Crawford,
<ì E. Parker,
J. Rigg«,
C W. Jordan,
G W. Bartlett,
I). W Iordan,
C. Lev«rim*r,
C. W. Driukwater,
T F. Ileina,
J. H. Jordan,
W. B Jordan,
Notice 1« hereby given th it th« under
signed will on the 7lh day of August,1901,
make application tr the Conn’y Court r.f
llarn-y County, Statu of Oregon, for the
granting of the license mentioned in the
above ¡ictition.
Newt Lewis,
Read our new dubbin; o.Tcr co
litt lft«t pr»j;c.
Tbs Moit Powerful Di»lnf ciani.
(Jcodcrixre and iVrmlciJr Known
to Modern 2kl« nca.........................
l.f '.kikri,
Sail - FU;«,
tirai, 1x4,
u4 Cutm4
l et Xiath.
L<>, uf *.')
loot f«*L
Tlio Kind You Have Alwoy* Bought, timi xvblrli ha.» be<t»
In uso for over 30 jittrs, tins bonio tho elffnuturc of
mid h.ts been nmdo tinder lit* per«
■ ’*<»m»l S’tix’rv L«ion Mure Its intuì icy.
Allow no one todoevive you In thin.
All Counterfeifs, IinllnOotis mill •• <lu«t-ii>*-tf <>< m 1 ” uri* but
Ex>»eriineutii Hint trillo with und <ndang< r the lienltli uf
Infants ami Children—Exp< ricavo aqain t Experiment«
Castori:» Is n harmless rabetltuto for Castor OH, l’aro
forte, Drop« aucl Soothing Syrup*. It Is !’• ;
»1. It
contains neither Opiniti. Morpnlmt nor otli *•
substance. Its ago I» its jr»iarnnt'*c. It <!>•**t • « W» r»n
nml allays FererisbnesM. 11 cures DlnrrlHi*n
1 \\ in»l
Colle. It rcltaws T<*« ihhig Troubles, ••tir«*« < •
t., .itimi
and l'lattiivncy. It u.xsiiullat«-1 the Food, re-.--;. .1» « tbo
Stornarli and Bowels, (giving hc.iltby ttrtl n.*i>iral sleep.
The Children’s Panacea -The .Mother’s Friend.
SAKNIUMAS I »HSXTLe ««’•« kor.. J
dlate-Tipar, pittK e.re, O»»ai*. y;r*a»<j h««l,rutr. eor»«,
«leu mctg» v*a <l<>a*
BANNKHüANd PH 1NTLK mra» -bwp uf
foct > >rt
l.rui«* calü t«> ehaep U a It le »a*lly
applfa»! fWVl n»vrr faii«
TOUR TBVIT THXLO -houMb# aprayad «lit
f'bF'iyk. •Lieh «L>»<J».teiji <lc»tivy» ail wui me. Hv«
and 12 •• i
BANWKRMAN 9 PBRMYLM a» a raaaral dla-
fnfa'taiit I- LI t'.ialled, havifK Lear» u.rdum lî
jraar» ati<l *|ll La f< nnd n»aful lu •»•»y h<.»:»fb. M «•
II i enôirud by
rtanr, «antlarr autborittei and béai d« of h tait h ail
nvarfhe i.ntu-1 Mata» I «ad » y tha dly vf Lbkag.»
ovar «eve'i ya«re. ahoby tr»n» lar<a toafc raleare
tbrcnif‘1 ,’tl tha t’nlUd
Ilarntrînan » Fhrayla
leaqually /narantea*! t** prenant ttoa •!»<>»• uama«!
dl*ea*«« a-»d r’arfr-* ail ohnnilott» adora If fraely
n»»d about tha premier». Write for elrc ilarw and
A<w»te wantod Addra»»
rj « ix ts e T9 m « n «* co.
«TZ-VS ClarX Street
Tut cmv»uR crMis»««v. r? mummuy «v»rr»
one in each town to riJa and exhibit n sample tqot model
bicycle of our manufacture. YOU CAN MAKE |I0 TO
SCO A WEEK besides having a wheel to ride for yourself.
1991 Medels
$10 to $18
’0G& ’99 Models J.V1.$7 to $12
/I Wl
500 Second Hand Wheels««» i. ta
UL l j in trade by our Chicago retail »lure», «paj*
maoy g'Kxl «• Ntvr.,,, ........................................
We chip any bicycle QN APPROVAL to
anyone tciinoui a rent d>. uosit tn advance an<l allow
Digests what you eat«
It artificially digests the food and aide
Nature in strengthening and recon­
structing thn exhaiiHted digestive or­
gans. It isthelatcstdiscovercddlge«>
ant and tonic. No other preparot! 1
can approach it in efficiency. It in­
stantly relievc.sand permsnently cure«
DvspepfJa, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Fiatulerne, Hour Stomach, Nausea.
Sick Headache, CfaMraigla,( ramps and
all other results of I nt perfect digest ion.
In Use For Over 30 v
I- S B,r.f.rrn>at> • H»’<*r le
«r«n<»4 U>. !«•
Wlrl-.l WMal. >n<l tUpl^ms et A «.rt et lu. wor!4 (
CelombUA Ktio.ltw-**
Dyspepsia Cure
no rink in onlerlng from vs, ns you do not need to pay
u cent if the bicycle does not suit you.
nil II AT Dllv ■
uul11 y°u ■'*Te written C>r our
MU HUI DU I rACtoeV »IICIS and FltE THAI. OFrill.
This llbersl ofler ha« never been equaled aud la a giunantee of
the qiialitv of our wheela.
reliable p.raon In each town to distribute eataloeuee for us lit
ir u bicycle. Wille today lot free cstalogue and our special offer.
4T •
Price TAc. ui.illl. Ixirznslrocr,nt.«lnr. JH times
«mailsis*. Hook»11 »iMjUldyspvpslaniniledfre«
Praparcd by E. C. DaWITT ACO . Chicago
T eaoe M shkr
CoeyniGHT« Ac
Ar.«».ne WKtlng s r.kelr-h sn.l ite.rrintlr n mar
neV.ir „>-riein our opinion fror whether an
lr,.<-nti<in I. nr '»14. raimUhle. < »mni'ir..-a-
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