Allibi » jü iti Kfic i The Best Advertising Medium. Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. arney VOL. 17. «■m............ H. I». Melnlyr#. < pj»r1rl<»r N < '>«ihrHfir, .............................. PUM I r I M^iiigrr, I mm I Items. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 6. 1901. • I .RO ¡'er Year. Mil Moni ha 7ft ( «Ria. I '1ÍNH PKE'iinENilAL IMfrL'E from the Atlantic to the Pacific an NO. 32. THE ATTEMPT TO Hermann for a just decision, they UUMT HERMANN raIlkd b¡, J,uppor| „„J riv;i, bock again, time after time, in the campaign of last year. A m mat-; delegct^e daily visited tbe Presi­ itlclinrdaon Rays They Will •><• ter of fact, nobody knows definitely How It Came About and the dent—the one composed of syndi­ what the Monroe doctrine is. The Trust» ami Tari If. cate tool», the other representative« President« Firm Stand to I oiled Slates Government ha* of the people. detain Him. never defined it. It is simply a Now, Mr. McKinley knew Mr. settl' d something which the I'uitcd Heruiann ; he had served with him James D. Richardson, of Tennes­ Stat/-» uses to prevent any foreign An articled The Sunday Globe in Cong.ess. and ns the President see, is the niinority leader of the aggression on the American conti- cf Washington, D C., contains the is himself an honest man, he inter- Hardware of Every Description. House, and Chairman of the Dem­ nont. It is made to fit any care following'interesting article on the tained for the Commissioner that ocratic ('ungnssional campaign I that the I nited Stales Government attempt to oust Commissioner Her­ high esteem which one honest nan lll’UNN committee More than that, he OICEUON. wants it to fit. Thf-re is no doubt mann from the Land Department has for another, and he resented a.l was |»ermuiient chairman of th« that the Republican party can put of which considerable mention was • l pressure for bis removal Ih'inucratic Nationnl Convention ns strong u plank supporting the mail« severa' months ago. The The hour of the decision was ap­ ut Kansu* Citv. which renominated Monroe do trine in its n»xt plat­ Sunday Globe say»: proaching, the Secretary’s views Bryan and reaffirmed the Chicago form as the Democrats can, and The General Land Office baa were known to fayor the syndicate, platform On account of hi» prom, that wuuid be practically the end had tome of the ablest and i most ___ and so were Vanderver’s. Then a i inence as a leader in his own party, of th» issue. distinguished «tatesmen at its head las effort and rally was made on what he save rcjrirclii g iasuea ought Mr Richardson, in his interview, from the days of Lincoln to the the President, but he sloo-J firm, o r*2ti»*o«oacbc*osr«v*t** woe* nwacc to rec» ive some < onside-ration He said the Democrats must get back present occupant, ex Congressman and when the friends of Mr. Her­ JOHN W ItiGGN. I’roniJont, II. C. I.EVF..NH, * ha* just had an int« rview in a Dem­ to their old moorings >n the tariff Birger Hermann of Oregon, GKO. FltY, Caaluer. Vico Présidant. • The mann called to stiffen the Brest- ocratic paper in the East in which qucslon This is a [►articular Iy gnat Lincoln, at one period of his dential backbone, if necessary. Mr. he declared the tariff would be the hard slap at Bryan and Bryanisto, eventful life aspired to the position McKinley said: issue Republican«, he assert! d, and will probably raise a howl fr. U X. Iilarkburn PHOTOGRAPHER. administration and Republican Mi ody on a drive through the »etui- »peak, of the Secretary of tbe In­ was. Tbe press and people unani­ T. 1. Ussr1 «••••mor. party lias got the country into such arid fections of Eastern Oregon. terior; but as aruletheCouimij- mously aoproved the Commission­ F. I iMinbsr Marciai » of "«ate. tfiiriiM. Oregon. C « M<-ora nini» Trntuumr. a state of affairs by forcing tbe No itinerary will be fixed until the siooer runs the office, and the bee er’s views, and the Secreta-y, much J. II Ackartnan £4F*Msin Hi —opposite Bank Rupi rub tualmrtlon, United States to become a “world exact date of their arrival ie know.i. retary jierfunctorily approve« bis 1 against his will, had to approve the W II I m <1> Mato Mais». same in tbe face of the verdict of i C. r Wolv»rt.iti powes” that we will be forced to de­ However’ the trip contemplated is rulings. hl a. Baa« Soprani» Judgaa, In the case in point, however, an from The Dalles to Prineville, 1 public opinion. The Secretary mand and secure coaling stations «F A M-xira IŸI «KSDIS A UKAHV effort was not only made to set a- thence via the headwaters of the gracefully did the aet, however, in far off sections, obtaining that . ixsTUcr M. l> I’llIWird De.-chut ’ .es to Burna, Harney cojn- side ihe Commissioner's ruling, " L Uif»drt), John W Geary, and per consequence came in for which we will deny foreign govern­ V m Milter tv. and. if time will permit, on but also to take his official head, bis si Ji re of the applause, and much /'byti' tane <(■ Surgeon». ments on the American continent, C. S LAND OFFICE. HI KN h Knrns. Oregon. hence serious complications foi the through to Malheur County. Mr that the way might be opened to of the credit, as the medesty of th* R»flWar, O»<> W. IUy— «•oatrar. Cbss. Newell rar’llllice at rrMdi-nee. ’1*110110 20. Republican party, according to Moody will make announcement »«at in the office a more compliant Commissioner shrunk from the ova­ of the route when it is determined tool of the sync*icate( Warner Val­ tions which were being tendered HARNEY COi NTY Richardson. J. W Morrow' Joint H«n»u>r.......... Mr. Richardson’s interview ie u|K>n, in order that the stockmen ley Stock Co Jwhich sought to oust the Land Office, aud adroitly turn­ I. N Geer H , KLEBS. M. l> ” Representativo more notable for what he does not interested in pasturage on forest re­ the settlers of Oregon and Californ­ ed, as well as he could, theapplause Jame» K|«rrow County Judgo «ay than for what he save. His serves and those interested i.1 the ia from their lands and homes. and approval towards tbeSecretary I A. Vv Buchan«n Aan>'»»>r effort and pressure was brought to Forestry and Hydrographic Bu ­ wake up to the fact that a man and J.C. Bartlett them being the attacks upon tho Su­ Napt. o( Mchoola bear upon President McKinley to reaus of the Government, nod upon an honest statesman was at the Geo. IVliilb y Surveyor preme Court un»l the free silver dog- ' remove Hermann, and it is mira ­ whose reports pasturage in forest I»r W I. Marxien Dious a lituus helm, and with the customary Conner .......... inn, are interesting features of his I ajo Ricliiirdsoii Hiock Inapei'tor J W. Blfga. Halton Biggs. culous he didn't yield, as the Pres ­ reserves may be regulated in the acrobatism of mere office holders, discussion. The tariff ami Monroe ident nas the rare faculty of substi ­ future, il is important that all in ­ BURNS PRECINCT tthe flunkv cfficsals who had been Attorneye-al-Lair, doctrine is all Mr. Richardson sees .11 fanieeon Justine of the Peano tuting the right man with the terested in the question should aiding and abetting tbe conspiracy nriisn. oitzuoN. I What becomes of free silver ami of . . Geo Tregaskl» 1 < Inn stu hie............ Mr. Newell wrong one. But in this instance, to get the scalp of their chief, now I the destruction ot the courts, of the meet these gentlemen. ^fl^Otll.-c in Bank building. i CITY OF BURNS attacks upon all corporation*, if and Mr, Pinchot both have indi­ to his credit, be it said, be resisted prostrated themselves with disgust­ C. E Kenyon Mayor I the general onslaught upon capital cated a desire to meet the avoo I- the pressure, and Hermann re ing sycophancy and sang tbe praises Jno. Curd well, \l until all «TES A SAX TON ♦ of the Commissioner, whom they U.S. Biggs which are peculiarly populistic and growers of Eastern Oregon, and it tuained. Koi'tir Irr Assistant-General Vanderver was i» expected a meeting will be call-, sought to destroy. But Mr. Her­ UEO W HAVES. JOHN <1. SAXTON Brvanistic ami Dotnoc atie accon'- \V A Gowan rcumicef (I Fle system when on-! £V~N<>tary Public. 'Phene Ko. 2. syndicate, which based its claim on is to be criticized, to eulogize, or less the Republicans are sensible tering it through the mucous sur-1 Ht'HNS* — — — . ■ OREGON. BUHNS (’ll tFTF.R, NO 4», <>. E. 8 the defective conditions under rather record, the truth itself, which euLtigh to take a position looking faces. Such articles should never Meets *e»'on»’ople will not be alarmed unless buviug Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure ning Visiting brothers (risternally in­ grip and have taken lots of trash known a * one of singular integrity you get the genuine II is taken in- thev are pinched. vited. Titos. Sagers, W. M. Chee. N. of no account but profit to the ven­ In this era of compliant tools of /’metical Land Surveyor. The Monroe doctrine wouhi be u ternallv, and made in Tolo Io, Ohio, Cochrane, Recorder. dor. Chamberlain's Cough Rem­ trusts, syudicites and uionojiolies, Hurns, Oregon, very hard thing upon which to by F. J. Cheney it Co. Teslimon- edy . is ttie only thing that has done such a reputation indicates a dan- make nn issue. Probably the Re- i»'9 fr«e. HARNEY LODGF, NO. 77, I O. O F gerous man. from this point of view, any goo I whatever, I have used .Meets every Mattini iv evening, Il <>« n's publican partv will guard the rights Sold by Druggist». 75c. h ill Visiting brothers (raterimlly in­ g W. Mll.I.EH. one bottle of it and the chills, cold of the United States and of the Hall’s Family Pills are the btint. and hence after‘ feeling him out,” viteli. Julien Byrd, N. G. «nd grip have left me. I cougrat- the syndicate set to work to oust C. G. Mini h, Secretary American continent as carefully ns I Notary Public and Conveyancer, ulate.the manufacturers of an hon­ him.from office; and in pursuance would the Democratic party. It is The merited reputation for cur­ of its plans secured oie active aid est medicine.” For sale by IJL M. Mortgage«, Doada, F.te., correctly made. TI’I ECHtCLE. NO. 16», WOMEN OF Office nt Store. Ii.rui, Oregon. possible that Mr. Richardson sees ing piles, sores and skin dircases Woodcraft. Meets 2nd and 4!Ii Tiles- Horton Burns, and Fred Haines an opportunity in the Monroe doc­ acquired by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel of the conspiralo s in the Land dav ut Brown's Ii ill. Mrs. Tillis Jordan, I Harney. Office itself. Th » people interest ­ Salve, has led to tne making of Mrs. lone Whiting, Guardian. trine to build up another falseissuc. Clerk. counterfeits. Be sure ed in a fair decision of the land The Northwest Livestock and Perhaps he hopes to deceive them worthless and g. t only DeWitt’s Salve. City question were not idle, and relying Wool Growers’Journal and Items, with the catch phrase “the consent Drug Store, II. M. Horton, Prop. N Brow n A Sons, Agents far upon tbe absolute honesty of Mr. Queen Quality Shoes. Oregn iian snJ Tt»'iri. 12.00 ♦2 a year. of th* ed,’’which w hiir’«4 Fred Haines, Harney Citv. Geer & Cummins I X THE CITIZENS BANK ¡ S Capital Stock $25000.00 I I !