Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, June 22, 1901, Image 2

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The Vvki4 ofOrcuvti will be call-
I ROM OXT 111,10.
«d upon to cast their ballots nt the
Ontario Argils.
W? do net yet quite know about
m xt regular stat-* election fvr or
A. Venator, county commissioner ;
the trust», says the San Francisco
against utt amendment of theconsti- of Harney county, delivered cattle
Chru iele. We have not yet heard
tution providing for the legislation at tins point to llimlvv A Parsons
of ¡1" V one who ca i show w’W he
for ►hipim nt the first yf the week.
has been tugde pooler by their ex­ kimupASthi' 'Initiative aid
Foreman Chino ami twenty cow-
istence, although, of course, there
may be such It is certain. at any Oregon provide., that n I amend- boys are in Ontario from the‘*1”
ments must pas.« the legisln; ire nt ranch with‘2.<HMt liei.d of cuttle for
Nt» President of the IT. S. will rate. tli£t t o widespread poverty
two successive session*, ami then shipment. The cattle will l e »hip-
eyer be elected to a third tfrm but has vet resulted from them. So
be ratified by u majority vot of (he pct to Colorado and Montana
if it amuses anybody to diseuss the far as can be judged their owner-
I-gal voteis of tic slate. The i- point».
possibility of such an election it ship is more generally distruted
providing lor the i< ilia
than that of the units of which
does no dartn.
N Bionn.,ano of th«1 n cat prom
live ami referendum has twice
they are composed. It is not yet
nt and enterprising pioneer citi
paired the legislature, and now
of Harm v county, ivhh in On-
The New York labor organi. »
goes to th? people for tin ir in’ifi.
tion have j lined in the general de­ them, if anything. One tiling, how­ lion. This is a very importunl ' o tod i v en »oute home from Sun
nunciation ol Tammany, it they ever. we do know, which is that messiue an(J should n >t b' o.-r ‘ ■ ii>cl -eo to Burns, where, with his
will join with the voters agivnsl they ate absolutely helpless in the look. 4 or lightly esteemed by th two M>ns, Mr Br«»w,v is engaged in
Timiuauv, the finish of t*.jit cor hands of the people, and that the jieople of Oregon. If adopted it th-' m< rchaudise business
ruptorganization will bcm sight. I first symptom». of serious injury to will i fiectually shut of! Irgisl.a'i vt-
Dr Pogue went to Baker City ’
the common weal will be the signal
rra'ts. as all important laws w : IT> -day to as-ist Dr. McDaniels
for their .de st ruction. Ev«r»b»dv
bv thy voters before t performing in operation on Sheriff
A courtship of fifty years has re knows that so far as they can do so ■ye voted
It whs fimn I that Mr j
suited in the marriage of a man of they will oppress, but no' xlv th it they can go into effect. Of course I.Qeey.
eighty-six to a giddy voting hrisie we know of c.vt tell her they are if any m. ayure detrimenuil to the Locey was ti o wt ak to withstand
cf rival-.ty-eight. in Michigan; but tfoing to do it. The fact is that interests of ’he people should be the operation a*, that ti’m-, »nd th«>
that is no argument for the general the concentration of industrial enactisi by the legislature it will Dr«, coneh’.fled only to make a low­
adoption of half-century courtships. power under one responsible htid !»• vei.tillat.d before the next elec­ er incision so as to afford a lietter
tion, and will Le voted down, Thon drainage for the alscess Thir >*p
greatly simplifies the problem of
again, it will preuent the enacting erution Mr. L««ccv witIi• towl well
It is not flattering to us that the industrial control by the public
ofs> many frivolous laws in the and the pbysici it.s h<q <* Io build
British should have the first Pa­ \Ve bf'-’e now only one to watch
state, as ambitious legislators will him up in the e.eir futuie so that
cific cable, but the beginning of where formerly there were ii.an v.
not care tn have their trivial meas th» operation intended can I «• suc­
work on the British cable should Neither is it easy to s. e how indus­
nrcs run thegauutlet of an election cessfully porf«»rm?«l. Tbs lat< st
<0iuse Congress to hurry up the trial cot-solidatiiM leads io ^oci il-
by the Tieopie. Ti^en again, it report 1» thu, Mr. Locey is getting
Au^crican Pacific cabk. \Ve need ism. The .ffrirs of the world ure I
and always will be co-itrollvil by would r. su t in the laws jxdng ex- along nicely.
it in our business.
that great majority who have in pres-ed in plain« r anti clqpror
1 he wool growers of the interior
terms, so as to be understood bv
their possession that wh'ch they
make it £ point to !»• i£ <>n-
No higher praise of the ability of
everybody, and would also make it
call their own. and which they in-
Jusr ‘25th ami meet the
the Aimrictn workman is possible
necessnrv for the l'£al voters to ac­
here At that time it
offer of a big Los 1 >n firm
quaint themselves with the st Bute
householder have no more inten­
for the grnweis
to pav the expense« of official <1 1 ■*.
Ians of the state. So it is high
tion cf surrendering their la id to
am! pro!
gates frpm.cny British trades unun
lime for the people to be studying
willing to come to the U S. to
and. regardless of tlç frequent ecu- up this measure ¡o as to be prepar­ »uceessfully and piotitubly dune
»tiyly our methods.
ed to vote on it intelligently.
flic’s between capital and labor,
bv Ibo growers of Wy^iping and
there is not a machinist now on
bl «ho, where f.ssoeislionM were
A very important decision to the strike in America who would not
You mAiy help a d. gout of trouble foru cd at Bawling», Mountainhome
minings'a’es of the west was re- think hie «-banc«« of steady work and no matter what kind of n dog ai.d Cahl v P. As-uranc.» ha, liven
c-. nt.'y made by the supreme court at goo I pa y it.finitely better while he i.-citv dog. country dog, big given 11<^1 quite a nuuil er of wool
of Montana and if sustained bv the business is directed bv captains r.f dog, little deg, educate I or illiter­ buyers wi'l assemble m Ontario on
suj rente court of the Unit» d Slat« s. industry than they would Le if the ate. a-risto: atic or p’c’>, and lie will June ‘25th. at.d it would uudotibt
all mining claims, patented or un­ same business wire
ted by wag his tail into paralysis an4 ex­ ejiy ptove to the interest of the
patented, are taxable property.
captains of politics. If the trusts haust every mngcle in hi« lx>dy tell­ grower» to meet th epi here on that
are the soyrec of a.iv danger it is ing you that every drop of blood in d i e.
The Oregonian is just no v suffer­ economic, and when the public sves , his veins are at your service. Help
ing from a violent attack of McKib - just n hat the danger is it will also! a man out or a ditch and what he !
This season there is a large death
ley phobia, greatly intensified by see how to prevent it by orderly will do for you afterwards depends I rate among children from croup
greatly on his breed There are and lung trmiblr» Prompt net ion
the presid-nt’fl recent announce­ reasonable methods
p'enty of men who are not gs good will save the little ones from these
ment that he wuuld not accept a
a dog in more respect» ‘han one terrible disenMca
We know of
third-term nomination if it were
Strange to say, tl^re is one post-
nothing so certain to give instant
tendered hi —The Dalle,. Chroni­ ollitfo for which there his never — Milton E^le.
relief as One Minute Cough Cure
Icon an applicant for p>«tma-ter
It can »¡so be relied upon in grippi
•Dan” lLji^ett. the author of and ail throat and lung troubles of
Il is in lhe Straits of Magellan, and
Indigestion must have be°n re­ it 1.^.8 been ’here for m$ny tears ‘Dixie,” Old Black Jo-,” Old adults Pleasant to take. City
sponsiole for the report sent to ins It consists of a small painted keg Folks at Home,” ami "Oid Dsn Drugstore. 1! M. Horton. Prop.
b.jpus government by tj,*. German ®r cask and is chained to the rocks Tucker,” is reported to bedding,in Fred Haines. Harney City.
consul at Cincinnati saving: ‘•The of the extrei.;? cape in a mariner so his lonely l.omo high up on a hill­
t :ne is i past when immigrants to that it lloits free opposite Terra top near Mount Yer non. Ohio He NÖTIGE or FINAL *iE1TLEM,.ÿT.
th.? G. S. had a chance to acquire del Fuego. Each parsing»hipseDds is Ht>y< are of age. sr.d d-sth Dcom- ■
ripbes. ” There
mviu is .i
com- a b >at tc take letters out ami put ing s'owly to him by ph'.sie.l and
Noti.-e is hcrebv given that the cn<i<*r-
munity of any size in which a Jiv- others in. The curious postoflice mental dccav; but his mu - ■ will signed, admit.iztrato.' <4 the «-Mato <4
ing .loot,adictien to the con’ufs as- is unprovi ted with a postmaster, live through sue« ceding ng"s. and I. J. V^,illorn, ilwea ¡cd, has file.1 Iii«
final account an.l th.it by order of the
eertion cannot be pointed out.
and is. therefore, tinder the protec­ the stunzz^ wedded to his m.cl .di>-s Court <4 date the 3rd .lay of tunc, l'.i:il,
tion cf all the t>&vies of the world. will be household words when th»* duly mad? and entered Mon lav Any.st
hillock that will bmhi mark his 5th, !!>?!, at 10 o'clock a in., was up-
On.2 of the Presidential party, on
resting place Lai been leveled t»v |s>ii.te<i as the time and tb j Court Room
th? recent Western trip, m t.J : the
J he state grunge of Oregon, at its
if the Comity Court <4 ll.irnry County at
o -servation upon his return to last ses-ion, held in Albany, passed the hand of Time,
fur s Or. gon, the pl.ice for the hearing
Wasbir gton that the irrigation sen­ a resolution opposing th.- govern­
the «.one.
I perzons in'jycfted in »aid estate
timent in the West wa« something ment’s appropriating money for the
"Green goods’’ operators have
of a i astonishment to all, and that building of reservoirs and irrigating begun business again by sending .n i the final settlement u-e therefore
>‘ifie>l to be «nl apfie-ir at said time
lie notict r that auv apusion to the canal» in tr.e ariij lands of the out literature, after taking a r<-'’ c l pl o-o and ti'e their objections to
subject caused greater applause West. This is about what could be for a few years. We arc not going ».. : r i >ai account if any thev have.
and enthusiasm than mention of expected of the state grange of Ore to warn anybody ag..im-t thc---
itl cd by said • r.ler in the H hkniiy
» 1.v v Iri mh , the fir it publication being
th? nation’s triumphant arms or gon. comments tie- Snaniko Leader, I operdtors, for the obvious reason
i ti;>-22nd day of J;p0, JS.I, for four
; u • expanding commerce or pros- as ail there i*, of it is in the '.Vil- that no honest n. an will be gulled
full weeks.
pe.i y, one or ull together.
lamettf valley, where it rains al­ by them ami we don’t care a con­
most thirteen montbs in tlje year, tinental what becomes of the other
V. G. Coz,iil,
fellows. If a dishonest fool w^nts
Over-Work Weakens
have to hunt around for their wells to throw away his money, let him
Vour Kidneys. with
do it.—Milton Eagle.
a >xd-*.
ptbsaltliy KUiicys Hake Impure blood.
Au octogenarian gives the follow­
It’s a poor rule that won’t work
All the b!
i:i; ?i:r body pxsocs through
To the Honorable Go mty Gouri, Har-
your kidney.i ones every three mir.uieu.
ing maxims ft.r Jong lilp: ‘No [lies both way;. Many a won;an has
ney Countv, Oregon :
'.ho b kidney?
‘-’—"■ are ' your
dr /—i s ’
blooa purlfxrs. they fil­ or cakey, no pain or aches. Most succeed <1 ;n making a for, I of a
We, the underrigne 1 petitioners, ron»-
ter cut lhe ". if 3 cr men dig thtir graves with their man, and so e few women in mak­
dents, taxpayers, and legal voters nl
Impui p.lei in
H liiey are sick ¡.f out teeth. Don’t get excited; every ing a man of a fool, »ay» the .St Saddle Butte Precinct. said county, an I
r f c: iur, they flii to do t me you fret you lose a minute of Louis Star. Wo don’t believe any Hint«, most r.-n;» ctfully petition your
their work.
Honorable Court to grant a license
1 a'ns, acl:e;ar.4>bct life. If you over work your liver it woman has ever yet, or ever will,
Newt Lewis,
to sell spiritu­
riati2:n come f-om cz- wi i soon tell on vour brain. Live
make a man of a fool. It is one of ous, malt and venous liquors in
cn?*> < I uric aci! In the
L!o^ducto r.cgleu.ed ike a farmer and you will live like I the impossibilities of life ami be­ leas qnintilies than one gallon in said I
kidney trouble.
£ princ”. Men can live ten days yond human nature
Precinct for a period of three a.oi.tl.s
Kid.»oy t.o«.hie c:i-icn quick cr ur.feody
beginning on the .Seventh day of August, I
heat t be itu, ai 4 1. ..1I .. one fed aa though without citing; tlmy don’t do it
1901 •
ytey had heart iroubio.) • • tlia heart is u itl.o it puie air for five minutes
The Pacific Miner, a .'•emi-monUr-
jMSr-wotkit.j 1.1 p.ir.iph’g ihlck, kii.-.ey-
If you catch colde.it an onion. Em­ ly publication recently started in
po!.-.oncJ L-lcod thro .j;', vci-.a and a:!:iies.
J. C. Gr ty.
M. V. Hrnlth,
I: tt^c-l to Le c, •■. !- .cdll : or.'.-; i rinary ploy your^f in useful work, an^
Portland, is a new exchange to Ed. Jordan,
N O. OartJ,
jroublcc were to la traced to lhe kidneys,
fi.it new mo«torn s- icn<.-, p-uvei that rearty take plenty ol cx*r< iÿ?,
Win E. Gray,
reach our t^ble this wiek. It is Wrr. L Clark,
a I constitutional diseases have
I <u-
ni i’i.» !.i Incy lioubis.
f If you aic : !.-k you can rrakc no ni lake
Whisky is ;r jcrrible thing’ tp be
py first dcctoih j yctir kidneys. T!.e n.il l
But there is one thing to be
g.. 1 thee?! ao. —..ary cii;-.. cf Lr. »'.¡lr^sr's
pwanip-ltoof, tiie great kidney remedy ii ?aid to the cred t of whisky: It
>oon rea'lzeil. It .finds ¡!:c hxher.t f-.r its
y/ondc-.f.il cures r.f the ir- ; u distressing c.'-ies w 11 let you alont if you let it alone,
end I.; sol ! on It -. r i.ultj
but gossip will hunt you up,
\>; alldirg,ffstS(.»fifty-
whethci you're in tp^» gamepp pc{.
eent and o:io-dollar slz-
You Iray ha. e a ~ —--^i-
z ample Lottie < / iiifi.l n«n:.»».rr«.>-•>
«Iso par..,-4..at UUlr.g yott how to Un*
Eighty per pgpt of thp fijilqpff of
put if yon ba» e kidney or bladder trouble. I
country are business concerns
tlcnlivn thu r H’' r
writi: £ Dr. Kilr.ev |
at do mt 'dvertisc. — Bradstreet
nfhaintop. fl. Y;
¿1 :
devoted exclusively to mining ami
is the only periodical of its kind
ir. Orejon. \Vu jjrish its publisher;
Thirty-five clips of this year’s
wool have been sold up to this time,
and the In vest price paiq was IOJ c
for one clip. All the others brought
iron lie to lip per II;.—Shaniko
• r.
F. A. Riggs,
E. McCoy,
John < i. fiorrey,
J. L Hitz,
C. T. Miller,
W. It. ( rawford,
G. E. Parker,
•L Higgs,
C. W. Jordan,
G. W. Bartlett.
D. W. Jordan,
C. Levenmer,
C. W, Diiukwater,
T. F. Heinz,
J. H. Jordan,
W. R Jordan,
Notice is fieieliv given that the under­
signed wiil on the 7th day of August,l'.MI,
make application to the County Court of
II irney County, State of Oregon, for the
granting of the license mentioned in the
itUive i*>’itjnu.
Newt I ew i«f
The Eagle Will Scream
July 3,4» 5 and 6, ÍQ01.
Filisi’ DAY, JULY 3.
Firat lloco. 1-1 mile d i>>h, fr-e for all ........
1 —j m;l<< rl.ish. for 11 Huruvy Uom.lv »addle
Second Luc ,
horses that ticver tun for public monri ............
.-EUONI» DAI. eJClxly ^uEr.
Headed by tho Band foil. t<d by lb p'li»- Drpartinviit. Liberty
wiiyy:». Floats, <.:ln u* umi Pltigugli«u ■ M «r.-li to Floral Hall.
Mu-ic .
Burr.* Band
Kea ling Déclaration of lo I. pendei:
A \V (law» «
Patriotic Sings .
Gite Club
Orator of jllir Day
............ ....
Tiiori.ton William»
Bailie ue with |xit of lie nut, coffee ¿Mid ba-ket dinner un
the ground* I Barb«.<> und« r munugt uh nl of Ju« Smith )
Afternoon sp irts H mdi -.-p Bi-yi L. r.«ee, pur-e $’2 '; sack race
1*2 50; long jump f’2 5”;
yard (u’>l race, five for all, *'2 .’it»;
greased pig |‘2 •*>»; grra-cl pili- 1'2 ill.
No admission t<> th'' ground on tlo* Fourth.
3-8 S mile da>>h,
dash, free
fre«< for
f«»r all
I—I mil«< d.««>h, for lltirjiey County saddle horn * llul Imvo
never won first money.................
Hoping contest, no entrance
FOL’Itril DAY, Jl’LY G
I-i mile «lash, free for all
. .
3-8 mile dash. f»r Harney County saddle burse» that iiavu
never won first money
Consolation race for non winner» Datcand distaix eto be fix« «l 75
Indian pony raw, *2 mile«, no entrance
Juvenile Ba»« b«’ 1 <«ame, Purse $ 10.
Magnilicsnr Fireworks tjisplay and Grand Ball, the
evening of the Fourth.
Alon11,, Oregon.
.a i4 far Clral'ia’a.
Th» damanti tor
<r*<l a'c« <»f the N rrua! Mrh’wd dilHug Che |»u*l
) a««r h«a l«t «<|l I I • ii Ur) >>l.«| ll»«A Mippljr
il JO» with fr >tu u*) no In |7 Jjjvcr month.
I a \
►•1 kfl
( ritlHestra Mh<|
dtud. r.l a rf«rrpnr«<| «»rihr Slata Kiamloa
t!o • a1» I rea«! ly *nlv l ai«* |»n|>vr« rn gradua
I ‘ on.
Arah nj'. « | |»r r »lunal Courva
" • I <’filpi»''! rrnlnl
-¡"i*iu«nt Kipcn»a«
rani«? ir »tn IIto 41“
yrar. Fa.I term
'P*‘tt»Mi pr |7U i F r ■
» ¿or r tttalulng full
tn »un emeiit- n«l<jr««
or J II V
Herr« tar;,
l*rcal<1 «ni.
"B l J mt cl
X-1 ex Ic a x~,
Carries u full lino of Broadcloth, Silk Plush, or Velvet, also
A Full Lineof Varnished and Metallic Caakets
and Coffins.
A complete line of Burial robes, etc.
£W"*Ea8t of Welcome’» drug store.
r . .
“The Chicago
« •
■ m M.
n; r.
*4 s'
PRICE - $35.
Tito most simple, practical and durable
I tpewiiler on the market at any price.
Ask for catalogue.
IS. 'Tus.
General Agent,
Oregon, Washington and Idaho. Albany. Ore.
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