a? ■¿■■4L Ax. I I • ' Puuhsheü id the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon, I he Oldest and Most R ä li able. The Best Advertising: Medium. > 9 'te'V ' Harney - —------ -- ----- ------- If, II. VOL. 17. I <^»l ! Items ■ r*AM>rU>lujr BURNS. OREGON, SATURDAY. JUNE 15. 1901. ■wwcw—^1— W OREGON NOIES Interesting News From Different Part« of the Ntate. Geer & Cummins ■ I I Illi th« largest holder of wool in thia section, hi« participation was neces­ sary to make the combine success­ ful. The wool was sold to Eastern dealers. REPLY OF GOV. GEER H im A. Cottert, who lived on a ranch about 12 miles from Durkee, in Baker county, died suddenly June 6. The body was taken to Durkee, and Coroner Snow called. It was brought out in the evidence before he Coroner’s jury that Cottell and a party of friend«, among whom was Stella Mead, a notorious char­ acter of Baker City. had l>eea in­ dulging in a prolonged alcohol and morphine spree, from the effects of which Cotteil died The verdict of the Coroner’s jury « as death from alcoholic and morphine poisoning. A few weeks ago Stella Mead was married ton man by the name of Kesler, who committed suicide in a few hours after the ceremony was perfoimed, as a result of a alcohol and morphine debauch. The Mead woman was recently confined to the insane asylum at Salem, and has onlv b en out a short time NO. 29. ■ 1 pay, declaring that he had brought the rain. The doetori» somewhat sceptical about the Indian having produced the rain, but doesn’t know how to get out of bis bargaiu.—• Views on a Third Term for Times-Mountaiaeer. Frawiiient M Kinlev. A CUKÍOUH WILL, Salem, Or., June 6—Governor A rather peculiar will was made Geer today received tne following at Oregon City several years ago, ............ telegram from the Chicago Ameri­ while later developments in the OH EGON. can: character of a legate singularly “Will McKinley be the first Presi­ l.avt fitted them «elves to the legal dent totiave a third term? • locument. Under the terms of the “Have conditions so changed will two bi others McNamara, that a third term is advisable? minors, heired valuable property at The shearing of the half million “What do declarations bv such Oregon City with the condition that Lakeeounty sheep will be finished men as Senators Depew. Kearns should either of the brothers fail to i n about a week, after which it is aod Hanna seem to indicate?'’ bear a good reputation on arriving *«M»«« FRY. Cashier. Coati ter. Vice Vice Free i'reaideut. idea t. j reply tonight: should heir ail the property. latke county clip of 1901 ia said to "I do not believe McKinley will One of them has proved a hard be a superior quality, long fibre, be the first President to have a third customer, having been an inmate clean and heavy. term, nor that the man is born who of the State Reform School, also Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cobb crossed • • wi'I. For many reason» McKinley serving time in Washington and f (Incorporated f (lniorporatcd ) the Cascade Mountains bytheSxa- will rank in history as one of our Multomah county jails. He is now f BUKNH. — — OKEUON. tiam route about 10 days ago They greatest Presidents, but no combi in jail at Hillsboro on the serious found anew for 10 miles, and it nation of circums.ances will make < charge of larceny from a store. It averaged about five feel deep At t it necessary for him to be seriously i seems that the testator had reason A thrifty Dutch Fl it farmer, of considered by any one as a third J A General Banking Business Transacted. times they had 12 horses hitched to mistrust the boy, else male a the Popnlrit persuasion, tried a lit­ term candidate. I have i o idea j to one wagon. Il took them four ® Directors: W. Y. King, I S Geer, Geo. Fry, W. E Trisch. good guess. * J. C. Welcome. days to cross the summit. They tle game on the County Clerk, says that he has ever thought so him­ •BOB a BBBOB O e B BB e BBOB BBB O w*. BO BBBB BWOB BBBOaB4»BBB BBBB tried the McKenzie route, but failed, a Dilies paper. One day a week self. No matter how conditions before the farmer brought to the The girls this summer, ire to might change in this country, the A Portland lawyer will test the Clerk’s office one ear and put of wear the net waist, a garment so proposition that no man should OFFICIAI. PIHECTOUl state barber law on the point that the scalp of a coyote, which he PROFESSIONAL CARDS serve a third term would still be gauzy and transparent that one can i the word ‘ barbering” in the title claimed he had killed on hie place see every pulsation of their dear the best public policy. The dec­ «TAT« or ORKOON of the act is not found in any dic- with strvchriine. He wa9 allowed little hearts. One who has inspect­ lJ<>M»b Simon U. • M*«»aU*«a. ■ MctfULUM, larations of the prominent me iyou 1U W Mcllrldr tioru-y, therefore does not su i- the bounty of 92, although th« ed these new-fangled waists turns 1 M 4 N»odv CunfttMueii, name indicate nothing more thana 1 Thn«M< lol sua 'cientlv describe the business sought Clerk was i.i some doubt as to the himself loose as follows: desire to be sensational along the P1IOTOGRA1 HER. Attorn«y . 1. U Ankarmau ««»l Fab taMearfea«, Main Hl —opp<»sitc Bank doubt as to wha'th-» public mind W H •Kai« Trluter, of the legislature, laws hare been crookedness at the bottom of ihe year ke-p throwing their elotliss will say upon this subject. I bare if K «.JsrrU.o ret aside on flimsier pretexts. Tl< H. K«ati • upraaa Jy «viaria <(- Surgeone. j the circuit court for Maricn county with one ear and the surrounding departure from the established cus­ and fewer-what -»ill be th*» end of tj. a I.AWll IrfM'l. et'RNa Barna. Oregon. Monday the one suit that had been scalp missing Of course, he had a tom of the country upon the ques­ it all? Oh, what will the shirt­ Oao a llij" 9l««tBU*r waist man take next from the Cteaa. fttovell ffSF"O'tb-r at rreidrace. ’Pilone 20. Maral var. : brought to suppress these machines story to account for the missing tion of a third term things be has to wear? And what HARMEY (NJ v NT Y was dismissed In a very few min­ ear. but it didn’t work with the, “T, T. Geer, Governor.” will the net waist girl throw off her Clerk worth u cent, and his palp ­ J. W. Morrow • Joint SrnaUM .... utes thereafter practically all of the LH Ueer RevriMirntaUv« .............. shoulders now so bear? able attempt to cheat county out of machines in town were r turning H I. KLEna. M. 1» JOAQUIN MILLER RICH. Jaui«« S|iarrow County Judgo The shirt waist juan And net- 92 fell through. full blast, A placard on the ma- < A. Venator Phynician and Surgeon. CommiMÍonor« waist girl go rollicking down tke 1 Geo. Hagvy chines announces that a cigar is Thurston Petfvjohn a as arrested Went to Beaumont,Tex., Before way. Have we started a thread Buras. Oregen. ...H. Richarcaon Clerk ................. given with every five cent piece de- by Sheriff Congleton Monday at Oil Discovery. Geo. Hhelley that is going to end in the old ng Sheriff ................... . . IF“ Office over Voeglly’s hardware posited in the machine. Powell buttes, says the Crook Conn- R. A Miller Treasurer ................. ....... leaf, some day?—Ex. store, Main St. Joe Buchanan Letters have been received atEn- AwMAiMor ... . The cold wave which swept over Journal. Pettyjohn is wanted Hupt, of HehooU .,.. .......... J. C. Bartlett Eastern Oregon this week did great *n Linn county for horse stealing, gene by relatives of Joaquin Mi.ier, .... Gen. Whiting Hurveycr ............. Persons who are familiar with the damage to fruit and yegetab'ea. »ttrmpt was made last spring formerly of Canyon City and the a tgoos. IB W. L Marrera Coroner ............. country are of the opinion that the first county judge of Grant county, From the Burnt River and Eagle t0 orref‘t hi,n an- 11,8 Partner near I mo Ru h u daun Slock liiapr-ctor J. W Bits*. tMItoa Bict. j Southern Pacific, besides tapping that he has made a fortune It Valley districts, where the best Sweet Home which resulted in the RUKkiri FRKCiNCr Attorneye-at-Ieiv, rich timber belts a d gaining other seems that a few months ago he be ­ fruit and vegetables in the state wounding >f his partner who con- J ustión of the Frane .. ..D. Jameson BI'BXS. ORBOnX. local business, will make the Klam­ are grown, the report comes that f,!88,n low a*118 OXO W HAYKS JOHN0 SAXTON. W A < iowan Teasurer He was headed for the the then village of Beaumont, just ka on the California coast to Biggs as 23 above zero Tuesday night. In county, (J C. Folev, Atlorneyeat-lMW, J A’. F. Trinch. Ceum-ilmno 1 Baker City the Weatheru Bureau Silver Lake country and no doubt before the oil discovery at and i>«ar on the ORA N on the Columbia Jv * Weekly • intec-Oceaa sun taivi nier, J whereupon the damage they will do is ten fold to 1 raised Meet« nt Rrown hall ev»rv Friday eve­ p M JORDAN. to travel much. ning. Vialtins brother« fraternally in­ the good you can possibly derive Indian asked how much the doctor ^a8 l*,e ,,’°81 complete news ser- vited. TI km . Sagers, W. M. Ch*s. N. anJr Paper in the I mted 8. A lleilner, of Baker City, sold from them. Hail’s Catarrh Cure, would give for a good rain. “One v*ce Practical bind Surveyor. Cochrane, Rtcorder. hundred dollars,” said the docto •, ‘Sla,e8- Re«d eur clubbing offer. al) of his wool last Friday, which manufactured by F. J Cheney A Baraa. Ora**a, he bough', last year and this, over Co , Toledo, O , contains no mer­ “Very well,’’ responded the Indi n, ------ -•*»------- HARNEY IXIDGE, NO. 77, I. O O F 500 sacks, or about 175 000 pounds, “ I ’ ll go make it rain, you give me Thig seft((On cury, and is taken internally, act Meet« every Satnrd«v evening. It own’s This season lhpreiH therein a (argc large death death h ill Visiting broth rs fraternally in­ g W. M1LI.KK, at a figure which averaged cents ing directly upon the blood and hundred dollar.” The doctor as rate among children from eroup vited. Julian Bynl, N. G. per pound This is the largest sin­ mucous surfaces of the system. In sented, and the Indian-repaired to auditing troubles Prompt aetiou 0. G. It, Hecrstary. Notary Public and Conveyancer, himself Hnd w*^ ! form at a by F. J. Cheney A Co. Tesliiuon night and by Thursday was pour­ It can also be relied upon in grippe Nirs, lone Whiting, Guardian. Clerk. meeting of the growers of Eastern ials free. ing down in torrent«. The next and all throat and lung troubles of The Northwest Livestock and | Oregon to be held it) Baker City Sold by Druggists. 75c. day Mr. Indian appeared at the adults. Pleasant to take. City Wool Growers’Journal and Items, Drug Store. H M Horton, Prop. early in July. Mr. Heilner, being Hall's Family Pills are the best, doctor'» house and dimanUcd bis ♦2 a year. Oregonian and Tierna. 92 íK) Fred Haines. Barney City. Hardware of Evory Dose ri pt ion. A state in oat given out by the War Department thews that all bu 97377 of the claim of Oregon of 940.258, for outfitting her volun­ teer» during the Spanish War, lias been paid. i THE CITIZENS BANKI : Capital Stock 325.00000 ! * ' 1