Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, June 01, 1901, Image 3

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    Local and General.
County court will convene next
N. Brown A Sone. Agents for
Queen Quulitj MUoes.
W. T. Hill, of Lawen, was a visit­
or Bunday and Monday.
Wm. Bennett, of Narrows, was a
business visitor Monday.
Proper Compounding
Of prescriptions la no child's play.
It roquires conscientious care and
accurate knowledge of drugs and
their relations tueachotlnr. We
lake an honest pride In the purity
of our drugs, ai.d the skill end ac-
euracy with which we compound
Ikcui on your pbyaiciau'a order.
Burns Drug Store
L'm is n 1
' ■
l*ot*on Creek Notes.
Walter Gray was a visitor from
Lawen the first of the week.
C. 8. Johnson was a visitor frutu
the Warm Springs Tuesday.
The water cases are to be heard
June 25, at least, so wo are inform­
M. B and L. B. Haves were up
from Lanen lust Munday on busi­
Geo. Maupin and sou arrived
from the railroad Munday with
Yuu can be assured of agool
time by coming to Burns the
Peter Mortimer was in from hie
horn» east of Harney Thursday tn
Polk Gearhart of the upper
Calamity country was a business
visitor Tuesday.
(. harks Miller, colortd, for a
Born, to tho wife of H. B. Couch
short time employed here as cook,
in Burns, May 26, 1901, a boy.
Mr. and Mrs. James Pirie, of Cow a year or two ago, is und^r arrest
Creek, were visitors in Buras at Sumpter on suspicion of killing
a young mtn at the North Pole
urine boarding house. Millor it
G. W. Clevenger has sold his lot will be remembered served a short
north of the furniture store to Geo. sentence in the Harney county
Dyer and Fred Brown.
yail tor steilirrg chickens, and
Avery Harrison, of Island City, shortly after bls release from the
is paving a short visi. to his uncle, jail on this charge, was arrested
agaiu for an Hxsault on China Ock
Assessor J. W. Buchanan.
with a potato ma/d>er, but escaped
Mis Jas. F. Mahon and little
SLerif! McKinnon going to Canyon
daughter, Pearl, were visitors from
City, and later to Sumpter. Mil­
Anderson valley this week.
ler admits killing a man in Tenne-
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Allen were see in 1877. No date is set for Lis
gU'-sts of Mr. and Mrs J. W. Stew­ preliminary examination.
art last Saturday and Sunday.
R A. Miller has presented to the
Wm McKay, a sheepman from Native Sons, a map drawn bv his
Reno, Nev , was in town Monday father in 1853 from a drawing
enroute to Crook and Grant coun­ made Ly a member of lire immi­
grant train discovering the much
Atty Thornton Williams »turn­ talked about blue Bucket mine.
ed Thursday from Canyon City Notwithstanding theiapscof years
where he want to attend Circuit since the drawing, it is still legi­
ble. The map marks out a pool
Harry Smith, tho bnckmasoii, near the bead of th» east fork of
left Tuesday fur Crane Creek where the Deschutes, near which the gold
he has several days work fur C. A. was found When compared with
a map of today of the same country,
W. A Gowan has received an ap there is a marked difference which
pointment as clerk in the Burns would make the relocation of the
Lund office and has entered upon place very difficult, if not impos­
hie duties.
I K. Venator was i.i fr«rn his
home at Venator a few days the
past week
He save that his
brother, A. Venator, will start for the
railroad in a few days with a band
of 400 head of cattle, which they
recently sold to W. D. Hanley and
are to deliver at Ontario. He also
informs tie that his sister Miss
Rose, who has been side ut the
home of her bother Grant in Port­
land since January is improving
and expects to return to Harney
that Mrs McKinley is standing valley soon
the trip well.
Burns Lodge, K of P,. will re­
C. E Kenyon is having some ceive a visit next month from a
interior changes made in the P. number of grand lodge officers
L 8. Co building, one being the They are: Grand Chancellor, W.
removal of the tire place, and a L. Bradshaw; past grand chancellor,
new flue built.
Wm. M.Cake ; grind prelate, J. W.
Mrs. W. Y. King returned borne Maloney; grand keeper of record
from Baker City Tuesday where and seal, L R Stinson. The date
she went as a delegate to the grand set is June 17. Although this is not
lodge of Rebekahs, which was in th» regular meeting night of the
session there lust week.
lodge, th» metnbors are requested I
be present.
J J. Douegan on his return from
Charley Rann returned lait Sat­
Frank Whiting is busily engaged
Alva Springer »»< up from lúa urday from sever >1 weeks absence
improving his mountain ranch.
hum» south of the Lake several in Happy valley where he bae been
thia week.
All lines of v«v**lAtion seem to be
working for J D Jenkins.
growing prosperously on Poison
C. M. Kellogg, the stage man,
Drs Marsden and Geary per­
war looking after business interests formed a successful operation uptn
Light frost on the head waters of in Burns Tuesday.
.Mrs. James Angell, of Izee, last
Poison creek Wedneedny night
fur the removal of a fibri-
H W. Welcome A Co. received
last. No damage dune.
a largo consignment of freight from cue tumor.
The Culp lano in almost impass­ the railroad thia week.
President McK’.rley started on
ible and therefor» needs the atten­
N, Brown A Sons, Agents for the return trip to Washington last
tion of the County Court.
Pres» dispatches state
Queen Quality Shoes.
Frank McClintook. Andrew Lit­
A number of horses are in train
teral and George Whiting have se­
ing for the races Fourth of July
cured unto themselves < a -h a ranch
week. Some good race« are usur­
on the head waters of Poison creek
Harry Smith, of Burna, mired
J. V Pierce, the father of A. J
his wagon loaded with forty hun­
Pierce, of Hi',vies valley, died
dred weight of brick and lime in a
Thursday of last week at John
slough in the Culp lane last Tues­
Jorgenson has stationery, scrap
A. W Culp is now druwing wood books, sterescopes, thermometers,
to Burna, and all that are nee-ling hammocks. Murine, etc. Call and
good fuel would do well to give see him.
him a «all aud gel first class ma­
Born, to tho wife of Henry Guod-
loe at their home soatlr of Harney,
Claud» McGee, I<eln and Ethel May 24, 1901, a boy. Mother and
hie sisters, together with Myrtle son doing well.
Jameson and Dr. Brownton were
C. 8. Biggs. Deputy asiwssor,
enjeyirig a fishing «■ »«on on the
R. C. Angevine left Monday
Poieon creek ranch of A W Culp
this week, the result of which was nworning on a tour of tho southern
the catching of more ticks than I art of the county.
N. Brown A So is, Agents for
Queen Quality Shoes.
N. Brown it Sons, Agents for
A child was born Thursday
Queen Quality Shoos.
morning to a family named Childers
immigrants enroute to Idaho. Dr.
8TOC K HOLD E RS’ M E E TING. Klebs attending physician.
Burns Flour Milling Co . Ltd.
The regular meeting of the Stock­
holders of tho Burns Flour Milling
Co., Ltd, will be held on Monday,
June 3rd, 1901. at 2 o'clock p m ,
at the office of N. Brown «2 Sous,
Burns, Oregon, this being the regu­
lar place of meeting.
L kon M. B rown , Secretary.
Burns, Or , May 14, 1901.
All persons uro hereby notified
not to go upon or in any way tres­
pass upon my land known as the
Miller Spring property, situated
west of Burns.
M. L. Lewis.
All parties knowing themselves
indebted to me, are hereby notified
to call at once and settle and save
W. R. Crawford,
Lawen, Oregon.
You will waste time if you try to
cure indigoation or dyspepsia by
starving yourself. That only makes
it worse when you do eat heartily.
You always need plenty of good
food properly digested. Kodal Dys­
pepsia Cure is the result of years of
scientific research for something
that would digest not only some
elements of food but every kind.
And it is the one remedy th At will
de H. City Drug Store.
a trip to tho P ranch and Callow
R. Hankins, sr., and wife, of
valley Tuesday brought back an Silvies valley, were visitors in
old Indian morlar which he pret- town Monday. Mr. Hankins ha9
.ented to tlur Native eons.
sold his ranch property in Silvies
Ed Noble, of Venator, was a i alley to Wm Bennett, of Narrows,
Burns visitor Monday- He return­ and informs us that he is to give
ed home Tuesday and will accom­ possession at once. He also dis­
pany A. Venator to the railroad posed of part of his cattle. He
has not made up his mind where
with a bunch of cattle.
he will locate, but may become a
Jean Ingersoll came over from resident of Burns.
the Westfall country this week,
John Venator is expected to
and has been engaged bv Scotty
in Burns about July 1. from
Bailev and Ed. Caldwell to train
Mich., where he lias
the racers, Gray Dandy and Bill
course in law. John
All work intrusted to Sol David­ Nye.
has completed his course, standing
A new line of Spring samples at
son, the jeweler, will receive prompt
among the first in a class of 2,800
J. Coiuegys’ Tailoring establish­
attention; satisfaction guaranteed.
students. On hie return to this
ment opposite the postoffice. Suits,
At Welcome's drug store.
county he will decide on a place to
120 up. Millinery. Ladies, suits,
locate for the practice of his profes­
Join the great prosession headed
men’s hate, men's suits, gloves, etc.,
for the O C. Co, Huntington,
cleaned and dyed.
They uro the wide awake, success­
The rain fall the first ot the week
Memorial dny was obe-'- •*>d with
ful, tried and true firm. The great­
been of great value to farmers
an appropriate progra ., and the
est slock at the lowest prices.
section. While grain was
services were well attended. A
A stonemason has been ongaged large concourse followed the band not suffering, the wetting seemed
the past week cutting the 6tones and G. A. R. to the cemetery to to put i.ew life in crops. If the
present fair prospects continue the
fur the winduw sills of tho Catholic pay tribute to the dead.
growers will have an »bund
church in course of construction.
The Government loses in the In­ ant harvest.
Masons will resuma the laying of
sular case. This case was to test
stone nt an early date.
M. L. Lewis, representative to
the tight of the government to im­
NOTICE—Having dis«wntinued pose taxes in our insular posses­ the grand lodge I. 0. 0. F., which
the wood business, I desire that all sions. The Foraker act gives the met at Baker City last week, re­
parties indebted to me, call and government the right, but previous turned home Wednesday.
Lrwes reports a pleasant trip
settle as soon as convenient. At to its passage, it had no right.
and an interesting meeting of the
Lunaberg A Dalton’s.
If you are not a customer of the grand body.
F. 0. Jackson
0. C. Co., Huntington, you are
N. Brown A Sous, Agents for
Deputy Clerk F. 8. Reider is in making a mistake. They are the
Quality Shoes.
receipt of a letter from Ed Morris, founders ®f honest goods at honest
the popular druggist, formerly in prices. Have assisted our people
the employ of H. M Horton, but more than any other firm in East­
The Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean
now at Juneau, Alaska. Ed states ern Oregon. The people appreciate has the mo»t complete news ser­
that he will leave shortly for Buf­ their presence, and are giving vice of any paper in the United
falo. N. Y. to attend the Pan-Amer­ them their trade.
States. Read our clubbiug offer.
ican exposition.
Mrs. C. E. VinDensen, of Kil-
Headache often resulta from a bou-n, Wis., was afflicted with stom­
“I havo been truobled with indi­
disordered condition of tho stom­ ach trouble and constipation for a gestion for ten years, have tried
ach and constipation of the bowels. long time. She says, “I have tried many things and spent much mon­
A dose or two of Chamberlain's many preparations but none havo ey to no purpose until I tried Kodol
Stomach and Liver Tablets will done mo tho good that Chamber­ Dyspepsia Cure, i have taken two
bottles and gotten more relief from
correct theso disorders and cure lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets them than all other medicines tak­
the headache Sold by The City have.” Those Tablets aro for sale at en. I feel more like a boy than I
Drug Store, H. M. Horton prop , City Drug Store, H. M. Horton, have felt in twenty years.” Ander­
and Fred Haiues, the Harney mer­ prop., Fred Haines, Harney City. son Riggs of Sunny Lane, Texas
Thousands have testified as did Mr.
I Price, 25 cents. Samples free.
Riggs City Drug Store.
Ladies’ Bazaar.
General Merchandise
and Treat.
E. 0. T. G. CO.
Abstracts Furaiebed and Title Guaranteed to all Lands in Ferney
Bought and Sold on Commission.
Office in Bank Building
Miller & Thompson,
Sucoeeoors to R. A. Miller i Co.
In Workmanship Style.
Good as Factory Made
Turns out Furniture to Order. If you haven’t been in to see
him, do so, aud look over hie werk and get his prices on
Bedroom Suits. Book Cases, Secretaries. Tables. Etc.
Good as factory made—all work neat and in a first class
manner. He means business. ¿WSecoud door East of Wel­
come’s Drug Store.
I^L..’^7‘in.d.sor Ear
Keeps the Choicest line of all-----
Red Front Budding, Burns, Or.
Call and see them.
Shelley & Foley
<*"Waroa Work Dose Satisfactorily ani With Dlspatsh.
BURNS,................................................................................................. OREGON
The Capital Saloon
2RI30H A DONNSGAN. Prcpristors.
Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment gu treated
Your patronage Solicited.