(« « new and wonderful discovery, manu f «ettired from the pur« fru -h Juicas of th«* herba ot < aiifornla In llielr natural stale, Miiitainlng all llieir original proper I Ira, Delightful In the laute and linmetllate In ita eiter la. I'oaltl vt*ly eontalning no mln «•rat in II« ron>|w>slt on. Perfectly harm* leas and a «tire eure for all the many trou ble« arinlng from the Kidneys Liver and llladtier; among wh rii ute < atarrli of Hie iiiadtlrr aud ntoinarh, Dro «y Diallele«, llrlght*« Dlueaue. burning »m»rtlng pain» in the small <»f the lank, Gravel ami other dluorderu th««« organ« ar«* heir to. Pur lxun«»rrhra, Supprr«ae«l Memes and all other female complaint« the Great Nlerra Kidney ami Id ver Cure ha« no equal, I m * Ing a Hood purifier and enrirhrr without blotching. It (»rings th« fresh color of youth b» the cheek«, ami clears th« entire system of all Impuni le« You will Imme dlalvly f«*«*l the te'iirllrlal affrète ot tills wonderful niedlrliiv. Give II one trial; you will never la* sorrv. For sab* by all druggists. Take no other. A I mi » wind niatchr« free to ttiiokera of ‘‘'Ian ■ili'» Pulirti" te < ÌKMf DoMdti«* Klwrlc Monp it chmyrr for you to uae, if you fulluu r/im/ioria, Ilian any Ollier «oap« would Im if phr/x to you, i for by I' m tiar r/o/Ara urr amexf ('lolbra row' morn than uoap. Auk your grumr for Dolddtia*. Take no other New York. Hr«»okl)ii and Newark baker« get • 12 a week* sud their avertiti* hour» are teu p«r day 1,1 NG 1*11.KM! I’ll.Knit I'll. KM ill hr. William*» Indiati Pile« Olntmrnt I» thè otily sur« cure tur iillnd, Hl«»edliig or Itchlng Pile» aver disroveivd li nr»rr falla lo cure ol«l chruiii«' case« «»f long standing. Jn, »ay« *• I biw foiiml by ci|M*rl«H<*c that |»r William ■ Indiati File« (Molinelli gl»«*» Immediate rei lei Ih» Hot stiriVr ati Inatant funger Molti by W III la ti im » n • Manufacturing Company, propnotorm < le velami, «> . mi «**«»•« and II Aold l»y I. Hlumaurr A t o., Wholesale drug glata, Portland. <»r FOHCK. Tb» tirrul Ftin'lafitenl«I Trio« Ipla of III* I ah rrw bm «I II» Tower I«« Itratura ifeelHi lluoirtiiH*, lu Melbourne, A nat ral la, forty-five trade« work Ho* «dathl hour «lay HUM I AAWKlf .m LIFK. EiprrimatiVi by arlapiista are conuiantly amt wuraiy prtivhtg rlr*iruiiv to I»« the* r’reat im»t«*r power of creation, F.lr« trlcliy »th«* i»M»«t piwcrful chemical ag-nt as wall as the h »ala uf chemical atllon It la the primal «>eiiistil of light nnd heal, the Iyrotimtor uf Ilf»» am! the sualahier of irsltli. IH umihc y|«lda readl’y to Ila mag italic* touch, and i v«m uiireientllig «leatii 1« averted t»y it« i maenre. Thouaanda ot af* fl cl« «1 alii suflerli'g l»ear wit he*# to Ita I k a Ing tmwrr. Tl»c a* r< ru magnet Ic, «« pracl« rd by Dr«. Darrin, ha« revolution’ ¡M m I die lira« the ul mrd cine, a« is show« f hr fol .«\» ! ng (was taken «lek while at the dinner table with terrible dl»tr« •« in tnv stetnarh. before thl« I had been hearty and «trong. For fourteen •lay« I kept getting woraa. despite th«* effort» of tw< dot i hurt fort, i- 'Ht'i» and waa satis fled tiist I couht live but a f«*w day«. My trou ble wm Mtomaeh «nd Liver Complaint, result lug lu an alt«« k «>f Mllou* nolle At thl« time I «aw l»r l*«\lr. Kennedy*« Favorite Krfticdy has sated my life. W M. HlUu-r, Hlate Mills, lb»«« Co., Ohio ba KkMMKUv*» F avobit « K imbdy , made at t 1 «end for book, how to cure Kidney, Liver and Hluod disorder«. iXTKAl r« OF TKMTIMONtAfJi: (¡rorge « . KrotUm, Albina, Or. IDnglny tiuiaea in tfic rtr ai.tl deafness; cuir«l. J II l utinlngi>a«ii, Wafdnilla. Wasco ro'inty, <>r Total itoa/tia«« two year« In one rar and |«artla)ly «© in * hr other: curacL .Mrs.J I' "«mith, I tlncville.Or. Nervous drMilty ami grn-’ral wmkm*««, almoal bor* «Irrliig on ihaauity, rmatorrd |{rii«on M«<*uy. Dufur, Waaco county, health *»y e|r trie ly after ail oilier tr«*atmriit«» bad faile«l 1» I. Gra>>«m*« child, >prlnflrld, Or. I'alnfiiby a HI h led with granulated ion* )u ictiviluo, «ouipliraird with ulcers of the • yrlMill* fur niiir months, cured, a I A l.imGlry, news agent on the (> II. A \ l*o., rvuidelice 3|l) O street, I'ortiaml l onsumptlun brom bit 1a ami catarrh, cure.i and gained tiller»' po*tnda. David luma* son, WtMMllsnd. Wash Painful hip disease had to he carried to the doctor « «»ft! r curr«l Mr. Itos« has a •laughter residing at the Men haul's hotel, i*«>riiati'l, »n«i can l»r referred to J J II air, MHwnuklr, Or. Paralysis liver and lung tr «ul»lr, pronounced mn* sumptn«ti, a« < <>mp iiiirti by a hard, «try rough, a'so «!)• |M p *ia ami general debility; cured. His son (an I m * refer»cd to al the Esmond house. THOI Hl.K« AND N EURALGIA Faber’s Golden Female Pills. For Female Tr regn lar I tie» uoifi I««« like them on the market, /fever fati Murceaefiilly osed l»y prominent ladini monthly. Guaranteed to relieve «uppresaed tueiiBtruation. iHm't l»e humbngjred. Have Time, Health, and moue) .take uu «Ab­ er Sent tn any add rem. ►•••urn by mall ou re* ~ vvipt *»f price, 12 00. Addrv»’* THE IPHRO MEDICINE CORHNY, S-^S c iatied. bathe the fccTed freely Tc.rvy ! WFSTt RHCHEMICALCx. I V WHY HOT --------- YOU?--------- Write for Particulars QtL?OY. CAL’rO0N'A. THEAfFU FKF.E. rMltlvrlyi urrd w Iti» %>cetablr Mr medlaa Hav« « *>»•• • • ,u««nil» • .i - •• « or*- paln-riU» Df*r nounf wl by bevi |fby«ieiar»«. From llr»idoa« ' iraplriiM <1i»«pp«*Mr; in ten «Ix y» at >eaat two third« ■ II •rnjpV>niR rMinoewd Brni f »r tr**- tyk ta»nm>e- nial» <»r mira«-ulou» cor»*« Ten day« lrp«tru«nt tr** by BaMil. If » ou i*r>t*r trial wo-1 Mir in »lamp« topar p*/»t«M'* l>H If If G mkkm M **«>««.Atlante,Ga. If y>« order trial return Un» advertisement to aa. 10,000 AGENTS atob S c To ------------------ PORTLAND LÍANDQP- W.ALLEN MANAGER F 1RS T V ALDEH. STS. * Season Opens for Trout April 1st >*4Mnr.Mm. ilTLXllOX ! Do you want lo Kell or Huy a Farm / Write »o iiB. Owner« «ri«t Manager« ui Property. At- 1 tentino' Th.* POKILAND LAND . aa 1 sildilion property. will to a.aa corro I«ond with u«. Dam« made uu Ksrrn and City property. w ,x’,**ft Plan's who ^1N vr flJ> ’*■’ >n-mMT0FAU.. \ |v H-G.levHrjwherY. Æo. CHICHtYTtR S CKGUIYH PENNYROYAL PILLS H. T. HUDSON, 93 Krit 8t.t Portland, Or^ PXALBB IS Arms. Revolvers and Sportsmen’s Goods • E>O YUK IBW ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. h u* 4«*i) ¿0*0 knj* Ualpt £owl a/“ 4 _ .J f W nA 1W K 11 THE WORKMANS SOLACE ! Ix MW/ r} , t 1 ••I tell yon, my boy. I get a heap more com­ fort out of a pa< kagr of ‘£ bal op N’ obth C abo - P lug C vt * than Jay Goald docs oat of all bis millions. lima pAlH j^LLEK a day, and you'll bet relief at ones, and l-A«t r»«uuims. <’alif'»rni«. where the business «111 be eondurted as The H») mond Flower nn«l »Wed Mlui-e, C. IL M ovby . Maasger, En»l pMKitdrnm, < m I. I Send for rompí*** caiabwu«. iri’NTC WINTL’h Ull’Y p-r m«»nth niarAti- AuLniO fïAIULU. i.-.-.i t.» cmrM. ih |H ! «•< «»r geutivmvu. t ali or writc lor partiçulan» aud l»e voiiviiiced. ia. %. ni. a < <».. R ou ni 1, First Fl«w»r. kLinguui Hutkliui. FORCING OFF G< mm 1« I« »omrthb*« «•• hav«’ to / calo» '>’• • i.-l« ’ ■ nplok or 9 »«*«!». >«*. and for tort- atol bi« boya. i5r to • I. I’riitt« <«-Nll«o . •«■ up l»r«-*« Hutton*..-><■ dot.. ffrr«t t*arwniti I mbr»*h«i». sm -: go« «i to um » or h*nd Kofi ttrvy Mank't*. II 25 a t>nir; lied bl«nk rt« from $3 a |*«lr >>p. Mrii’w nil w « m «I '• h«»»<*. r«*«1 or « * »ix. »ix'*» 91 y to II. «t 2.*n*, or I2.B0 « «io« l’iti* 1* h k*»MM| titn«- to *«*nd u« an ordwr. Avk for full limi <»f l.iino artlrlv* if voll hav»» non»* ««Id*'*»* kniith*» < ••*!• atorr« l!N f rom < V mii I rnmhio, ( «I. rieanar the liver, «totnarh, bowels ami whole ay «tent by living Hr. Pierre « Pellet«. I he Kalainaroo i’elery crop la«t year realised I oo.uoo for th«* grower* STEINWAY kkamich . pbaiib OI CIHVVAT. a BRACH.Gabler. Row nlah Pianoa; Rurdett < trgana Hand Inatrumente. lAnp'st stock of Hhoet Munir and Hooka Hands MATTHIAS I supplied at Kautem Prloea. GRAY CO, IOC Post Btrrct, Ban VTancisco. FASHIONABLE SOCIETY Th« trying onhwls which fashionable soci­ ety imp««1« on its devotee* are enough to severely tent the physical strength anil en- «iuraiK** of the moat roluist Irregular and lake hoars, over-rich and imiigvwuble food, late Nunpera, the fatigue of tne ItaH-nvan. the liad air of tiie illy-ventilated, over­ crowded theatre, an- each, in themselves, sufficient to upset the ayster- and ruin th»« health of the delicate ami settsitive. Com biiMsi, they «an hardly fail, if |»ersisted in. to seriously impair the h«alth of th«* hardi est. ladies generally possess less powers of endurance than their male conaortm and so the sooner succumb to these deleterious in fluences. They become pale, hagcard and debilitated, and ('onstantly experience a sense of lassitude— that "tired reeling.” as so many exprean it. The least exertion fatigues them. Various neuralgic and other pains harrass and distrm« the sufferer. Headache, backache, “bearing-down” sen­ sations, and “ female weaknesses” follow and sorely afflict the sufferer. As an invigorating, restorative tonic, soothing cordial ami bracing nervine, for debilitated and feeble women generally, Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has no equal. In fact, it is the only medicine tor the jieculiar weaknesses aixi ailments inci­ dent to females, sold by druggists, under a positive cunrantee from its manufactur­ ers, that it will, in everv case, give satisfac­ tion or its price (tl.W) will tie promptly refunded. It improves iL..stion, invigorates the system, enriches the blood, disjiels ai law and pains, produces refreshing sleep, disjiels melaiM'lioly nnd nervousness, and builds up both tb> tttsl. and strength of those re­ ducts! below a healthy stamiard. It is a legitimate ninhfinr — a beverage. Con­ tains no alcohol to inebriate ; no syrup or sugar to »our or ferment in the stomach and cause distress. It is as preuliar in its com­ position as it is marvelous in its remedial rwulta Therefore, don’t be put off with sime worthies«. und easily, but «’| diHiwlMa.fi. six for |5. Prepared »nly I. * . I il<>()|> &( <)., Apo hcearie«, Low- «II. M a •* loo Doses One Dollar P WOMANM KKMKIIY IN KXIHTKM K. yVeurdl^ia. I» all that I» asked for hr. Pierer's Gohlen Medl ral hiscuvery. when taken f«»r catarrh In the head, or for bronchial or thr«>at affectIon«. or lung w-rofnla ic«.nim«»nly known «« consump tlon of the lung»), and If taken in film und given a fair trial. It will cure, or the money paid for It Wil) be refunded. Il I« the ontypaarnn Sarsaparilla With it Gfout} Ruaalan Minister Hood’s SOKE LADY IM TOLK VICINITY Will Make M *r Wtl »IKTU. THE BE8T W**teni Hrvx'b. DvX¡¿7, 4*UKTl*AND, OR M.ld I , WM»ua !>•<<» l-ortl»ner _*», |ggA ! »uff. r«d drvadhilly alti» nriiralglc |««>ns Ih h» ad u IH« h aftertr«! in«'« st>d ryrs I cotiid ti**’ stirnd «ora I ol«t«imd imtentanroua rvllef (h>m hr»t application uf M Ja««»tm(>u Il M CLAHK. «uffersHi i Maya Mavarely» V**.* P«tina Ave . Pltl>< urg. Pa . Frb 1«, l’VW • a lori* . lay«. Lui ««• • ur««l lo **t Js< »-<>U, Mrs Joltx K i EPPLK. A t !>a» -oim »su Pt At ras !Hr CMARLE1 A. VOCI LEK CO. Balte.ere. MS. V ul ice <;i ick roll riLRM. Hure cure fur bi nd. bl'-odiiitf and itching ••lie«. Olir I hm haw cured the wor»l « am* oi ten ) ear«* «landing No one ne«*d «uffer ten min* ot«»« after u«lng Kirk*« German PueGintniunt ¿1 abworb« liimur«. alia)« the It« bimr. a« te mm m poiillice, «ivre relief. Dr. Kirk*« G«*rm«n Pile UlMlmtml I« pr« par«-«! only for l'U«wan«l iteblng «»f the pillate pula» a««d nothing elee Every 1*0» |g w MI f HOt* -I Hold by Dnugutaand »ent by mail on receipt nf prlu«*. gl IMI per ou*. J. J. Mack Ac Co.. Wbolreal« Agente. Man Francie««». J acobs on A lethargic, tlormaut condition of the liver 1» hsrdl) I«» I«* «»verr«»ine with draatlc cathartic» ««id ns«««*-«»u« rholagogue«* A gentler, pl« •* «liter and far mor«* effective mi ran« rilata of aroHtlntf the organ when M»mm»lent. Ihl« 1» lloatelter*» Stomach Hitter«, vouched for t»y th«* medical fraternity. U«trd by the r»nbllr for man* year« A resumption by the biliary organ <«f 11« ■<*« rrtlv«* function, with th«* activity at t«*ndant upon health, m return to r«*Kttlanty of the bowel» and « renewal of digestion are the mi !•••• hapwy aud rrtain rrattll« of uaing th.* Hitters «y »tctnalh alh . 11« laxative rftecl 1» never painful and drspenlng. Ila tendency lielng rather lo perpetuate regularity than to produce « copious action Malaria, nervousm*«*.. drbll Itv. kidney troubles and neuralgia It «ubdues effectually. _ Tired Feeling I akimç A7Xyaar<»hl womaii ruu» «Ix !«»<»tna iu an Auguata (M'*j mlil. T by <»« mmka for break fiat CURES PERMANENTLY WANTKD A. I.e«r», I atfbrd» rar ul'-BMurr totv«llf> thal Nroll’« Lmwlul«»« «»f t,o«l l.iveroil wlth Linie mih I »*«1« li«Rglven ine great *«ll«f, ««««1 I «-bwrlillh re« oinim-nd it b» «H •uft’**rlng in « »linlter way t<» m)»elf in •d«tlf Ion I wottid uiy Ibat It I« very plraaatit Io lake “ ________ They rm dljo c/teatywi' ful in 5u£ U> •* r* ruing». 7 to H Sunday», io to 12. All < iironh dluraart. IrngiiariUr« of w omen blood Lal lit a, lo«e of vital |a»Wrr and early • n«1 i «rm t Ion a permanently cured, though no reference« are e*er made In the prrM «oiirrrilllitf eurh raur«. owing t«> the r «ent to any addrra«. < barge« for treatment ac r »rtltng to patient « ability to pay. The p«»or treated free of « barge from 10 to II dailv. 'All private Confident lull V fl rated, ami cure« guaranteed. Patient« at a distance ran I m * cured by home treat* infill. Medicine« ami let ter« «»ent without the doctor«* name appearing. Count Vah»iil«*fT. former!) of th«* Interior, la dead. 0”PRICE$ CHEAM 1 Naw llampshlr«* <*otl«»n maiiufa«*isrers report a prosperous year _________ I Montrval grown will mehr out a liât «I |MMI pie who do uol pay up KI.F.CTRIC An Ftevant P m « K mm «« i/f Fili«* < ar«l«, ItiriudI»• g li» rair b«»vv*lih*«. «hip«*« «nd ar liBtlc iiiH> »ri« d o migraphir and •hniinatlc rar all otliarw In iiurliy and «•ffw’tlveiieBM. A • vrtalii rum f«»r In- «ligaalloil and «Ifk lirn«l^ he. Addf&tfc, Flvmliig Hr JobN-rs in Show Cnses, Scales. Taper Bags—>n fact, anything you need in a Con­ fectioner’s store. Salesroom—Corner of Front and Oak atrect.