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About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1890)
VALUE HARNEY VAL-.tY ITEMS. OF AUTOGRAPHS u,» KrSritlim« ol Interest to Vr-lriit t‘,d- le«'«ors nt slgiiaitins». 7Ht li»*' M * WHERE OAriGFROUS MODISTE. * * i. wul VVoiiinu Wrei’ks lias i • •«*» of Mimi. It IMMIGRANTS GO. 11 «-<Oncriii'tl lii < lttioalnjf limitM 1 In IItv Nrw U orhl. STANLEY Tit* ON LOVE. I i,lrrrin«',l tlrli-sn t «plurer Talli Io a VV «110*11. t'sa't It I m Inti’B'MtInjf to oliMorve how thn *lal i 1 * dangers of the amatout A i-ollei'tor of autographs, as of other A very I'lirioiM letter, In which llonrv «r of cigarette smoking different nationalities Hint muke up llm M Stanley gives Ills view* oil love ami things, and almo-st beyond other eolleet- stag* o' . t * It- i. i> i. n.-thtiig compared to the stream of liiimlgiitnU which lauda on 1 tho ladle* generally, lias fallen int.i my i»rs. enjoys a second pleasure, beside that of contemplating and exhibiting. wick *i< i>( tin first-class drill's maker. our ahort'H liuve a certain tendency to 1 luHids, The loiter I* dated from Jermyn Collectors have no overw«>«>ning pride in You in ,n. «Hiking litti«* woman, cluster in colonies. 'This Is partly duo street, London, where Kiunioy lived bo- - ire which Tolu has al to a desire to assis-inti' h Ith friends or tor«’ Ills diqiartnre for Ills last trip Into their o» n durability or in that of their with i pi< HINDOO GIRL-BRIDES. well dressed, and lit at least with poopb' of the Nanin lan the heart of the Dark l iuitim'iil. and H collections. They know they and their» ways ,v woman does under- gitago and the samo Interests, partly, The Wrddlnii < art «»I <»f Th«M»e Dmww an* mortal, and will eoine to Wellington think ill, i is dated August I, 1**1 lie says: 1»5 White wiling it la you. AH also, to the fact that certain placea are street in time Meanwlille. thev have stand «he «• ■ “For tin* life of mi* I can not sit still There was much excitement and «01110 th«* charming oci'iijiation of watching your * ii * it«» y,"i limo Ixmght your lietter fltted for men of a certain class, a immieiit w lien anything approaching lauien.atlou in the home of a liktivo the turn of their market, and *p«*oulat- mater d * i urat-etaaa shop, taken ttf conreo, Individuals of almost every ( to love eomi*a U|x>n the tapis. I have banker of th«* upper provinces of India ing on the eventful value of their in- them t* a fair x g *1 dress-maker, |iaid nationality are a.-atterssl almost all oxer livisl w ith men. not women; and It I* , tor tin* making, »ug- the I lilted states, 6ut still, with the wh<*ii the day arrived which was to »«*«* «■«'stineiits. \s they ex|M*ri«*iie<* when s t* as diste a frill her«*, a puff exception of tin- English, Irish and Ger ( the man's Intenso ruggodnoa*. plain his only daughter, Nareena. sent av«y ever they Idil and buy. th«* oldest eatab- g»*st«*d elf, **t son««« place «dan, mans. who are alsnit equally divided I tloss, dlri'Ctiii-ss, that I have contracted from ti e parental ns*f to tin* guardian I i slit si among their favorite wares were there, iri s . by alii'or force of olreumslanooa. 1*001» ship of her husband's parents, w ho were continually going up and down. It and when you wore the tns-k it was among the dltferent States, the different anil women appear to mu to lie so aotRso to complete her «silication. might Is* ex]Hs*ted that autographs, like with an <*asy consi'Ii*lice utnl a happy nationalities prefer some certain Its al- very unlike (at load what I have soon, Illes. Th«* litti«’ bride had been contract<sl the rest of th«* world's treasures, should h«*art w li 1,'h addisl to your gixsl looks. The Wolah Immigrants, most of whom the rude tv|x* of mankind, that one a»m Soin«* day you «'liter the parlor of Ser- in marriage ,*ver sine,* she was flv«* years vary with th«* rising or di'clinlng pros- ti’ela by talking to them that In* must old. and according to Hindoo custom she perity of tho day. That is natural. It pent. Cash A Co.; suddenly your |ir,*tty an'minors, go chiefly to Pennsylvania, soften Ills speech and drawl, or offoot a should have beeu sent to her new home is mon* surprising to tlnd that relativ«* gow n has a second rate lixik. Mrs S«*r- where their liea.lqHartera am in to be singular articulation, lest offense *« At this place, during at about elevon or twelve years of agi*. values an* never steady and tlx«*d. |»*nt admires your figure Mrs «ash around Scranton taken where none was Intomle«! lien***' but her parents c«>uld not part with Hume, and Johnson, and Voltaire. it is moans how unfortunate It is that you tin* winter, Wolah performance* ar«' men are seldom aineore to women or given at a theater. their beloved one so aoon. and it was manifest. an* no longer autograph names are not dressed prx>p«*rly. and the Coni- |xx't*. Have you over lliought of how Tin* Scandinavian* generally go to the Bidingbroko, Queen pany aits lx*hind tlo* desk and grins, only now, at the age of fourt«*en. that to conjure by. you lisiked when *|H*aklng to a woman’* with tears and blessings they ixaiwotisl Elizabeth. Georg,* Washington and t'ar- knowing what tin* oiiteom«* will be. Northwestern states. The link otas, )x«r* If my recollections servos nio right, lyle ittracl no such .<d* n* worahipcN You ae<> a wondrous gown. Just from haps, got the largest «bar»' of them, al to let her go. j I have aeon you talk with such an affect' No wonder that there should be soni<< as Lamb. Shelley, Iveats, Dickens and I'aria, w hich Is certain to suit you. You though Missouri, Wlmmnaln, Michigan. n<t softness that I can not compare tho Iowa and Minnesota also get a part. are Induced to try It on. and then you weeping. Tin* young Nareena had never Thackeray. | manner of It to any thing lx'lt«*r than When there are such vicissitudes in hear th,* price. You shudder at it S ou Few of them are ski licit lals>rers or 1 even seen tin* boy-brid«*gna»ni who that of a strong man handling a l*al>y - await«*d her arrival, and although the th«* worth of th«* names of |s rsuuages say you can not get It; but, oh! you do artisans, so most engage In farming U'ndorly, gingerly. Ho! Hut my pen 1» distance which would divide her from w hoso rank might la* presumed to have ' look so handsom«, in it. You kn>>* Torn The I lanes of late have lately gone to carrying mo away, I wished to say. my her parents was only fifty miles, she been long ago determined, it is clear can not afford that money; you know Nebraska, and the Finlanders aoom to I dear friend, that I am alxudutcly mu oni would probably never see her mother that th«* autograph collector is left mon* that usually you get three fn**ks for find In tlu> forests of Michigan and furlable when s|M*aklngto a woman, un again. Hindis, women of gtsxi estat«* or l«*ss to guess work in appraising In that amount; but tho etyle Is so g,xsl. Northern < >hlooccupation* and a climate less sh>* Is such a rare one that she will rarely leave their houses, even on a visit shillings and |s>unds th«* batidw riling of and the vote«* of the eharnier Is listened which suit them exactly. The Italians may Is- divided in throe I lol in** hear some common »«*ii»<' Tin* living «'«debritiea. Yet, ho can not to. A «'u go out of that hous«* w ith tho to their nearest relatives. classes. Thon«* w ho art« merely common I fact la, I can't talk to women. In their escape th«* risks: and. if he have th«* I knowledge that you are going to get The conveyanc*« in w hich the litti«* lalsirers. and who como chiefly from presi-nci' I am just as much of a hypo maiden traveh*d in was a long cart w ith genuine collector's paaaion, lit* ought to ' that frock, for you have be«*n tlU« h I for crite a, any other man. and II galls me a canopy of thickly-wadded cloth, the revel in th«* ms'essity. Any tmdy with it, and you ar«' the most miserable slave around Naples to work on railroads, as ■treot cleaners, etc., for a larger part that I must act and lx* atfi*ctod, and interior being tastefully linixl and deco a lor.g purse can buy up letters by in tin* world. |,arixlv myself for noearthly reason, but rated, while the vehicle was drawn by Shelley. Lamb. Scott and Byron. True Mrs. Cash has told you that you can stop In New York or its vicinity, from ba-cause I think, with other men. that here they are then sent liy their bosses, hug,* siiuw-whito bulkx-ks. their horns sagacity and insight are requisite to in pay twenty-five or fifty dollars at a time to s|M-uk or act otlierwls«* w««ul«l not lx* mid htxifs dyed red, him* or yellow, anil vest succssfiilly upon tin* autographic on your bill, and got every thing you or padrones, all over the country, wher appreclalol. It la such a false ;sis|tlon their bodies adorned with showy trap prospects of th«* existing generation. want thei**. Well, you Ix'gin by paving ever railroads am la'lng built. From Collector» who plunge upon a rising your twonty-flve or fifty dollars: vou gel Northern Italy comes a largo niunls-r of that I do not care to put myself Into it.” pings <>f scarlet and gold. Stanley then gm-s on to quality his statesman may find that he is no better more and more new clothes, th«« blildoea miners, who chiefly go to the coal mines Several other carriages containing her strictures by saying that there Is one retinue of servants preceded the bride than a political Mr. T«»«ts. They may not com«* In for a rear, and when It in Illinois or MI«'liigan. or to th*- lalnes of la«ly, a friend of tho ptx*t to whom he by a short distance, but th«* young girl, have aniHMscd manuscript verses by the does, you gasp with U*rror. Coats were Arizona, Colorado or Moi.tana. This wrlt«*a, to whom he «-an s|x*nk. Ixx-nu»» splendidly dressed an* 1 glittering with bard of th«* future to discover that the sold to you that you were told would class of people is of much higher intelli I ''after the first few minutes of strange armlets and chains of gold, sat aion<* in future pronounces the phenomenon a coat nothing and nothing, to S«*r|M*nt. gence than the first class. Thon a * ne*a have gone, she noon lets you know her wtxlding ear. It five o'clock in poetaster. Cash A Co., mean* any thing from una great many farmers and wine-growers To turn over th«* pugesof an autograph hundred and fitly to thre«> humlred and from Northern Italy go to « allfornia . vhatehwtf Won't do. Therefore," Io* adds, the afternoon, and th«» great heat of the i “p|,*ase say a hearty friend wishes het day had passed, when at length the album of living or all but living names fifty dollar*. Still, you think that you Io that Mato also go many French i lally enjovuieiit of her life." i’heodura niarriag«* procession moved away and is to walk through a negl«M*ted church- ' can ralae a few hundred dollar*, and farmers from the departments of Gas yard. But, on th«* other hand, there are that Tom may give you a little extra cogne and Basses Pyrenees, as well as a i Child. In Woman's I'ycl«. began the journey of fifty miles. Otherwiae the They traveled slowly all night, occasional consolation». In the darkest money without vuur telling him what it few Swlaa farmer* • • halting in the morning lx*n«*ath the corner of a birthday book may lurk a is for, and then you chirp up and remem Frenchmen, if they do not aa-ttle in New TORTURE FOR BILL. shade of a grove of mango trees. Here name, requested out of reluctant polite ber that Mrs. i ash said you could pax' a A ork. mostly go to New Orleans or the young Hindoo lady was s«*rv«*d ness. w hich hereafter will fetch guineas little at a time, and, after all. It was just to French Canada, w hili' the Swiss, Il»» W tl«>‘a lllllr lire* hr r «Is Hr« llrr with breakfast, and here she rested till in the auction-room. It should nerve the bill coming- in. P«x>r litti«* wretch! among whom are many dairymen and llrsu'« I.lie a llurilrli. the fooler hours of the evening would th«* genius of the ol**curit<**s of the gen You have a fe, ling at your heart all the silk weavers, chiefly settle in this vi When a big. gawky, overgrown rural cinity. eration to feel that by a bound into fam«* tlm<* now as if you were a thief, and permit her to resume her journey. The Hebrews, from Russia. Poland. vouthof aixmt niiiei,M>n summer*, makes Nareena was a lx*autiful young creat they will confer the sincerest gratifica within a week you get an insolent note hl* first appearance In public a* a Ix'su ure. her dark eyes fringed with long tion at any rate upon all possessors ut from Mrs. S«-rp«*nt suggesting that you Austria or Roumanla. for the largest to* bushfu 1.sweetly mix|e*t ml**of nlxiilt part, settle In New York. Mom than their autographs. — London Tinto*. lashes, her features delicate, ami her remit at once. San Frani't-**«« Argonaut. half of them am tailors, alsmt onedhlril the san«» ng**, their ml***ry is alr«*n<lv *** complexion fairer than most of her peddlers and the rest are divided among gr«-at that the wretched youth w«>ul,l ' •* WIGWAM ROMANCE. ‘country women, but it would have just I tli'd in Maying tho yonng Lr«»ther * the different trades. sh«x*k«*d h«-r greatly to liave be**n seen. The Modern licit Msn * Itlaappnlnlmsal ten or twelve year*, w ho maliciously In WONDERFUL BLIND MEN. Of genuine Russlana only a few emi The young bride rem«*nilx'red her up to MrnthuvntallMta. sists « hi tagging around after tlm young grate to tills country. I luring the lat bringing. and while jx-eping forth she On«- 1» an Ohio Man anil tlie «>tli«-r » Na In these times we are but little dis ter years a great many German Rus couple nt a I ourth of July celebration, tive at France. carefully <*oncealed herself behind her posed to associate any thing either likn and frequently giving uticrnnc«' to such It is almost incredible that Simon Col roman«-«* oRisnger with the su Glued and sians, whose forefathers alsiut a hun wadded curtains. fiendish cxpreaalona a* those: At four o'clock the cavalcade again lins, of Marietta, who has lx*«-n blind poverty-stricken remnants of the Indian dred years ago emigrated from Wurtem- "HI, there, lixik at Our Bill!" Is-rg to Russia, have come to this coun set cut. expecting to arrrive at their for twenty-seven year», is an expert race. Now aial thi n. Indeed. wo havu "Think yer dorned smart, don’t v». try. They still keep up their German destination about five o'clix’k on tho fol carp«ir-weaver, makes and prints paper met with a newly-arrived Euriqs-an to Bill VVontherwax. Iioauin’ Lizy Slux'kly lowing morning. They had not gone flour sacks in colors, doing the printing whom the Indian of the wigwam is still language, traditions and customs, and 'round!" am all farmers. Most of them go to far on their w ay when they overtook a on a Washington hand-press, and with a th«, fierce and noble savage of Cooper "llw, hoo, hen! S«m BIB and Lizy* Dakota. They am large and powerfully very old woman, crying bitterly, and perf,*ct register. 1 hav<* know n him for and the other rotnaneists of red life and built men, and when they come in their Say. Bill, di*"« your mother know yer apparently overcome either by illness character. sh«*«qmktn oven-oats, with a row of out?" seven or eight years and have seen him or fatigue. Such sentimentalists are usually much children following them, all clad In the If |xxir Bill .lie at any time In tb<> frequently on the streets of his town, Nareena's attendants passed this dis disappointed on Is-ing for the first time same wav, they form a picturesque sight. ■lead and gone past offended this Inter tressed old woman with perf«*ct uncon cane in hand, walking rapixDy. making introduced to the misiern wigwam. No From the Austro-Hungarian monun-hy eating younger brother that vindictive cern, though night was drawing on. and all the ins and outs, going dow n into a scalps stretch«*,! upon hixips, and hung youth "gels oven” by following steadily com<> the Sluxaks, Poles and llungarl she was all alone, but the gentle little basement or up-stairs into a business out in th«* sun todry, are there to arouse In Bill'* wake all day priqxuindlng such ans, most of whom go to Pennsylvania, bride was filled with compassion. office, never making a mistake and their sensations. The squaw of the es where they work ill the coal mines or mortifying questions an those: “Mother, do not weep." said the little never being hurt. A year ago he made tablishment has her feet in<-as< d. just "Iley, Hill, ye «qw'nt all that flftv th«* coal yanls; the Bohemians, who go lady. “I am going to Muttra, and you a canoe from his own design, and the as likely as not. in varnished Balmoral to th«* vicinity of Buffalo or Pittsburgh; cents pop give you thia morning? lie’ll shall go with me. Get into the car same boat won, a race in the regatta boots. If her lord and master Is not out the Tyrolese, th«* Dalmations. the I rna wallop you if yu do!" riage." •*Yo gidn’ homo In time to do up the upon th«* Susquehanna at Columbia. Ho in the bush, snaring rabbits, or cutting tions and Moravians, w ho generally set The weary old creature was eloquent is the patentee of a brush handle, makes switches forth«* manufacture of baskets, chore*, Bill? Pop said you'd had to and tle in Pennsylvania around Pittsburgh in her gratitude. ' s she entered tho fishing nets and cane-s«*at<*d chairs. His he is probably lying somewhere alsiut The Hollanders go to Paterson. N. .1.. you'd lx*ltor, air!" vehicle she kissed « f«-et of the bride. latest triumph is the mastery of the the place In a limp heap, performing a "Don't ye jlnt think yer some pump or to Wisconsin, where their beadquar- an<l wished her every blessing of the type-writer. He bought one some wild ami irregular war-song through hit tor's is Green Bay. or to lowa or Michl- kin», Bill Woatherwaz? Now don't ye? married state. months ago. and is now able to operate n<»se. under tlie influence of bis real idol, gun. The Belgians are either of Fieni- How mighty »mart wo an*!" "May your throne be perpetual," she it quickly and correctly. Ho 1* said to tho whlsky-botAle. Ill* fertile imagination nuggcats th» ish or French origin, The former are said: "may your children give you joy; be an expert euchre player, but I can The European having rea<l of Indian chiefly farmers, and go to the sum» propriety of gathering together all the may you lie the mother of a line of not vouch for that, though it is scarcely massacres away in the Northwest, is places where the Hollanders go, while »mall lx>v* of his acquaintance and gel kings." Then again kissing the feet of more notable than many things already naturally puzzled and uneasy at the ting them to follow around after p>x>r the young girl, she took her seat as di mentioned which I have known him to mild form in which the aboriginal Is the French-speaking Belgians are al Bill and Liza, a giggling, jeering, flend- most all either glass workers or miner*. rected in the wedding car. here prewnted to him. He o I hutvos The former go to the coal mines of Illi Ish crowd of young vagulximl* who add do. At length, as it grew dark. Nareena Vidal, the blind French sculptor, has that th«* papisnc of tender years is ns nois or Pennsylvania, the latter chiefly to Bill'* anguish by saying: "Hurrah for became slee py and compos«'«! herself to you Bill!" been without vision since his twenty- importunate for money as any small to Tarentum or Pittsburgh. Pn. rest, kindly Ix-stowing a wadded cover "Take gixsl care of him, Lizy!" first year. He is now one of th«* wonders whit«* mendicant of the city pavements; Most of th«* Icelanders go to Mnnltoba; let upon her old compaction, who crouch "Say, Bill, did yo shave 'fore ye start- of Paris. One can understand how s also that h<* knows a Lad copper from a there is also a colony of them In Sayre ed herself down after the manner of na blind farmer would cultivate th«* ground g<xsl one when he see* it. and has a ville, N. J., where they work In the mi from homo?" tive women in a corner, gently shamptxx This sort of torment goo* on and Is with the plow, spade and hoe; how he sound opinion generally on the anbject brickyards. ing the limbs of the young lady till Na would feel around tho tender plants and of currency: and tbo disap{M>inted Euro The Armenians, of whom a great increaacd by the pleasing ingenuity of reena fell into a sound and refreshing gently loosen tho dirt from their roots: pean g<M s his way. perfectly convinced many have arrived lately, are like the th« small Ixiy, until jxxir Bill and the slanilxir.—Cor. N. Y. Morning Journal. or how the blind Birmingham (Ala.) that there never could have lw«’n any Arabs, jMsldlers or tradesmen. In which blushing Eliza are reduced to tho last CURIOUS LEGAL CUSTOM. miner tells, with the sense of touch r«nian<-e really connected with Indian case they stay In New York, or they are stage of misery and they separate, after alone, th«* direction and to what depth character, and that, as for th«* mod«*rn silk weavers, and stay in New York or which it Is to lx, hiqx'd Bill "g«'ta oven" How M ili-fartor« K«-waril«*<l Lenient to drill his holes before putting in the red man. h«* has no more bite l«*ftin him th«* neighlxiring New Jersey towns, or with tho small lx>y. Drain's Maga .tuilices l«> the Hays nt Yore. A custom prevails at Maiden Assizes blast; but th«* work of Vidal stand* out than a rattlesnake deprived of its fangs. they are common lalmrers. The last, zine. As a gi-nerul thing, all this is true named, almost without exception. go to (i. e., when no prisoner is capitally in bold relief, unique, wonderful and In The Itrnt of All < rll>«. convicted) to present the judges with comparable. To be a sculptor it is gen enough when predicted of the miserable Worcest'-r, Mass., when* a large numlx-r A mother says: **A c'.othoi-basket white gloves. In the court of tho Lord erally supposed that one must have tho remnants of Indian tribes that, still of them are employed In wire factories. The Greeks have during lato years lie- makes one of tlu* iiiebst possible cribs Mayor of London this usage still pre “mechanic's eye" and the artist's taste haunt the bor<lers of our great lakes vails when "no charges” await his Lord and perspicuity. The latter faculties anil rivers. Nevertheless, they yet have gun to crowd th«* Italians out of the for a baby, All my children were a romance of their own. which comes to fruit and flower selling trade In Now raised In a clothes-basket and a ham ship's jurisdiction. From a passage in Vidal ha* to an exceptional degree Clarell’s “Recantation of an Ill-led even more acute, he believes, than if light only now and then, and after much York; some of them also go West and mock. with never a cradle or crib. It life,” (1C>34), it may be inferred that an the former were not lost to him forever. close obseriation and intercourse with South, where they com;»* to with the was n large-sized one (the basket, I mean), with bundles at the ends. For ciently this present was made by such By slowly passing his hands over an ole them. Th«* j«s,r<*Ht wigwam, llk«i tho Italians on the work on tho railroads. the first baby it whs covered with blue prisoners as received pardon after con ject h«* notes its external proportions, lordly castle, has its traditions; and the Arnrrh** im m N mvm I l*«»w«r. •ilesia and dotted Swiss. But when the demnation. In the dedication to “The an«l imitates them In clay in a manner further from the haunts of civilization Th« advent of the Americana on the oilier babies camo an old cretonne for impartial judges of his Majesty's Bench, which strikes the beholder dumb with the wigwam is situated, the more thrill high seas as the first naval power in the the inside and out did very well. The my Lord Chief Justice and his other surprise. A dog, horse, human face, or ing are its legends. -N. Y. Ledger. world is as certain as the rising of the sides were padded with a piece of old any thing alive or «lead, he m«xlels with three honorable assistants,” we liave Honses Visile of Iron. sun, hut hitherto thedeveiopmoqt of the bed-quilt, and a little mattress made for Those uardoneil men, who taste their Prince's as much ease as any of the doz« ns of Iron is rapidly increasing in its use navy of the Felted States has been slow. tin* bottom. When baby fell asleep tho loves Parisian sculptors who still retain the «As married to new life;, do give you gloves. faculty of sight. From 1*55 to 1H75 Vidal for houses. You can buy a complete ’Klie Secretary of the Navy nt Washing basket was easily carried into a quiet etc. receive«l more medals than any other iron house at tho manufacturer's and ton is, however, moving in the matter, room, which could b« made dark." The Clarell was exhibitor of works, in th«? Paris art ex have it sent anywhere in pieces. A ami his latest report recommends the Idea could not be a bad one. Such a just received hibitions. Many of his works, mad«* in large number of iron villas have been building of two fleets of battle ships, basket would do very nicely for tho dates from th«1 King's Bench Prison, Oc sent from England to the Riviera and put eight for the I’aciflo ami twelve for the tober, 1827. So also Fuller, in his "Mixt the solitude of his perpetual midnight, up there upon plats of land purchased Atlant le, twenty coast-defense ships babies who are just learning to sit alone are now on tin* shelve» at the great Ex Tne paihling would save the little Contemplations on these Times” (1080), position, where the bliml wonder con or leased, with the provision that when and five first-class torpedo Isiats. This heads from many a hard bump, and also writes: "It passeth for a general report tends In friendly rivalry with his less tho leas«* expire» the house can he taken is of course only a fancy programme, keep the little ones from feeling the of what was customary in former times, unfortunate brother artists. Ho never away. A comfortable house can readily But it lias substanco enough in it. to drafts which rush along tin* floor."—De that the sheriff of the county used to _______ camplains. is always genial an«l festive bo built in a month. The price of a give stimulus to the hope that Isifore troit. Nows. present the judge with a pair of white room measuring 20x13 feet is a bout 8250. long an Anglo-American flag may lie un When a man Is vile and villainous, gloves, at those which we call Mayden when among his friend*, who always —London Letter. furled which will represent the oom- and thinks nolssly knows IL he is cher Assizes, viz., when no malefactor is put speak of and to him as though ho could see, and well may they do so, for he is —Where there's a will, there I* often blned naval forces of tho English-speak ishing a big error that will some day to death therein.”—Notes and Queries. ing world. Ball Mall Gazette. one of the best art critic* in all Paris.— nothing left for the heir*. greatly confuse him.