Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, March 19, 1890, Image 1

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    Washington Ire tier.
(From our lli'gu’iir Correiipsivti'it.)
W abii t nutox , Ful>. 23, DM).
H«<mitor <'handler ha« devoted a
good portion of thin week to worry,
illg the Democratic HvIUlt*'!« from
ArkiiiiHii« and Florida. Firet he
eunvlctod Henalor Call of having
put word« in the Cong"' «iona!
Record that lie did not u e hi I i i,
upeech on the floor of tho Senate ;
then lie rutiled die fiehngH of
Senator Berry bv prewn'i g a pe­
tition from tlie vote « of a co ">t i
in Arkansas reeding ee-lain fa* *
aa to the reign of tc’ior that ctis e I
there at the t’ljje of the S it"
elcc’lon In 1833. Senator Urn
trii’d to make a pohii. of o-d r
which would prevent Mr. (*bn idler
reaching a »yiio|>«i» of the nf<»"- id
petition, but the Vice-P ■ -idenl
prompt!v derided in favor of Mr.
Cliicii 'o bus fairly <*nmu-cd the
Woild'e Fair a far an dm 1? » i •• i*
ounce-nrd and it was >!*• •omnL-h* d
bvhonorahhi. siraightforwu I m th
oil*. People who ¡¿»Ik illxnll III U'eV
having bwn co tup ly v I n't'
•imply iguo’ait.. or have allowed
thc.imel vch to be im|M>« d on
•illy stories told by irie*i»oi>aib|r
Imrties. The gene ,,1 sentiment
»ere la in favor of the Semite ra.l y-
ing the action of the Ho.me ns soon
aa | h ><.«il>b', ho thill i'liciig*» ui.'iv
so ahead but in 'he Semi, tin.'
la a growing acndinmit that ¡here
ia not time enough to make »he
iicceHHir v prep.iru..ona i> r u r te
ceaaful lair in fnir for the ,!•.•
aiieclfied. ho that II wm Id not I m * at
all surprising if the a r slio,d<l lie
postponed, and soui' >ortof a Na­
tional evl< 1» ulio i t<> Iri'l only for >•
«lay or two, in tln«c>.y, Ire p ouded
for the 4(M>lb imnivi .Hii y of the
discove *y of America.
Th«* MflMMlv for a number «■
new public Imildm . < in \Vn*hm
ton ih being taken ndvantii •• of
bv UllHc: I’pulotlH paJie«- in Vtt ioi’e
w’ava. For instance, tin* o* "•<•« of
the unproductive rviii «•.*.ut«i Ivin.'
couth of I’eniiHvlva ,i.i nvt inn . Ire
tween First und Fit ■ ■«•iiih • >
are trying to have a bill pi:- ■ I p *»•
viding for the purchuHo of this
ground by the gove. aiiiuot. Peri­
odically boats have to be used to
get to itie g enter p.l'l of ¡hi- p op-
erty, and ahuoi-i conn am ■■ the cel-
lars have water in them. 1 he
scheme is not a new one by any
moans, and there ia lilde p obabil*
ilv of C o -'X' vhm ever ugrecing to
such a thing sti’l it can du no
harm to show i* up
Mr. Atkinrun, the Republican
contestant from the tiret dis,,!«*, of
West Vi ginia. has be, a given the
scat held by Mr. Pendlc.on. The
other contested can's will follow as
fust u« jsis“i'ole.
This week furnished anolhcr
chunter of tin- inv< -tr.aiio i o* ihe
civil service comiiiis.'lon. I '. tom-
inissioner Olierlv, the most promi­
nent wiv less summoned nt the re-
ipleSt of »he p.o-ccution piovedto
be the best witness for the de.. use.
It looks now like it mi .lit result in
the Sootch verdict, “not p oven.
Secretary T ,icv wed to B.uok-
lyn this week, lie has nm yet de­
cided whether ho will take a sea
trip, akhough it is strongly advised
by his physician.
The most elnooni o und expen­
sive dinner over given in \\ ashing­
ton wuson Tuesday night eaten by
the Pnn-Ame. ican Congress. Mr.
Andrew Carnegie, the weahhy iion
manufacturer, was the host.
Represen tali ve MeKtidev is back
in ha ness und has euiiiely recov­
ered his health. lie says the new
tariff bill will lw ready in about
two weeks.
The opening of tho bids for the
purchase of the privilege of taking
hou I s for the next twenty yean« also
opened somo veiy unsavory po­
litical gossip, unit there is reason
for believing that the most of it
originated with tho agents of the
company that Ims grown enormous­
ly rich during the twenty years it
has monopolized this very lucrativ
business. They have tried to moke
it npfs iir that parties who have ou •
bid them are connected with vu-
i ' ous meiiilierH of tint administra­ KAHTE IM X .W’l’P . I'KAF 1
tion, hoping ihtiH to induce Hec<e-
o muí n«H..’ H.
tn’ v Windom to give Itieni a io-
The Leading Merchant of Harney County,
■ ■ '4*
uewnl, notwithstanding thee
W a siiiN« "ox, Mc/ji h 0.—Another |
Hovural biddeis who offer cons'dc - day has paused »'l'jni'1 the Si ne.,-
......... DEALER IN
I.live ||,< uvy for the p iv'b •{«, coming to a <|ee’ ci os to what!
Tho bill appropriating »_'>( hki shill be done v i. i'.tic newspaper !
for tli« «• action of n monument to co r«*<|H>.idt*r* « wh.i
.-«.* to tell
the lll< Ilin. V {>( I it'll. W. II. Hl'»- bolp i s HO"einl <..i .ve how they
rison, grand father of the Pre -ide rl, got be p oc«-eu • .'Mo, . be e-cciP ’ ve .
nt North Bvid, Ohio. Ims be«ni fu- sessions. Tim d t iuho u to-day |
vombly repm.cd to the House.
was devote«] hi .’c-y o •)<• jsiwvr of
Tho Blair educational bi'l eiiH th« Senu'c mid1*'- A**1 constitution ¡
Has Just received the Largest
remains the unfl.dslicd business of to punish cor •« ¡ ■ ids.!'
the Sena <>, just us it has been for
S1 'a'.o- iJo'pu i-
g a great
three weeks.
dual of Htici'iiou il* J»«' l "WHUSpeiH. , 22 T O C j
Tho Senate Finan«*« Commit re houk - of them hva - civ c •«•wing
have reported a bill ntlthmiz'og iic him because be Is eliaiimsn of the j
Sect« tn y of the T.easii.y o ' i- spi'cial committee I- ve*: ¡’a-Ji’g thei
crease the pu'chusc of sitverbi" on newspaper co respomlen».«. r .id be­
to i I,.'»tH>,(«)'.) n month, and to pc • cause he rejxi-,<<i a lesolu on to
chas«* »old I hi BI oii in un os. e "d imprison th« co resuoade >«s wlm,
.{unatilics, issuiog for Iwith c<- i ll- refiiHod to answer <p>« «Jous, lie is
Reasonable Prices ! No Misrepresentation !
catvs in such denotnlmitio *s ns be i-'H-cirJ’y iid«:n!'«l hr the moni
may sec IK.
who would be subject to this pen-!
Th« A*I-American Com ess ha« ishmunt. The New Totk Times ¡
pa svd a very important k '- o ' iu <m , na«'»;
in rccommendi ig the ao|iuinltne«>l
“There a o indi ’iiJo.i« ¡nde««!,!
t»y the «’oiinlries interested «>.* a that the Senators a c ire ling wcu y '
At the OLD stand in
eu.ntnission <>f eu^'n.-ers io e*:rm- of M'-. Dolph mid the «•¿oluJon to
ine und H‘|H»rt upon the fe.isibii'iv comm’t th«- conten ;i ions wilnesHH, (
of build'ns a rui* oad, conncc ng which h«* wh ■;» them to adopt, and i
I k * I’mo'd Su’les w Ji Cen.iul and ire becom >g ind'ífe en, .o , 'ieo«’¡.- ¡
South Ame ‘ca.
' co.ue of «.be farce. One of these io-
rs <!n»\rEii
Blicatious was the e,np'y apoe: r-
I'oi’vento *n tie Pacific Stat'* ance of the Senate chamber when
do nr the p.io week, reported for to-day’s s'tting came o an end.'
------------ THE------------
this pu|H>r l»y ('. A. Snow «t Co. Th«* Senators Ixypin to drop out of
Patent l.awy«- m ii '<1 Solicilors, op­ ' the chain’,er when M-. Dolph began
2E2L» £5« <£zi
posite C. S. Pvicot (hlice. Wash' ig­ to q «>’■'• 11.,- | < < cb*.« o". oc’r dead
loo. !>. C.:
Ca’ifo «1'3—i. F. Beils, I,»« An- ;*u<‘d thut the Semi • hmltbe power Will Rec ive at AT ONTARIO During tho Month of March
gems, o' be n". ; J. B. • <i>a’;e*, to i.up.‘son newspi-per men who
S;i >tn Ba bars bu -Ja -p oof csr ; published the S -n.it- -¡«I boniness.” i
Fourteen Cars of Goods,
Fur her along th? same paper
.1. I'. CIlH-est, l’.e<l iPuli. w.l.er-
f,ont for I mh I cis ; M. S. IBckirsoo,
I..»« Anu«l' h . «• 'viiv’ !«• i ; H. It. i laughed at in the In«' elle^ed sec et1
-------- A P FOLLOWS;---------
Elt.st om, Santa Rosa cannoo- 1 KeiM*ion for les ¿c.i
, ig
n h«i-| fi-nv.i'*; C. W. t'i'.»«o'' San • re.io,tnmf c, i>«*f /
F a 'C' hco , b"Vc age c;'i lon’zc-; A.
(«. .J.iiiu s Pomona, rhis" la.-'''-; T. ¡county is ; . •’> v <>' ptcìu‘3 him.
■d«<'mef or mor, Including a full line uf Disc Harrows Sulky Plows, Cultivators, eta.
L. \Vi''in,n«. Big Be id, c.i> ¡age­ Tin-re is
jack; J. B Yount l>!..on, device amiable ii.au ;i U. Senate. N-
Senator, it may l>e seid w¡.hout
for hying out o <-hn.d«.
Wiisbiiivio.i—II. Bcistil'ii'. Ros­ ^qualification, has enything like so
I handsome a beaid. Not even his SPRING WAGONS, Bl'CKBOARDS. and ROAD CARTS. These
lyn, necktie fas «•mo.
!> awing» u id spccificat'ons of follow-inquisitor-, th«.1 peainl Black- i
go*«!« are well known and need no advertising.
any of these p.te:i.« will I m * seni for ¡»urn. who ha« made the bumo-ou«
the govcrnnien pi ice 2o ven .« in suggestion that a few coireapond-1
Htiimps Aiwa vs i ve da c of pupT unts shall I e invite«! to t v a ‘rot-
! ling,’ as a correcl're of newspaper
a i <1 add css C. A. Snow A Co.
The BEST in the market.
etderpiiso.can l»e eTcc.'ve'v serious
wlx'.i his con, inci.ig to co cannot I
llepreHc■’..•* 've Lied, o' Minne­
oc heo*d.”
sota. «l:Hii.igt’‘«hcil himself in the
The fact is that Seoaior Do’ph is
House rri endy. A b d w’u’ch pro­ ! not mo e in ea ne«. t Lrn o'her Sim-¡
vid'« for to'' coinpulsoiv a.iend- :UtOlS in the deierii "Va, nil 'h <i the! In PROVISIONS we alwa* make price.« for others to follow. Our sales
of m* at during ¡.he year 1.SS9 amounted to over
uiac o.' wi'nesses Lwfore l.»n«l odi-
eri« or lieibrs pc sons au.borized to
titk" .es nm ly *n land eU'S« w.i* I m * publ nlie*!. but be wss the leader
of ¡he movement aid comes in for.
v olcr eo.is'de n.’on. Mi. Und op- 11he greater share of ihe newspaper !
2^. Ca-r of Coal Oil,
"o:ed the messile on lie g ouud
.shafis of wu. As cluii,man of the
and ASTRAL. We always shade the market on coal oil.
til."I it yave hind siili Ks t* i oppot-
cummitiee he each «lay inoies an
ten\ .* to bing coricsts i\,u Jist
«•¿ccuti.e Hcsíiou to consider the,
Two Cars of Glidden Wire,
ho lesi se h' « r.id compel wi -
question, pod thus becomes moiei
ners.'s. I ider ¡ho voh'.unry tys- co'iHp’cuiius in ihe proceed'ng*. ¡
Every one knows what the Glidden is.
- cm si .tie ■« u c i'wily* W'll'ng io
i'll«- long »¡me in comi ig ¡o a de­
.end y in frvoro' . heir neighlx» s.
cision and the amount of «liscussion, ¡
A Car of (21,000 lbs) Soap.
Tue se J.c s, ho nai«l. never h.itl together wi.h the tbppant ma i ier
i.oublu in gell' ig W'ineHHCH, bui
in wlrcli the whom affair has Ix-en This is consid rabí*- «oap, but we will make prices that will sell every
when ii lumi shark came imo a j i reate,I by the p ens, hi*s cnused a
box of it.
conin', lily ami tried to get an
breach between a number of Sena-
ho' i st nt Il’s Im pcs .cad or p e- ro'S and «a«* newspe.nef men whoi
A Car of Syrup.
eniption lie could not get w tnes.-.'s.
a e moat nc.ive io ga •lering execu­
All res|s*i*i;ible men could always tive see its for t.uir pipe s.
gei voluotii’-y witnesses. The bill
DRIPS, the lest in the market, and a push price behind it.
whs laid aside before any action
N'o.w tii-...nd . Uiai tbli hat
was taken, but. it is quite like'y been a ha d win mrend mt' .iv cat tie
Two Cars of Omaha Wire.
that the opposi, on which ho stirred have perished on the ranges of
Up will p•event its passage.
Ease n Oregon a carload of as j No one can undersell us on BARB WIRE. We make the largest con­
tracts of any firm on the Short Line.
tine fat steevs as anyone <x>u'd wish
'f ie Sena,«' Conuui ice on Mil'- to see was brougiit down Pom
iu.y Atl'ai, s huv«’o "dereil a favor- Heppner a «lav o- two sine«' by
abb' lepmt U]sin the bill to app o- l Ray B others. Tin *-• report ,he
piiuie money to leimlmse th«' loss in tliai seeiion amo,' i ng to
Stab'H of Ctiliornin, Ou-on and about ihi v per cent. The d'll'c1- --------- ALL THE ABOVE IN STRAIGHT CAR LOTS.---------
Nevada, f«ir exp iis«!.« incuired to enea In'inecn fine fat cr,Jo which
aid in suppressing the rebellion. sell for a gooil price, and the starv­
Tho amounts are: To California, ing he da on the rente one-tnird
$ I2S,S5»:’; Oregon, |:,.7B,272; Ne­ dying a d the íemeinder so poor as
1*1.« AS E REM EM 11 ER
vada, $100110«.
Wherever the to be about worthless, is nic ely a
Stu,*- pa’il inie eston loans to meet iiiniierof feed. One hundred head That our shipment.« last year were over SIXTY-FIVE (65) CARS of
these expenses, tliut amount, after of cattie well Ud ere wor.li mo e
MERCHANDISE. Most of these goods were sold in your country,
being determined, shall also lie than a thousand which have Is-en
starved to death. The morel is
plain ; ¡ample should keep no more
Tho brain of num exceeds twice cuttle ¿nan thev can take care of
that of any other animal. This ac­ and make a profit on.— Oreg«»nian.
counts for the seoin with which a
for tho I tems .
man looks iqion a dude.
A Cxr of Jno. Dssr PI
A Car of Fish Bro’s Wagons.
A C.;r of P1 Best’s Milwaukee Beer,
A Cir of Meats.