T hee * and Hiiiti iiiieicy .—A few w«'<'k* ago tlm agent of th" Payotto took it largo number of order* from WEDNEHDAY, FEBRUARY Hl. 1**7. lli<> Hcttler* of Hurney and vicinity for fruit trees, vine» und shrtiblwry. We ar<> glad to note this spirit of LODGES. progreas among our settlers, iix.tlicy litive «very nHstiriince of a *afo ttml HAIINEY LODGE No, 77. I. <>• Ü. F. profitable investment. The I’ayi'tte Meet* every Saturday evening ul of accommodating tho dancers. At or l'trtinmt prvhi¡»tly attended tu un rea- 12 o'clock an cxellcnt tupper was ! served al Frv’s hotel. »onahle chargée. • Will pTMtle j is all th# Coarta cf tno State. Ri i«« indld .—Having lately, and suddenly, come into possesMon’ of C. A. 8WEEK, the knowledge of tho recent secret > A T T O It N E V~A T—L A W, stssion of tho county court, Judge Maxey presiding, an < Ot NSEIz- ing special meeting, ami the buri- 01W-AT-LA W, nexa transacted thereat. HARNEY ITEMS. N’««Tt< K T" Dr.nroH'* —Dr. C imi way lias inov« «I to another part tho «'innty, and lukcs thh mo of ti.aifyini' those who i.rc iiirlot t< him that his necotinta are in hands of W. E. Grue«1, at tho d atore, who will reeeivo and rec« for them. H«'ttl«nicnt must mild«) iiiiiiiodiutely or collanti' wi'l lie forecd. * --- --------------- GEO. HUSTON & SON Have opened a strictly CASH BUHÍ- N EN.H ■ *—2" ■' I I BIRTHDAY —AT— O rkoo N, Bt'RNS Offers for cash in hand the fd/ewing gads at prices that ccrm.t be undersold in this market: *sn BALI I A GRAND BALL in inciiiAry of i liais enables them to sell cheaper Gen. Geo. Washington will bo i iv-j than a Credit Business. A large stock of General Merchandise, comprising, GROCERIES cn ul HATH, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, men and boys FURNISHING goods. HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE, TOBACCO ai d CIGARS. Below we give a list of / a few prices subject to change. BUCKLAND'S HALL, Camp Hur February 22n sold during the coming wesson, and parchasen» will ¡çH the benefit of bottoni prices by making cost purchase* at I'. F. Stengers. | i /------ < 4 cans tornito?«, Corn per can, SUPPER served at Buckland’s H >t|fi. (iallou < an Sugar Drijm syrup, The bet music nod management ...» JU U> Bucket Lanl, ' 1 one p. ind cans oysters’ been engaged for this oceasfoo. :j two ” ” ” i Axle grease per can, I H poutids dried plums, M evaporated peach plums, 7 ft m.i< Line dried upples, EVERYBODY INVITED. ft sun I 1 ¡lajA-rajArbucklcs parched I 1« »1 00 11 fl >1 fl fl *1 fl fl fl 25 50 75 00 00 25 00 00 00 Ontario, Baker County, Oregon, on 00 Have opened at this point a large stork sf Tickets, with supper. S2 50. tus BAR General Marchandise-—Clothing, Drygoods, Queens- at -______ 1 H now .—Last Friday night the SMELTZER & CALDWELL’S O regon . B akkk C ity , Will practic* In nil th* coarta of Ore­ snow fell to the depth of alxtut H NOTICE TO DEBTORS. inches all ov« r tha valley. Th«; gon. Mr. Isr.vl will I*» in attendance nt mountain*, too, aro well covered Notico i* hereby given that nil indi >t- i each term ul Grant «»unity Circuit Court. -is str plied trrrn- w I with it, and thus contain a fount­ edn » due lb ■ <>¡4 firm ul Hui Consultati in liv mall. < al.lwell is «lue und must b.- | mi . nr «t.«Tol » «f fWyonCity St« m k< t at ’inAonl. However, they do i >■ IP. A. WILSHIRE, l-'i.f ;■;»«• l'\. re ''■■■ 1 I .« « \ ■ • V ry f • • • • ■ : - r. - • ■ « .................... ' lnJ u w. fo —>r4r ■ d u,n««•. t->,. i. .. ..ixiua, Sgtj.fNO Ot t —Mtf L' »sing o wiU DRINKS AND l JGAR> ADV! KiLtlXG RATES. sr-ll iilM stock of ; tS|»|<‘ grzrerie H A W A 7 C ware, Boots and Shoes, etc., tic. I and ■X— ¡•rove-ions ill extremely Anali p:..f- Our chjrg«for tho pubUratioti of Lai-. i its » front ' ‘ ’ dnte, * this with the view of N«4iees arc a* follows: . .. |7 4w piittil ut in a largo at.d now st n-k in Final 1‘rooi Drir ks s.-.entifically mixed in style and Timber Lana ... .;... J.» punhly i > »mt the patron. the ell nrty spring. • < ontiwts..................................... >0 i /•• d - n < unsoliduted NoUces, each name,. .7 W . X ALSO HAVE FOR SALB 4 77>e celebrated Bainjight and ¡teary Wagons, Cucktcards, Chcmpicn Mowers, Tiger Rakes, etc. I r ' We are constantly receiving NEW GOOD*. Give us your orders and you will save money. We are SELLING AT LOWESTPRICES. J i: After t!i'.' tilth of tin « m h . i no b >untim W. L. GEARY £¿ CO., Ontario, Or A good BILLIARD TABLE in repair. Il.’.i I an i Hair clmiusan.i Meerschaum will t>r iiiluwc'l on the scalp-« a! wiki ani­ pip,« luountod. mals. No rca’iin* assigned. The reusun is t'sj plain to lined a statement. t.u.t.' a large numls’r of I .«aver skins TOWN AND COUNTY. have liccti brought to this market this R. ROWAN & GON. Le t week the Prineville mail camo In winter. This kind of fur is readily mark­ MEAT MARKET. Livery and Feed Stable et iblu at from to (3 50 per pound in on horseback. OREGON- PRINEVILLE. N’oboL,. knows but we may yet have u eastern nurkots. Mr. Ntongcr han mado a «ale of 1000 roHpoctablii fall of nnuw. J. COPSHALL, Proprietor. Wo h ive heard that a dance Mill Io head of horses to Iw delivenl to eastern JAMES EATON, Propriétor. Have a large stock of Stoves, parties a* so«m ua shipomntscan ba made DEALS IN given on tho Islatid iummi . Ranges, Tinware, Hardware. House I’li.-y wit! b? shipp. I from Ontario over Th' Prinnvills pap Vale s’, ig i hr ok » down on its last M anufacturing and R epairing . Everything new and orderly. POX hi« mail wag in. A d/sperat.1 attempt to MEATS cut to order by whole-, trip here n:i I we h i 1 n > pa;»«r mail last STALLS, commodious, with cithor Mask Ix’.it n ¡» o t f «How out of his liar-1 earned sale or retail. Agents for Experienced nn«l careful hands Friday evening. , or Dirt lioord. money like this is imt very creditable. employed, ami the liest care taken Prescott's Wood Pumps A goal tim • is aosuro'l at th> Grand We have had a little snow on tho ground of horses left in my charge. Ball lo I h » givoo ut Camp ILirncy next INF" Orders from abroad solicited and for the past too weeks ir.it not enough to Tuoa.iay night. promptly tilled. Country orders solicited, and cover thograss at all. fitj“ Eeight inches Tbs Finest and Pest Qnalitv sf Fsy Mr. P. F. Stenger return' d from the east since tlie first part of this item was put promptly filled. Lowest eashpric# to all. will always be fe«l in this Stahl*. ■”d ths last Friday ovotiing. llo went us far cast tip clninges the ¡'itch of the time<■ insi.le • ' best care guaranteed ts horses left in % R. ROWAN & SON, us Pittsburg, l’ctin. charge. ably. Prineville, Oregon. The hunting party spoken of last week Comity »»mrt r contly met, co nn i i- ’ returned niter tliren day*, awful glad to * o icr Me. Kinnon absent, and rescinded C. GUNTHER, GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS. sou cooked grub again. A CASH 3USTWRSS at SSD-MSX tho or.lor allowing a bounty on wild an­ CSG is car celts. Tiie kind «if weathor wearo now having imals. Too active down here in this div-' PRACTICAL BLACKSMITH, will make a hardship on range stock if it ision.question is the cause generally sup- okkuo : BURNS. REASONABLE CHARGES. continii ■! fir a few weeks. poiicd. ALL KINDS OF A little more snow mid rabbit hunting Chas Gunther is r.q'idly advancing in THE SAW MILL will just amount to the Rame thing as tho mysteries of tho printers trade. From £cr r asters in connection . i this on lie will bo most likely to remember! going <» it mid picking them up. B L A C K. S M I T II I N G W a have lie n tol.l that pirtiesg.ithcre I that capital* uro not ornamental in ti e' At Burns constantly lias on hand up all t.'i) scalps they eoul I an I struck middle of a word. Ho found tlio tyi» lice 1 a large stock of flooring, l'orto on short notice, and in the best rustic, mouldings, W. C. BYRD, Pre>riatsr. out 11 U inyon with them thu fir. t of tho last week. Ho did Will. style. ... i sawed shingles week. l’ostm.e-tcr Parker <1 sir. « to announ c anti all I A h inting party «¡11 lenvn her» this that there is no law compelling a post­ New Kinds of surfaced lumber, weelt to limit itntolopu mi l waterfowl in master to «it up all iiig’ii waiting for tardy HORSESHOEING Prop. TIIOS. E. ERINK machinery has lately been added, the vicinity of tho Warm Springs on silver letters and that from this ilato tlio mail A SPECIALTY. and we arc now able to fill all or­ will promptly clou • at !> o clock in the creek. (<P|H»lte the In.M3 ottico. I have recently taken charge of We want to ray that this patior is never fowl, g"«i‘, «11 k«, etc. Kivarm about the Govd Road t» the Hill. Jfd tho Fry Restaurant, and propose to warm *pri'i>< and mountain streams going to say anything u'.siut Kubscriptions run it in a way that will bo satis­ SA YER A DORE, that are duo, but dont flatter yonre-ielves where ice doe* not form Proprietor». f factory to all concerned. ■ in respect to final proof notices. Tim nl!l- At present the snow in tho valley is SXALS1 ■■ .V near five inchos «loop and tho ground davits of ptibiication lay quietley in this ofHc > until instructions nro received from C. SAMPSON. I*‘tly well frozen. Until is too Into in tlio s.tason to cauut any npjirulionsion. < the parties concerned. L E E G A L D W E L L All that can bo procured in tho market We have upward.« of 3) I sp"einion* of will be found ou the table. Our merchants have put in n pretty fair P ractical and M echanical brand i none of which are used in the lot of agricultural implements a id machi­ PRACTICAL BARBER..... neighboring range that you can select nery, but will probably run far short of from. Ilraiiils must be re.' n-.l • I with the BURNS - -- -- -- -- OHEUON tlje demand long Iwforo aprin ; is over. county clerk. You