A arney V alley Items BUHNS, ORANT COUNTY, OREl «» VOL. 2 NO. 30. RY WEDNESDAY, 1887. FUKNACE-HEATING. i entrai Asia, amt tu» reaming out t>y HINDOO WIDOWS. moans of railroads to ih<- heart of that Four E*«»luta to 11« Loti«l. Thvi« « many a romanee uomea my way. old Continent, CaiMlnntinopIo bn* *ba Tratr Itslplrs. it on ut m Furnor«. Ami tnnnt a aorrow m««ta my íurfuuat«* Wom»til seemed to be the great desidel nllim of PUBLISH KU WKKKLY Uoin< th«* « huid nuit« vvvrr «lay. 1st. Bo sure and put In u furnac* The formal period of mourning for a I know Ibo pvoplv mid ! llmlr ways: •av all thv nations who are anxloue to * (-iipnblo of comfort able heating tho Ami much I mm *, trnui inai I lake. aggrandise th-.dr dynasty, l(oiii«dsrv. Widow In Bengal lasts for one month IL A. DILLARD. ■ • • Proprietor. Of joy. ami trouble, ami deep heart auba. building In tho ciddest weather without commrrvv ami polity. Ever sim-e 14A2, h th>< Kayiuib,. the most uumerous Ibi« letter. adtlrrnKMl in manly atyle, heating fire-pot to rod heat. The alitai Hit-ri«»«. when Mahomet 11. took the city, th« Influuiitlal uluas In that part of In 1« fur a inaidon, 1 van see colitt-ssMpu and expansion duo to the th b«T g Imi brinili «nu» and happy ■in'l« Christian world, or »ome part of It -tho Hrahinins keeping only ten henvvvi th«*» com«*, that thai mil»l be, OSU'III -, ”, gre.iLAMieogi'S of ti-mpi-rature in the has been arrayed against the Moab in , From her aw««tararí; ami. what ia mure, world. Intlie effort to carve u| p ths **jra. During this time she h ius to pre- furnsw; » hell Hu- lire has to In- foriM-d, PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Thv U m «)« they cornu ab« a at th« dour. bet ________ own finid, confining _____ _________ jg herself to siMiii loosen the joints of a furniico built territories of Turkey, and J wproUttly , , of J pen. —New York is mauufaoturing Miles Tbia i«mfca like a hili ; they're pour, I aa^ee: Russi* f un-pi-, Musai* | a single meal a day, which consists of Turkey in Africa und Europe, up of several pieces, and |M-rmil the es- >• vomr •«» uftv** to iH. as big as base-ball bats te kept* the A 1111 was ou the point of taking Constanti­ balled coarse rluo, simplest vegetable», Vape of the gases of combustion Into pal«« Lu«*d woman, with real dl«lrv»a, dudes from blowing away.— N. .♦*«•». w II tab« thia (rum m«* at the door. nople when her armies were al Nsr> idarilied butter, and tullk. She can on tin- fresh air supply. NuiWtnii m«»r«F’ ah«*‘a aure to Bay, —W e don't just see why a woman An«i Ntefano, on the European side of the la a b«*|»«-lvaa, half »«iwtant way. Wrought Iron and steel-plate fur­ should like her minor bettor than a Sea of Marmora, just below the city. Mt account touch meat, tlsh, eggs, or Tiie city wna sat di to the Turk then by fa’ ■_____ i«-y nt all. »lie is forbi Idt U to nace« are now made which nr« claimed man, for the man will flatter her and Ami tN • uno with a foro irn *Ump— U ell. 1 at:« m I b «1 th » l«?tt«'r a «omoI a treaty which gave great advantage tel J«-ar lot• h a huma. —Darwin says that »he monkey can Il a tn«*ther wa l»»«i niii'Binl) ; by thnt of Berlin subsequently. This ||kmo vol mu «m i iluy ami night, even thnt wrought iron furnaces may leak blush. He eertainly ought t« when he from my aun, * aht’ll aa> to me. i-n It Is wet, and must eschew the after having been some time u»ol ( It. In some cases no rule can la1 made by which one can I eìntoM» tr«’iii tb««ro have «topped of late; lion, Turkey lust large slices of her « terned any combination ft torture sur­ The i'»n m.t ev<> have her hair dried tell whnt size furnace lie should Use to airi a »nd ami nril, I huow territory, dllll. so far as the Balkan i passing a toothache and a new pai- of Thin >a tho laat from Idaho. the aun, I... daily morning heat a given amount of space. They Peninsula Is concerned, which is the I say tin- only thing to go by 1» experi- boots. —Leu-ell Ami bere ta ,Vra. Harry llrown, territory lying lietwafln th«- .Egvan aqd j — He—"You don’t' sing or play. uti<-n, which she must go through enee, taking Into account Ule ex|H>siire *1 hat*« w by th«* «lauiiy lettere come tho Black Seas, she has maintain«-« i b- forv she can put a particle of food In Then 1 presum-' you Write or paint." No more t«» iiumlmr *1 of the building, location of furnace, much substantial power over a part of ' : her mouth. The old women say that etc.; hence an architect must rely upon h . a brott- could write columns of it large supply of fresh air by means of n we could think of it — Chirac An Irtereatliitr and InatructlvaChat ligion, of which the great patriarch te tiie IM-Vtelil nt the Soul of her jiepaKcd wimm I vu or metal duct connecting the t zar, claims tho right to dictate uot with “ au imo t" Cox. ger. husband, must submit U> continuous air chamber under the furnace with an only who shall Iw her rulers, but as to abstinence and excruciating self-inflic­ «-There was a man once on a time, o|H-ning in the outside wall of the her Government ami administration, i tions. A whole mouth passes in till« building, preferably < on the north who thought him very wipe, He posi- 4 *tp*<-ln>»it lu» kish J •hr —Age nt the Recently Russia has made Inmeuse ‘ advertise, This diet should slate of eemi-slarv atton. The fum-ral or west side. lively affirmed held I neror i._. lini.. II. r • \ut Hilf and sinster advances in tiie liicreaae nW Oeremonlca which drug on till thv vm ere long, But the goods wens advertised ad fie ns large us the opening In of iapi*»i»iut«»«— i ho i>uih« of it»« lier armament and navy upon the Black of that period, are all performed, ami the tinse of the fill .»ace. The nil' sup- ____ „ a tail. The ad was and thereby hangs Aiuvrloau tegAlluu. Sea. Every thing has pointed to uu the rigid ob»- rv atices of the wl low of a set in nonpareil, and headed “Sheriff's ply shoiihl on tio nriouut I m - taken from advance of Russian Interests and pow<< little relaxed if It may be so U-rmed, the cellar, because It is almost sure to Sale."— N. T. Mad. In the direction of Constantinople. In A Justice in Georgia recently siticv the only relaxallpn allowed to lie eontniiiini»ti-<| « itli gasses escaping lion. S. 8. Cox's diplomatic mission iertook to ng»rry two /fouplee at to the Orient has given him a great ad­ other wonts, «he is making the c«*it< *1 her is that she lived not prepare thv from the furnace itoor, and. |M-rhaps. for Central Asia on the Bosphorus. To ,tice and married both women to one of flier«* may I m - decaying matter or bad vantage over the regular Culled State, thia end Persia has Iwcotm- really a food with her own h indo, and that she the men before ho was aware of the ^rau change her clothes, but alwava plumbing In th«- cellar, which also give He vau giaft a Turkish Russian khanate, and Afghanistan mi y u»ing only I'laln cotton earls The fact. He afterwards got the matter humorist off injurious gases. straightened the satisfaction of joke on one of bls old Congressional he what Circassia has becoffiT * real misery of the widow, however, Tin- fresh air supply should not lx* "Il ia usule»» to prophesy about any* le-glns after tin- first month. It is not the contracting parti««.— J>. K. Sun. rib-ticklers, and produce an article so brought ill through an underground movement» uonnected with Ulis East­ enough thnt she In quite heart-broken must also bear There is this to say in faver of a col­ st-wer. antler annexed Eastern Roumslia to> 3. A flirtiate Is usually piacisi m-nr legiate «Mlucation: When a man learns Pasha "Sunset.” he never donned the the m-'st gulling Ind.gullies ami the Bulgaria. It fi-ll upon Couslantino- , most hum . . l . iiiing - M-lf-sacrilices. She the center of n building, the oliteli being anything he learns it so thoroughly festive fra but three minutes and that pl. llke athunde.lsdtfromactear.kv ' ‘V’' to have the flura conveying tin- hcntoi that he never forgets it— Botlon . ran- was a trial experiment. While a re­ Itwa. aimed ... an nst-.-.d, 1 -m it' •eript. porter wan waiting in the parlor of struck several planets. It hHiqwn*Mt atf be a wedding in th« huiisn Ihn widow air from it ns »hurt ns po»«ibL. Hori- —A pedantic writer complains that th« Minister's residence, No. 13 East the beginning of the Beiram »- custom a During loss of licnt. pear, many tine view, of the Bosphorus of Ramazan, whicte Is tho lomjf direction of The pollnte the ma- nai e, i -a Tgjn pr« W b -t *n«y de •y ,TW- If a “ Ixt townixi the uurUiWesL no son or wi III >u give your boy such an ever- 1 ly that be was »■ mvwbst miarse. '1 hat my way In i.te American launch from >f the house. If anv lite area '«aiilding of Luge area Is Is to I m - wa ¿ iii M las tint hard name? It's as long as * . inimitsbl«- ard breezy style so char- Tnvrapia to the palace, when a mes 3 t daughter t- ron for* tier, or If she lina by fuil>>u-e heat, it will be much better ac'eruiic had tot departed, ami when to p %s L< I wh -if II'--. i « is otli-n tliv string of aried applivs." "WeU, sciigor from the Sultan stopped our I to use two or throe furnaces distributed brother, boys are Ik) pftTt tutar when asked for u Turkish story he said: boat to say thnt Ida Majesty bad post­ c i«i. with h«-r ut-band • family, her ."I have juat receive«! a fresh one by mined UlO reception of th« foreign poiiditten truly la-comcn a helpless one'. over th«> area than one large centra! they gr iw up. »nd always want roman­ tic and dne-M>midiug nanus; and ao I cable iron» the Gol«len Horn and it Ministers because of a remarkable During any ceremony or grand occa­ one. 4. The rrgisier ami hot-air flues told nn husbnnd wr would* call the g«H’s A Turk in Constantinople called event which bud just mxmfred It was sion she has silently t<> l«x>k on. oth- i « child rdleg Zerubnbel Ki^h Eikannh vp.n hia neighbor and want««! to bor­ the Bulgarian émeute, which annexed l.routid her «-njoting 'and sporting •hould he of ample size, ns It 1» much better to hat e a large quantity of air Habakuk, and when he get.« old enough row his jackass. East R«>ume)ia. I shall never forget [ht-insi'lrcs. and if a im«« kind relation " *1 have sent the a»» to Scutari, my th«! scene which occurred, for I pur ifoes not come to relieve her tedium admitted at n low temperaturo than a he can take hi*» choice.” The Sqnfre thought it would be hard picking, but friend.'. laconically replied the for­ sued my wnv to tho vicinity of the the has hardly any thing lodo but to small <|uuiitity of nir at a very high he did not tell her mo ; and Mrs. Larkin tunate owner of tiie long-carid ani- palace, although I ilid not enter the jiiminate on her prv»v.il sud, wretched temperature. — Builder and Wood­ went on with her knitting in a state of imal. ‘Even now that a«s is climbing palace. 1 saw the immense excitement . ninditlon. Every fi-mule member of a worker. over tin- hill that brings him in view which Musli m muftis amt goM-be-1 iimily, whether married or unmarried, •erene aatiafaction.— Botlon Budget. a UUCK STORY. of that city. If lie were here, of course ■ diz«-m-d paslin», even tiie moat phleg­ ■. n go to parties, but a w idow cimi not, A MUSHROOM TOWN. I would lend him to you.’ matic Turks from the little dwarf of and if she expresses any wish to join I Wromlnc Ituutor t»i«rovrra a Hugo “Alsnit this time tlieiuis brayed loud the palace to tho Grand Vizier, fi-lt. the family on such occasions it is In­ Cavern Whirl* Contain* Three l.ahra. Ifow a Lively Colomdo Village l)l*Mp and long in his stall. p«*are'inrlt< nlh Pmiurg. England. “It was my first visit and uot mnuy miles from the Nebmska the scenos and incidents made an ini friend, which do you believe ia lying, together. Sir William White was then loo siini-j-. "ini you aecp any line. Dm* of the sources of the crrvk pression on me that time will not efface. the ssa or myself?’ hmding the place of English Minister­ Hamburg edging?" nuked a timid Mian. is n shallow, sedgy pond, from which "This i« n prime specimen of the lie has within n few days returned "Not if we can help it," was the perl To begin with, I had the mountain humor of tin- unspeakable Turk. th.- water pours overa miniature preci­ »gain to thnt post. But the question reply of the clerk. He kept some that pice some ten feet in height and live or fever as soon as I got anywhere near "Mv lii'iilth? Well, I have improved returns; for Russia was lying in wait day. —N. >’. l.tdger. six in width. the Rockies, and tiiat little affair is cal greativ. My summer in tiie island of for tho opportunity to dispossess t*i wooden buildings lined each In fact fifty years ago Miss Pardoe. in cently transferred from the dress-goods then dashed through the veil of wAt.-r sid ■ of the ma n street, including three her book called "The City of the Sul­ question; but still it is her interest, department) Yrs. ma'am; something formed by the falls coming from tbu hotels, a dozen boarding houses, im­ tan," said that Pern, where the Ani- with lier 40,t)00,0<>0 of Mohammi-ilaiis that won't show dirt? pond. mense stores, where the freighters into bessadora lived most of tlio year, and in her Indian Empire, to keep the good Though a good deal astonished ths —“Mr mnruint gives me a penny will of the head of Islam, which is tho Old .Mexico got their loads, and ten or which is it European city, opposite old every any, ” sab! n little girl to her ranchman had then no time for in­ Sultan. Besides, does she not contest twelve dance halls and saloons and Stamboul, was like an ant hill. The com pan ion "for taking a dose of cas- vestigation of the vugular circum- gambling places. Every thing was diplómales and dragomans are con­ in the Balkans with Russia, and upon tro oil." • Wha do you buy with so -tiuise, and not until a short lime ago the contest depends lier Asiatio pres ­ wide open. The only thing the settle­ stantly going and coming, carrying a >y?........ '•Oil, mamma saves it did he follow the tracks of the ducks much money? ment did not have was a grave-yard. little gossip iu the »¡tape of diplomatic tige and sway over 200,0.10,000 of peo­ up to buy II... through the falling waters, Beyond lie oil With." a This fact whs commented on most straw«. They are forever alert, like ple. When the Gz.ar, nt tho launching — Bertie -"Mt Schuyler, are you a a slight ducking lie eiparienood favorably by everybody who resided the Greeks of old. for some new thing. of one of his great vessels at Odessa, no inconvenience In pushing be- upon the BlncK Sun, not long s nee an­ I very strong mat?" Schuyler “No, there. 'It shows what a healthy place Once then* and “But," said Mr. Cox. the ‘Oriental nounced the resurrection of the Russian not so very strong, Bertie.'1 Bertie • liiml the falls. we've got,' said any of them when ap­ Imbroglio' is not a new thing. It is as “What dhl pa mean, then, when ke the way was clear. Opening before nnvv upon tiiat sen, and when L>i • mayor proached on the subje-t. 'and it also old aa the selection of Constantinople of Moscow, in presenting an address to told sister at the breakfast table to-day him was a passage three feet, in width, shows what law abiding fellers we are as at the grand site of commerce in the Czar, shortly after, prophesied thnt tho that he saw you with a heavy load on and of sufficient height to allow a man —for here we’ve lived for three or four East. Yon cun not open a volume of topass upright. The wallsof theaubter- In at niffhtr night?’’ Judge. weeks and nobody has died with his history, and especially the histories of Russian flag would soon float over the Inwt rnm-itn way were dripping with water, — -••What “Wlint are you r< ailing, my dear?” boots on.' This latter was a polite way Byzantium and Greece, without finding dome of St. Sophia, tho temple of and undoubtedly p:< -ed beneath the ‘y old huly of her of informing the stranger that no fatal the autotype of the ‘Eastern question.* Byzantine Christendom, it wna a aus­ inked a motherly pond. He had not gone many yards rows had occurred within that time. It has been continually recurring-and picious notice and warning to all the -laughter, who wn- i swinging in a bant- before the sound of a great quacking world that tho dreams of conquest In ­ i inrd one Sunday mock In the i'de Everybody was on the leak - and the never settling. The pre-eminence of a I. fell upon his cars. Hastening his pace •••Si. hotels all charged at the rate of four the city as a commercial emporium dulged by Peter the Great and Catha­ aftetneon. he soon came upon a large cavern, in "That ’ s light, mv rine II. Iinil not been dissipated in tho dollars per day. The hotels, by the .landing between the Eaat and the the center of which was a lake. The way, were not more than two stories West: with her magnificent waters of brain of tin- Great White Czar.”— N. want 10 about tfc-t surface of this lake was thick with want you to open a novel on Sunday. high and were not fitted up with anv the Mediterranean, the Dardanelles y. Mail and hjrpre»». ducks. The water fowl wore mostl) V. I'. Time». great style or elegance. As soon as I and the Marmora (Propontis), Bos- mallard and teal, though several other —Influent ialciliz- n: So yer thinkin' varieties were represented. got well enough to travel 1 went down phorous and the Black Sea, make It — Small an tall— uv locatin' hvitr, air ye? Young phy­ to Trimdad. and was there just two altogether peerless, not only in politic­ On the approach of the intruder the Mv wife Is tall, mr ion Is tall, weeks to a < ar. d from sight, ami all of i’et.-r the Great, Russia has had her morning thnt I don't like.' "He often lai satislli-d after the treatment you got itl and the end of the subterranean i th...... . o I if two weeks ' s7. does ti.at. He don’t care what he Imre last night. I kicked you down water chain. The ducks now took tin eye fixed upon this ancient capital. < •/ - She has been checkmated by the 'con­ says.” "Well, I don't like it, and U iho front steps ami set the dog on you. back track, and he could hear the rush ► 4» ♦ —Wtflle tie* liar has more pressing cert* of the European Powers. These be don't take back whnt he said to ntt and ho came back with a big piece ol »f their wings and the sound of tlieir our trousers. Now, n hat do you harsh notes growing fainter as they need of a good memory than other Powers are jealous of the great 'lnnd it will bo impossible fur tno to stay with i->-n. he is of all men least likely to anima),' Russia. Especially since the i him." "What did ho say?" “He gave ■«ant? Youngman: I'd like that pieci •ought the safety of the outer air. antagonism of Russia with England tu | me notice to quit on the first of the ■if cloth, please. ('heiienrit (ll'yo. 7‘.) l.radtr. -an it. Pro ideid P utaa HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. THE POSTMAN’S g SOLILOQUY. THE “SK’K MAN.” t ■yr _ I 1 “'¿fc MODERN f.llf OLD MAIDS. M•*•*•• in Kacvllmnt Tn«!«» Who According to the idea of things which prevailed not so very long ago, th« woman who did not marry was a blighted being. It did not matter whether she remained single from choice or necessity; for since It was considered a woman's only manifitst ami unalterable destiny to marry, she must, of course, be regarded as a fail­ ure in life If she did not do thia. And though she may have refused forty of­ fers of marriage, or have had the most Imperative duties of any sort, or devel­ oped tho most decided talent for some vocation in life other than marriage, ?'vl neither one or all ut these would ntve b«-<-n ncc«-|>ted aa a valid reason why she should not follow whnt society lin I decided was the only proper course In bfi- for her. Fr >m this condition of things there bios «- In literature ami the minds of the jicople In general the typical "old maid." Nhc was al w ays pictured gaunt, angular and forbidding in appeiuanee; morose ami Ill-tempered in Jiapositiun. a« become a blighted and disafipvinlu«* Ireing; hating youth and pleasure of all sorts, with a sp-'cid grudgl* against love making ami lovers, since tlu-y re- iniiuled her of her own vanished youth and the opportunities wim-fi she never had, or having, had neglected. But we have changed all that in these later days. With thv education of women und tho broadening of their opportunities In every way their dvsli- UK's have broadened also. A worn ar: iastill,perhaps, expected first to marrv Mild it 1« beet for her that she should, provide«! her marriage can be a happv ami suitable one. But if from her own choice, or a m-« «-re of voca­ tions ars open to her. in any ono of which she may wins livelihood or even competence. Consetiuently sho com­ mands respect, and. far from being a subject of contempt or pity, she is m->q» likely the object of open or secret envy on Uic part of most of her tnarHed ac­ quaintances And so it lies oemc alxmt that the typical old maid of former times has pit-ised away, and in ithe literature ol different from the old. The UMslerB old maid i( not angular and forbidding in nppearaw*. but plump and pleas­ ing. site is not moroee and Ill-tem­ pered. tail jolly and good-natured id an extent that make» her the best of com­ pany As »he hw> never had Th«' ab-, sorbing came that come with amrri.tgo, and has no family of sons and dangh- tvr« growing up about her to remind her of the flight of years, «hu linn nat- urallv fiirgotlen to grow old. ami young people regard her as on«- of tbuniscives vfh«-n giMxl times are being plnnned; while in the matter of lovers ami love­ making -he has had that experience which m.'ikcs her simply invakinlde us confidante and adviser, and sho Is tiie ri-fiository of all the secrets of this sort which exist within the rang«- of her ac- qmiintnice. Siu- dri-H-vs in exquisite taste, she pels a pug dog or tl white cat, i« goldm beetle, or wliah-vcr animal fashion may dictate; is idolized by her family; especiallv hei young nephews; has host« "f admirer«, but Is discretion and propriety pcrsotiiliv-l; is the guid­ ing spirit in orphnn asylums, hospital fairs. n- •i«-H-iat---l chfirity matters and other good works, and, in short, lives out to the end of her days a happy, useful, well-rounded existence.—,Vil- i. aukee Ttltgrupk. —Misery loves oonipiny and com­ pany cans -s the good housekeeper a good deal of misery too, when she hasn't anything cooked in the house.—, Scmerrill’« Journal. —It has been remarked that the youth who wears the tallest collar and carries the largest stink w -ars the smallest hat; but why it is nobody »oom« to know.— 1'fiila'lcli‘lxia Call. —"My dear," said a mother annoyed at some in anti his remarks of her little girl, "why can't you keen a'secret?'’ ••Because," said Little Mischief, de­ mur dv. “two of my front tooth are gone, mamma.’’ —Th - S indav Ifera'd has an artl -11 on "A Girl’s Roam -How to Mato It Attractive?" But the article misses lha best answer toils own question, to wit: I’ut the girl in the room. e I Cturier. It has boon revealed that when Daniel Webster got stuck for a word he ured to rub his nosi with his finger. This is p'-.f uindlv intnrosting, bat not strange Now, if ha had rubbed his nose witli his heel or oven his elb >w— b it the subje-t is giiltmg too il-op.— l‘hi‘a I Am Call. — Boston ha« a young man with two hearts. It is supposed "they boat as one." Should ho div.do his hearts with two young la-lies, we don’t suppose either of the latter would be satisliod. I’hoy would call him a ho irtless wretch, despitj Ins surplus of cardiac organ. — Badon Pox’. —“Goorg -,” she m irmured fondly, “do y.m b.diove In supportings mo­ nopoly?’ "No, dear, I din t. I be­ lieve in help ng a monopoly along just as little as I can. But why do you ask?” ■•I), I don’t know, only I thought mty- bo if you di In't you would have turned down the v vs.”—.Vr.n Ila n » Nr