RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! Aflniinistrators Notice. I Notice is hereby given to all per lons holding claims against the estate of Victor S. O‘tmer. deceased, to present the same to the under signed at his place of business in Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver-} ified as by law required within six months from the date of this notice Dated at Burns this 11th day of December, 1895. H. M. H okton . Ad ministrator. I offer mv liuti re Stock ot Goods BURNS. at Cost tor (CASH OB APPROVED NOTES^l OREGON. M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. This popular Hotel holds itself sup^r Qr Having determined to close up my business, a good opportunity in point of rank equal, if not sup is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in ior to any inland hotel and in tact laying in a full years supply. Q compares favorably with many Your Irvestm nts While is the truthful, startling title railroad houses. l>o<>k about No-To-Bac, the harm- , My Stock is Complete. 1< ss. guaranteed tobacco habit cure Don’t Tubaut'o spit or Smoke Your , Life Awny. Ttis wp II anr.ansed nice. co«v. comfortahlo rooms. The cuisine o-d partment is as perfect as posible for an inland town and guests will !>? w i iri 1 ttention. that braces up nicotinized nerves, gur'Sn l ’ ooi I h will l>- cbartred on my books ami all parties owing me t' eliminates the nicotine poison, Leteby notified to make an early sell lenient. makes weak men gain strength,1 vigor and manhood. You run noj J. DURKHEIMER. physical or financial risk, as No-To- Bac is sold by druggists every where I under a guarantee to cure or money | Address refunded. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co , New York or < hicago. II. M. Horton, Burns. Six weeks ago I suffered with ¡L very severe cold ; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult apysieian. Noticing ' < hamberlian’s < 'otigh Remedy ad verstised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and a t r taking it it short while was t ntyrely well Ino.v most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone- suffering with a cold. W. m . K eil . (!7K Selby Ave., St. Paul. Mimi.’ For s?le Ip I Send for fr< e “.rupie and j Hereby, flit- E t> 1 I emali » < incinmiti Weekl; lit quirer, one \ ear fur 12. The Enquirer is a II col uni ,8 pace i I1 '■ er, it'Siied each I hursdav. * irgcsi in ci/.-,cheapest in price, 11 ¡i.thlc in news.iill hirge tx |>e. 11 print, good white paper If o i: r-iiders want another live papi r, t 1 Enquirer is that paper < '! or send urd< rs to this office ('hatiil ci L i Í ii ' h ('olie, ( I men and Diarrhoea Remedy, H W WELCOME. Proprietor. On Corner opposite Post Office.! DRUGS, The best brands of Liquors, wii es and cigars. and one ¡tool table. jf'y L ill l’wu billiard W- .“.T-,y •KO PAIRS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. CULP BROS, >*• Burns, Oregon We mix our own Paints, and < | 4 ARM AND HA^ER SOPA 1MÌWAR1Ì of Imitation trade marks and labels. Our Work Sneaks fo~ it e is the whole stoiy about 111 fin rfr n (TPC **• |JClV!yU4^v3> L 1’tof. W. II. fcckc, v i hutkv» a spvvudtv «i bpilepav, baa without doubt treAtcd find cur- ej more , n*< * than any living 1‘hskkiatii hit giKvea* 1« astonishing V.o have heard of easel «a years' standing «V cured by PAINTS, GLASS. TOILET ARTI CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC .^^“Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON A GOODM AN, Proprietors. T lis is the best medicine in the " "i I I for lion el omphii nts. 1 < u quickly and Cun always be »1» ¡n tided tipmi. \\ li< n i » duci d with water it is plmtsmt to take I r; t, ami like many others you will recomiiieml it to your friends.' For • tie at 25 and .'0 cents a bottle !•» Druggists. A- h r.XJSlMMly Xni BURNS DRUG STORE. r ij CoStS n0 morc than other P*ck*&e soda—never spoils flour—universally acknowledged purest in the world. Made only by CHURCH ft CO., New York. Sold by grocers everywhere. Write for frm and Hammer Hook of v* luablo Reeipea—FREE. » Parties Desirinq Cabinet W ork that excels any done in this place hereto re, call and examine my ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. 08. work. $24 . $21.50 c* I linwr Bsslsi Tts <'oa«nmvn» For «t Vrnrs, •»»His« them the (tetlrra X\ e are the Oldeat *n<l l-MHfvwt manufacturer« In Amviica helling this way Ship subject to appronX H> pip fr+itjhi both «tMgji if not BAtiafactorv. Evei \ thing war rantes! why pas au Agent tiri lath) to order for jruut Write tour own order Boxing free. We lajkv all the ri*k of damage in »hipping. WHOLESALE PRICES K.„ , .. .... ,, ho. I I.trin Harm ta. THOS. LA HEY, Burns, Oregon. £WF irst door north of Brick Store. No. 131). Road Wagon. Spring Wagons, S3OtoS45. OuaraBteM »• '«-Il 1 ».J. It .tklr» or Road WdBt,n>< Stirrers -Ith I n. fm.tera, »80. f Eft aai»r *■ »til 1. 1 »,. t.. »iw. Top Buggies-• Io» vwU ••S33. Phaetons »« Io* »» »83. AeSooá X« Sold fcrtUX HARNESS. W«tvle«. single, TSMible an.l r*rm. RMIntrSM.tlM. Il-tulr. a».l rly >«’!-. M'rnl t «-rtit- tn ,Uiu>n to p-i tn..(*<• lit P-.- rat«l.<no. CuB§ fNo 41 \VasT»n Oa hi* ehaolute cure, free to any sufTerete Who may Bend their p. a „„4 8»pre* addreaa, r wishing a cu.o t. e.l.!,. .a IO. W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind LED FRONT LIVERY F fb I.W. L. rxSXX, f. ©., 4 Ceitar Ft.. lew York kW s' STABLE. (Tn the (’orner South of the French Hotel, Main Street. * «.♦ o * I I DE MvCLAIN — — — — — Proprietor. I he proprytor is well known not only here but in nil the adjacent < i i t • ■ and iowns. His business qualifications and natural affcc- lion for horses specially fits him for the avocation. «