| A good ranch belonging to II. G. . Campbell, containing 1G0 acres 12 „This is to certify that on May 11 , miles south east of Burns. This( I walked to Melick’s drug store on ranch has aboi»t 100 acres of good ; a pair of crutches and bought a meadow land. Price $800 or will Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN _ — — bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm trade for sheep. I . B yrd it K ing . | Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Kates. for inflammatory rheumatism which had crippled me up. After £j^T“Leave orders at Worthington’« Drug Store. using three bottles I am completely cured, lean cheerfully % recommend I it—Charles IL Wetzel, Sunburv, Pa. Sworn and subscribed to before « me on August 10, 1894.—Walter Shipman, J. P. For sale at 50 well begun Is half done- Begin cents per bottle by druggists. well by getting Ferry’» Seeds. 0 nulls r Catarrh that contain Mrcnry, as me prcurv will surely destroy the sense oi f rmell and completely do range th® whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur- faces. Such articles should nev. r be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they wid do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive frot.’. them. Hall’* Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney <t Co.. Toledo, 0., contains no m er curv, ami is taken int rually act- ing directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system, In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is taken idternabv ami is made in Toledo, Ohio bv F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes- timonials free. fW“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. ft. PLANTING I *, » Purring the winter of 1893, F. M. Martin. Long Reach, West Va , contracted a severe cold which left him with a cough. In speaking of how he curt d it he says: “I used several kinds of cough syrup but found no relief until I bought a bot- tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy which rel’cved me almost instantly and in a short time brought about a complete cure.” When troubled with a cough or cold use this remedy and you will not find it necessary to try several kinds before you get relief. It iias been in the market for over twenty years and constant ly grown in favor and popularity. Eor sale at 50 cents per bottle by druggists. | ii ilia Wood Yard! Wood Yard! An Affidavit. Those who are troubled with rheumatism should try a few ap plications of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If that does not bring relief dampen a piece of flannel with Pain Balm and bind it on over the seat < f pain and prompt relief will surely follow. For sale by druggists. LISTEN!! «LOOK! Don’t let chnne« determine your crop, but plant Ferry'« Seeds. Know’ll and sold everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Annual I AND for ISO«. Contains more prac tical information for farmers and gardeners than many high-¡¡¡\ priced text books. Mailed tree. 1». M. FERRY * CO., DETROIT, MICH. I 4 Johnson's JOHN F. STRATTON’S Store Cash. TS THE Celebrated Band Instruments Wanted—An idea ALSO Protect your Ideas, they may bring you wealth Writ.» JOHN WEDDEKBURN ft CO. Patent Attor neys, Washington, D C., for their $1.8U0 prize offer and llBt of two hundred Inventions wanted DRUMS, FIFES, Piccolosand Band Supplies. PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDER WARE, GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. Located first block East of Church. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON, Catalogue, 81 1,813,816.817 E. 9th St.. N.Y. W. H. C anaday , Manager. & THE NAME 0 T”E NEXT President DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS?."*^-, t ? •• 1 f i WILT. BE ANNOUNCED IN Wanted—fin Idea Protect your ideas: they may bring you wealth Write JOHN WELDEKBVRN ft CO . Patent Aitor hey«, Washington, D C . for their gl 8m prize offer and list oi two hundred inventions wanted. •' an: The New York Weekly Tribune if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. I • » • -î 1 ( 1(M 1 KI <th 1 EC 6 t- Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the results under the administration they elected, will make the campaign (he most intensely exciting in the history of the country. TkeNewYorkWeeklyTribune he leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, wil publish all the political news of the day, ii interesting ‘ to every American citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover Al ‘ 1d-y s / C V*4 ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none > • f i\ ; A; Alx/, - ’ •< in the country, maiket reports which «re recognized authority, fascinat t - z • 5 ’ - ; ii”« • » / Z W & V ¿J V Î tx. ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the ’ humorous i > papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comic pictures, fashion L . plates and elaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and ■ 'ik’d letter attractive department of household interest. The “New York Weekly Ever Ecfore Tribune” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that of any other weekly publication in th’ country issued from the office of c84 PAGES. a daily. Larg* changes are being made in its details, tending to give life and variety, and especially more interest to the women 1,500 TOPICS. it and greater young people of the household. T4\*3 Everythin.* Y cj Want .nd niE HKRAl'i?i3I!ACT e,'a,,k8 “* 10 Offer 'W-Plendid jonrn.! to Ktitiw When Von Warn to A ’ aw If. V VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA < OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. ' -, * J An Invaluable and Un"tva!Ied Political and Popular Hand-Book. i A ? READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. 2S ce^Ts. (CtxiaaiaYy Maa.) - me W orld , ■ ^•*5 -■» izer Building, New York* iCcatUT'ali Drt.Ktut^i Year ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2 Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD wo $ ONLY TWO $ CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. iti n <s ST. INO. .Nr. MF. «CARIMI OLES. l S moex •rfrfrer/Zre in it. // H.ilt Pay. f y 4» PAY UP YOUR 'SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. if SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address or call at ___________ herald O ffice WriœÂ äkm c # Tnnddi'i±.° w- THE NEU YORK WEEKLY TRIBCN e '. ü ^ *e’mailed THE HERALD DOES the BEST JOB PRNTG •^T LOWEST R4TE3. TOBI. ndiof >ISE. . H.inwMg> iG.