WHO SHALL WEAR THE COR-■ b¡ns up »° «>• 8'«" s*««. amid heaps of blossoms. OMET. Mrs. Chadwick made her call. WKHIOAN'S and the marquis rejoined her, and ¡the handsome carriage whirled From People'« Home Jeurnal, ‘ away; and when Del and Grace |c»nie home, and hearing what they I CHAPTER I. [C ontinued ] I had missed, were cross for all the : Rose went to her room and took I rest of the day. 7 QG CO. OR out the pocketbook Thoughtful-, When — the *u“ day of the ball carue,.' CHICA»«, ZI union ÍQUA.VC. N. Y ly and carefully she counted ever Rose hovered round her sietera the* roR SAUt Qy entire afternoon, acting as their her scanty hoard. What Chas. H. Hackley has Done for Western “I might spare them this much,” lady’s-maid. At last their toilets Michigan—How the only Cloud in the Life were complete, and they swept out she said, at last, reserving a portion: of an Honored Man was Brushed “and I’ll let them taka that, too. into the center of the room, Del in away by Science. I did want a dress and hat—but it i sea-green, and Grace in her rustling from Grand liupidt, Mi A., Evening Pre,,. doesn’t matter.” |goia. i I gold. and what they had fxp She had been saving every sur- Oh, girls!” cried Rose with! “ “ Oh, and some cases so nearly resembi 4 mine that I was interested. But I a* i plus penny to purchase a spring kindling eyes, “I neyer saw you not know whether tl.e testimonial! were genuine or not. and I «lid n,,r outfit for herself; but she gave up ]ook so splendid b?fore. The mar- wish to be humbugged, so I wrote t> the hoard without a murmur. 1 quis won’t be able to choose be- one who had given a testimonial, a « eminent professor of mu.de in C.’nadn. “Oh, Rose! you are a fairy!’’ I tween you.” The reply I received was eve.» strori - er than the printed testimonial, and cried Del and Grace, in a breath, “I shall not give him a chance,” gave me faith in the in.dit.ine. Th« suce»s« of this Orest Cough Cure la as she put the money into their j retorted Del, tossing her yellow without a parallel in the history of medicine. ”1 began tailing the pills and fr>u- i them to be all that the professor h. 1 All druggists are authorized to sell ¡ton a pos­ hands. “Now we can make our­ 1 tresses “I mean to take him by itive guarantee, a test that no other c re can told me they «"ould be It was two • successfully stand. That it may become three months before I experienced any selves gorgeous.” • storm.” perceptible betterment of my con - known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex­ , are placing a Sample Bottle Free into tlon. My disease was of such loi • The swee spring sunlight warmed i Then they rustled down the panse every home in the United States and Canada. standing that I did not expect speed; recovery, and was thar.kfui even to : j every nook and corner in the grand broad stairway, and into the inva-J If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron­ chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If yout relieved. I progressed rapidly, ho~- old Strathway homestead, and the lid’s sitting-room. child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use ever, towards recovery, and for tl.j CHAS. n. HACKLEY. ft promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread last six months have felt myself r gentle winds wafted the odor of “See, father!” cried Del, as they that insidious disease Consumption, nse it The most beautiful spot in--------- Musko- perfectly well man. I have rocov - your Druggist for 8HILOH’8 CURE, gon is inseparably associated with mended the pills to many people, a:. I bloscorr.s through the open windows swept out before him, "aren’t you Ask others > Price 10 cts.. 50 eta. and Si.00. If your Lungs the name of Ilackley, and in all West- | rm only too-glad t> are sore or Baek lame, use Shiloh’s Porous | ern Michigan there 13 not a name bet- health through the medium of t j till all thedim rooms were fragrant. proud of your girls?” Plaster. Price 26 eta. For sale by all Drug­ I ter known, and among the studious wonderful medicine. I c'..:i-4 say • >» Little Rose was unusually busy “Ay, ay! proud enough,’: re-1 gists and Dealers. 1 and those interested in deeds of phil­ much for wliat it 1 as d-ne for n- Dr. Williams’ I ink ' ills for P.ds anthropy, this name is known and ad­ that day. John, the gardener, had I spouded the sick man; “fíne feath | mired. Chas. II. Ilackley has been in People have an enormous sale, a. 1 the lumber business continuously since from all quarters come l i glowio-r *•> driven her sisters dewn to Shreve­ ere and fíne birds, and about as 1856, and in that time has amassed a ports of tl.e excellent r'svlts folio—. fortune, which gives him a ratinj ing their use. An analysis proves tl *. port, to make their purchases for much use to me as the gaudy pea I among the wealthy men of the na­ they contain in a condensed form i 1 thu bull, and the cook had taken a cock that struts upon the terrace, tion. But with wealth there did n >t the elements necessary to gl-e r. v come that tightening of the purse­ L.’o and richness to the blood and r - fancy to fall ill; so, with the care 11 wouldn’t give my little brown strings which is generally a marked Btore shattered nervex Thcy c.r2 i unfailing specific f r r: <"h 'hseascs 1 characteristic of .realtliy men. of her father and the household • thrush here,” putting his thin band ,------. 1 There is no prettier spot in the State locomotor ataxia, partk.. ! paralysis, ft. than Hackley Park in a square sur­ Vitus’ dance,1“sciati a. u urul -. : ., rhe’!- work, Rose had no time te be idle. on R obo ’ s head, “for both of you, I rounded and pierced by stone wall3, matirm, ncrvcu3 headac’. , the aft .• She wan now thoroughly weary. | and all your trumpery. » emphasizing with their whiteness the effects of la grippe, pi u-x’ion of ♦! j BY EMMA OAKBISON JONES. AN OFT REPEATED STORY OF TRUE PHILANTHROPY SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. But she gave her father his lea, The girls rustled out in high in-i and then ran down to the garden idignation, and down to Mrs.* to gather flowers to adorn her vases. Chadwick’s carriage, that had been She heap'd her arms and apron j gent to convey them to the Elms, with roses of all species, of spicy Leaning from the low window, honeysucklo, of pansies, with gold­ Rose watched them aB they whirled I en hearts, of fragrant lilies, hya­ away, and then fell to dreaming of cinths, with the essence of spring the enchanted world into which in their fragrant cups; «md then they were going Little Rose was' sat down for a moment, beneath a only human, and as she looked clump of evergreens to arrange over toward the Elma, and saw the them. A bluebird had a nest over­ flashing lights, and heard the roll head, and piped melodiously, and [of the carriages, and thought of all the afternoon sunshine felt »oft and the gayety and glitter, and of her wurm on ths tempting grassplot. j i pretty pretty golden golden silk that she had The tired, little girl, her while I given up, her soft eyes filled with apron running over with blossoms,. tear8 But 8|ie brushed them dropped her head on the soft turf, hastily awav, and arose at the and fell to dreaming, for she had (8ound of her father's voice. her dreams, too, like any other “Little one,” he called. “Come maiden of eighteen. By-and by the ' an(] 8ing for me. ging me to sleep, brown eyes dropped, the brown |(jarling!” head sunk lower, and the pretty,' She sat down beside him, ami , childish hands dropped their fra­ stroking back his gray hair, and I grant clusters Poor, tired little singing soft and sweet like a Ruth bad fallen fast asleep. '•nightingale. After awhile he The sun slid down the west; the .raised himself to a sitting posture, bluebird ceased his piping—still land putting both hands upon her she slept. i head, said, “You have been my | Suddenly a handsome carriage, blessing and comfort. Gt d bless drawn by a span of high-stepping and reward you! Kiss me, little grays, drew up at the gate. It was I Rose!” Mrs. Chadwivh and the marquis. She kissed him. Then he lay The young ladies were all out, the little servant maid said. “I will I down again, and fell asleep. Rose •stepped softly now to the window, go in and see my old friend, Mr. I and watched the glitter of lights Strathway,” »aid Mrs. Chadwick over at the Elins, catching now I to the marquis. “You can stroll and then a sudden «aft of music. about till I coma out.” The moon hung in the far west like The young Englishman accord­ I ingly walked down to the garden a silver crescent, aiul the midnight Through dim, spicy walks, under ] stars burned overhead. At last she grew weary of watching, and the arches of odorous vines, he cloaing the window, crept to the saunters along, striking at the bloe- bedside aguiu. sonis with his cane, and humming ‘ Dear papa, he sleeps well to­ softly to himself. Presently he night,' she murmured. came to dead halt, with a sharp ex But, even while she spoke, some­ clamation. A moment later hie thing in the still, white face struck fins face Hushed with admiration. | her. She l>ent over him with a sud-l I He had looked u|»on the fairest of den thrill of terror, and then her I fair women, but never m all hie I wail of agony broke out piteously life, he thought, had he seen aught on the midnight silence. •o purs and artlessly lovely, as TO NK CONTINT KO. what he bbw now, a tired little girl I I 2 GOOD O Journals £ FOP. THE PRICE OF ONE. -------!*?--------- Our Premiums FOS THIS YEAR. ----- r+*----- —THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call! I' kick si.as er.R vr.AM. ----- OR----- 1HK SAN FRANCISCO Morning Call! PRICK a«.O > PKB YKA1K ------- -+--------- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL 1« a liaudftoine vlght- pan« paper. It la i«d contain« att of tne important new« of the weak, al«HBe* L1 cm > membrance of the heroes who died rucli as scrofula, chronic ■ rr-.-vipela’ that the nation might live. Surround­ etc. They ore .o'.-o r. r-eci •e for t- ■h as rv ing this park are the magnificent lies pcculi; r to f mop -. tt ! ■ '! fern i Hackley Public Library—a poem in yressior.s, lire.'”lari;1 of weakness. They bv Id * * I’ e Lie A I granite—with its 60,000 volumes, and rnd restore the gl'-w ' i health to pu • i the equally stately Hackley school, like a bee-hive with its 600 children. r.nd sallow check.». In mon they .. Other elegant buildings testify like­ feet a radical cure i:i all case, arising wise to the liberality and munificence from mental worry, overwork or ex­ of this man who has pulled wealth out cesses of whatever nature. There art no ill effects following the use of th!» of the forests of Michigan. It is no wonder then that the ntfme wonderful medicine, end it can 1>J g ’.vcn to children with perfect safety. of Charles II. Hackley is known at home and abroad. His munificence to Muskegon alone represents an outlay of neat ly half a million. For the past twenty years he Las been a constant sufferer from neuralgia and rheuma­ tism, also numbness of the lower limbs, so much so that it has seriously interfered with his pleasure in life. For some time past his friends have noticed that he has seemed to. grow young again, and to have recovered the health which he had in youth. To a correspondent of the Press, Mr. Hackley explained the secret of his transformation, and to Lis friends who have known now he suffered, it is indeed n transformation. "I have suffered for over twenty years,” he said, seated in his private office, “with pains in my lower limbs so severely that the only relief I could get at night was by putting cold water com­ presses on my limbs. I was bothered HACKLEY PARK. more nt night than in the day time These pills are manufactured by th« The neuralgic and rheumatic pains Dr. Williams Medicine Company, f he- in my limbs, wliiJi had been grow in metady, N. Y., and are sold only in in intensity for years, finally becatn boxes bearing the firm'« trade mark I chronic. I made tl ree trins to tb ■ ,’.d wrapper, at CO cents a box or sir Hot Springs with only partial relief, boxes for >2.50, and are never soli i and then fell back to my original bulk. They may bo had of all drug­ state. I couldn’t sit still, and my gists or direct by rrail from Dr. Wil sufferings began to make life look liams Medicine Company. The price very blue. Two years ago last Sep­ at which these pills are sold makes a tember I noticed an account of Dr. «nurse of treatment inexpensive aa Williams' Pink Pills for I’ale People. compared with uiU.r r.^cdies. i ------ «+••------- MOKMNG CALL six- (Sava» laeuaaa Waaa) la a live metropoiitaa daily. At Is the MOST RELIA­ I BLE. and la recngniied a* bring the LEADING MEWS- PAPER <>f the t'aelfie Coast. Either of the above paper* we will send posto-iid a« a pre­ mium on reset«** of the follow­ ing «ubserlptiuu price* tor the combination: ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFC. CO. Bead Wagoa- DAILY CALL Na 1. Farm Harnesa. AMD lHIS FA?iR, P8M !UR, |*6.00 IN AltVANC WEEKLY CALL And This ftp”, P r Year, I