East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, July 08, 1896, Image 9

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—Joe Tupker will have a supply
¡of champion mowers and the
—Laidies Sailor Hats at N J Mitchell-All Steel rakes,by the first
All persona knowing themeelyes
indebted to the firm of Johnson <k
— Mrs. II. M. Horton returned
’ of July.
from Prineville today.
—You will find Mrs. Mina
—Gum, Bicycles, Mowera and I Harris are requested- to make an
settlement by cash or note
—China Silk in all shades at Walton,the fasnionabledress-maker I all kinds of marl •binery repaired
at the millinery store of Mrs. promptly and sat tisfactorily at the I We have dissolved partnership and
the accounts are in my hands for
\KY newspaper IN this county .
, —\\ e acknowledge our indebted-
1 L. J Cowii g.
Where she will be glad *C. H. Voegtly Hardware store.
collection. I will pay all debts
1 ness to Chas. Zeigler for vegetables to see her lady aquaintances and
—New go ><N it I bo Johnson store against the firm contracted while
I take their orders.
now under control of Henry < anaday.
from his garden.
in business.
Local News.
us cheap a« ever or cheaper, (all
—Chas. Zeigler met with an ac­
H ugh H arris .
—Ladies Sailor Hats at N.
re- and examine gootle mid get prices, and
_ White goods at N. Brov.n’s.
if suited buy.
Administrators Notice.
suited seriously, considering the
—Prof. Newell is in town to day.
—The maximum thermometer, old gentleman’s age. He was com­
— If any one who has been bene-,
_ White goods at N. Brown's.
here, rtgistered on the 4th 97, 5th ing to town horseback and his horse [ fitted by the use of Dr. Williams’| Notice is hereby given to all per­
— Frank Miller has the measles. , 92 and the 8th 96.J
etumbled and fell throwing Mr ( Pink Pills wi I write to T he H er - sons holding claims against the es-
—II. A. Dillard and J. Dirk- Zeigler to the grounc d with force, I ald . they will receive information ute of j. yy. Dickenson, deceased,
—Ladies Sailor Hats at N.
pre8ent the same to Win. W.
i heimer left here today for Portland but he escaped with only a few that will be of much value and in-j
'The former to attend the A O U bruises, his left side getting the terest to them.
I Dickenson Administrator of ^the
—Tom Allen was in Burns yes­
; W. grand lodge, and the latter on hardest jolt.
l above named estate, at the Dicken-
terday and day before.
—Jorgensen has the finest and
ranche, Harney county Oregon>
i business.
—The county officers were sworn
best lot of goods that ever came
a8 |,y ]aw required, within
The Celebration.
—Quite a number of our citizens
Burns; go
| ami ’ see for > o.irsc 1 . | g.from the date of tire
in last Monday
are in the mountains this week.
He is also taking Cabinet Photos, 'notice. Dated at Burns, Oregon,
—( hina Silk in al' shades at N. ( fishing and hunting: Receiver Cow-
Our celebration was a decided at $3 per dozen. Do not forget, to
this 11th day of May, 1896.
I ing, Ed Martin, Leon Brown, Ed succes?, *he program being carried go and see what he has on hand.
W m . W. D ickenson ,
—Wm. Robbins of the Narrows' Walton, Dr. Cate, Ed Caldwell and out loathe letter. Everything ad­
Rex Scheiber.
vertised was completed to the en­
was in town one day last week.
few divs, a car load of Mitchell
—Ed Lewis died of blood poison tire satisfaction of alt. C. F. Mc­
—The official report of the short­
wagons, direct from the factory. f
age in the sheriff’s office is $4413.34. Saturday evening just before dark. Kinney was made president, M. Remember there is no middlemen •
Administrator's Sale.
His remains were buried in the FitzGerald being absent. The in this deal and customers can ex-*
—Sun Parrish and his sister.
Burns cemetery on Sunday. Rev. oration delivered by Dr. Marsden
peel, thereby, to purchase wagons
Miss Emma, are visiting in Burns
Notice of Administor’s Sale of
Jones conducted the funeral cere was nt 11 received and the undiyid
Personal Property at Private Sale.
—Miss Lelah McGee, returned to mony.
ed attention of the immense cto vd of Mr. Voegtly much cheaper.
the matter of the Estate)
her school, on Monday morning.
—Get one of I. S. Geer & Co’i "'
— Ben Brown was present at the
The foot race for men was won by premium purchase tickets.
— Ben Brown returned home last Corbett Sharky four round conte-t
* * 118
1*D; J.
j. W.
\v. iJickensen,
Dickensan, Deceased.)
Mr Crum >; Chas. Johnson came firm agree8 to give tJie holder of
Saturday morning after an absence).
Under auu)urity
authority of BI1
an urdtfr
ord-er of
in San-Francisco. He thinks Cor
of several months.
J bett was pretty well exausted and hoy
t h t v r race
nno was
iv u a won
Wi in bv
K v Al.
A I Dillard;
I ii I . rH ’ r«
• .
> « . •
—There was a short time since another round would have done 200 yard bicycle race was won by I ortrait absolutely free of any , of the county of Harney, State of
charge, by purchasing 120 worth Oregon, dated May 8, 1896, empow-
200,000 pounds of wool at The him up.
¡Sid Comegys; two mile bicycle of goods for cash at their store. It I
ering and licensing me, asadminjs
—At the church, Thursday race was taken by Jack Ragon; is not necessary that the whole i
—We are informed that C. H. evening July 8th., ice cream and Everett Sweitzer caught the greased amount should be purchased at one trator of the above entitled estate,
Dewitt has sold his ranch and ex-j cake will be served proceeds to be pig, and Homer Reed cariied off time, but any amount from 5 cents to sell the pereonal property there­
of in said county, at private sale,
pects to go to Idaho.
applied to the support ef R-v the prize for climbing the greased to $20 as explained upon the tick­
the following described persenal
—The 600 yard horse race ran Royge baptist minister. All are pole. There were seven horses en­ et!.
property, to-wit: Stoves arid kitch-
tered in the saddle horse race, and
here yeetirday was won by ‘ Big j cordially invited to attend.
.en furniture, 1 sack salt, 700 lbs.
Ben owned bv Jeff Byerlv.
| —Henry Cheatham and Julian Dave Newman’s horse was first un-- Ths Weekly Oregonian and T he I flour, fur shins, 1 single barrel shot
der the wire.
H erald for only two dollars a year.
—Harney celebrated liberty day Byrd arrived home last Fridrv, ac
gun, 1 Marlin rifle, 1 double barrel
The band was really the leading Subscribe or renew at once and se­
on the third, and many of them |companied bv Mrs Chas Byrd and
feature of the day. The music was cure your county paper and the i shot gun, 1 Remington riflle, 4
cone to Burns on the 4tli.
Miss Madge Byrd the latter having
first class and the band boys hav­ most newsy weekly published in muzzle loading rifles, library of 6
—Mr. and Mrs. John Harper of heen attending school at the Drain ing full control of the program and
books, 4 log chains, blacksmith tools
this state
Every intelligent read­
the Narrows, were visiting here th'* • Normal Institute th»* last year,
all proceedings connected with the er cannot help but see the advan­ etc. and cartenter tools, 1 pair four
latter part of last week.
Just as we go to press word came celebration, exerted themselven in tage of getting two papers for the horse strechers, J interest in mower
—John Ware was in town two or to Prineville that Mr. Brannister every way to make it superior to price of one. T We
" * hope our sub- and rake, 1 £ inch iron ax wagon.
three days the latter Dirt of last \ owel was found in an semi uncon­ any of like occasion we have had ' scribers will see the point and give 200 bushels of barley, 2 sets double
harness (chain), 1 saddle mare, 7
scious state near the residence of J. here, and they succeeded. Long us u call.
work horses, 40 head of range
— If you want the best mower on A’. Pool in the Howard settlement may its members liye in the enjoy­
1 stallion, 1 sulky plow, 1
the market, buy the chain nlower. It is thought that he had been shot ment of health and prostierity io
walking plow. All situated in Har­
in the head. Further particulars participate in our time honored
at Charley Voegtly’s.
county Oregon.
will be given next week.—Prine­ Independence Day.
—Rev. Jones’ service next Sun­
ville Review.
Notice is hereby given that my 1 The said said will be made by
day miming will be principally
There seems to be an opinion in wife, Sarah, has left my bed and me from and after this date at the
directed to mothers.
— The presby te’ian presbyterv some newspaper offices that hyster­ board and I will not be responsi l J. W. Dickenson ranche, Harney
Chas. Xoegily has received his has been repeatedly solicited, for ical editorials are effective convin­ ble for any debts or obligations con county. Oregon.
chain mowers. Thone, wishing to several years past, to send one of cere, but it isn’t shared by comuron traded on and after this date.
Terms of sale cash in hand un
purchase, call and see them.
delivery of property.
its ministers to this town and ■*ense readers.
M. Z eigenfus .
----------- ------ —
.June 17, 1896.
VV m W. D ickenson ,
—Quite a nil mber of persons and countv, and the ministers compos
The man who already has less
families residents of Silver Creek. >n2 that assembly feeling a deep
> Ad ministrator of the Estate J. W..
celebrated the -1th with us this year interest, religiously, have been than nothing cannot be frightened
—Messrs. R
Williams, Dell
Dibble, J. C. Gairett and Tmu portuned. The field is now occu­
A national convention is the; All persona are hereby notified Huntington, Ore., March 21. 1896.
Allen were in town two or three I pied an I the work taken up by Rev
David Jones, of the pre«byterian
of last resort to a political • not
purchaae a certain promisory
D ear S ir :—We are now starting
days since our last issue.
persuasion, a man of classic educa- party The man who refuses to« note given by me to W. W. John-’ on the
new year. Computations
—Several of our citizens atttend | tion, whose ability cannot be doubt- rccept ita edict has nowhere else to scn. as it is v< id and not collecta
♦r last year are completed. We
e<* the Harney celebration last led, and who has left many conven­ go but out.
A. C. W orthington
find that our firm sold during 1895
triday, and report bavins had an ience» and pleasures, we in this
the enormous amount oi 167 car­
enjoyable occasion.
isolated country are deprived of to
loads of goods, equal to ten train
It did not inquire & cablegram
Several gentlemen, friends of labor here f»r our good. He is from Madrid to convince our peo For your Protection.- Catarrh “Cure,” w loads—just think 167 cars—For
Toni«« for Catorrh in liquid form to be Uken
John and Ed Martin, have lately well phased with our country and
this we thank our patrons,and prom-
pie that Spain doesn’t de.ire to pro­ intemaUv nKnaliy
arrived here from the Willamette people and hopes to make all his
#anie generous treatment in
which ore infar- ¡ee the
' *lley. and if pleated will locate friends b«.th in and out of the voke A war with the U. 8. Nations a
re. Durir)g 1896 we will
or like individuals; they seldom
church. A proposition has been
londoner tha« ever, and no honest
provoke a fight unless they are rea­ eoidor^^.u» ....
P^Wes, affecting eye*, eai« and throat
Our iypo,
... in our
__ last issue, submitted by the M E. church to sonably certain of winning.
Cold in the hervl cwws excearive flow of competitors will be allowed to do
added one to many ciphers to the the presbyterian church, to relin
if repeatedly neglected, the re. »Mirefxryou than ourselves.
"f,caUrT11 v.n1 follow; revere pain in
•horfage reported in the sheriff > quisb its claim to the church pro­
hieaih“1;* r'*nng arr-md fa the
Ud are here for your business, we must
, r,th’
oftenmnea an offpnrive dis. hMs it, jf honest count, weight,and
LThe local should bare read perty here, on certain specified con­
charge. The remedy should be quick to allav
ditions, which proposition has been
inflaminat >on and heal the membrane. Hyi treatment and Uw price, will do
"Ac«>rding to the report riven accepted an i we presume the nego­
1» Call or write us
W? BitminpamStetlSifings
••e troubles and contains no mercury
countv court by Geo. Tregaskis. tiation, ?»* not al re ady. will b con­
«->«■ *ny injurious drug. Price, 50 cenu^7
f, Vl.ll«. 6Mtw. U.M.C
Res pt.,
iin<.rini *C**’
»r* over summated in a short time. Mr. __Viamt
Si«r> Pl««.
O. C. Co.
W»TT»ai,d mm lo rast
C m J.
. .. •"**{» in this county not in­ Jones is expecting to receive the *****
cluding lam*)«.
inteiiigenc? at any time
¡/•"»/•etiirer anZ WkaJraaL r—
Uli. SIS, Uli. 817 E. Sth fit., N. Y.
—China Silk in all shades at
N. Brown’s
—White goods at N. Brown’s.
Wanted-An Idea sSr-is Wanted-An Idea