Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1896)
Six week« ago I anffered with a, very severe cold; was almo«t unable to apeak. My friend* all advised me to consult apyaician. Noticing Chamberlian’a Cough Remedy ad- veratised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and > afur taking it a abort while was •ntyrely well- I cow moat heartily recommend thia remedv to anyone suffering with a cold. U m . Kan- Selby Ave., Si. Paul. Minn. Fer aale bj TWO FOR OSE. ~ nd for fr*e sample and judge thereby. The E. O. H erald and Cine - ati Weekly Eiquirer, both on*- year f-r 12. The Enqu rer is a 9-colum - page paper, is-ued each Thursday. Largest in sizexheapest in price, most reliable in news.all large type, plain print, g od white paper. If our reader* want another live paper, the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office, i RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! I offer mv Entire Stock ol Goods at Cost !or OREGON. M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. This popular Hotel holds itself of rank equal, if not super sun°r Having deterxined to cl .se np my business, a good opportunity in point ot is offered »veryone to purehasr- supplies at prices that will justify in ior to any inland hotel and in tact laving in a full years supply. compares favorably with manv 2ök; T:»r li vesti: its While My Stock is Complete. railroad houses. I« • .».•-■I on my book-? and all partie« -r tty not fie»i to make an early reniement. «rig me « W 1 ? L *} r --------------------------------------------- 1 I America’sGreatDanger i C* • 1 ’ * ) 1 *** J. DURKHEIMER. Í Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This ia the beat medicine in the i world for bowel complaints. It I acts quickly and can always be I depended upon, When reduced with water it is pleasant to take Try it. and ¡ike many others you will recommend it to vour friends. For* at 25 and 50 cents a bottle I by Drugg.»le. It is well arranged nice, co«y, comfortable rooms. Th- enisin* partment is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests w:ili BURNS DRUG STORE. II W WELCOME. Proprietor. n Corner opposite Post Office. ltf“ Prescript ions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON & GOODMAN. Proprietors. Th»- best brands of Liquors, wi: eg and cigars. and one pool table. DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC Two billiard •NO PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. AM EM GUSH CG ’V EMTART. Naid an < mine-, t Engli Iiarienlbt recently: "The u anger that c-uifnnit-« l he great Ameri can people Ui-day i, hot I lie poiwihle adop tion of a wrong fmaix ial joliy for the nation, or the »preud < f socia.i-m, or the in- rcaaa of corruption among public men. Hl three we Ind enough, to be «ure, bi t tb<-v are ae nothing compared l > the tei r 11 na'i- nal <Lwa«e—1 had "Imol raid nation I crine of overwork. 'ihe mad n ft wrelth i» art at a killirgp nV, and thoiisai. (dll by the w y every year. CULP BROS Work Guaranteed to be first class. We mix our own Paints, and Work Sueaks for it 2 f, Yon are likely t > bo one of tho victia?' How do we know ? recau»o it 1- tho -itcc- lion to hud a man or woman ■ Í adult r ■ , m i .< i li-1 ih. Nervous Disorders a.i ■ m ! p'-i. . -- Bu k i. I. . 1. . ■ . Hat lb « i I ■ • I. I I'. - ' . i I < 1 .1 ,11’ < Ili-iiiv, Irru’b lily ol‘ the lb ait M hi i rholy, laili g Mr-nv-ry, Palpitation. lduu ' mat -»tn. Hi rl liii alh. Mi-vph -nt", ?■ i • Voti» I •< *| h -| -ia, Krxnal Ixbiljtv Kr.v. < . A. ( aiikoi . i pa-tor I in-t 1’ | i Cb.urvh. Yi-llowKprl ga. (>.. write* aa í I • . * I Inven <*l I'r. M i Ire' Hretorativs Nii\ ¡ » f.r the p *1 »it ni -ntlia. 1 find it a< is Li <■ a cli irni «>» tlie whole m rv ns eywtcui. > ha c not found iteequal in giving iinmcdi.-de relief. Dr. Aliiee* little Sirve and 1’illannly need a trial and they will recom mend lliiinaclw, to lie the beat pdls in th. market." I’or five years I have s dT< red from N"< r vo > h 1“ iwtr.ition. I » •• un» le to work < »1.. p. The f r-t <1. - of Or. M.lcs' Restor.. live Nervine > i e in • hi o-f. and • m< til- u *» d duller« WiHild not cover t e g«Md it I done m —JOHN MINCH bit, Young*- tow n. Oil io. Pr. Miles’ Restorative Nerv re is nn is the wiwie stoiy about AW\ AND HAAV\K SOP B0m0rcthinofherri^esoda—ueverspoila ► 111 |rUVI\Cl^vD. flour—uni versally acknowledged purest in the world. í itl iwrlrncrps: Mad., only by CHI RCH k CO., No Tork. Sold by ynver« eiei yh Arf, tere. ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO . $21.50 equalled iti < i'Ht>u Nerum« lh>eaaee. It (noiania n > opi.tti—. rdangeronad ut*. Ndd mi a iMretne guarantee l>v a.I driurgiata, or l)r. Moca M«ii< il Co . Likbart, lud. Mar* *ol4 Tw CmaawMrra For WW Yrarw MWwa fVwa thr dnkri' W* arr thr OMe«| »nd largv«l nianwf». turrra tn Atur »va ?fllln*r thl« way suiv 'Ubjtn t |o apprvval. pi« frei jht 1 "at‘’•’■**«'»«* Fwerjihittir war. rantawt pa* mi Agrnt lll b> M <«• oräar for Unv- » nr owa onler Ho, n*r irr«. U r lakv all i.»<» ri»k oC dAmag» in »htppin*,-.;. Spring Wugona. SJOtoMS. G mntwl • Reu Wagon«. Surrey« with | tur tmutrr*, »oO. * E A Ml... .... t • >1. »!■»> Tog Buns««« M io. Phaeton» a» low m Sb J. HARNESS. ■ ■ MI ■ " Q lk > » lo xj __ —■ | BED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. Cured *•** <d hb abaohita eure, tree t« Ur » ..ffvrera who mar amid thatr P. <1 «nd Kiprcm «ddrrrn. W« «drIre any » n« wmhfrig • cur« I.» VM.W. B. riUX. f. B m 4 Cedar M- lew Tor* A: W. B PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind livin< IViiatciani hl! e*« '• »’î-KiBhlnir at m ><»:»• ata: TIIOS. LAIIEY, Burns, Oregon. First door north of Brick Store ¿•Good A, Mold ferSta. M-tvIre. StreW, tX-uN» .■><’ r«—: Rl "ne s*‘ lev. V * l.-klle-a»,! I,« \ei ,|( c«,.u In >u.i ' i ■ r*............. _■>- 9 Parties Desiring Cabinet W ork that excels any done in this place hereto, re, call and examine my work. No. 1.S). Road Wagon. WHOLESALE PRICES • J A—r »t Jfi-;. a .. Z >L — frrï W. H. Frette. » i 1 ' R ■ £j <t »ut t trrefrd and J Write far Arm and Uammer Book of v* lueblo Ke^ipc^-MItEK. .J On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street. DUDE McCLAIN ----- proprietor. The proprietor ia wdl known nut ouh her? but in all th- »•Ij>evnl < ounties ami Towne His business qualifications and natural Hit n for horses specially fits him for the avocation. & w *•