Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1896)
LETTIN« DOWN THE BARS. WHO SHALL WEAR THE COR- BY «IF. < IIESTNI TWOOÜ. Fro in People*« Home Jeurnal. ON ET RY' EMMA GARNISON JONES. lost hi« fortune and his health, and was now a hopeless, helpless inva lid. The mother of the three girls had long ago gone to her last rest ing place. CHAPTER IV. (Concluded.) TO BE CONTINI ED. CHAPTER I. Several days followed, in winch she studiously avoided him; yet “Rut what shall we wear? That s she wan perfectly conscious that he the question now. girls. w ¡I- And Delphine seated herself on watching her. They seemed to have changed places—he had be- the edge of the low bed, her cheeks come the Argus. flushed, and her splendid yellow Mr. Norton grew tiresome to her. tresses all in a tremble. >he held .>he made no effort to cenceal the a note in her fingers, a uaintv fact. He felt the neglect, and cream coiored affair, with an Eng stiaightway restored his devotions lish crest on the seal It contained to their former recipient, the elder an invitation to a ball to be given Miss Merton, who accepted them, at the Elms, in honor of the young wifely‘determining that a resjiecta- Marquie of Hautville. bl» certainty was better than a The Elms was a magnificent sub- princelg djubt, she having fully urban residence, combining all the made up her mind to begin the rural freedom and beauty of the new season with a solitaire on her country, with the refinement. ■r. i ve- first finger. tv. and excitement of the citv. \ rs. One afternoon Cora was return- Chadwick, its elegant mistress, was mg from the river through the an Englishwoman, w« dded to an meadow, alone. As she approach American millionaire, and her kins- ed the fence before mentione«! she man, the young Marquis of Haut- discovered Neil, in the exact atti- ville, had come over to make her a tude m which we first saw him. visit. Hence this wonderful ball. He had seen her when some dis- \\ hat shall we wear? repeated tance off, and was waiting for her. De . “Th»*re • that green moire For an instant she slackened her quite as good as new, if one onh pace in indecision, then, with sud- had a few laces. 1 ou can make den resolve, walked rapidly on tin over that lavender silk. til they stood with just the bars be- “No, I won t touch it, th- ugly, tween them hxcitement made Quakerish thing. I 11 stay at home lier brilliant, beautiful. first.” He greeted her with, “Have Sister, could you make any heard the/news? thing of that gold-colored pattern She asked, \\ hat news’. and of mine? If vou tun- appeared as if in a great hurry. vou re welcome! “W hv, that Norton and the elder I he question came through an Miss Merton are engaged. open windo v, in a voie? as sweet Indeed.” as the note of a thrush.: and little Iler tom was too indifferent to Ro.-e. leaning upon the eii! looked render the word an exclamation. in upon her harassed sisters He looked used and kept on: | sudden light Hashed up in "What troubles me is that young- Grace’s handcouie eyes er one She will make shrew it hv, to be sure; I had quite she is an old maid. forgotten that—’twill be just the n by don t you avert such a con thing. \\ hat a trump vou are. tingency by marrying h«-r your- Rose! Run and get it, won’t vou' self?" she asked sarcastically Rose hurried away, returning al whistled ; then, abruptly most instantly with a folded paper changing the subject, said: in her hand. (•race snatched it ('«ira, then* are live bars between eagerly, and unrolled the glittering golden silk. Almost a year befo;e. \\ ell, what of it?’ when Aunt Delmar came on a sum Her tone was full of effort after iii« r visit, she had brought it to Bteadiness. Bose as a birthday gift. But Rose "1 am going to take them down had never found an opportunitv to that is what I mu waiting for, make or rt tar A busy little she said, shortly. Martha was this Rote, careful and A smile lighted his dark cumbered with manv things; the and utterly dissipa <*«! e”rrv cloud ever active bee, who kept the home of cynicism. hive filled will) honey, while her “ i on «hail ; rove vour own gay, butterfly sitters sported in the words, he said. and, taking down sunshine. the first bar, he tossed it in the “It will make up gorgeously. grass, ami, as lie did so, named it said Graes«. rnendship 1 hen the Second Del eyed the si.k grudgingly. fell by its aide, calle«! “Pride “Go and bring that green moire. third was toss« d upon the other two Rose," she »aid. "it it’s faded, I as “Pique,” and the fourth added won t wear it..’ to the others h > name«! jealousy >«■ (rough« it oo**ui«*iitlv: but the last h lifted, ami, laving rustling sea green splendor seeme«! it directly at her feet, calle«! it to content th« beautv. she s.uil. twill suit tne As he bad done this, her face Lot I trust the marquis likes was a study M hen he ha«i finish green. But wh«r«- neiM the cd. her dark, intense eves w»-re fas laces? Ro»«*, «ion t you tl-.i.ik vou tened on the log at her feet could spare just a little money' hat are v waiting for?” he Rose stoini Ihoughliul pushing •aid, using her word«, and. back the brown curls from her holding out his hands to her, »he brow placed hers in them, half frankly. "(« iris. she said, ‘ it takes so half bashfully, an«! stepped ever the much for p»xir papa’s medicine, you bar k now ; and there’s the butcher’s [THE kni » ] bi But I 11 see. Money was scarce enough Mralotw a v ■espite th«» grand old homestead Mr. StratLtwav be longed to one of the old. patrician familie s <f the State t ut he had i AN OFT REPEATED STORY CFTHJ FjRTHi FRIC£ OF ONE. What Chas n. Hackcv Michigan—now th .¥ Cloud in of an Honored ¿way t’ ¿?cic¿';ce Grand ¿¿ajruu, —. Our Premiums were- seninn FO.i THIS YEAR ----- WITH------- TEE S N FRANCISCO Weekly Call i i’KJCK «1.25 PF.K Y. AK, Morning Call! pkk i as.o , n i: yea ». _HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL li a hand<onio «Hint- page paper. It is ivued t-verj Thursday, and contains all of important n-ws of the week, gleaned from every quir- ter of the globe, compì- te up lt lur- to date of pubi cation. tiishes tbe late-t and rei able Qimncul nrw. market quotations, a1 d given special attenti n to liortlcul- turai and agricultural news. and is in every re*i ect a first- elass family paper, appeal! .g to tlie interest of every mendier bl tile huusenoid. UK. MOICNINO CAI.I, ('.,»«« tssora A W skk ; is a live n>, tropoiitm daily. It is the MOS r RF.L1 A- BLE and is re-««ni7-,<l b«inu the LEADING NEWS- BA PER of the Pacific Coast. E ther of tile above i aper-s we will send po to li as a i>re mi.ini on reer> tot the follow ing iubs'rlptio:i prices t->r the eon.bin*'i. hi : ud ¡kb i $200 a LM A SH LOH’S -. u.’njnL or wish to be bur A one who l ad emir. i:t j»r iers The r ply I r ■. Lan th>- r.rir, il tesi’ e me faith in t. c n Í beg.-n Liklr.g them to be au t .t t told rr.-? they r.-e- t. )-?e mo L.S : ■ I c-.. porccptii.-le g* Hof bet - erment • tion. cirearo rtar.-ang A I did r..t —THIS PAPER— THE SAN FRANCIS 0 S.ixninq P and what ani som-: cases c mine tTc.t I wa not ki.. . v wn, •ti recovcrv, cr.d r. everj. I pre ever r-.s ree-i-- lart r x me: CIIAS. n. BACKI.T.Y’. The most beautiful spot in Muske gon is inseparably associate«! v.:.:i the name cf Hackley, and in all W¿s ern Michigan t: ere is not a name be ter known, and r m n the Btv.di-.vs and those interested i.i deed3 of j : i; gnthropy, U.Í3 name i.j known ar I mired. Chas. IJ. I.ackley has i ait the lumber business continu u~I lbo6, and in that time has fortune, v.-hic!. gives Lisi among the wealthy m- n < f t .. ■ r. tion. Cut with wealth ti.ere « : 1 r. t L . J that tightening cf the r Etrings which is g.aer a n... rued characteristic cf wealthy m:n There is no prettier spot in lit? fiata than Hackley Park in a sou rounded and pierced by stone w. iC cmrhasiring with their whiteness th - green ot faultlessly kept lawns crowning pride a towering s 1 her monument on the top of whicli siand.T a bronze fgure pointing ever in rr.embrance cf the heroes who d 1 that the nation might live. Liu* rote Ing tkis park are the magnifies Ilaekiey Public Libra —a - -n granite—with its G),000 volumes the equally . stately Ilaekiey rehocl, like a bee-hive with its G d O children. Other elegant buildings testify 1; ?- wise tn th j liberality and munir.eenco of this man who has pulled wealth cut ot the forests of Mi?hi It is no wonder tl n t! at tile of Ciiarks IT. Hackle hom? arai at road. His nrunidcc eg >n I-ne n < a i c f :: a’ ; half a a i . a. For tk? p tv.*.my ye s h » I been a constant i er f ora neui.Jgia d rheuma- ti :a Ciro nu inline cf the lower limbs, so much so that it 1 as Eeriovslj’ interfered with his yl _______ o _ in life. For some time past Lis friends have noticed that Le lias co med to. grov. your.g an i to 1 recovered the Lcahh \ . i xi r.e had in youth To a cor reap nu?nt cf the Press Ha. klvy ex ¡ Li i ncd tlie sec r■ t Of i ¡3 ranefc i m. t and to frionas •vho rave known now he s rt u. ii is in Ì d a t ns. e it »on I .arc t rod f^r ov.r t’.> y years, rc raie, seated in * in pri te onice wit 1 paias in my lower limbs so ever? « j- the c: lief I could got ui ’ht A s by putti: cold v. c r com- pi sses on n, I was bothered c at r.i t t a in the ¿ay tin?.? nr vr r’> limali in my 1 ¡ad ! ■" in inter. > Í0; «arc. f □ car ch reni Hot : ai. i tí stale. 1 < sit sti; na o Bufferings 1 • -aa ma..e Eie 1 « Two ■cars ago l.i.-.t j? leDibcr 1 Tc •ic. J seee-.ynt cr 1 .. pertoctly II I Cid n I ■yr-.t.-i and . ; nc(. I . y LOI: . d tor •;.■> mr-’ mended the i ills i * too d ■ health throi v/cncerf’.:'. me much i- r it I . s « 3 c C’.-CC l S Of la. t in ci : m heart. pal - t: at tired feeì ir-j i rrv rni3 pre -trauen from vitiated ■ rue SOT' fui ipoia?, / r.r .. bles r» pressions, ir i f. .:.n of vzeakn tre tdooJ and r t' : .• the r i hi to pa« n:?n they ef and sallow check feet a radier ! cure m 11 cases arising from mental werr” rwork or ex- r-r? ar? cessos cf ' c t ? V32 or thw r*» iu effects £i ! ft cap wnr lori al h with i ¿rfect saiety. on to chil ■ ^1 -- —J HACKLhY F. *Ax»K. Tb.ese p'üs are ?' ■ti:reti by n V'idmm Medicine Corr ny. ..ó are sell cniy ¡a firm’s f. e »»rii al M cc : er fut ■ rer tor’ > 1 ad of all dror- s or «'I’-.'-t mail from Dr. ’ Tie rri-i 1st «Tomiar. • r.- « r i XV ici* these »nt «-‘-».¿iva CJ - CL-. CONSUMPTION U ri £ fiats u 1 D ‘ ,.»• • rr- h Cure 1« - medicine. I >t on a pos ire re cat. . »v nevóme —ro is ei- F'ro-j o s arti « añada. er Brn It you: ■ i C .../h. use > ii«.irc If you dread -. Mion, nee it e ulU-’I S CUSE. i,If vourLWtfcs ■ V3S. 'i-e Shi'eVs Porous V.S. For ka.u by aU L'rug- ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO Hate Sold t .. «■ NMM thrm tke dcttlrr*' ; r- ~t> We the OWeM and l.argrvM n n -’.t ■ ? ;re s In An e io -e’.lin« thi«»ay. Ship subject t«> approval. par/rripM t*>th ««'««Ms if net jhatis facte tv. Everything war ranted why pa.- an A<ent F.C to order for you? Write y ur own order. Hexing free. We V - ke all the rL'k of «ianun in »hippi^x WHOLESALE PRICES ho. 1. Farm Harness. Spring Wagons, $30 to $45 Onaranteed •one a< «ell for trO to Kk 14 style« of Road M S35 Ph«eton,«uk>wu ego HARNESS ?" strl»s SInsrl». Donbie * n.t F ar.l t .T K«x pay p -taxe. 1 atah-^ve. ri iii<r - «~t<«i«^. -------- >a to W. B. PRATT, Secretary No. 138. Ecad