CREAT BIBLE COMPETITIOR. W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE FRCNCH& E MAMsLLED CALF tn the per» n •tD'TB ’t’ng the Liost merit'iriJU. iavcatio« during ths jilm* month WK SK- I KK PATENTS ; nt IN y i. .T“’’l. «• ! th-- o Ji-ct ot Ulta off-r 1« to en- c ijs<0 j>erM>ns i»- an invent- ■ . a of t ■ . ur - time we w.:h to ì —F tcìj lie fact tnxl :: - » s the Simple, trivial Inventions ^MFKCAf&IOMAJ&l i 3.S? P0LICE.3 S oos , -^. workingmens i EXTRA FINE. «2.Ji.7JB0YiSCHC?3K"£l •LADIES- SEND F0« O4TALB3 -E WL.-DOUGLAS. BROCKTON. MA5X I I i ì» <1 i - Th'ii Yield Forhiries •f e« Po Jen?-« H»* il • I E,e. ->*<> tbat Hump. • -M'.ty 13a.” “rigs >“ <-.o-i v.r ’”.U- Brake." «te I Almnat Tgrjr «me conceive««! « Urigat Mb-a «t »o n<■ Dm > <>• l> •b r Why m ' put it in prac- * tvs me? 'Y<»llt talents ir.iy ♦ 4 j.a il fbta direction M >' W , ,ke j‘ «ir fortune. « by n«t try? n S X = “ < Wr.: f..-furt'.er ln'< rmationand 4? ueutiua thi* paper. THE PRESS CLflIMSCO. î» è r» Philip W. Avirctt, Gea. Mx«*., 61H F Street, Northwest, <1 It WASSINGTON. O. r O O g^^The reapooritei'ty < f «. • ..n •. ny O i ■} Itu lgisj t,y 'i.r •*. I l.»al .t • G »t s • L b l by v»«i n« i t > 1 f Ihr leading Oe"r. aw». It I biiol Slate*. Y«a e«« by pwrch**i«ff W. 1- Zcg-e wesW L*r^.««ret»of ¡U«s in the Bnd the value by fetarnpiDg the name I I Zhcr’«ngt^ow^rpricr« for tbe value give-if-an w. .Tike no subs'.tutr. l'yo_- ¿«ukr cauuut supply J*>“. »- S“*45? g 1 > ca VEATS, TRADL MAR ks S t COPYRIGHTS.^ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT» of D c IL ut ■ Rewards fw Tns Lawrw Mori Mvosxrvrpv.'s»-*» tw g-est FaTt o to -I* public oi Amer v Tr« first correct »,..^7711» f u—os wrwl MthW off«-« «.;! tf tk-'-his’ «*: ih.swo.u.fraMyy-abf-ol.t.iami Poo. 4th. La -» Caat: 5«h. i J o.xr n. Cth. L>-t>rs»V«|. ft: 7th. huk Drcs« T l « w r«4.«»a lWX sie.arx s..«er 7 r* ts lo the mat .A» sis» •». a: ■ - wthiaM ®Jter»ar*. ’he t . i*t «od tun fevrn* 1 l -I <>t r by a » j lA. -r 01 —*1) B. »w • «< j Bofi-ka doe* th* LW c^n M? i W NhJ/iOajHf •• Mow Every ¿«<4 of cu«vc Le arcompfcr.*» >«y Ec~ (J k’oljEcnptum io the LAi«iri* H* X ■ M aoazi •-r *• o the brittle« acd teat illuamwJ Xii.iitxiKMk« vi .he day La.»r »•fciZES—In a.ditT»n t'lhe atore we wid g»vt SCO pr •<* ia*iM n< of »aj’. !k<®t Silver SerrkeA, live »cluch Herviee«. Ge Ac, for U‘l Com« An*»era re- *ived kef rv t e clow of Ue Coiupei tiou, which will te Kt Deere:L* r 31. 1W1 Tne object m offering th*Be liLer>! prize« is to ettallish he L a di »a H om ■ M 4G az mk in NEW homes in tl« Jn-ied stAtes and Canaun. Pretent subscribers can »Tail theaMBirsn ot it enclc«lo< $1 r s lx months, or hare their own beyond the time a’r*xdr paid for Prize« to AilMtriber* reari nf in the United folate« sent from our Sew Yon lenoch. Anencan currency and pnaiac« tamps will be taken. Be sure and register all m >nef PMerba ^T«« I^nus H ums Mxu-aiR' » F 1893 I ILLUSTRATED. The ! Simpleton. a new no-sel bv T homas H arkt -, , will ____________________________ _____ be begun In the December Number, l-o. «nd continued to November le:5 ~ Wh<> ever may be oue’i favorite among Et gliih Nov­ elist« it will be conceded by all critic« that , T humbs hakdv stands foremost of a tn as: er ‘ artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be i expected to arc use euthusiams not itiferilir in degree to ttaat which has marked Trilby—the meat su< cesstul ate.ry of the vear. Another 'eadit'g feature will bs the Fer»oual Becollec , tions of Joan of Arc, by tbe Sieur Lotus na i C onte . Her Psse and Secretarv. under which guise the meet popnlsr of living American \ magszine writers w ill Present ahe storv of the , .Maid af urleai s In the Januarv Nu nber Will Spl>ear a drofuselvilinsrrarer pa->eron Charles- ' ton and the Caroliuas, the fiial of a aeries of Southern Papurs. 1 Noaibern Africa is attracting more attention at any o'hertime it was the seat of em­ pires The next voluints of HARPe-s MAGA- ' ZI n F will four illustra'ed arti< leson thisregin, and thiee of them will depictuhe present life Ilhere. cclian B alth will prepare for the MAGAZfNE a series of eight siorie«. depicting typical phases of Chinete Life and Manners Besides the long stories, toere will beglu in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three I Part Novelette, hy Rt< harp H akiun - c . D avis — the longest work yet »'tempted bv this wri er. i Complete short stories bv popular writers Will j continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE I HARPER’S PER Oi'IGS I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ i ent busine-s conduoted for Moderate fees. Our Oic« is Opposite U. S. Patent Gffice, »nd we can secure patent in less lime than those •emott from Washington. bend model, draw ing or photo., with descrip­ ion. We adsise, if paten'able or not. free of targe. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A P -mohlet. "How to Obta.u PateDta,” with names of actual clients in your state, county,or town, sent free. Address, ( OSS a • 4 I • I. L , ,a,na a valuabi -..liiiy iiu_jeio;d cook tree. I « C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office, W-shir.cton, 0. C. -19 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F._ Caj_ STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Magazine begin witL tlie Numbers for June and December oi ear h year. When no lime is sj ecifieti, sub -criptions will begin with the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harjier’s Magazine foi I three years bai g, in neat cloth binding will be .-ctit by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 •,-er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5!) cents each—by mail, post-paid. Remittances should lie made by Postofiiae Money Order, or Draft, to avoiil chanc o loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. I L L U ST R A T E D . Returning prosperity will make many rich, hut nowhere can they make ho much within a short time as by Bucccsiiful Speculation in Grain Provisions and Stock. Win 00 f0R WCII DOLL R INVESTED CAN BE MADE Bl OUR 'PIvZ.— Systematic Plan ef S.jss.ilatio.i originated hv us All succcensful speculators operate on a regular system It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the United States who, by systematic trailing through Chicago brok era, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to $50,000 to IKK),(MX) or more hy those who invest a few thousand. It ia also a fact that those who make the largest profits from com paralively «mall investments on this plan are persons who live awav from Chicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly und rstand systematic trading. Our plan does not risk the whole amount invesie l on any trade,but covern both sides, so thift whether the market ri*« h or falls it bring-» steady profit that piles up enormously in a »hort time. Wllllh IOR CONXINCING PROOFS, nl-o our Manual •ucc saful speculation and our Daily M arket Report, full of m -nev making jsiinters ALL EREIC Our manual explains margin trading fully. Highest references in regard to our standing and success For further infortnntii n address • HOMAS S l CO. Banke*p end Btokcrs SRM-242 Uaiito Building * Chicego 4-J FREE BRAND COLUMN. year : $24 Ko> m B<*d ***• A s ®« m J 4« Uil IW«?« HARNESS. « Ws W,«Uvu-tu,PueNs »al Far«. M-ttag >1 Maa and » l» hu«, w t « ««.u u. u«aa>,iM «• HARPER WEEKLY.......................... HARPER’S MAGAZINE ........... HARPER’S BAZAR.......................... HARPER’S YOUNG I FOPLE Postage Free to all subscribers in til States, Canada, or.Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly will hex •the first Number for January of ea , Wheu no time is mentioned, subs' rip I begin with the Number current at eeipt ot order. B 'Unit Volumes of Harper's Weekly f years back. in neat < loth binding, will by mail Postage paid, or by express, fr pense (provided the freight does notex per volumii) for $7 00 a volume. cloth Cases for each Volume, suits binding will be sent by mail post-paid eeipt of $1. Remittances should be male by Pis Mone . Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address H ARPER A BR 1THER8, Ne W Haio’s . ILLTSTRATED. HARPER'S Weekly is a pictorial history of the tunes, it preseuts every important evert promptly, accuiaiely. and exliausti' eiy in il- • ftialien and descriptive text of the ’hignest oruer. The manner in which. eg 1MH, it has trea ed the chi ago Rail road Strikes aid the Chino-Japanese M ar. and the amount of light it hit able to throw u:i Korea tne instant a ten­ tion w as directed to that little known county, ' are examp . a of i's aim. st bo.iud’css icsoun es ,Julian Ra ph. the dia'inguished writer and corespondent, his teen scut to die scat of war, and there joined o c 1». Weldou, now for tnanv y eats leaidact iu Japa n, who has been ei ga eu to co . rate w iih Mr. Kaiph in Send- tion IlAl.P; R’e WEEKLY exclusive informa­ tion and tlluatration. HARPERS BtZAR ............ ................. 4 a H A RPER’S MAGAZINE.... 4 HARPER'S W F r X ! Y ... ........................ 4 « HARPER’S VOI _______ _____ Ne. .... PKopL» 2 « _ Postage Free to all »ubacribars in th« Vnitec State« Canada, or Mexico. The volume» ot the I: Liar begia with the firs" number for Januar, ot 4.« HARPER’S WEEKLY . 4.« HARPERS BAZAR ____ .. 4.01 HA RPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE.’ . 2.OC Postage Free to all Subscribers in th< I niteil States, Canada, or Mexico. PER Nov 1. I xrtn ILtrui-us your '.'OVE / Elegeut and exclusive design» for Out-door and fudoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod- c s by Sah'bi l and CH abvis ,are au impurtaut ferture- These appear every week, accompan­ ied by minute descriptions and details Our Paris Letter, by K atharine i > k F orest , is a weekly transcript of the latest stiles and capri-’ car in tile inode, L'ucier the heap of New York • Fashions, plain descriptions ami full particu- lais are given as o shapes, fabrics, trimming», and access, ales of the costumes of well-eressed • • women, childrei s Clothing receives practical! attention. A fortnightly 1 attern-sheei Supple- I ment enables readeis to cut aud mrke their own gowh The woman who takes HARPFIt’S BA Z AS is prepared for every occasion in life, ce­ remonious or informal, w here beauiifu. dress is requisi.e. WHOLESALE PRICES PP'-~i'-fìce of • Efj c rs HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Ipns« Wifcss, tSOtoMS. Uaanuitiwd •aww a. .«il T. - »«4 Su S.K I« «v*« <* lto«d Wagon«. Survey« *lxk k• >JS. PhMtons «>k« au SMS. co? p?re(j Hap’ Baza »g- Th» Editorial and Boainaas Managwm'nl ot Uas t'apwr Uuaramoa this f«n«rvns Propoution. T« Frr*»'KI v !.'<♦.%lh. i< «ar» rwntaU WMy pa« «n ta »*r>.ar f r you» WrlU» »«-Ur «VW orcar Pv. < h*«a U • ku all la« liu o< dm»,’ i“ 1 ? Per Year: To TWE E lhtos I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely us« thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am I of its power that I consider it my duty to tend tvo bolt 1st fru to those of your readers who have Consumption, Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will write me their express and postoffice address. Sincerely, T. A. SLOCUM. M. C„ I«J Pearl St., New Turk. $21.50 L • s • • wn/U » is herd chtn-i ILi (ISTRATED For« prnniL« eni.Pi and an honest opinion, write to n I NN dk CO., who have bad nearly flfty years' eipenence in the patent bn»meM. Communica­ tion» »t-rttly confidential. A Ha.dbook of In­ formation concerning Patents and bow to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan­ ical and »cientlfic books sent free. Patent« taken tbrongb Munn A Co. receive special notice in tbe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before tbe public with­ out cost to the Inventor. This splendid pnper, luued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa by far tb« largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, «2^0 a year. Single copies, 23 cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plate« in colors, and phot «graphs of new bouse« with plan« enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address ML'NN i Co, N«w VOHK. 3ttl BvoaDWAY. - Maga I Bible Rehderx ♦5. CORDOVAN. Given Awaj Every Month j Tuuuiandi NO iauEAKIN a I H kKPKR A BROTHERS New«tap«:s ar« cot to copy any an« nor Horse branded Pon rieht »heulder. rattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. 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Horses and Cattle branded J P <•« der sime b-auded JP connected. Price. Burns Ote Herman Ruh cattle bran 1 on i .a •r crop off and swal. »w fork in ■«>• e*! ear uuder slope, P. O. L«wen. Cattle brand. >-( O.on left hiP. right ear and a crop and split in i® )-( O. on left sho.tlder. A. u^rr Cat 11« and horse brand T with h* ^‘u J der ti. W. Thompson. La«»DO BEÀT1TS PIANOS fur catalogue Ex mayor Dani«» Washington, New Jersey. • A < e «J »