NOTICE garding supplies, who depend upon the st 'res, besides the still- greater All persons knowing themselye© —Dont forget the 3rd in Harney calamity sustained by the property —Our saw mill i9 now making street indebted to the firm of Johnson e expense to prepare the necessary Browns. last week. collection. I will pay all debta protection, but when we consider against the firm contracted while — Fred Oakerrc*»n paid us a visit —China Silk in all shades at that in connection with the much in business. i Local News. on Monday. N. Brown’s H ugh H arris . greater loss which would follow a —M.N. Fegtley is expected here -White goods at N. Brown’s. —The warmest day of the season fire there is no comparison. If our I on business in a few days. ■ was Saturday June the 27th. The Administrators Notice. _j Foley was in town last citizens regard the expense of pro­ ! th< rmomt tor r> gisteri d 1)3. — China Silk in all shades at N. tection an evil, is not the risk we, I Sunday- — Every body in Burns is busy,! Brown’s. are running a much greater evil? “ | I Notice is hereby given to all per- —Haymaking began in Harney of sons holding claims against the es­ which is go d evidence of prosper­ I valley last Monday —Messrs Will Gibson and Jess Common sense should teach us < tate of J. W. Dickenson, deceased,, ity. the two evils to choose the lesser. Bunyard were in town yesterday. -China Silk in al' shades at N. ply i to present the same to W111. W. —It is reported that Vanderburg, —Joe Tupker will have a su Brown’s. —New skirts, “untrimed hats, t|ie I Dickenson Administrator of kthe the populist candidate for congress and «hirt waists at the millinery of champion mowers and fir8t, above named estate, at the Dicken­ —Fred Haines was a visitor to in the first district ¡8 going to, or Mitchell All Steel rakes,by the 8tore. | our burg last week. son ranche, Harney county, Oregon, has filed notice of contest. of July. . verified as by law required, within -Lee Caldwell did not take a — You will find Mrs. Mina —A. W. Riley and Tom Allen Bicycle©, Mowers an ^[ 8jx months from the date of th:a — Guns, 1 trick at the Portland races. were in town over night, arriving Wai ton,t ho fasnionable dress maker all kinds of machinery repaired ''notice. Dated at Burns, Oregon,, —Ladies Sailor Hats at N. here from Huntington Monday. at the millinery store of Mrs. promptly and satisfactorily at the this 11th day of May, 1896. Brown's. Yesterday they went on to the Cowii g. Where she will be glad C. IL Voegtly Hardware store. W m . W. D ickenson , to see her lady aauaintances and —Red S. won the three eighth Warm Spring cattle ranch. Ad ministrator. —New goods rt (be Johnson store take their orders. mile race on June 25 at Spekane now under control of Henry Canaday. —Mr. and Mis. C. B. Wickliffe —Now are the days of emigration, Just ns cheap as ever or cheaper. (. all | Wash. Time .35. will remain here until after the 4th the covered wagon with its usual and examine goods Hint get prices, and 1 Administrator’s Sale. —Ad Gilham, deputy clerk, Mrs. Wickliffe likes Cedarville very if suited buy. | cargo of family and children is • moved to town last week. He oc­ much, but still prefers the home of seen daily going north and south — If any one who has been bene-' her birth, Harney valley. cupies the Kenyon residence. Notice of Administor’s Sale of Also the minor and prospector with fitted by the use of Dr. Williams’ Personal Property at Private Sale. —II. M. Campbell and family1 his shovel and pick, blankets —I Jewett and Walter Cross, Pink Pills wi 1 write to T he H er - both of Silvies valley, have vis’ted son in law of R. J. McKinnon, ar­ and cooking utensils packed on the ai . d , they will receive information . In the matter of the Estate) of ? rived hera from Redbluff Cal.. Iasi bronco. Burns since our last issue. that will be of much value and in- j J. W. Dickensan, Deceased.) Friday. He tells us be came to —Lin Walton is doing the barber . Under authority of an order of —Ed Lewis is suffering with a terest to them, act at Cheatham’s shop, during the lecate permanently. sale granted by the County Court felon and on Monday afternoon j —Jorgensen has the finest and of the county of Harney, State of letter’s absence —We are informed that Hugh took a dose of morphine to ease the —Judge Rutherford and .1. R Smith, once a resident of Burns, pain and the sequ» 1 proved it was“a best lot of goods that ever came to Oregon; dated May 8, 1896, empow- Johnson, are erecting a ‘large and will return here in a few days with larger dose thin he should have Burns; go and see for yourself. 1 erjng an(] licensing me, as ad minis the expectation of again lesiding t taken, but fortunately the efforts of lie is also taking Cabinet Photos. 1 ^ra(iOr of the above entitled estate, commodious hall in Drewsey. We are also informed that he is his friends prevented that sleep at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to to sell the personal property there­ —John Carmichael U. S. Land now a "benedict.” go and see what he has on hand. that knows no awakening. of in said county, at private sale, Office Inspector is here this week — Rev. Jones preached a very —Chas. Voegtly will receive, in a the following described personal performing his official duties. —Please go and take a look at able sermon here, last Sunday even-: Uncle Jacob Thompson’s garden, ' 1 if b‘w a car l°a(l °f Mitchell property, to-wit: Stovesand kitch­ —Jas. Howard of Drewsey is here en furniture, salt, 700 i^«* lbs. ing. His wife sang “The Ninety you think gardening cannot be luuuvutv, 1 sack can, be wagons, wagons, uirecv direct irum from tue the lauvury factory. . . cu <---- training a young horse,half brother and Nine” to a delighted audience, made a success in Burns, Not* Remember there is no middlemen I flour, fur shins, 1 single barrel shot to Red 8 , for the races on the 4th which is both sensible and intel­ only his garden but many others in this deal and customers can ex- gun, 1 Marlin rifle, 1 double barrel —Sharkey got the best of Corbett ligent enough to appreciate such for instance Mrs. Haskell’s Cap­ pect, thereby, to purchase wagons 1 shot gun, 1 Remington riflle, 4 in the four round boxing contest in excellent vocal music. muzzle loading rifles, library of 6 of Mr. Voegtly much cheaper. tian Kelley’s and A. A. Cowing’s San Francisco, last week. books. 4 log chains, blacksmith tools —Little Totoon Racine, now in -Many of the citizens of Burns —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’s etc. and carbenter tools, 1 pair four —Josie Locher returned home Portland, but a resident of this and county have been so unfortn- premium purchase tickets. This horse strechers, 4 interest in mower from Baker city last week, where place, we are told by her father is] nate as to be afflicted with felons firm agrees to give the holder of and rake, 1 | inch iron ax wagon. siie has been the past year in afflicted with St. Vitus dance. Her this spring and summer. Byron such tickets a fine life size Crayon 200 bushels of barley, 2 sets double school. father expects her home now at any Terrell is now suffering untold' Portrait absolutely free of any harness (chain), 1 saddle mare, 7 time, as the I)is. of Portland have —W. D. Huffman passed through advised ihe change as necessary to misery with this affliction. He charge, by purchasing $20 worth work horses, 40 head ©f range had started to the R. R. for freight of goods for cash at their store. It here last week, from Huntington, her physical condition. horses, 1 stallion, 1 sulky plow, 1 and several days on the road, but is not necessary that the whole * on his way home to Diamond The report of the great ad van was compeled to hire a man to amount should be purchased at one | walking plow. All situated in Har­ valley. tages offered by our country for drive his team, and retuin here for time, but any amount from 5 cents ney county Oregon. —J. P. Dickenson proved up on stock-raising purposes have pen medical attention. Mr. Oard anoth­ I The said sale will be made by to $20 as explained upon the tick­ his home stead entry last Saturday etrated even so far as British Col­ • me from and after this date at the er of our citizens has not done a ets. His witnesses were the Sitz Bros., umbia. and parties from that sec­ I J. W. Dickenson ranche, Harney day« work for three months because and J. Johnson. The Weekly Oregonian apd T he countY* Oregon. tion are now on their way hither of a felon. Terms of sale cash in hand on Geo Hayes and family have to make personal observations —Accidents of which we are cog­ H erald for only two dollars a year. the delivery of property. gone to Alyord to yisit the family with a view to investing.—Times nizant since our last isue. A youth Subscribe or renew at once and se W m W. D ickenson , of W. E Alberson, Mrs. Hayes —U. S. Marshal, Maurice Fitz­ with his nose broken by a kick1 cure your county paper and the father. I Administrator of the Estate J. W. gerald left here yesterday morning from horse. He is now being mosl newsy weekly published in I Every intelligent read­ Dickenson. Rev. David Jones and wife in charge of chinaman Bon Ghe treated by Dr. Marsden. Mr. Jess this state have gone to housekeeping, occupy­ Bon Ghe failed to register, hence Buyard leg and foot sprained by a er cannot help but see the advan­ ing the residence kuowu as the some of his chinamen enimies re­ horso falling catching his foot and tage of getting two papers for the A C. Worthington building. ported him to the Portland auihori leg under him. Jess s*ys “it would : price of one. We hope our sub- Huntington, Ore., March 21,1896. , D ear S ir :—We are now starting W e see in the Times that the ties and now’ Bon Ghe, much to his have been a hard matter for the • BCr,bir’’W1” see the point and give i .on the new year. Computations tattle firm of Stauffer and Sweetser dissatisfaction and disappointment, horse to miss his foot if it caught U8 tt Ca"' for last year are completed. We are going to make a clean-up of is competed to hie himself io his him at all.” Team starting to R. find that our firm sold during 1895 their business in Harney county native land. The old fellow when R. for freight one horse fell and the enormous amount of 167 car­ found he was ticketed for the 1-nd this year. Notiar. broke his leg. Rye 8mith with loads of goods, equal to ten train of flowers, shed tears plentiful­ tea m loaded with wo©l on the road A tight to a finish has been ar­ Notice is hereby given that my loads—just think 167 cars—For ranged between Corbett and Shar- ly- to Huntington horses became fright­ wife, Sarah, has left my bed and this we thank our patrons,and prom­ —MrB William Miller, wife of ened ran away nearly entirely de bo a r d a n d I ke\ to come off in the next six ----------- J will not be responsi- ise the same generous treatment in months either in the United States exJudge Miller,formerly a resident moiishing his wagon. Cost for re-1 ble for Rny deht Is or obligations con-1the future, During 1896 we will of this place,arid when she left here pairs forty odd dollars. Rye, him- or Mexico. traded on and after this date. | sell closer than ever, and no honest was afflicted, is now at the St ' self, fortunately escaped unhurt. Sam Kenyon passed through Vincent Hospital Portland and has M. Z eioenfvh . competitors will be allowed to do here last week, remaining here over —The question af providing some June 17, 1896. more fjr you than ourselves. W© been aperate 1 upon by the surgeons protection against the ravages cf mghl, on his way home with his are here for your business, we must of the hospital and three inches of ‘ hi.dren. who have been in school fire, is again being agitated by our have it, if honest count, weight,and the hip bone taken out, which •t Eugene the last two years. citizens and city “dads.” God I Notice. treatment and L©w prices will do had become diseased. Thu doctors it. Call or write us e understand our ©ut going now hope for her speedy restoration knows something should be done Al! persons are hereby notified '‘heriff is short up to date. $6.5000 to health- This is cheering news •nd the quicker the better If a Respt., fire should start anywhere on main not to purchase a certain promisory 1 robably a greater shortage will to her friends, who know her to be O. C. Co. J be found. This shortage covers an accomplished Christian lady of street, in a few hours where would note given by me to W. W. John our business houses be, and in what sen. as it is v< id and not collecta- th* years 94, 95 aild 9^ real worth. A. C. W orthington condition would our cilisens be re- b*e- —White goods at N. Brown’s —White goods at N. Brown’s a * ID * 1 va ■ 111 iu • v < jd pj IV W vz UIU 1 • » *11 1 • « Wanted-An Idea