RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! Six weeks ago I suffered with a, very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult apysician. Noticing 1 Chamberlian’s Cough Remedy ad vertised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and ; after taking it a short while was entyrely well’ 1 now most heartily recommend this remedy to anyone W m . K fil , suffering with a cold. 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by I offer my Entire Stock of Goods at Cost tor TWO FOR ONE. Having determined to close np my business, a good opportunity is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in laving in a full years supply. Send for free sample and judge thereby. The E. O. H erald • ami Cincinnati Wei kly Ei quirer, both one year fir f2. The Enquirer is a 9 colum.S page paper, issued each Thursday. Largest in size,cheapest in price, most reliable in news,all large type. 1 plain print, good white paper. If oui readers want another live papt r, the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office, i OREGON. M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. (CASH OR APPROVEDNÔTÉS^ This popular Hotel holds itselt of rank equal, if not super- !n point ’ tor to any inland hotel and in tact compares favorably with many railroad houses. Your fcvestm nts While My Stock is Complete. ¿JEF" No ¡roods will be ch usre.l on my books and al) parties owing me hereby not:tied io make an earlv settlement. i- J. DURKHEIMER. Chamberlain’« Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is the best medicine tn the! world for bowel complaints. It acta quickly and can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take.! Try it, and like many others you , will recommend it to your friends. L/D For sale at 25 and 50 cents a bottle ■ by Druggists. ‘ H W WELCOME. Proprietor. F DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI- CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC Corner opposite Post Office. Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON & GOODMAN, Proprietors. i The best brands of Liquors, wi> es am] cigars. and one pool table. i America’s Great Danger Two billiard •NO PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. HOUSE, SIGN 4 CABHUCE PAINTING. AV ENGLISH C j ’.: iENTARY. Raidan< ininert En I !i ientit-trecently: “ The nanne, that i-oiilioiin tho great Ameri can people to day i< mt the jiosoiblo a«lop- , ' (mil of a v ong iii>aii< i .1 poli. y for tho nation, or the spread i f socialism, or tho 1 in. rai>o of corruption cnioug public min. i \ll in.-o - o b<i i noligli, to bo «me, but they ure ws n dhiugi- nip ired to the te. tiai luiiai <I. m a-e—1 had s lmo.-t raid natiOli ! Crlmo <>f overwork. ’l l o mad rubli 1 r v <"<'ih is set nt ii killing p tee, und thousands fall by tho w.y every year. CULP BROS,.......................................................... Burns, Oregon. Work Guaranteed to be first class. We mix our own Paints, and Fashionable Dressmaking. Yeti arc likely t j bo ono cf tho victims ' How ilo we k iow ? i'ee.uiMi it is the excep tion to funi ii man or woman < f adult age in pi rVii health. Nervous Disorders me apri ailing with fearlul rapidity. t e symptom«, are—itaekni he, B.liommin-s Co.d Hands a <1 l'eit, lfiuinea , Hot 1 Lislics, Fluttering Seniatii n, Fai ting, Ileud. che, llymeiia, irritability of tho lb nil Melan choly, 1-aili- g Memory, Iiilpitution, l.iuu- lliatism, bli it liuiltli, Meeph-Miir-s, Ner vous 1 tyspepM», Sexual l>vbdily, 1 its, etc Ii i;v. < . A. C arkoi . i ., piutor I ir-t 1’. pii t Chitn-h. Yellow Sprli gH,O..writesas f.d . i. : “ 1 li ivo ii-i-.l l»r. Miles' Restorative Nervine f r tho p at sit m -nth«. 1 find it ne ts lil e n ili..rm on the whole nervous system. 1 have not found its equal in giving immediate relief. I*r. Miles* little N i rvo and l.ivtr l’i Isonly ne< d a inti ami they will return- mend tinnì-evi- to be tl.e beri pdls in the maik. ■' “ l’or five years 1 have suffered from Ner vo h I' ostr.iion. I w is unable to work or Hi. p. The fn-t do« • of Dr. Miles’ Rcstora- tivj Nervini gi'v m • n-l if, nod one th u ».i d doll >rs would noi cover II e go. d it I at done m-"—JOHN MINCH Eli, Youngs town, ( diio. Our Work Speaks for it e f. Perfection T 'ylor System. Mr«. Mina Walton, at her residence, Burns, Oregon CARPENTER, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER. Parties Desirinq Cabinet Work that excels any done in this place ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. hereto ;re, call and examine my work. Have Sold To C omim era For *9 Years, •arina them th* dealer»' profit» We are the Oldest ami Urfv«t manufacturer« tn Aiueilca relllnc till« way Ship subject to approval. H , |Mw fretoM boU hmm « if not «atisfactoiY Evpry thing rwnl.ed... hv •“ Agent CIO to«50 to order for yout Write your own order. Boxing free. Wa take all the risk of damage in «hipping. WHOLESALE PRICES THOS. LAHEY, Burns, Oregon. No. 130. Road Wagon. Spring Wagon«, S3OtoS4S. Gimnuitwd Dr. Mil-s' Restorat've Nerv no I» un No. 1. Farm Harness. •quailed ii i vili Ml Nervous Ihseaese. It domains n > opi.iies or dangeroitsd uga. Hold an a immuivc i-uarantce hv ad d raggiata, or Vr. Miles Medieal t o . Elkhart, lud. Mill« m .ell Tor *M to »14. I. at,-le. ot Road Wagon«. Surrey« With long Irn-lera, $60 aam. u aell for IM to tl«l>. Top Buftgle« as low “ $35. ___ , Phaeton« aa low «• $65. ' harness . Farm Rl tin» Saddle«, \ QsSR-A • bio 41. Wngtw. S4<L A I in »tampa to XjLVfAX/\ \s W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. A— r .t J-awaal V Ou Frof. W. H. reakc. w ii i J _ I in.ikra a .('rviultv Kpikpav, baa without doubt irreitr.l nn.l cur. r<j m.M-vi aaca than H H ■ < 1 Inoro than «nr anr gWK. * - I___ • • H N Æ living I'hvak-iani hl I - «J« aaltiaiahing. K □ . I k. I »uix-. «a H a.ioniahing. JL V>• hem d ig cai-ra -------------- si - «* }l.t «•* ■ B "Œ U ■ H L s cur Cita -------- ^^lar»a K«. »I« of ht« abaolut» cur«, frw «nv auff»r«ra who nuraend their F. tx, «nd Kaprva. addreaa. W« «dvl— any on« w ahina • cur« to «.Idrfit fratw. B. ruu, t. 4 Cwlar ru. Saw Tart KED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. NERVE SEEDS WEAK I I I Thia T'a -. -'n« Wem -4« rnrM qutrkty. permanerev *1 ¡U r, .u.». t Mwtuorj, Lo-« ot Hrnm b.nrer Lptlv JL ~ - ie, W i . _ __ ». ______ I mt ......... Vitality. NlabiIy Km. «rii ma. In ■ ■ r m>4 «Will« Olito-I taú.d I ■ I.m>">-wrr. ... .’.Mna«ooi>la*«a. I.aaerietooi i.-'W» ♦*»stVìc| r. .-. in-1«,« arai Funvet-onaauit pi«-. r r^rrta*41 » « m - ■ ‘ i -I I per boat O l-rAS. Fv tn-.f p-x ». *4 s —4, r«.rwn4«4. Write nv fre. i w-mper. with testimonial* «r • . . . % V r r -*.liw*b*rr. ftr-eoreof <w»»i,• ■anuanub. mmwIwflMW I. >t. J On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street. DUDE McCLAIN ----- Proprietor The proprietor is well known not onlv here hut in oil 11 Countir s and T iwnn His business qualifications and nat’ir* lion for horses $ pt cially fits him for the avocation