-4 dm '» istrator 's Saie. I Administrators Notice. I J ohn R ohrman , B rewer Notice of Ailministraitoi’s Sale of Notice is hereby given to all per­ Rea! Estate at Private Sale for WEDNESDAY JULY. 1 18 « sons holding claims against the I Cash in Hand. OF THE FAMOUS In the matter of the Estate of estate of Victor S. Ottmer,deeeased, Editor to present the same to the under ­ William 1). Hudspeth, deceased. d.C. BlK” Under authority of an order of signed at his place of Business in Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver­ , I t is plain to be seen, «¡nee since the »ale granted by the Hon. County ified as by law required within six I t is plain 0 ’ ’ ,, Court of the county of Harney, appearance of President eye an s ^tate of Q-tgon dated May 6, 1896,' months fiom the date of this notice. < *L gold 1.4 standard,the »»nr, ar ♦ »e empowering and licensing me. as ; Dated at Burns this 11th day of epistle on the Id element have taken new heart Administrator of th i al ove e li led December, 1895. II. M H orton , i g°i will be at Chicago, in 1 line, J"“_ -♦ at ; i estate, to bi sell all the eal estate Administrator. -. COllltV, COm.tv, lit at private UI1“ " .{ W h i t- i L ‘I COf, 1 • 'I Slli<1 OREGON the democratic um - I sale for c ¡si» in hand, , I _ will ._ I so sell | nE]) » fSectiunNine-iis the truthful, startling title i of a I ngnit teen ■ - the North ' . , . . n ^T a .R«<. <' ' hand to take part in tne (19) and W-stquar- book about No-To-Bac, the hartn- Both of these latter against silver, ter of the South West, quarter and | less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure named gentlemen have expressed the South West quarter of the that braces up nicotinized nerves, themselves as not in the race for North West quarter (NW^ of SW] eliminates the nicotine poison, presidential honors, but are-purely and SWJ of NW]) ot Section Twen­ makes weak men gain stiength, pre— (20), Township Thirty three (33) vigor and manhood. You run no actuated by their love of what they ty South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. physical or financial risk, rh N o -T o - term “a tound currency.” Bac is sold by druggists every where M. frior to the publication of the The South half of the South West under a guarantee to cure or money CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. Address letter,already referred too,it seemed quarter and South West quarter of I refunded, Book free. South East quarter (SJ of > W| Sterling Remedy Co , New York or as if the gold wing of the party had the ir^or» » . • »r. /~a 1 • . , i anti SWJ of SE]-) of Section Twen- Chicago, I the light, but] , T virtually given up t. BURNS, 1 ty (20), and the North West quar­ H. M. Horton, Burns. OREGON this venture on the part of the held ter of the North East quarter (NW| - — /i of the administration, has given of N E]) of Section Twentynine (29) this element new life. Undoubted- Township T rhirtvthne (33) South! Wines Liquors, and Cigars, ' , . . . .... ,,urfv of Rango Thirty (30) E. W. M. I V tht? c.ms.lment part ot the party F \ ’ v 1 - I The South East quarter of the Good Billiard tables, PieasanUCard Rooms, etc., etc. will te in Chicago prepared, with a|gouth Eagt quarter [sE| of SE]] rfiy , , * UuAi Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender definite plan ot action to stampede |,,f Section Twenty [20] and the the silver delegates and carry the . South West quarter of the South Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. convention by storm. Whitney | West quarter [SW] of SW|] ufl Section Twenty-one [21] and the • I .• s 1 had his own way four years ago North West quarter of the North I- ' and confidently expects to carry •Vest quarter [NW|of NW]], of through his plan of action this Section Twenty eight [28], and the, war. His success remains to be North East quarter of the North, keen, but we think the democratic East quarter [NE] of NE]] of Sec­ tion Twenty-nine [29], Township convention oi this year have so far, Thirty three [33] South of Range bee,ime inlightened regarding the, 'Thirty [30] E jj JOHN SAYER Proprietor. outcome of New Yoik s manipulat­ The South half of the North East ors headed by Whitney as to ignore quarter and the South half of th»- Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge all or any part of a platform draft­ North West quarter [S^ of NE| and SA of N W]j of Section Twenty-eight ed i.v the smoOvh tongued New [28] Township Thirty-three [33] w_ .. Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from England politician?, and especially South of Range Thirty [30] E. W. M.' ■ ' / r; to nominate a man for the otfice of The East, half of the South West • ih /di Good Wheat President, exet pt h > be a man of'quarter [E| of SW]] of Section] 5 -i ■ “yi* 'V pronounced views on the oil ver Twenty seven [27] and the East question and one they know will half of the North West quarter' r - , - ■- s v. u._ * ’ [EJ of NW]] of Section Thirty- ♦ / carryout (he wishes of the democratic four [34] Township Thirty three. -• r. ■» ' - * f -t ... •X ♦ - - %.J| •» V’ piity. This party has been and is [33] South of Range Thirty [30]' . •»"» -r*. o T • H | today the friend of silver and the E. W. M. —_ * r v. X / < /*» ■If» -- X The West half of the North East ■ 1 time has now come when it musi ’r r? r \5. q and the WrBt half of the] /' «■ w < .. r- S’ i? t x . .4 speak through its delegates at the quarter South East quarter [WJ of NF] I tp.vJ lUr.ub. Chicago convention. and WJ ofSE]] of Section Thirty- four [34] Township Thirtv-three j For Wynit M c K innon r four years the en- after the 2d day of July, 1896. and' h'* tire administration. | bids will be received by me at the) .»n’t Co Wltho-jUt I ¿Li Fru^caUil Vos;-. office of Crepsler een a waste •ime. A b long aa Hanna is to be • r'thing the commttee should be Abolished. fa-rr»*! .*4 Dw ! a, Rir-wrJ f » Ctrl.-j«, etc.. Mr, Over Oiw Million People wear tl-a I ‘ tí W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes . nulckly. rw,.an«it1y b M All our shoes are equally catisfactorv Th* v e>l«rA f I ia K mi * vnlua aa>___ * ? ... • . ....7. ' O, —/-.L jn.-e.: » »t ¿ «tempia m . ¿«.Contam.n«» opiate«. I.unrrr. toaiZ " “kesJ*io pale and puny and , lum¿ » pc-rbox-, O 3Ä. fiynoo.St m