N© 31 4- BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. JULY VOL. IN pCFI.rSHED Highest of «11 in Leavening Power-Latest U.S. Gov’t Report t 1 Slit ^inaiti. (th oí July Cofeation EVERY WEDNESDAY BY w. C. BYRD a SON. P ublishers and 1896, 1 p^fer c P roprietors . ; ••’BL - ABSOLUTELY PURE SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ................................................ Six Mouth» ......................................... Three .Mouths......................................... herald CLUB list . $2.ou .1.00 . .75 BURNS, OREGON. Herald and Mugarine................o.W Herald and Harp®r s '' e kly .......... ‘ ‘ t-s Merald and Harper’s Bazar .......... -- u.rtldHiid Harpers Young People 3.o Lr.ti and Alden’» Manifold Cyclopedia.. X9C ’«/¡’idditioual volume after Vol. I 55 cents: 1» cents extra ver volume, postage. Under the Management of the iw-copiesof all the alaive works can be ex raiiled at leisure in the Reading Room. BURNS BRASS BAND i«~Pobli»hers of periodicals arc solicited -^-lubbnig rates, a copy of their work for Ä rec io a iii : R^vi» K’Oin-We file üiïd and bind bind the thi at 3--- close of - '" every tuer 1»; “T b half-volume, f"d w n » RVv advertisexieuL aHvertiMKieUt. ’ wpicabv ADVERTISING RATES: •TACI 1 wk(2 wk J ¡neh $1.501 $250 3.00 1 4.00 i »4 3.50 5.00 i 4.50 6.00 l Ú col. 6.00 91» 12.00 1Ó.0Ù H ’’ 20.00 so.ea i “ 1 mo j 3 mo j 6 mo $5.00 0.50 8.00 10.00 15.00 28.00 40.00 $8.00 $11.00 12 UÌ 18.00 15.00 24.00 20.00 »2.00 21J.0O 48.00 48.00 80.00 (21.00 110.00 JOB WORK Jt everv deacriptlon executed with neatnea» uid despatch; at reasonable rates. Pamphlet« Posters, circular», Letter Heads, Bill Heads, envelopes, Carda, TicKets, Note Head*, Jtatemeuts, Dodger«, Etc. Memoranda, Invitât lutte. 5 RACE JULY 5TH. SADDLE 600 yard dash, ... .................................................................. Purse, $50 00 Five to Enter, Three to start.— Entrence fee 10 per cent of purse. Under auspices Race Club. PROCESSION forms at 10 o’clock on Second Street and Marches Heard His Own Funeral. . Information is that the westbound struck a slide above Kootenai through all the Principal Streets PORTSMOUTH, O., June 21.— ! train Falls, Idaho, and twelve cars were The funeral of a living man, carried from the track into the of the Town. plain old Lorenzo Dow McKenny river. 4 Some of the cars floated. In one at which he was present,was preach­ of the latter, according tj the story ed at Fallen Timbers, 20 miles from here, today, to an assembly of were twelve tramps stealing a ride. Tut Hmm is kept regularly on file for re (arance. in the Geo. P. Rowell Newspaper Ad I 8000 people. It’was in a primeval One managed to reach the to of the Cernii ng Bureau, 10 Spruce st.. New York. „ „ „ 1 forest of grand oak,in camp meeting car and cried for help. People on PRESIDENT OFFICIAL DIRECTORY _____ .- w J. M aim ,KN I “'y18- Re’ 1'or<‘f,t. hv“"‘ con’ the shore tried to throw ropes to SPEAKER . . *■ W.C. B yri > ducted the "ceremonies. Just be- him but failed and the car and • READER ... national : .............. A. J. M c K innon | hind him «atthe living Lorenzo Dow contents were swept over the fall. ... Grover Cleveland MARSHAL fresideat .................. Adlai Steveuson yice-Hrestileiit............ The report of the fatality fails of AIDS: Silver Creek, W. C. Cecil, Thos Allen; | McKenny. Incongruities in the Kichurn 8, Olney Secretary of State Harney, Fred Haines, L. Weidenberg. Jr.; John G. Carlisle lecretary of Treasury shape of hokey-pokey, ginger bread definite confirmation but railroad Hoke Smith jeeretirv of Interior Drewsey, J I). Duly. Al Masterson; tecratary of War ................. ..Daniel ... .. .. S. Lamont pop corn and lemonade, with all officials are close mouthed about ■ t ieeretary of Navy . Hilary A. Herbert Crane Creek, E. A. Stauffer, Chas. Peterson; J. lacretary of Igrieultnre. ’ " Sterling Morton - their accompaniments, were dis­ the wreck. No train hands were Poison Creek, J. P. Zeigler, Peter Cemens; Jnd«rs J J. H.Mitchell. Diamond, C C. Cummins, A. T. Clark ; bearers, conducted the subject to The Kootenai river is a raging (Binger Hermann Happy Valley, D II. Smyth. James Mahon; (W. R. Ellis uunirressmen ................. the platform. They had all known torrent at this season of the year Catlow, Thos. Walls, D. L Shirk; . C. M. tdleman • Attorney General ... Wm P laird tovernor ................... hint from youth. Then gray-haired Silvies, I. Jewett, E C. Buckley; I and in some places is a mile wide. UR Kincaid Secretary of State . . rreagutcr .......R Phil. Metschan Wild Horse, I). M. Loggan, J. C. Beatty; • Jared Blakeman, nearly 90 years If the tr imps were swept over the .. G M Irwin i topi. Public Instruction Alvord, J. S Devine, Peter Andrews; State Primer .. . R W H Leeds I old, started singing “Jesus. Lover falls their bodies may never be re ", 8. Bean. i R. Pueblo, Chas Fields, Win. Sisson. C. Wolverton woiverton of My Soul,’’ and the oaken vaults covered. No blame atiachs to the > F. A. Moore N1NETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. j of that temple echoed the sound of railroad in any event.—Statesman. Jlntrlct Jn -ige D M. D. CLIFFOKt» Bi»tri-t Attorney ....... W. l'arrish. 8000 voices. After prayer by Rev. loiut-Represeiitative fR) . . .O. L. Patterson. Evans, the place again rang with faint Senator (R)............ A. W.Gowan FOOT RACE, 100 yards, free for % all, Harney County HAIL IN NEBRASKA. u the song, “ The Sweet Bye and Bye. ’ ’ COUNTY— hvkney : 50 Boys under 12 . . ¿entity . C. P. Rutherford. 44 t Then catne the text. “The time of ‘•’erk Girls under 12. . . 50 C. E. Kenyon ' ..(D).. Omaha, June 22—A terrible hail rreMurer 1.3. Geer ■ ........ l éaper ¡n ..... tendeut (R) .C has . Newe l i You Washed in the Blood of the eath siding on the Union Pacific, ítock Inspector .. Geo. Tregaskis SACK RACE ... A. B. Marks (D) ♦ ( Lamb?" was sung, and then by in- the hail reached a depth of over EGG RACE.'.... Koniin iscionyrg R. R Silt. ,R' Ç I vitation, the congretation filed by, two feet. The section men were CATCHING GREASED PIG .................................... H arney Ü. ». land office : i taking leave of the departed, tear- sent out with shovels to cleat the CLIMBING GREASED POLE ................................ Rexister ............... Thomas Jones deceiver ............A. A. Cowing track, so that the trains could run > fully shaking bin by the hand. WHEELBARROW RACE........................................ The hail was packed in upon the FOOT RACE, 200 yards, for Indians only.............. track like pebbles. I In some places BICYCLE RACE. 200 yards, standing start......... TWELVE MEN DROWNED. the hail stacked up to a depth of SOCIETIES. TUG OF WAR, tietween Single and Married Men four feet but this was only in draws SYLVA REBF.KAH Degree No.48. STANDING SINGLE JUMP..................................... and pockets. Meet» every list and 3d Wednesday. Spokane, June 22 — A story is in RUNNING SINGLE JUMP....................................... 3 Miss I.cla McGee N.G. circulation here to the effect that 3am Motherahead. Rec. Sec’y. HIGH JUMP ........................................................ twelve tramps were drowned in the A. O. ü. W. Rums Lodge, No 47 wreck of a freight train on the M»*t»every 3d «nd 4th Thursday Great Northern ’ !a.t Wedaved^ , Il M Morto«, M. W Officers and Speakers of the Day, Programme. 44 if 44 44 44 Wanted-An Idea OOKzIlKZIll'TEESe And JUEGrDS, J W Sayer, Ree’d aad Use ot two hundred inventions wanted H arney lodge , no . 77, i . o o f . GENERAL,.! C Welcome. Joe Ttipker, Julian Byrd, H. E. Thompson. - m **** at °'1'1 r*Dow» Hall, every Saturday, LIBERTY CARS, Mesdames W Y. Kpig, Thos Jones, A. A. Cowing. W C. Bvrd. N.O. B. D. McIntyre, secy. MUSIC, Meg lames. J.’W. Biggs, W. L Marsden, H. C. livens. DECORATION. Messrs. Cal Geer, A. W. Gowan, W. N. Jorgensen barney P ont no « o a r JUDGES OF ALL CONTESTS, I. 8. Geer, Thos. Jones, A A. Cowing. Meetaeven l.t .nd\d w«in^aT m each INVITATION, Members of the Burns Brass Baud. •"'’’h v odd Fellow«’ Hall. All Cotn rad»_______ _________________ _______ _______________________ ■ '• rood »tai lingInvited. ------ ------ --------------- ------ ------------ Eurns.Canyon Stage Line V. 8. MAILS. ac**a— valb : t rrlvet and depart»dally. vr «xa—«ANY«» city : **♦••'* Lepara dally, axcept Sand«» I H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe The Band Boys will conduct everything in First Class style, and Assure all a GRAND TIME. for the occasion. The Best of Music has been Procured j Burr" d’’for C“nJ°" City, .nd ¡»termed .», .oi.U j J