W. L. D ouclas S3 SHOE NO «OliEAKH»O. ! Given Away Every Monili I • • < • t •J • •> I • > • > • > □ ¡ ) b ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, r RENCH& ENAMELLED CALF H. m . vfwecau :& km »« oi I 13. V POLICE, 3 S ole *. to the person submi't ng the uieat mwritorlowu inventi«» during the pre,axil ng WK HBCUItK PATENTS FO.t INVBSTOnS, and the o.'ject of tin* offT is to en­ courage per-on« o'an invent­ ive turn of ni nd. At the same time wo w.»h to Imprea* the fact that :: s ♦2?U5B oys S chool 5 wes . • LADIES* 5ENO PM CATALOGUE WL'DOUOLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. ey by purchasing W. 1» ■>wMglne Shoe*. . It’s the Simple, Becawse we are tbe l*rge»t manufacturer* o< »hoe* in the world, and J«»«“1« Inventions « advertise! I ri vial ’ the value by .tamping the name and pnee on the bottom, which protect* you against high That it Yield Fortunes U | urices and the middleman’s profit*. Our *hoe* 4 • w <) u » I ll •> I > I —such es Do Jong's Hook ami Eyu. "t^e thm Hump. • Safety Pin." •’Pig* in Clo­ ver." "Air Drake.’’ etc Alnm*t’« very one conceive* a 1,right Men *t *"tne time or other. Why not put It In prao- ticai use? YuU It iHlents tnay lie in thi* direction. M»y make your fortune. Why not t rj 1 IS S :: •• :: gWWrite for further Information and lueotlou thi* pi.pcr. «♦ THE PRESS CLAIMS €3. eau*l custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing uualitie*. We have them sold ewnr- where at lower price* for the value given than any other make Tike no substitute^ If your dealer cannot supply you. w: can. bold by □ il » r ¡CAVE Al \ I HAUL MARK s 3F > Philip W. Avlrett, Oca. Mgr-. 618 F Street, Northwcnt, CAR 1 OBTAIN A PATKNTt For* aeonpt answer and an honest opinion, write to M UNN 4k CO., who have bad nearly any years’ WASHINGTON. D. G. !! experience tn the patent business. Commanlca- tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook of In­ formation concerning Paleate and bow to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan- leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before tbe public witb­ oat cost to the out tbe Inventor. Thia This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, baa has by rar far the tbe largest circulation of any scientific work In tbe world. S3 a year. Samplt Sample copies sent free. Bulldii ----------- L’ *7 .50* year. Single Building Edition, monthly, cop lea, J 5 cent*. Every number contains beau­ tiful plate*. In color*, and photograph* of new bouses, with plana, enabling builder* fo show the latest design* and secure contract*. Address MUNN A CO- NSW YORK, 361 BROADWAY. »r“The rc*pon»lbihty nt i. r i.mpeny may be ludgeil by Ih» '/»• t ttiar it* »lock i» held by ovvi . in ttoiisaml I ) of the leading nvwri>avei> ID rolled «tato*. _________ K •ATTAet\MtAT§: I ’ iTM pIMtSTi Vwaapw'ORK» _ _c„ __ HQMf ser# »»«'*»«0.-0 Thousand* of Ddla-t ®b Bible Reader*. CHAN3th3 Mi’i Reward, far ! IL l ÜSTRATED 4 PATENTS C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. W.shiaaton, 0. C. TEN CTo TEU CTe Lasts Loo.19 MONTGOMERY ST..8.F HARPER’8 MAGAZINE................. .•t4.0t HARPER’S WEEKLY .................... . . 4.0Í HARPER’S BAZAR........................... .. 4.01 HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE . . 2.0Í Postage Free to all Subscriber* in thf United States, Canada, or Mexico. STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Magazine begin with (lie Numbers for June and December of eac h year. When no tune time is specified specified, , sub script! acriptions will begin ................ with the Number cur- • rent at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine for I three years bacg, in neat cloth binding will | be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of |3 I per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 56; I cents each—by mail, post-paid. I Remittances should De made by Postoffice Money Order, or Draft, to avoid ehanc o‘ loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, New York. ILLUSTRATED. F0;{ THIS YEAR. THOMAS & CO. Bankers ^nd Brokers 2-^1-242 Railto Building Chicago wo times cheaper Psi* ao tin.es h..ndier Hap’ Baza Our Premiums originated hv us All sucocesaful speculator« operate on a regular system It is a well-known fact that there are thousands of men in all parts of the I nited States who, by systematic trading through Chicago brok ers, make large amounts every year, ranging from a few thoueand dollars for the man who invests a hundred or two dollars up to |50,(M)0 to f KXl.OtlO or more by those who invest a few thousand. It is also h fact that those who make the largest profits from com parati\i lv small investments on this plan are persons win live awav from ( hicago and invest through brokers who thoroughly understand* systematic trading. mp*uu>« ta the publie ot *“,’'r t th.» ofl re : ^^.Ts'^a ’ B .T.h- .00- loth, f H »-»s que« ’ "» - ----------- 1 , -s.i 3-.1 Gian* i .pjj e simpleton, a new noael bv T homas rill re J «¿o: ! • J** '..A' . ' Ï89 H ardy , will be begun in the December Number, ÍÁ.:«< íom 'w»uh* Uh. 8'te D"” J"” a 7and continued to November 1895 Who la-tir* lioia w*u-h /m. nn. .... 'JWcvrie.» - . . si's»»™. .nasi-» 1 • U***, and continued to November 1895 •te Àsu*S.!verT»8eUU»te»nes» -- Who- u-.ant Silver T>a*«u «-> I*1'? iL .. .i mL o'ter 1 ever may ............................ be oue’s favorite among - Er glish Nov- Ä'ÄUÄ i . Ä elists, it will be conceded by all critics that T homs » habdy hsrdy stands foremost of a maatei master *is?n ft.-, nt list ♦ I ‘taTUH fV*’’ fff’’f ’ J * > I” 1 J.-U ft er » Book. do*, tie f bl. cm I artist in fiction, and The Himpletona Simpletons may be . expected __r. its to 2 arc r:— use enthusisms — not infenhr L ;j in eat (:) H >• 111»!» UigKiC <31 Hoe “2*1? a a» that e * e which has marked —— Lo/t Trilby TI—dit... — , the L — degree to Faery l.*t of MW«»™ ■"’•< - fot to, o., ■oe l. ».ib-r:pt.on '« lb- ‘ most successful story of the year. Anothet WAu»xl»B-vne o lh. bn*hl«*k »nd brti ulu»J»l* ' 'eading feature will be the Personal Recollec yublkBf on* of th« day . v — — hi <* *• tion* of Joan of Aie, by the Sieur 1» uir Da l.A-a Paizs-I-Iu Jwiton to th. *‘'1 C onyi , Her Psge and Secretary, under which Ouu pro. * eomis' n* of m»sirtornt- 8ilv. r 8!'*“*■ c (clock Service-, Ac Ac, lor L*-t ím £ guise tbe meet popular of living American en»; I«f r. t . c I om ef the Couipel’-ion, »bah wiU b« magazine writers will Preseut ahe story of the Maid af Orleans In the January Nu nber Will * I AecruiLwy 31, 1&/2. . . Th. obj»-i offer»* th.^liLv^l pnzje I» to r appear a drofusely illustrate* paper on Charlea- he Lsm « Hou* M o / az X«J« «$* bomw in tee ton and the Caroliuas, the first of a serie* of Ji.'led suare. sud C»o». * I " rnt salue Southern Paper*, ,»■1 ibeuwr.vee of it by end » n* $1 I» »• h m»«cr»*»d ih* *d«ire». of *om» triend to whom the l N oat hern Africa i* attracting more attention I./ um . *n t»e «ent for • 11 mo»ih*. or h»«e tbe'f®"“ at any other time since it wa* the seat of em- 111«naled beyond ih» tini. -Ir<-*dy p*'d for Urur* to I pirea. The next volume* of HARPe-* MAGA- ■eb^rbers remd n*taU.e United Ntnie* sent from our 1 ZI n K will four illustrated articleson thia regin, «•w Yo k lesoch Au erwnu currency »nd P™"M« and three of them will depict the present life tempsuiU I« taken Be >lw. rig u’s . u. al. SKy*. New York. Murch ist. 1S: Messrs J >hn F. Stratton Dear sir* —I hive given your Russian Gut Violin String« a thorough trial, nuJ >i :i pleas- MQÄ’cOLOIWfcCMi* 'd 4rtie*«o ti L'Kius square , a. < st JiVx FOR SALL. ÜY COPYRIGHTS.^ GREAT B’BLE COMPETITION. | Elegent and exclusive designs for Out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod els by S andoz and C hapuis , are an importaut fertnre- These appear every week, accompan­ ied by minute descriptions and details Our Pari* Letter, by K atharine de F orest , is a weekly transcript of the latest stiles and caprl-. <•»* in the mode, Under the hi ap of New York , Fashions, plain descriptions and full pautlcu- ' lais are given as o shapes, fabrics, trimmings, and aceeasosiesof the costume* of well-eresBed , women, childrens Clothing receives practical 1 attention. A fortnightly Pattern-sheet bupple- ment enables readers to cut aud mrke their own gowh The woman who takes HARPER’S BA­ ZAS is prepared for every occasion in life, ce­ remonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. Weekly Call ! PER year : rKICEei.fi.-> PF.KY1.AK. ¡HE SAN FRANCIS O Morning Call! PBICK «6.0 > FIR YBAF. ------- "H------- HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL 1« a handsome elght- page paper. It is issued every Thursday, and contains all of the important news of the week, gleaned from eveny quar­ ter of the globe, complete up to date of publication. It fur* nishea the latest and moat reliable financial news and market quotation*, a> d give* apeeial attenti, n to horticuL tural and agricultural news, and is In every m»i *ct a first- Siass family paper, app<* will svim I po-tu id a* a pre­ mium on rreeli tef the follow, ing •abserlption price* fur the combination: DAILY C‘Ll UD.EIil... ,PLTSt.l. r*6.oo IN AliVSNC*. WEEKLY CUI p.p « 2 SO I J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right aid*. Horse brand = on left shoulder. (tattle brand, II., on left rib under bit li left ear, under elope in right ear Iloraa bread 71 on right stifle. R E J. A. Willlame P, 0. Riley Or. Horses branded )-( on left atifle. Cattlebraal ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard, P0 Burna Miss Rosa Dickenson Horse brand anvil es 'eft stifle. Cattle branded bar’R on left bip. r O. Lawen Ore. J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P con left hip Hor»e brand anvil on left stifle r. o Lawen Ore Cattie brand figure 7 on either hip: msrklirM crop off each ear, slip in each ear, and wsd on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7on either hi? J. H. Bunyard.Burns Ore. Geo Williams, horses and mules hrs rounding w, on tight stifle. P. 0 Riley Horse brand bar m on left shoulder: '»tt brand bar-m on left hip and ribs. Cstnen Marshall PO NarrowsOre. ” W Hatfs . Horse brand on left shoulder 8 I L LT STR ATE D. Horse brand ~ ou left shoulder and same oe the tunes. It preseuts every important evert pri mptiy, niptly, accurate!). and exhausti-ely exhausti' eiy in il il- ­ nr. ' lustration and descriptive dea/ riptive text of the hignest order. The manner in which. ’ng 1894, it ha* treated the Uhi.iago Railroad Strike* and the < hino-Jat>*nese War, and the ai..ount of light it w a* able to throw on Korea the instaut atten­ tion was directed to that little-known county, are examples of it* almost boundless resouri e*. Julian Ralph, the ilisilnguisbed writer aud correspondent, hi* been scut to ihe seat of war, and there joined r.y C D. Weldou, now for nianv years résidant iu Japan, who ha* been evgated to co-operate with Mr. Ralph in Send- tion HARFFR's WEEKLY exclusive informa­ tion and illustraiion. muscle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Burns Ore. 8. I.ampehire and Son cattle brand Q connected. Earmark swallow fork in right ser umierbit in left. P, O. Burns Ore. Horae* and Cattle branded J P on left' »boul- der some b anded JP connected Mary J. Price. Burn* Ore Herman Ruh cattle brand g om.i« er crop off and swal.rw fork in left ear ear ntider slope, P.O. Lawen. HARPER’S PERIODICALS ! Per Year harper « BAZAR ................. 4 01 HARPER’S ma > \ z : xe 4 0( HARPER’S WEEKLY 4 « . II ARPF.R'8 VO>'Nti l’f.i'PI r. 2 01 I'eetage Free to all fu )*< ribere lu ths Unite« States Canada. or Mexii o. The volumes ot the Haiar l«g lr.ai r-at age paid’ or by expos*. free of expenaa provided th* freight doia no' exc.-ed on* do! 1st per vohtmei or *7 a vu tune. Cloth ce*e* fofea. n volume, suitable for bine lug will t>* sen thy mail poopetdin rec*!» ot *t ear h Remittance* should be usds by PoetOffiee Money order or l>ratt. to av. id chance of lues Adr-ss HARPER A PR OTHERS New syaps's ar* cot to copy any «n* nor Mbs Laars Stancllft. Burna Ore. I ■■■ ____ _______ ____ H A RPER'S W eekly is a f______________ pictorial history of I Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle F on right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. Uwes Or. Horse brand 3fi on left shoulder, also three dots.', tn shape of triangle, cattle branded sane E. E. Grout Burna Or. Poatage Free to all subscriber* iu tha States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volume* of the Weekly will beg 'the first Number for Jauuarv of e a When no time is mentioned, subs trip t begin with the Number curreu. at i ceipt of order. Bound Volume* of Harper’s Weekly f years bank, in neat doth binding, will i by mail Postage paid, or by express, fr pense (provided the freight does not ex per volume) for $7.00 a volume. Cloth cases for each Volume, suit* binding will be sent by mail post-paid I ceipt of $1. ’ ^Kemiitance« should be made by Pog I Monev Order or Draft, to avoid chance o i Address il ARPER di BR iTtlERS, Me / I Hardin di Riley, cattle branded V on left aide Horae brand T left side, r o. Burna,Or»*os Cattle diamond on left hip: hor shoulder. Charles H. Voegtlty. BaruS’J HARPER WEEKLY.......................... HARPER’S MAGAZINE.............. HARPER’S BAZAR........................... HARPER’S YOUNG PFOPLE I Hor* brand bar ten on left shoulder; full, bar ten on left hip and upper clip on bott ear*. T. A. McKinnon, Burna Ore. • Cattle brand. H O. on left h'p. nn right ear and a crop and split in let o. on left shoilder. A. Cattle aid horse braid T with hall'’V d.r 0. W. Thompson, Laweu BEATTY'S PIANOS for eat alors* Ex Mayor Waehlngton, New Jerwey. Daniel r *OHR r. STR ATTO ;2’8 . CELEBRATED w • * «I X< Ortiva h» «P *** . R. r