Six weeks ago I soffered with a- very severe cold; was almost unable to speak. My friends all advised me to consult apysician. Noticing Cliaml*erlian’s Cough Remedy ad vertised in the St. Paul Volks Zeitung I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was ■ •ntyrely well- I now most heartily , recommend thisrernedv to anyone suffering with a cold. W m . K eil , 678 Selby Ave., St. Paul, Minn. ! Fer sale bj TWO FOR ONE Rend for free sample and judge thereby The E. O. H erald and Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, ln»th on»* y ear fur 12. The Enquirer is a 9 colum.8 page pa|»er. issued each Thursday. Largest in size.cheapest in price,, most reliable in news,all large type, j plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another lire paptr, the Enquirer is that paper Call or send orders to this office. RETIRING FROM BÜSINESS! I offer my Entire Stock ol Goods at Cost tor OREGON. M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. This popular Hotel holds itselt Having determined to close np my business, a good opportunity in point ot of rank equal, it if not super is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in laving in a full years supply. ior to any inland hotel and in tact compares favorably with many M’k- Tour fcvestm nts While My Stock is Complete. railroad houses. J coot» will h>- cli.iryed on my books and all parties owing me hereby notified io make an early settlement. It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortahle rooms. The cuisine e d partaient is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will k. w th cire d ttention. < J. DURKHEIMER. I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. BURNS DRUG STORE This is the best medicine in the world for l>owel complaints. It acts quickly and can always be depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take.1 Try it. and like many others you wilt recouiincnd it to your friends. For sale at 25 a bv Druggists. STAR I H W WELCOME. Proprietor. DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC „d.weit».bouie On Corner opposite Post Office I Prescription» carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON æ GOODMAN. Proprietors. America's Great Danger I AM CMSLISH COMMEMTART. Said an< minei t EnJidigeienti-t recently: * The danger < afronta thegreat Ameri can people tu-uuy it nut the putaible aikp- liun of a wrong finaix i.d |«iicy for the nution. or the »pn.J if socialistn, or the ln< r,a»e of corrupt .on strong public n.en. til U hm » rue b d tuoi.gli, to l>e »ure, but • p »! . y art a» i> .ihiugc n:p nd t > the to ril>!- na tonal diseaae—I had a I mo t Mid nation I C. ime -of overwork. 5.0 n. I rt-1 t r| wealth is set at a killirgp ,<e, and tliousai - full bv the w .v eve vie You are likely b bj eno if the victiiss ilowdowt-k ow? 1 cc. -<■ it is the tlotl to find a nut i < r u. .^n < f adult a • • t |trctt health. Nervous Lisordtrs t 1 Ipreading with fearful rapaliiy. Au ong ! « aymptonia, are—Bat ka> he, ’L..HMi-ut", <.•■<! Hands n d Feet, Diuii ca , llot 1 ' Fluttering Seoaati n, Fai tine, Head <. «■ IlvMeria, Irritability of the Heart Mr’ n choly, 1 ail i g Mun ry, Palpitation. l.h< ti mat sin, Mi rt Bnaih. Sleepl«asnt>s Too» iiyapepaia, Sexual Itebilitv, kit». Ki v . < A. C arroll , pasUir F’ir»t H ’ i 11 urvh. Yellow Spri- gs. <>.. writes as f 1 • I have u-ed I»r. Mile» Restorative Ncrt’i.. Í f.>r the p ataix m nt ha. 1 fn>d it acta li.t a th rm on the whole Perv uv system. I hate not four» I its equal in giving inimedinlt i- ■ f. Dr MitaaT little herve and l.i-«r Pio*only nerd a trial arxi tL~y will reimm- mend tbemawlv«« to be ti.e best pills in the Market.* “ For fire year» I have rifil red from Ker- | Vona j* <»tr .lion I was una ie to work or l'r M les* R’Stor | live N*rvi»e g > e re rvl ef, and ere th i. I •» d doll -ni wotiid not cover I e go. d it I a* d e r. '—JOHN M1NCHLK, Young» 1«. wn, < ‘hio. Dr Miles’ Reatorst ve Nerv we is nn squt.leti in «'CtUKO Nervous bi-ru«». It n i ait.s n ■ opi tie- . r ilai emai» ti uirt. S id »n a ptwuv* it liar» nl<e bv al dmrgiat» ot IN. Co., Elkhart, lad. The best brands of Liquors, wi eg and cigars. and one ¡>ool table. Two billiard KO PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. CULP BROS Burns, Oregon. Work Guaranteed to be first class. We mix our own Paints, and Fashionable Dressmaking. Our Work Suoaks for it e f, Perfection Taylor System. Mrs Mina Walton, at her residence, Rums, Oregon CARPENTFR, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER. Parties Desiring Cabinet W ork ’hat excels any done in this place hereto :re, call and examine my ELKHART CARRIAGE anil HARNESS NF6. CO. work. I 121.50 vfc ■••••aAT.*—«.»«•• <24 V»” aarlM rWm fV pr^lUa. W» ara lb. 1 .rpiU BMaafartarrr. ta Aawrtra wiUaw THOS. LAHEY. Rums, Oregon. If not Mkti.fartor, * r»*l«M Wh, p»> M letnt UVU« to or^er f T yw»t Writ» io»r s». onWr fr«» ». UA. Ul IW rU* of dAtna«« M Alpwia<. WHOLESALE PRICES First door north of Brick Store. Xo. IM Rtrnd Wagow Spring Wagon», *30 to »45. M.o* ». M-.1 . r *M to i x H Mjl« of Road wagons. Survwvs »tU lo«< fraom. »so. »CA ■MM a. Mil tor (M to •>«» Top M ... wwU ■•»35. Phswtone a. to* BED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. On the Corner South of the French Hotel. Main Street. r. tv « r> Wanted-fin Idea DUDE M c CLAIN - Proprietor The proprietor is well known not ouly here butin »11 the fCcunt;es and T iwne His business qualifications an i natural a rc 1 ion f< r horses »prcially fits him for the »vocation