I along with the gold standard men Administrators N< ire. ohn ohrman rewer of the democratic party will as sure as the sun shine?, flock to the Mc­ I Notice is hereby given all per­ 24 IS' 6 Kinley ranks in case the Chicago sons holding claims hl nst thej gZPNESDAY Ji'-SE OF THE FAMOUS platform has a free coinage plcnk estate of Victor S. Ottmc ceased, topresent the same to t under- { Editor But on the other hand, if the finan­ rn-ss in I e.c. »IKP cial plank prove different.we would signed at his place of t Burns, Harney county, O. ; nn, ver­ be branded as traitors not worthy ified as by law required thin six Uncial PHnk ef the Republi­ of recognition in case we bolted. , months fiom the date of this notice. -. can Platform. Dated at Burns this 11th day of December, 1895. I A (bn wislralor's Sale. H. M H orton , i It is as follow “The RePubli Administrator.1 i S d paHv is unreservedly for sound Notice of Administratoi’s Sale of OREGON Rea! Estate at. Private Sale for BURNS, money. H caused the enactment Cash in Hand. FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. ofthe I«« providing for the resump­ In the matter of the E-tat^ of Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your tion ufspeice payments in ISTSjsince | William D. Hudspeth, deceased. LITe Away. then every dollar has been as good Under authority of an order of MKold. We are unalterably op sale granted by the Hon. County is the truthful, startling title of a . ........... t book about No-To-Bac, the harm­ posed to every measure calculated Court o< the county of Harnev, ay State of Oregon, dated Mi 6, 1896,1 less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure to debase our currency or impair the empowering and licensing -- — me, - - as -j fkof n r a nicotinized ninntini? that braces up nerves, credit of our country. We are, Administrator of the above entitled eliminates the nicotine poison, theietore opposeJ to the free and estate, to sell all the >ea! estate makes weak men gain stiength. unlimited coinage of silver except thereof, in said county, at private [ vigor and manhood, i ou run no sale for cash in hand, I will so sell i physical or financial risk, as No- o- by international agreement, which at private sale for cash in hand all lbic is sold by druggists e\ery where we favor, and. until such agreement of the following described real es- , under a guarantee to cure or money CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. refunded. Book free. Address can be obtained, the existing gold tate, to wit: The East half of the South East Sterling Remedy Co , New N ork or standard should be preserved. We I quarter (E4 SE|) of Section Nine- j Chicago, favor the use of silver as currency, teen (19) and the North West quar­ I BURNS, OREGON H. M. Horton, Burns. but tothe extent only that its parity ter of the South West quarter and with gold can he maintained, and the South West quarter of the, we favor all measures designed to North West quarter (NW| of SWj I — Wines Liquors, and Cigars, maintain inviolable the money of and SW| of N W]J ot Section Twen­ ty (20), Township Thirtythree (33) Good Billiard tables, Pleasant'Card Room«, ete., ete. the United States, whether coin or South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. ' Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender paper, at the standard of the most M. eiilightened*nation8 of the earth.” The South half of the South West Mixed drinks to please the moat fastidious. Now since “they have gone and quarter and Sooth West quarter of I kA done it” and put McKinley square the South East quarter (SA of i* W] and SW| of SE|) of Section Twen­ on a gold platform, we shall eve, ty (20), and the North West quar­ w < what we shall tee. ter of the North East quarter (NW|. The fight will be on immediately I of NE]) of Section Tw^ntynine (29), after the democratic nominations < Township Thirty thr» e (33) South of the Chicago convention. The I of Range Thirty (30) E W. M. The South East quarter of the fight will be silver, of that there South East quarter [SE] of SE|] JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. is no doubt. If it can be to ar nf Section Twenty [20] and the ranged as to have only two candi South West quarter of the South Situated on Silviee river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge dates in the field the silver element West, quarter [SW] of SWJ] of Section Twenty-one [21] and the can have a f ir 8how and wi 1 as \ e , North West quarter of the Nv.rih '-V. ’ x verily believe carry the day. Un­ 'Vest quarter [NW|of NWj], of- Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from *♦ x.i-.-p doubtedly the silver men can see I SectionTwenty eight [28], and the , and understand the situation and | North East quarter of the North i Good Wheat and will let no prejudices interfere I East quarter [NE^ of NE]] J » of Sec- with that honest policy and more turn Twenty-nine [29], Township! Thirty three 133] South of Range honorable effort to relieve the Thirty [30] E. W. M. country of distress, misery, starva­ The South half of the North East’ . ............... — zrr,«..................................Tt O,-.. tion and last but not least the quarter and the South half of thei «L. «XL »ei-. » Vx— —V tramp With money in circulation North West quarter [S| of NE| and , À L J' •• k ____ — O. sufficient to carry on the business, S| of NW|] of Section Twenty-eight I [28] Township Thirtv-three [33] I < - - -x of our government the army of I jSui I Vr s 1 f> South of Range Thirty [30] E W. M tramps with which our country is The East half of the South West j / TrlL? Vor Tan M c K innon i«chi«f maker whoae record has *;cn«. c 'I druams, Irrpotaitcy «rut watuin« dl.oaae* oauaed by All our *hoe* are equally ¿¿tisfactory C. B. W ickliffe . you’.M -,-rrr.r, or exectere. Contain» no opiates. la a tiers« toal« They de« th« beet vai«« for th« money. pvv»en tola» not only a failure, but on.. I., i o«l - .ullder. Make* the pale and pony, trona and plump. Administrator of the Estate of They «qual ewetom «hoe» la «tyU «nd flt. Rr. T he 'A o red , ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO. W.L. D ouglas WBasyac«» ■ ForaUdui a, • • , 11. _1. . r„. ...[.«V’ll T1'L„1UUWiM|lhtklU|a lieu«!-.'...