East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, June 17, 1896, Image 7

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    Administrator’s Sale
— If any one who has been bene-
—White goods for summer wear [ —Pique Drees Goods at N.
fitted by the use of Dr. Williams’
at N. Brown’s.
Notice of Administor’s Sale of
Pink Pill» wi 1 write to-T he H er -
—Gun«, Bicycles, Mowers and
— Mrs. Harry Thompson who has
they will receive information Personal Property at Private Sale.
repaired ai d
been ill for some time is i m pro v- all kinds of machinery
tisfactorily at th« that will be of much value and in-. In the matter of the Estate
promptly and 8a’
j terest to them.
I J. W. Dickensan, Deceased.)’
—N. Brown expects to occupy C. H. Voegtly Hardware store
J Under authority of an order of
^ newspaper IN this county .
his stone building by the first of __New goods ft the Johnson store,
; now under control of Hemj' Canaday,
"sale granted by the County Court
.lust hs cheap as ever or cheaper. Call
Notice rs hereby given that my of the county of - Harney, State of*
—Abe House is putting up a and examine goods sod get prices, and
Local News.
1 if suited buy.
wi ife , Sarah, has left my bed and Oregon, dated May 8, 1896, empow-
I new fashioned wind mill on the
board and I will not be responsi­ ering and licensing me, as adminia
-White goods for summer wear By rd plantation
—Jc;gensen has the finest and ble for any debts or obligations con­ trator of the above entitled estate,,
nt Ji. Brown’s.
to sell the personal property there-
A. T Caldwell special agent beet lot of goods that ever came to tracted on and after this date.
_ Qhns Jones was in town yes for the firm of C. F. Webber <k Co. Burns; go and see for yourself.
M. Z eigenfus . ' of in said county, at private sale,,
¡the following described persenal
He is also taking Cabinet Photos, June 17, 1896.
property, to-wit:: Stoves and kitch-
at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to
—Pique Dress Goods at N is in our town.
len furniture, l.sack salt, 700 lbs.
— The family of Irwin Geer are go and see what he has on hand.
flour, fur shins, 1 single barrel shot ’
—Chas. Voegtly will receive, in a
-Geo. Miller paid our town a recovering from their attack of the
All persons are hereby notified 1 gun, 1 Marlin rifle, 1 double barrel
No new cases that we few days, a car load of Mitchell
vi«it last week.
’shot gun, 1 Remington riflle, 4
know of.
wagons, direct from the factory not to purchase a certain promisory
—White goods for summer wear
' muzzle loading rifles, library of 6<>
—Joe Tupker will baye a supply Remember there is no middlemen note given by me to W. W. John­
books.4 log chains, blacksmith tools ■
at N. Brown’s
of champion mowers and the in this deal and customers can ex­ sen, as it is vci i'y A lY a k rwa »T T narx KT
m zx carbenter
r* »• V» A »■» 4 frzx/xlo
OIF TfHll*'«
etc. n and
tools, 1 1 tl pair
A. C. W orthington .
—Jimmie Taylor came in on the Mitchell All-Steel rakes,by the first pect, thereby, to purchase wagons ble.
! horse »trechers, | interest in mower
Ontario stage this morning.
of Mr. Voegtly much cheaper.
of July.
and rake, 1 j inch iron ax wagon,.
—The republican national con­
—Get one of I, S. Geer &C j ’ s
—Dell Dibble and wife were the
200 bushels of barley, 2 sets double-
vention met in St. Louis yesterday. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Witzell of premium purchase tickets. This
All persons knowing themselves harness (chain), 1 Baddie mare, 7
—Miss Grace Riggs of this place this place, two or three days the firm agrees to give the holder of
indebted to the firm of Johnson & I work horses, 40 head ef range
such tickets a fine life size Crayon
is having a terrible siege of the la- latter part of last week.
Harris are requested to make an J horses, 1 stallion, 1 sulky plow, 1.
— Since our last issue Messrs,
early settlement by cash or note I walking plow. All situated in Har-
nnrl 1 » non
—Mr. Keeney and family, of . Mahon,
_____ ________
Bennett, ,-----------
Crawford and Gil’ charge, by purchasing $20 worth We have dissolved partnership x and
ney tfWAiirktv
county Oregon,
Pine ere k, are visiting in Burns j Ham all of Harney and vicinity of goods for cash at their store. It the accoHnta are in my hands for
The said said will be made by.
is not necessary that the whole
from and after this date at the-
this week.
amount should be purchased at one collection.
B ohn .—To Mr. and Mrs. John
—Prof. C. H. Leonard has been time, but any amount from 5 cents against the firm contracted while.J. W. Dickenson ranche, Harney
I county. Oregon.
Robinson, of this place, on Monday employed to teach the Harney to $20 as explained upon the tick-1 in business..
H ugh H arris .
Terms of sale cash in hand on-
school the coming tern’. He is now ets.
the 15th, a boy.
I the delivery of property.
F otice .—New goods just arrived suffering with an attack of museu
Administrators Notice.
—The Rev. David Hughes Jones,1
W m W. D ickenson ,.
at Mrs. Cowing’s Millinery store. lar rheumatism.
I « a JJI
VoU) 'tUI 1(411 minister,
UHIIirvvi, and
HUM wife
* Administrator of the Estate J. W_
Parasols, Shirt waists, etc. etc.
—Sing, I Chinaman, is having a arrjve<] here today from Portland
Notice is hereby given to all per-
, -
- *
s zx sx wx » » A zx »x Ixio Bin I zw « ex re *
• . •
—Some of our sporting men are, front addition put on his building I Mr. Jones came here at the instiga­ sens holding claims against the es-
now busily engaged fitting their intended for China merchandise. tion of his church to take charge of täte of J. W. Dickenson, deceased,
race horses for the Burns track on Sing will soon have a stock of goods this work. As we have no minis­ to present the same to Wm. W. Huntington, Ore., March 21. 1896.
as is usually kept in Chinese stores. ter here at this time his arrival is Dickenson Administrator of Jhe
lhe 4th.
D ear S ir :—We are now starting
timely and wejhave no doubt but above named estate, at the Dicken­ on the new year. Computations
—W. D. Buchanan is in town to
—Mr. Emerson, who has been
that he and Lis wife will be very son ranche, Harney county, Oregon,
for several months afflicted, was day. He informs us that his orch­ kindly received and our people give verified as by law required, within for last year are completed. We
brought to town today to be exam­ ard is loaded with fruit of which he them that aid and assistance com six months from the date of tb:s find that our firm sold during 1895
the enormous amount of 167 car-
will have an abundant crop, no I
ined as to his sanity.
inensurate with our means. He notice. Dated at Burn«. Oregon 1J
i loads of goods, equal to ten train
pieventive providential hindrences. j
comes highly recommended by this 11th day of May, 1896.
—Several parties in town from
i loads—just think 167 cars—For
W m . W. D ickenson ,
—It is now reported that Ad. Rev W. J. Hughes, of Baker City,
the La wen neighborhood, among
this we thank our patrons,and prom­
whom are Mrs. Wash Harkness, Gilliam will be deputy clerk, and and T.ev. F. H. Gwine D. D., of
ise the same generous treatment in
Mr*. Hecketh irn, Scott Hayes and Sam Mothershead deputy sheriff. Salem.
the future. During 1896 we will
(The only objection to Sam is the
Ed. Page
M arried -At the residence of
sell closer than ever, and no honest
space it takes to write his full
Robert Weeks, of Burns,on Monday
competitors will be allowed to do
—Charley Fras 'r, who left here name.
morning at ten o’clock, Mr. A . j, America’s Great Danger more fir you than ourselves. We
several months since to work for the
— R. Hewitt and Charley Spring Gardner and Miss Mattie Haley
are here for your business, we must
P. L. S. Co., t.ear Bulah, Malheur er. Mr. Hewitt contestant, and Mr. both residents of this county, were
have it, if honest count, weight,and
countv, returned to this place sev­ Springer his witness in a land con united in marriage by W. C. Byrd
I treatment and Lew prices will do
eral daye ago.
Said an eminent English scientist recently : .
test vs. the State and Peter French, justice of the peace. The H erald * The
danger that confronts the great Aincri- R- Call or write us
—The remains of a little girl, a went to Portland last weeek, where extends congratulations, believing can propie to-day is not the possible adop- .
niece of Mesdames Hoover and Mc­ lhe case comes before the state as a general thing, true happiness tion of a wrong financial policy for the 1
nation, or the spreud of socialism, or the *
O. C. Co.
Cune of Lawen, was buried in the court Also Mr. French accom- and contentment is found only in increase of corruption among public men.
Burns cemetery yesterday. We are i panied by his witnesses M. Fitz a married life, we hone this couple til these are bud enough, to be sure, but ’
they are as nothing compared to the terrible
not intormed of the cause of the gerald and Peter Stenger for the will find it so. and we wish them na'tonal disease—I had almost said nation..I [TINAIÄPROOF.
death of the child, neither of the State.
prosperity and all the happiness Crim«—of overwork. The mad rush fi.r LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON,
weskh is set at a killing pace, und thousands
May 1», 1HÖ6.
—The Burns Brass Band has full and enjoyment,accorded to inhabit- j fall by the\riiy every year?
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named Bettier has filed notice of his intention
—The presbyterian church is control and management of the ants of this mundane sphere.
I* ________ - _
a «
How do we know? Ilecauso it is the excep­ to make final proof in support of his claim, and
said proof will be made before Register A
The Weekly Oregonian and T he tion to find a man or woman of adult age in that
Church ; coming 4lh of July celebration in
Receiver V. 8. Land Office at Burns Ore, on
Ju.V® i?
J ames P. D ickenson .
Extension Society located in Phil • this place, and will undoubtedly | H erald for only two dollars a year,
spreading with fearful rapidity. Among the 8eodi7ETp V8R8»NE^ BeC W ** N
a<le!phia. I’a., also the M E. confer- J make every
symptoms, are—Backache, Biliousness, Cold
He names the following witnesses to prove
enc and presiding elder of this dis it the most enjoyable 4th ever wit- cure your county paper and the flimds and Feet, Dizziness liot 1 lashes, his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Fluttering Sensation, Fail ting, Headache,
M”.-»• L- Sitz, a . 8.
all of Lawen
trim, for the purchase of the M. E. ‘ nessed in Burns. The program most newsy weekly published in • Hysteria, Irritability of the Heart, Melan­ Swain, and Chas. J. Johnson,
Harney Co , Oregon
church in this place.
will appear in our next issue.
this state
Every intelligent read­ mutism, Kh' rt Bienth. Sleeplessness, Nir-*
1 here will lie preaching at the
—Dr McPheeters, his brother er cannot help but see the advan­ Vona 1‘yrpepsin, Sexual Debility, Fits, etc
R ev . C. A. C arroll , pastor First Baptist
M. h church Sunday at 11 o’clock Cal and Mr. Ragon, who were out tage of getting two papers for the Church. Yellow Spri gs,O., writesas follows: piNAL PROOF
a m, and at 7:30 p m. by Rev., prospecting for gold on the head of price of one. We hope our sub­ 1 h.tve u e<l Dr. Mile*’Restorative Nervine
for the p st six month«. I find it act« like
David Jones, a presbyterian minis , Myrtle creek at the time of our last scribers will see the point and give a charm on lhe whole nervous system. I LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON.
May 2, IM«.
have not found its equal in giving immediate
ter. Mrs Jones is one of the lead issue, returned last Friday, without us a call.
Notice 1» hen by givou that the follnwln.
relief. Dr. Miles’ littlo berve and Liver ¡«wik/iTlr h*« flled notice of hlu intention
ing singt-rs of this country and will accomplishing any good results be­
Pills only need a trial and they will recom­ to make final proof In Blipport of hiB claim and
«aid proof will be made before Resister
mend themselves to be the best pills in the that
and Receiver tt a r
rc Register
be present to assist her husband in cause of the miry condition of the
! market.”
ä ’«.
the service«
ground and creeks, which necessar­
For your Protection. Catarrh “Cures” or vons I oatrution, I was unable to work or *■ I »...
I the following wltnptsna
witnesses’ «zx
to Ä
b \\ . McClain, lietter known ' ily had to be g me over.
now bargaining
with ........
the ..
here «¡- ‘Dude’ McClain, has leased
the Red Front Stable for one year.
* ia an all round business man,
•ith a nig heart, generous, accom
luudating, a pleasant word and
•mile for everybody, and as such
I he H erald recoir.n ends him to
the public, feeling satisfied that a
tfiai ia sufficient to make any one a
regular patron at his stable
—Geo. Stanclift has returned
from Huntington, where he has
been in company with J Durk-
heimer. delivering mutton sheep.
He informs us that they made a
very good sale of their sheep, finan­
cially, but wool is low. J Durk-
heimer has not yet made sale of his
wool, hoping for better prices in the
near future.
Tonies for Catarrh in liquid form to be
internally, usually contain either Mercury or
Iodide of Potaaaa, or both, which are injur,
ioua if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not
• blood disease, caused by sudden change to
cold or damp weather. It starts in the nasal
passages, affecting eyes, ears and throat.
Cold in the head causes excessive flow of
mucus, and, if repeatedly neglect'd, the re­
sults ot catarrh will foll.rw; severe pain in
the head, a roaring sound in the ears, lad
breath, and oftentimes an offensive dis.
charge. Theremedyahiuldbequicktoallay
inflammation and heal the membrane Ely’s
Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for
these troubles and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cenU
T,!e fir’t doW! of O’*. Mile«’ Restora
live Nervine give me relief, and one th, u
: c T-BSÄeM «d JÀm£TÂ?.reM
’ L
•and dollars would not cover the good it lias h
Isee, Grant county, Oregon
gel ’ *
done me.”—JOHN MINCHER, Youngs
TH0MA8 JONES. Register.
town, (>i>io.
Restorative Nervine ia un­
equalled in cnRino Nervous Diseases. It
eontaine no opiate, or dangeroua drum. Sold
* P°**iva guarantee by all drugwiata, or
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, IoT
Baid Intnmants
Wanted-In Idea
•MlMu ot twe Lunar-
droms T fifes .
Piccolosand Band Supplies.
I r-ni*
uuk,,«.. •it.«i«.tU.817E 9(;