\ » X BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report and declared it would not entertain negros as guests or customers. A genthman, accompanied bv Money is no object. Threats of Pl BUSHED EVERY WEDNESDAY his Wife and children, horded a prosecution have had no effect, and [ BY 1 Fourth-avenue car at Twenty-third from the present outlook it would; W. C. BYRD & SON. •streit the other morning. The wife seem that, unless tents;..c secured, rucututss iso P kopbietobs . * and children found seats inside the the black men will have to go - ■ - ■ ■* car, while the husband sought the hungry and unhoused. Sl'BSCKirTION RATES: ABSOLUTELY PURE When asked what the national) »2.00 front platform for a smoke. One Year .............................................. . .1.00 Six Month» ............................................ ... .75 When the conductor called for committee would do, Mr. Tongue, Three Mouth»............................................ HERALD CLUB LIST: j the f ires the man gave him two national committeeman of Florids, flerald aud Harper’s Magazine .. . .. 5.00 An Affidavit. Herald ami Harj er's \\ eekly .... ... 5.2l> dimes, at the same time explaining, replied: “I have consulted mem­ . 5.20 gerald and Harper’s Bazar Herald and Hart>er s A oung People. 3.75 with a jerk of his thumb over his bers who are here and I ha*e de­ This is to certify that on May 11 i.rald Alden void » Manifold Crclopedi*. .2.9# shoulder, that he was paying for cided to offer a resolution as soon »ch a and i iii'on.l »e after Vol. 155 cents: I walked to Melick’s drug store on U cents extra wr volume, poatue. the other three members of his as the committee meets, condemn­ t pair of crutches and bought a a ■ i iesof all theabove work» enn be ex family seated inside the car. ing the hotel and inn keepers and «aiiK-.i a: ■ ere in the Reading Room bottle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm The conductor rang up the four lor the laying aside of a fund for for inflammatory rheumatism "b'.isher» of periodicals are solicited n leiidi 'nbb.ug rates, a copy of their work fur , fares anti then extended his hand renting a hall in which cot! shall which had crippled me up. After) jni Free!-... ling R with the remark: using three bottles I am completely jupies bv acvertisezieut. 1 ‘•You owe me another nickel.” Icome to the convention. We will ' cured. I can cheerfully recommend I ‘‘What for?” laconically inquired also request the employment of a . ADVERTISING RATES the man, blowing* a whiff of smoke coips of cooks to supplv tin m food 11 “ Charles H. Wetzel. Sunbury, I • • «F ACK 1 wk 2 wk 1 mo 1 3 mo j 6 mo j 1 yr around the corner of the car. »15« »11.00 »8 -10 neh »1 *0 »2 50 K. 00 Sworn and subscribed to before^) 18.00 28.«' > “You’ll have to pay for that other 4 HO t .50 12 l»i 3.00 _ «___ . m r.ni7:»‘ 40 « 24 00 3.M 5.00 8.00 1ft.0) 1 •* o mills r Catarrh me on August 10, iv(n 1894.— v\ Walter 50 « child in there. 32. IM) She’s 5 years old 4.60 6.00 10 00 LV 00 J 54.00 48.00 col. b.'JO 9.00 1ft. w 28.00 that contaiu Mrcury, Shipman, J. P. For Fale at g 80.00 1-20 O) isn’t she?'’ 13. W IS tjo •JM.00 48.00 •20.00 sow 40 00 60.00 no oo 140.«‘ 1 k* cents per bottle by druggists. I “Yes, I guess she ncarei 8.” mercury will surely destroy the as i ‘ “Then why don’t you pay her JOB WORK / ! fare and not keep me standing here sen ise of rmell and completely de­ Those who are troubled with Jf every description executed with neatness range the whole system when en ­ «nd despatch, at reasonable ratea. ----- | all day?” exclaimed the conductor rheumatism should try a few ap Pamphlets Posier», Circulars, I tering it through the mucous sur- Letter Heads, Bill Hen 1». ' with considerable gmphasi*. Envelopes. plications of Chamberlain’s Pain t ards, TicMeta, Jtaieiueu:», Note Head», Dodgers. Etc. invitations. “Because I don't want te. that's faces. Such articles should nev« r I Balm, rubbing the parts vigorously Memoranda, • L* * 1 .- i T h » II kka L!) is kept reguiarlv on file for re why,” replied the man on the plat­ i>e used except on prescriptions at eavii each application. Ifc^hat does i . uv ----------- --------- ference, in the Geo. 1’. Rou ell Newspaper Ad . t •. 15« r ‘ v.-v from reputable pin / .¡ana, ’ ■ niTt^g relTeñW-rtr.< 1^ r'erimput Bureau, 10-pruce st.. New York. form, with a grin. ' “Then 1'11 have to call a p.die.- damage they-will do is ten fold to , flannel with Pain Balm and bind it TY A rA ’"O I man,” said the conductor.spitefully the good you can possibly derive on over the seat t f pain and prompt OFFICIAL DIRECTORY rf, nj r- • ringing the bell to let off a passen from them. Ha l’s Catarrh Cure, & relief will surely follow. For sale national : manufactured by F. J. Cheney ger. President ............ .Grover Cleveland druggists Teils I Vice-President. .............. Aillai Stevenson “All right, call a policeman— Co., Toledo, 0 , contains no liter-' io Kief-? '*,«2r<-n Toa Secretary of state Richar-i S, Uli ey ury, and is taken int rnally, act- Secretary of Treasury . John G. Carlisle call 10 of them VF¿zií /•> J-C jbcu ’ ? :» if you want to. Ç ™ Ja Trarr of I nt rior Hoke Smith ing directly upon the blood and mu- 1 Secretary of War Daniel S. Lamoni There’s plenty of tterti.” V- veritable • CYCLOPBÖIA iacretary of Navy Hilary A. Herber: .■ous surfaces of the system, In America’s Great Danger Secretary of Agriculture J. Sterling Mortoi. While this dialogue between the CP U?-TM . .ab A4»! - I attorney General JU't'in Hannon Fostmiuter General Will 1. WilsoD two was going on the passengers buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure STATE—OREGON: shot many indignant glances toward vou get the genuine. It is taken AM ENGLISH COMMENTARY. /.r, tn'-r.luai 't - ’ : ■ - y.Hrd G. W. McBride. r-eua'ors Political c.nj ;'ó,.u’„r J. H.Mitchell. the front of the car at the man who iidternabv and is made in Toledo, I Said an eminent English scientist recently : 1 ¡2.Ivi” wOuR« (Binger Hermann vongreastnen . .. ■ W. R. Ellis was so mean that he would not pav Ohio, bv F. J. Cheney Wi-.h. ji. »♦ Tb! P-. e!in.r< .- . r. »entity «adge ............ C. P. Rutherford. • lerk C. E. Kesjor “Why don’t you pay the child's how he cured it he says: “I used perfect health. Nervous Disorder»“ ¡.re Treasurer I. S Gee> spreading with fearful rapidity. Among t! a T A. M fare?” said the policeman,marching severul kinds of cough syrup but Sheriff symptoms, are-—Backai he, ’»diousnens, Co.d . A. Gittir.g» 4 sa essor H. W. Miller Hands and l'eet, Lizzine«-, Hot 1 lushes, found no relief until I bought a bot ­ up to the cool but apparently mean E’haol Super. -iteri lent C mas . Newe 1 i luilcring Sensation, Fait ting, Head che, A. B. Marks 'omiuisaiouers i R R Stu ••B«-<-au-e she isn’t .oy child." which relieved me almost instantly cnoly, 1 aili- g Memory, 1'a'pitntion, l:h., writes as fob< ■. : with a cough or cold use this remedy ductor and the conductor looked at To the E ditor :—1 have an absolute “I haven e«l Dr. Mile»’Restorative Nervine for Consumption. By its timely use the man, and the passengers looked and a ou will not find it necessary for the p .«t six im-ntlis. 1 find it act» like remedy a cluirin on the whole nerv. us system. 1 thousands of hopeless cases have been already SOCIETIES. at each other. The delightful sil­ to try several kinds before you get hnyo notfound itacnnal in giving immediate permanently cured. So proof-positive am I its power that I consider it my duty to SYLVA REBEKAII Degree No. (S. ence which followed was interrupted relief. It has been in the market ryher. Dr. Miles' little Nerve and Liver of I il Is only need a trial and they will recom­ »emi two bottles free to those of your readers Meettevery 1st and 3d Wednesday. by the little girl herself, who called for over twenty years and constant­ mend themselves to be the best pills in the who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Misa Le a McGee N.G. Lung Trouble, If they will write me their ram Motherahead. Rec. ntains no opiates or dangerous di tun. Bold ranch has almtM 100 acrei of good thin« to patent? St. l«ouis,Jun 8—What shall lie an •Po*tive jroarantee by R)1 dniggiata, or Ur. Iti«, Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind meadow land. Price 1800 or will done with the colord delegates to H arney bitst xo . «. g . a . r . trade for sheep. Meet »«very 1»> ,cd M Wednesday of eaeh' the national Republican conven ­ ,>f’> rellow»1 Hail. All Conrad» d •laBdlaglDvttod. tion? This is a Question which is puzzling the member! of the nation­ Burns-Canyon Stage Line al committee who have arrived and , V. «. MAILI. the burine«« then'» league which H. A. \\ illiams , contractor. ■casa—nu secured the convention, aa well. I vrriveaand. lepa -ts daily, , Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe ■f "■>mWWd«TWL»U . Every hotel and bearding house 1 veavs—chavas cire • L- ?*y=H* •«•ead Derart» dally. eacept Reader ^^tageslxiave Burns dy for Canyon Ci‘y’,nd »oiwte , and cafe cam« out tiatfooted today! Lt Wouldn’t Pay Her Far?. ronsumplion Wanted-An Idea i *<•» »H kodse» lUtey«, XT** 6 V %