» CREAT R:BLE COMPETITICS W. L. D ouclas OUOE* «» thcbcst . W I SwEa NOSGUeAKINO. ♦ < W Given Awaj every Month J FBDCH 4 E‘W«cLLE0 CALF M.’AVFXlXfi’iWWa > 3.5.« P0LICE.3 Sous. to t*e per»■« subnet r.r the n not SBiritarsoas iaveatiew d . m . ng •»<>■. h. M F ' t I- 4 FATc.. rs FOX INVENTUR^, ami the o <.f V * o**r i» to en- cxxjrage per-uSM I aa 4». t- tre turn of n:l. At tk« »•roe t. me we w. .. t"- i— the fact t_at - = - :’s the Simple, ’rivial Inventions Hiat Yield Fortune • I ♦5. CORDOVAN, 1 I " EXTJA f : ne . «2.,L7-5BoYsSaci,3«0EX •LADIES« ■_B SENS FC« CATALOGUE WL-DOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS. Yta era Utt mawry by pwrcbaaiag W. L. t 4 Douglas Shuf«, Beeauw-. we are toe Urgest raaaufacftirer« ot ,d.cr »ti » X* in the world, and guarau.es the value by rjmping the came and pace on tbe boGoau which protect» you ag«:n»t high prices and the m ddleman'» pro-.t«. Our »boe» tnual cu»tma worK >a »’yle. easy filling and wearing c xlitiea We have th-.m to: 1 every- w' ere at lo'.er price, for thevalne given « :aa arv o ht r r -.i-e. T;ce no substitute. If your d<.let caci*.*t »upfrly you. w: cam bold by J < 4» <4 «1 • t 4« • • 4» 4» • » Thousands of Dollar« in Rewards foi Bible Readers. * ♦ Phiti? W. Avirctt. Cea. .'Si'-., WASaiNCTON. *■. C^“Th» r*-spr«*4ts. -y • ’ «. • • y be Badg*-! tc.- *tw *»•! t • ■t it ► • * .• » bj •>>■ t -t '.«a .1 the leading a«rwr|wv«i» IL Vise ratttg étale» OBTAIN A PATENT» Fora prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to Fl I NN .. who have bad nearly fifty years’ experience tn the («tent business. Communica­ tion» mnctly ennfkienUaL A lluudho.ik of In- formatma cxmcerning i’atrnts and bow to ob­ tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of tneebaa. leal and acientlfic txx.lt» sent free. Patent« taken through Mann A Co. receive Stwsial notice in the «clentific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with­ out eo«t to the Inventor. Thu splendid paper, issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work lu tbs world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, f?.50a year. Hingis copies, -i .» cents. Every number contains beau­ tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latent designs and secure contracts. Address MINN i. (.<»., Naw Y ouk , 3U1 Bmuiiwtr. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated Russian Gut Violin Strings ' fA A'At'-T&i r'-'-tsT' 7">Ç*ÎW0>»»Ç 1 he Finest in the World. Every String Warranted. John F. Stratton,^'""'* .*• — »MtO.»«,- . PC« SAU S'";..... BII. fl8. 815, 817 E. 9th St. ctslosu«. Ntw YO(1K. 7 CH,*. Maga is à °'J'? b, C0’P’rc¿ ■’r-ate 04 chant? s.O'. TE CTQ V. TH C J Í ■' Try; CT.- L • V. Lasts -even Looks Sevei About About ÍL L Out ii-s - a i : r e L’S ■ • > juiy gúuj HARPER’S PER Ü.'ICí COPYRIGHTS . HK I'K.'Vf.'iUK 1893 I L i (J STR A TED Tua Lacras H >t MvaaaTwapm»' ", Its grsat rail Competin'« to th» pcUieot Atn-t ~\. The fir.t correri ILLUSTRATED. Brewer: »tte fob win, yeeetk-ns r- -iv- I al tliL* offue will rw. I! «» in ash. tbs aewnd, a^oi < unb; J-d Gift J The Simpleton, a new noael bv T homas P«co; 4aá. La. '« Hral Coal; 5th. F- J unpn; fth. _____________________ begun in the December Number, Ia4wGold W».,: 7th. fet» Drvr Then f< - = • l'/A HiBDT, Wl til be ___ ueo to November 1*95. ____ ontirued ¡"95. Who- Hegaot Silner Tea --ta to the »eat KaN evrre. t snsweta; 1»94, arid «ontir bo «.ue out » v favorite among sno r t- Er idish wltah Nov- K.,v. IÚUU Lewuii ul 4o‘l pc IJ «her. THones harpy s-ands forem< st of a master Qi ntlo««-<1 llu»i at y I>>-I a doe» the B ole e,.o artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may t «n* fZ) H w a>az.yChar (Jl How n any »».-tea L- Etery lai of aasvem c.« -* be a «•mpenlrd by *1 to expected to ar. use enthuaiam» not iuferihr In Py foe six ».'■ .m; » siitri up: n to the J.ai'lba H M< degree :o that which lies marked Trilby—rhe aoaxiBB—oi j :> « Lnghnwt and Us, uiusu-atwJ most successful story of the year. Another yubUar. os of the day I'eadfog feature will be tbe Personal Recollec La»r P k txts-In a lit on to the al> >re we will g'r« th,i s of Joan of Arc. by the Sieur 1st Cis La tJUG prizes < r.*, n, magi, tuent bdver Service*, lire CoSTE, Her Po«e and'■ecre'arv. under whii h ,'eluck derrke , ke Ac, lor La»t Correct Answer» ro­ guise'he rn< st popular of living Ameri.an uted Lef'tt V e cloae of the Competition, wh,ch will U magazine wiitars will Present ahe storv of the ■> DeceiuU-» 31. WIT. Tta cd,;»»B . fitting ibteeliUral prizes b to estal.-Uah Maiji af Orleans In the January Nu nber Will he Lani • s Howl M i-.az KB in NEW homes in tbe appear a drofusely illustratee paper on Charles Suited nta»»« and Canaca I’re tut suhBciiben tan ton and the I'aroliuaa, the fi.stuf a aeriea of >»ad then.,*.»»• y eaciuemg gl 00 niih bat of Southern Pa]^is. maweratnd tit address ot some triend to ah< iu the Noaf hern Africa is attracting more attention gcgszlne im be tent tor tn months, or have their owe at any other time sit,re it whs -he seat of em- a tendril l«yond tbe time already paid foe. Prizes to ! pires The next volutnrsof HARPera MAGA- rabsenUrv re«i 1 ng in the Unoed States sent from our lew Yo k I rare h. American currency and pretax, ZIsE will four illustrated articles on this regin, asmpe wi.l («tasen. Be cure and regiater all gan.ey and three of them will depict the present life S irrn. JUM/rea Taa Labias H ums Marnzi«' I there. fULixa R alph will prepare for the fstsrbanagh. Cacada. MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting typical phases of Chine,e Life and Manners. I Besides the long stories, toere v/ilJ begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three I I Part Novelette, by Ri< iuao H asping D avis — the longest work vet »'tempted by this wri-er I < oinplete shot1 stories bv popular wi'eis Will i continue to be a feature uf the M AGAZINE ÏHE PRESSGLf !M: CO 618 F Street, NorU’«e \ I i):-: Per Year: Caveats, atid Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat­ HARPER’S M AGAZINE....................... ¿4 <\ ent business • undu< I for Modern» I eea. HARPER’S ft» i HARPERS WEEKLY .. .. ......... Our Oh e •» Oroosi’e U. S. Paten* Office, BAZAR...................................... 4.(1 »nd ue tan »e-urc mp nt inlets time than those II ARI’El.’ S YOUNG PEOPLE ......... 2.W •emote from Washington. Postage Free to all Subscribers in th« Send nioegin witL iian.es of.-u i .1 cii ■nt, in your."tale, county, or the Numbers for June ami December o! town, sent free. Addres •, ti / year. ’ When no xsssiv time X.77 is ■’ < • ; ’ «c ¡tied, »ub ' cue -------- . ” V...^.s,svz Vi’ AII VIA, 'Ul (.-< ripttoiiN will begin with the Number cur­ rent at time of receipt of order. Oppcs..d Patent Office, Weshinalun, 0. C. Bound volumes ot Har|»er s Magazine foi three years bacg, in neat < loth binding will be-ent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding cents each—by mail, ta,st-; aid. Remittances should be made by Postoffice Money dr ier, or Draft, to avoid ehanc o loss. Address HARPER & BROTHERS. Nev \ ork. STOCK BRANDS. CaA.SfWW&CO. i (iOJ Hap’ Baza I £, Joan I L L U S T R A TED. FREE BRAND COLUMN. Hors brand bar ten on left shoulder; Can', bar ten oh left hip ami upper clip on ix,tt E'egei t and exclusive dvsigns for Out door ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burt., Ore. and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod Hardin 4k Riley, cattle branded Von left ,14, e s by S anu . z and < 'll APt’is, are an importaut feiture- Thus.1 appear every week, accompan­ Horse brandT left side. P. o. Burn,,imI0t ied by minute descriptions and detail» Our IWris Letter, bv K athviuns : i > e F orest , is a weekly tra: script of the lat. »' stiles ami capri- J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt side r v, in the in..fie, L uder the h.ap of New York » Horse brand — on left shoulder. Hishiot s. plain deseriptiui s amt full particu­ lars are iri ven as o shapes, fabriis. trimming,, and a< ees,. sles of toe costumes of well-ereseed Cattle brand. It., on left riP uider hit la women, t hihirens r lothing receives practical attention. A loitnightly Pattern-sheet »tipple- 'eft ear. under a’ .pe in right-i-ar Horae braa.l 71 on right »title. R E J. A. William, p, o. meet enables readets to cut audmrketheirown govvh The woman who takes HARPER’S BA- Z vs is prepared for every occasion in life, ce- Kiley Or. rtmoiri. us .4 iufcrmal, where beautifu dress Horses branded )-(on left stifle. Ca'tlebrand, is requisite. ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Burra HARPER’S PERIODICALS, FOi TUI. YEAR. -THIS PAPER ---- WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO R ttiriiitijr prosperity will make many rich, hut nowhere cm tiiev make so much within a short time as by succt ssful Speculation in (¡rain Provisions ami Stock. MJin 00 FOB EEH D3U ni.lVESTEDtlifBEMÂDE Bi 0 MPl w. : Sjsliinilic Pun cf S.imlj.'iji origiiiateil bv us All sue •eessful sp-eulators op»»rtiteon a regular system It is a well known fact that there are thousan'lg of men in all parts of the I'nilBtl States who. by system itie tra.ling through Chicago look ers. m ikt* large amo’ints every ve ir, ranging from a few thoueami doliars for the m to who invests a h io lreil or two <1 «liars up to 150,0 hj to ♦ I” 1.000 or m »re hy those who i ivest a few th «usiml. It is also a 1 iet th it th tse who m ike tbe largest p-olits from com parativ Iv small invest men»s on this plan are *1 «rsons win live away from < huettfi an«l fiivest through broker« who thoroughly uml rstaml flystem itie trading. <>or plan tines not risk the wh »!-• amount itivestel on any trade,but covers both sides, so that wh»«th «r the market rises < r falls it bring« ateadv jirotlt that pile* un enorm uislv in a -ho’i time WRITE FOR ( OXVIN l IING PROOFS, al o n-ir Mm i ti suce ssfnl sp «ouiation mid our Daily Market Repirt.f i'l of lit >nev miking |se iters ALL FREE. Our mimid <*xpl tins margin trading fully. Highest refcreneea in regard to otir »t.iti.iii g ami Aiiceci* |«'or furtlier informati* u address THOM (St TO. Bankers -nd Pooke Railto Building •ûhicr’rro ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO r«.w a PER year : ---- <>R---- • Hi S.-Ji FRANCIS 0 l-KK R ntl.t, • P. K YEAl». ------- jsH------- HE SA> FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL Is a handsome eight* p;u paper. Il is ls-ut-d every Thursda., a d contains all of the imp-rtunt Dews of the week, gleaned from every <,u >r- tcr of the globe, complete up to date cf publ cotion. Il for­ niahes th« latent and most reliable financial news and market quotations, «■ d givey special alteiiti- u to liortieu'.- turai and agricultural news, vid ta In every re-li> id aa a ,.r«a> nil’.m on r eel. t «t the follows tig s*ib'«t hitluu price« (< r th« eon.bins I n: ? 1 $24 ■LIS Ì. P.; ■. E! 0 .1« V *2'0 «bi» <1 Wagun HU, W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind » Ca-tle diamond on left hip: hor i shoulder. Charles H. Voegtky.Bur.i, J Horse branded P on ri ¿ht ah< older, carde P on rlßht hip. R. A. HenJrit ka. P.O. lawentìt HARPER WEEKLY..................... HA RUHR'S M At! AZINE HARPER’S BAZAR.. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE.... Postage Free to all s-ibscribora in the stat. «. < anada, or Mexico. . '¡'he Volumes of the Weekly will beg 'the first Number for .latltaiv of ea . W lien no ti me Is i.ieutioued. subs cript 'begin with the Number current at i eeipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper'» Weekly f y< Ara back, in neat cloth binttug. will I by mail P< stage paid, or by express, fr l peuse (provided the freight does not ex per volume) for J7 trJ a volume. Cloth Cases for ea-h Volume, s-iita binding will be sent bv mail post-paid eeipt of »1. Remittances should be male by Pis Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address: H ARPER di ItR J Til ERS, No r Horse brand Sfi on left shoulder, s’sn thres dots.', in shape of triangle, cattle branded Mm». E. E. Grout burns or. Miss Ro»a Dirkersotr Horse t r»nd anvil or left stifle, r'attte branded bar\R <>u left hip. F O. La wen Ore. J. P. Dickenson cattle brand J P ('.mner’i«!.» left hip. Horte brand auvil on left stifle P. d La wen Ore. Cattle '»rand figure 7 on either hip; mark light crop off each ear, s’ip tn each e.vr, s;id '»*1 on left jaw. Horse brand figure 7 on ei her hip J. H. Bun.>ard.Hurt.,; mpt.y. accuratel-. and rxhau»ii-ely in II- , li.aoaii .ii and descriptive text of the hlgnest order. . 'Die liianrer in which. ng 1S-J4, it ha» trea rd the ( hi iaito Railroad Btrik«» and the ( hino-Japaneae War, and the ai,.ount of iight it •.• !■» a le to thro.» on Korea me iuxtaut a:ten- 1 - »»..s i.iii-rten r,. that littie-knosn eouiity, '« > mi 1 ■» I'» iihn « bi>ii.,*l er» re»..urf war, r bare lol.>r<. . ».’ 1». ou, now for bun- ears ■ «-»Idant in Japs'«, who h«» been el ci enfot. ] ; r ,.e niih Mr. a ph i:< Send- ti..i hi* H'sWi hSLY extluaiio itifotma- '«i.,ii au 1 iliusiratiou. H ARPER’S PERIODIC M.S ’ Per Y< ,r Horse brand ~ on left shouMer and sani* 0» mnacle of right hind leg. Phil Smith Barn» Ore. 8, Lampahite and Son cattle brand Q connected. Earmaik »wallow firkin right»•» >inderbit in left. P, O. Burna »re. Hors-s end Catfl«' branded J - p ,‘? Hora-a ^er * ,me banded Jr connvtie.i- Pike, Burtts Or« Herman lltih catt'• brand on i .<<• ®r crop <.fTand s ' al. >w fork in ef: ear ear under siepe, P. O. La wen. cattle brand, )-< O. on left hip. u" riikh e-r ai. New York. March 1st. - N J.-bn F. «tritton Bear Mri, —I h .regiven your Us'dan ©•» ■•.gsathoruarh trial, s.-i 1 • a P1*"*? VI . ¡.i * ’ > -t *ethat they ar> the best t - l “• t Ptrabie strings I hiree- r ■' } . -rs rj. p , L-* '• - L-—TLX* I A >