Adin in ist rato ’s Sale —Guns Bicycles, Mowers and where he can be consulted until all kinds of machinery repaired June 13, after which time, al the —New white goods at N. Brown’s. promptly and satisfactorily at the Harney Hotel, Harney, Oregon, to Notice of Adnainistor’s Sale cf Personal Property at Private Sale. —La Belle Crepons at N. ! c. H. Voegtly Hardware store. June 17.] WKDNKSbAY JUNE- »!«• ! Mr. Editor, Dear Sir: — I notice , jn tfoe matter of the Estate I Brown’s- —New go »is the Johnson store! dT ( i i by the papers that Dr. Darrin, of; —J. H. Mahon was in our town now under control of Henry Canaday, THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF Call 1 Portland has arrived in La Grande. , J. W. Dickenson, Deceased. Just «8 cheap as ever or chenper. < ASy NEWSPAPER IN THIS COUNTY. several days of the past week. -------- / Under authority of ' an order of and examine goods and get prices, and • For the benefit of the afflicted as I —Messrs. Walter Cross and A. if suited buy. well as Dr. Darrin I will state I had sale granted bv the County Court Wintermier, of Silvies, are in town. been afflicted ten years with hydro of the county of Harney, State of —Jorgensen has the finest and Local News. Oregon, dated May 8, 1896, empow­ The estimated dead, the result best lot of goods that ever came to cle and other trouble^ before being ering and licensing me, as adminis —Mrs. Cowing has received a of the St, Louis cyclone, is 424 up treated and cured by Dr. Dairin Burns; go and see tor yourself. large stock of millinery goods, the to May 30th. three years ago in Portland. I am trator of the above entitled estate, • He is also taking Cabinet Photos, most complete .ver brought to happy to sav the cure was perfect I to sell the personal property there- —George Smyth brought in the at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to and permanent anu and a I am am ..o« now „ a of in said county, at private sale, town. election returns of Diamond pre- go and see what he has on hand. ide at Cove, Ore., well man. I iesLv -----,. the following described persenal , —New China Silks at N. Brown’s ciuct. —Get one of I. S. Geer A’ C >’s and will gladly answer any in- property, to-wit: Stoves and kitch- —Everything new and first class — Mr. Nt wmnn, of Crime Cretk, premium purchase tickets. This vuiries. J ohn M artin , i en furniture, 1 sack salt, <00 lbs. at N. Brown’s. . . . i of r four-, flour brought in the election returns firm agrees to give the holder of Dr Steel, a practitioner nour’ fur shins, 1 single barrel . shot rp . —The work on the jail is pro of that precinct. such tickets a fine life size Crayon teeu rears’ standing in Calforni. * M“’h" "fl"’1 4 Portrait absolutely free of any grossing, the cages are now placed and Marshfield, Oregon rejoice. in'’'«>‘ «“"■ ? nflle 4 — Messrs. Smith and Dickenson charge, by purchasing 120 worth a cure of a sever, pain in tbe re '.nuzzle oad,ng nfles, libra y of« in position. brought in the returns of Saddle of goods for cash at their store. It ft - 1 a .fur.,1 I books. 4 log chains, blacksmith tools — Bob Baker and Torn Allen of Butte precinct. gion of his heart of two years stand-1 _x__\_ i„ i is not necessary ’ that the whole etc. and carbenter tools, 1 pair four Silver Creek are in town today. —Elsie Brown and L. C. Enier amount should be purchased at one ing, alter applying to ten other t horse strechers, 4 interest in mower —Jap McKinnon and John New erson were in Burns Monday and time, but any amount from 5 cents physicians, by Dr. Darrin. and rake, 1 i inch iron ax wagon. No cures published only by per mail are moving the millinery sto-e Tuesday of this week. to $20 as explained upon the tick­ 200 bushels of barley, 2 sets double mission of the patient. The cures of Mrs Cowing today. harness (chain), 1 saddle mare, 7 ets. I —Messrs. Carrel Cecil and W. of male and female complaints —The minstrel show last Mon-, H. Hogan brought in the election I work horses, 40 head ®f range The Weekly Oregonian and T he withheld from publication in pro­ horses, 1 stallion, 1 sulky plow, 1 dav evening was well attended and returns from Curry precinct. H erald for only two dollars a year. fessional confidence. Secret vices . I walking plow. All situated in Har- universally declared to be very —Messrs. Harkness, Page, Hen- Subscribe or renew at once and se of youth, blood taints, loss of man good. •dricks and several other Lawenites | cure your county paper and the hood, and all curable chronic dis .1 ney county Oregon. The said sala will be made by —Green zens and assembled at the Armory I ¡jo still further and . positively assert Hall where Capt. A. W. Waters de­ the accounts are in my hands for the future. During 1896 we will that Indians «hall not come into —Chas. Voegtly will receive, in a livered an appropriate address. 'collection. I will pay all debts sell closer than ever, and no honest few da vs, a car load of Mitchell They then marched to the Burns our mountains as they have hereto against the firm contracted while competitors will be allowed to do wagons, direct from the factory. cemetery where the memorial ser­ fore and kill, maim and run off the in business. more f >r you than ourselves. We Remember there is no middlemen vice was conducted by Capt. A. W. game, let it be in season or out. H ugh H arris . ( are here for your business, we must We have had all of this sort of in this deal and customers can ex­ Gowan. I haye it, if honest count, weight,and thing we are’going to allow, there Administrators Notice. pt ct. thereby, to purchase wagons ' treatment and Low prices will do — Captain A. W. Waters and hie fore warn all Indians to stand clear of Mr. Voegtly much cheaper. I it. Call or write us. • ' wife left here this morning in their of Harney county, and also advise Notice is hereby given to all per-. Respt., —Joe Roberts an old bachelor (own conveyance, to visit friends in agents to giye no passes including sons holding claims against the es-j livii g on Bear Creek,in this county, I California and this State. They O. C. Co. our county. The settlers rights täte of J. W. Dickenson, deceased, was found dead in his cabin, on will probably be absent three should be respected and of a right to present the same to Win. W. pTINAL PROOF. Tuesday the 26th of last month. Inon th?. The I captain has been the game of these mountains is the .... ........ Dickenson Administrator of fcthe Death resulted from natural causes, closely confined to his business here lawful prey of our people. above named estate, at the Dicken- LAND OFFCE AT BURNS, OREGON, He had been suffering with an at-1 f-r ^en or twelve years,and has now May 1#, 189«. ----------- -------------- son ranche, Harney county, Oregon,) Notice I» hereby Iven that the following- tack of rheumatism and grip. determined to take a much needed „..I,« ’T ---- no,,ce of hi» intention A Card tram E. D. Newwme. “8 required, within ln BUPPort of his claim, and Rl Y Dinnlhfl frnm ♦ V*« —A son of Mr. Hamilton, aged ' rest from business cares and worries that said will be made before Reidster <& _____ six monlhs from the date of th:s Receiver proof U.S. Land Office at Hums Ore! on h V i a as sAci 8 I* Tv __ * on about 17, met with a painful acci­ I hence his departure on his visiting Dated at Burn« Oregon J um i I 1 1’ 7 * ;,?*?,* Mr Editor:—I wish to state to F Oregon, nr * sec is w H nw X dent last Friday near his home in i (tour. The good wishes of this pa­ the public that I have taken treat-,tbis 11(h day of May, 1896. ÏO. 17 Tp 26, 8 R A-¿% É. '.............. - -Za He names the following witnesses to prove nivuci'BVB TO DTOVft tino HVxztn — ,1 _ 1 . • * . . the Narrows neighborhood. He per and his many friends follow ment of Dr. Darrin at the Burns1 M W. D ickenson , was a horseback, his horse became him and his wife. John-°B-aii Hotel, for catarrh, stomach and Administrator, frightened and ran away with him J THOMAS JONES, Regietee —The precinct in this county, so liver troubles which have troubled his course being along a barbed wire far as heard from, give the follow­ me for nearly 15 years. He has fence. The beys leg coming in ing pluralities: Quinn (peo ) for greatly benefited me and I feel bet­ ppINAL PROOF contact with the wire was terribly congress, 50; Burnett (dem) eu-1 ter than I have for several years, * lacerated below the knee. Dr. preme judge, 22; Parrish [rep] dis- and believe he will make a perma­ LAND OFFICE AT BURNS, OREGON. Maj 2, 189«. Marsden was called to attend him. i trict attorrey, 9; Dustin ]peo] nent cure. E. D N ewsome . —Ou Wednesday the 27th of last !jo>nt representative, 22; Holland ?oH«E month Dell Dibble met with an ««. [rep] botivd of equalization, 134; Dr. Darrin Cures. »•CORDOVAN, f cidenl that resulted in the loss of! Kelley (re p) clerk, 29; McKinnon VRENCM A CNAMCUX0 CMF. the two first fingers of the right (dem) for sheriff ¡selected; Wtl- ♦3.»J»P0UCE,3 SOLES. Those who are disposed to doubt hand. lie was assisting in brand- come (rep) for treasurer is elected; ing cattle on upper Silver Creek Waters (rep) for assessor, 16; Byrd Dr. Darrin a cures, will have their ^.♦I/ s B oys SCHOQLSHQEI and >n in ¡iiiempinig attempting io to lass one onue oftbe (dem) / doubts shaken on reading the fol­ - — / for school superintendent. - •••«, THOMAS JONES. Regl.ter. LADIES- lowing card from Mr. John Martin, boys horse« the lariat caught on a McKinnon (dem) for surveyor is »age brush, missing the horse, and elected; Hagey (peo) for cominis of Cove, Oregon. Mr. Martin is a somehow by the movement of his sioner, 17; Stephens (dem) fur cor­ man well and favorably known to horse the lariat caught the two fing­ oner is elected; Lewis (deni) for all our readers and a man of twen­ 8TlUTT0a & r- $4 «.««« Shoes - -- $3 -___ ■«W YORK. ers with the result already men­ justice of the peace in Burns dis­ ty years’ residence in this cously ; w*L. Dusias trict is elected and Dunn (peo) Hi-J.« -nl go f.r to «.t.bli,h lh< They glva tha beat value for the tioned. He is now here under the elected constable, Twa precincts .k.llofbr L.rrio, ,topping They equal custid ahnea I. -«.i. care of Dr. Marsden. to hear frena, Pueblo and CatlowJ /**•*•“*• ■IlMnb.f .1 lb. Burn. Hot,,, Burn<, Oregon,1 Prom <■ to « a aaJ_ Pn "your »apply you —Albert Ward is in town. ghe gfratd. i h V» tLPPUCS-AS $38 HOE mu I cm , all kinds ef String», ,{^"***