Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1896)
Female Aeronaut Killed. Wood Yard! Wood Yard! mnl- r Catarrh that contai« Mrciiry, I Baltimore May 26—O* e of the mercury will surely destroy the attraction; at Fairv Grove, a resort as WEDNESDAY JINK- Proprietor. FRANK GOODMAN on Back River, six miles from the sense of rmeM and completely de- i SILVER MEN FORCE SHEER | city, has been a female aeronaut range the whole system when en i Good cord wood delivered on short notice and at Reasonable Rates, tering it through the mucous aur-1 v i and parachute juniper named Mrs IN OUT. faces. Such articles should nevt r fW“ Leave orders at Worthington’s Drug Store. W. H. Hanner. This evening she lie used exeept on prescriptions' Indianapolis, May 26-The show made an ascension, and as she was from reputable physicians, as the ing of strength made by the free leaving the balloon she became en damage they will do is ten fold to silver Democrats today forced S P. tangled io the ropes. the good you can possibly derive ' The parachute turn d ever and Sheerio Secretary of the Democrat from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure,1 •c National Committee, and a gold rhe aeronaut ft 11 into Baek River,i manufactured by F. J. Cheney & standard man, to withdraw as a the collapsed parachute covernii g Co., Toledo, O, contains no mer candidate for delegate-at- arg« to her and preventing her making an cury, ayd is taken int rnally, act -tlbrt to escajie. Her body has uot the Chicago Convention. ing directlv upon the blood and mu of 'wen recovered. His action met the approval cous surfaces of the system. In. Mrs. Ilauner was the wife of* Kid” Gov Matthews. buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure The free silver mm havedtcided I Hanner. Today was her twenty- you get the genuine. It is taken to demand that the entire delega-1 second birthday. idternaby and is made in Toledo, AND tion to Chicago shall be free silver 1_______ _ _________ Ohio, bv F. J. Cheney & Co. Tes and have issued a manifesto men, timonials free. JOHN F. STSATTOS to that effect Th? sound money ftf“Sold by Druggists, price 75c. NEW TOSI. will hold a mass meeting on Thure , per bottle. I day. . ’ Importer? and Whole»«!* Dealers !n all kinds of There is to be a meeting of the' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, A good ranch belonging to H. G. Democratic State Committee to Violins, Guitsrs. banjos, Accordcons, Harmuoi. ias. i.c.,r '! l.Irxs cf Cirions, etc., etc. A majority of it-* mem Campbell, containing 160 acres 1*2 morrow. IS THE bers are for sound money and it miles south east of Burns. This niiy be that it will take some steps ranch has about 100 acres of good PLACE TO GET BARGA INS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE meadow land. Price $800 or will to help along the tight the sound thing to patent? GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. your Ideas: thee may bring you wealth > (rad? for sheCU. maney representatives of the paity Protect Write JOHN WEDDERBURN A CO . Patent Aitor- lr*iue neva, Washington, D C for their gl HJi) pn»e otter B yrd & K ing . are making. Located first block East of Church. and list of two hundred Inventions wanted. It is conceded that B. F. Shively W. H. C anaday , Manager. a free silver Democrat, will be nominated for Governor. Johnson's Cash. Store Wanted-An Idea_ _ _ _ X THE NAME 0 T~E NEXT 4 .1)0 YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINESS? I If you are in a nosition I To do Busin ss I Let Peoni y Know it- WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN V J if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. s? ops aia C KGVIMBIR 4th 1896 Publio interest will steadily increase, and lhe question how them?« whose turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the A2.ii JÀvcr Before, results vutr6 under the administration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. FAGES. nd Better -i Turit.o. 9 Ilveryiliina 5’orr Wa~f c o W’jtirr» Tcti TFca: io IQow Ji. Subscribe for the The New York Weekly Tribune EAST OREGON HERALD • he leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, wil publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every America!) 1 VESuABLa CTCLOPcMA citizen regardless of nartv affiliations. F Lr-TOO.-.TE FACTS. Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover- iifg the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinat ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humoroup ' CLUBBING RATES WITH papers, foreign and domestic, with their best pictures, fashion I --- comic — " — 1.1 I plates and elatiorate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied ----- J and attractive department of household interest. T.„ “ I,^„ The New York Weekly Tribune” is an ideal family papef. with a circulation Jargej than "that of any other weekly publication in th? country issued from the office of A’, eryhody Tieadt I a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give . it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women Advert ite in it. ft „¡ti pay. and young people of the household. ■ % ■ . TWO $ ONLY TWO and ini^R ALCD lTrRACT enabki ALL THE LEADING PAPERS thi-P^id journal PAY UP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. Address or call at __________ HERALD OFFICE e your name and address on a pestai card, send it to Gen M Room 2. Tribune Bu lding. New York City, and a sanivi« c THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be maikS to THE HER4LD DOES the BEST JOB PRNTG 4T LOWEST RATES. mW HEN YOU WANT GOOD JOB PBfwmwr, w.------------------------------ —______ ----------------- ------------------ OOOI^JOB^BINTING noNE, consult tu F i TÎ ra TÏT