J R , B Durring the winter of 1893, F. ohn ohrman rewer M. Martin. Long Reach, West V*.,| Notice of Administrator’s Sale of Rea! Estate at Private Sale for contracted a severe cold which left i him with a cough. In speaking of WJDNÍHVAY JUNK. »1* 6 Cash in Hand. OF THE FAMOUS In the matter of the Estate of how he cured it he says: “I used Editor several kinds of cough syrup but William D. Hudspeth, deceased. W.C. Bl*1’ Under authority of an order of found no relief until I bought a bot­ sale granted by the Hon. County tle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy i( the dAsateO» the Pittebure Court of the county of Harnev, „„«lion »0" «’ in ,Ul,>e State of Oregon, dated May 6, 1896, i which relieved me almost instantly ..,b««.ein»in- empowering and licencing me, as and in a short time brought about i(„ «<»W I« » factor in th« pre., Administrator of the above entitled a complete cure.” When troubled estate, to sell all the leal estate with a cough or cold use this remedy dentini campaign. thereof, in said county, at private and you will not find it necessary OHKOON sale for cash in hand, I will so sell to try several kinds before you get BURNS, Euvene Debs has refused to be at private sale for cash in hand all relief. It has been in the market FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. come a “labor” candidate for preti of the following described real es for over twenty years and constant­ fate, to wit: (tent. The East, half of the South East ly grown in favor and popularity. quarter (E.J SE^.) of Section Nine­ For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A newspaper headline says 1 latt teen (19) and the North Westquar k •O*1 'er of the South West quarter and I druggie a. sticks to Morton.” Nothing strange ¡he South West quarter of the about that. He hasn’t anybody North West quarter (NW| of SW|’ Administrât» Notice. and SW| of N W|) <»t Section Twen else to stick to. ty (20), Township Thirtythree (33) Notice is hereby given to all per­ South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. There appears to be a disposition M. sons holding claims against the on ths part of the German govern­ The South half of the South West estate of Victor S. Ottmer,deceased, HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors. ami to get a little “gay” in gloat quarter and South West quarter of to present the same to the under- bW4 signed at his place of business in ing over the treatment of Mr. Louis the South East quarter (S| of bW^ and SW|ofSE|) of Section Twen- Burns, Harney county, Oregon, ver-1 Stern of Kissengen. '" J and ................... . ■ ified as by law required within six BURNS, ty (20), the North West quar- i OREGON ter of the North East quarter (NWj months fiom the date of this notice. '“) Dated at Burns this 11th day of That $75.000,000 River and Har­ of N E]) of Section Twentynine (29) Township Thirtythree (33) South | December, 1895. bor bill was prepared with the idea Wines Liquors, and Cigars. AYA. H AAuntvn, , >f Rango Thirty (30) E. W. M. H. M. orton , that principles are to be shehed a Administrator. | The South East quarter of the Good Billiard tables, Pleasant'Card Rooms, st«., st«. when an appropriation can be had South East quarter [SE| of SE]] President Cleveland will hardly al •f Section Twenty [20] and the Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender low such an evcellent opportunity South West quarter of the South Don’t Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your j West quarter [SW-] of SWi] uf| Life Away. Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. I for the use of a yeto to go by. Section Twenty-one [21] and the is the truthful, startling title of a North West quarter of .the N\,rth book about No-To-Bac, the harm­ Perhaps Quay succeeded in mak­ Vest quarter [NW|of NW|], of less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure ing Platts peace with McKinley Section Twenty eight [28]. and the. that braces up nicotinized nerves, koa n.arl^ I North East quarter ()f of the North I eliminates the nicotine poison, AC,,,,, Al any . race omellung ha mad« | Plait slop abusing the fat frying, tj()n Twenty.,)ine [29], Township makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no candidate. Thirty three T33] South of Range physical or financial risk, as No-To- Thirty [30] E. W. M. Bac is sold by druggists every where JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. The South half of the North East under a guarantee to cure or money , The fervency with ¡which the quarter and the South half of the refunded. Book free. Address Czar swore allegiance to the Rus North West quarter [S^ of NE^and Sterling Remedy Co , New York or | Situated on Silvies river 1 mile East of Bwrns, near the bridge aiau Hag is duplicated by the “en­ SA of NWjJ of Section Twenty-eight Chicago. thusiasm” expressed or McKinley [28] Township Thirty-three [33] n M‘ Horton Burns I . South of Range Thirty [30] E.W.M.’ rtonon’ uurn8’ Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from by certain republicans. The East, half of the South West* i ¡quarter [E| of SW]] of Section | . ' Gnnd WhAflt ...... ................ 1 Tom Platt fired a load of honor 1 Twenty seven [27] and the East o shot into Waener Miller that must half of the North West quarter' have hurt, if Miller’s conscience [ ei of nwj ] of section Thirty- lour [34] Township Thirty-three ® hasn’t entirely evaporated. [33] South of Range Thirty [30]' ----- Slit fittati- A dm ift islrator 7 Sate. «S rLOuiu S aw mill America’s Great Danger' Well, well! So Whitelaw Reid wants to be vindicated by the St. Louis convention. What democrat ic luck it would be if he was made the tail of McKinley’s ticket. His being on the Harrison ticket gave Cleveland and Stevenson thousands ot vetes they would not otherwise hue gotten. E- W- M- I AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. The West half of the North East> quarter and the West half of the I „^d•ncmin1en‘Ení<1“h•ci?ii‘btre?nt,y., J ..*L i? s run r it 1 I* 1 n® danger that confronts the great Amen* outh East quarter [XV 4 can peOpje to-duy u not the possible adop- and ] of SE]| of Section Thirty- tion of a wrong financial policy for the four [34] Township Thirty-three I nation, or the spread of aocialism, or the [33] South of Range Thirty (30) of corruption among public men. K* W M , ,, \I1 theno are bud enough, to be aure, but 1 they are as nothing compared to the terrible I i , i I BLACKSMITH A WAGON SHOP. M K . c innon have already called up. after the 2d day of July, 1896. and «T,!’¡L’tTiu J find U lik? on McKinley to remind him that Kids will Ire received hy me at the have not found its equal in giving ‘ H»py hope for something. office of Greasier & Conner, at the > relief. Dr. Miles* little Nerve town of Cedai yiile. State of Cali-1 pill#,°“,r ne7i * *‘ they will recom- i they a beat nill. in th. niwUTtn. « A*. mend themselves to be the beet pills the gg fornia or at the office of Waters A ; market. ” The c.owning of the Russian Gowan, Burns. Harney county, Or “ For five years I have suffered from Ner- ( rar »nd the uncrowning of Platt, egon. vouh Prostration, I was unable to work or th republican boss, came close to. t 0- ELKHART CO t9f SO CARRIAGE and HARNESS IF8 HlQi UUa m C. B. W ickiiffe . ' town, Ohio. Administrator of the Estate of William D. Hudspeth, Deceased. Dated May 25, 1896. Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine is nn- ■quailed in curino Nervous Diseases. It1 son lai ns no opiates or dangerous di ups. Bold CE1FBRATED CUITAR8, JPXSSEI Impartir of »«4 Wi.MMte Dui» la «n kn «ecr«ary, EÎkhlrtTimL I JOHN F. •TRATTON’8 mmimbm . JOHN F. STRATTON*« CLLBBUATtD f r.BlrainglianStiil Stilip ter Viali«, Guitar. NaMsll«. Sa«|u 'WT Flnrat W. fcitr. ____ _ f-'"'*’ M m U. Sura H mm » ■■AM M.V* W.rr. h nd not torvtt S ■ T,,,^a"*ea"e«lCwL»*?riw''rR* flwktly, peRnanomty aH 5? WOlfl Ll «Í ‘ . Ç I n m.Tdacbo k Muiuorr. Loa« of Brain P,>*r» I voufVitlrrrnrp and Waulina UI msms caum d av laad Moo.,bMiTlTí*¡£®™*>"«n<»oPlaa». I.«awwv“ JOHN F. STRAY MUSICAL ME ROMANDI SS, Importtr, Mannft'tut n und t! 811.813, ciò, 617 East 9ta SU New York. »11.813, 81*. 8IÎ E. V / b