Business Locals.c Red Blood LOCAL DISEASE | ¡U'is’the fwj’et '•“V’T4 —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham , barber, desires a part of your pat­ ronage, at the new barber shop. —Who said you couldn’t get a good flavored cigar in town for five cents? ('all at the City Drug Store and inquire. — Builders tools ands of all kind building hardware at the Burns hardware store, at bottom prices for cash. —The Saloon, in the new hotel building. Richardson and Stephens proprietor«, is nicely furnished and its customers is given the best1 of liquors and cigars. — Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. sudden climatic changes It can be cured by » I’1“*“?1 remedy which isspplled di­ rectly into the noetrU»- Be­ ing quickly s:-sorbed it giv«* relief »1 once. BDM.INTYRE, Is t h? Foundation of the Wonderful Cures by Ilood’* Sarsaparilla. Th At is Why the cures by Hood’s Sar- Ely’s Cream Balm . reined)«*. It op«* anddeM««^* y,.^,rrL pro- liJkjn p^n At-il ” cold*, - . _ Brick Always on Hand for Local Custom Parties not conversant with the ''.„«ring Veneering pro«,, process ,„ and d w . Ml. I ,iner-y Stion. “vroJ ’inpbc.'of«h«u v—--------- jtLX brothers , m wnrre - •apanila are C ubes . That is Why Hood’i Sarsaparilla cur«« the sare-est cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum Veneering box, or fr^me bouses almost as chean a« an J o her blood diseases. c.. That Tired n.uch more comfortable—makes a Bolid wall, durable v . Th it la Why it overcomes the nerves, gives winter and cool and pleasant in summer. ’ • Warni i| Fee! ng, strengthens 1-. That la why Why Ue the m1 sales of Hood's Ser- 1 _ Hood s tw finished wall in residence, will do well to consult Mr Mei“ ‘ aapariila 1 ------------ ■ pVXeUon ' before finishing with rustic. ' until it now L-,_ the largest Laboratory in the world. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrated Hood’s ! Sarsaparilla Band Inf^iments DRUM^f'Jf-ES, Piccolos and Band Supplies. Send for JOHN F. STRATTON. Catalogue. 811.8It, 816. 81 7 £ JU» I*- Y Is the only True Blood Purifier promi­ nently in the public eye today. Be sura to g?‘. IIooJ’i and only Hood’s. JOHN F. STRATTON’S ,, J’« nuL IlOOd S I ’IIS CELEBRATED » e y a.r ’ t in effect. *”’• *• ÍSesnt*. ’* *° tak * CUITARS, ¡BURNS, TONSORIAL PARLOR, > Importer of and Whoicu!« Deller in all kinds ci MUSICAL MERCHANDISE, i ROBINSON A 611,813,815,817 East 0th St. New York. Cr-LaBKATiD WALTON P roprietors , ’OHM F. STRÄYTO.V» Will Wrk BRICK MASON, PLASTR d ER and. VENEERING. _ HOTEL BURNS. - - N. COMEGYS & - OREGON - SONS, P roprietors I I This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie­ tors use every effert possible to make their guests feel at hotue Everything in their line guaranteed WANTED in every county to in­ V---. :/ to be done satisfactorily. The table is at all times supplied with everything the market af. troduce the Celebrated ‘‘Hygeia” ?.T4KD0LiNS, fords. Waists ror all ages. This waist • • . -örter« of «nj Wholesjie Dealers in all kinds**' Bathes at all hours. MUSICAL tfERCH/U.'.VSg, supercedes the coraet, and has re­ u.i.Kic.t.c.tiTL — ul : iv. Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to bo ceived the unanimous approval of its guest when in town. physicians of America. 93.00 out — ------------------------------------------ fit free. Any energetic woman can GEO. S. SIZEMORE, make from 919 to 950 weekly. WANTED. i ATTORNEY, Send for circulars and terms. Agents to sell our choice and har­ B urns ................................. O regon . , HYGEIA M E G CO , 378 St, New Collet-.ions, Land business, and Real dy Nursery Stock. We have many York. Estate matter promptly attended to. I new special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are . controlled only by us. We pay How's This! ERR a T HICKS, J. W BIGGS, commission or salary. Write us at 1 C anton C ity . B cbns . ' We offer One Hundred Dollars once for terms, and secure choice1 Hicks & Biggs ’ Reward for at y case of Catarrh of territory. [W. E. G race ’ s old stand ] that can not be cured by Hall's Ca­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, • M ay B rothers , Nurserymen, t tarrh Cure. Proprietor. Rochester, N. Y. Offices at Canyon City and Burns. A. C. Worthington F. J. C heney , A Co. Propts., t ^-DEALER TN_-^ « Toledo, O For Sale Or Trade. DRUGS, BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES We the undersigned, have known —100 acres of fine fruit land ini TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS, F J Cheney for 15 years, and be­ 8 B ’1. 10 acre lot9 5 miles South of Eugene A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» lieve him jierfeclly honorable in all Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser r-nyteiuian ourge^n. | Nuts and fruits. , business transaction and financially Butte. I^ots at 9400 each Horses gMF“Mail orders promptly filled. able to carry out any obligations and cattle part pay on each lot. if A graduate of the Iowa State. made bv their firm. lhe the purchaser purchaser so so desires. desires. For fur University and College of Physi-j West and Truax, wholesale drug- lher ,nforniation inquire at thia eians and Surgeons. , .1__1- A gists, T Toledo, O. Office at residence in Burn«. j office. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin. I A Marvelous Dlieorery Free Wholesale druggists, Toledo. O. Hall*« Catarrh Cure is taken in- AN OLD AMD W k LL-T b IRD RRMCDY.— Mrs. . wiuubiuw ’*’“ uwcm w n. lalou v » -.H.lhii'K *yrup -»rup ha* i been used iui for ternallv, acting directly upon the over flfly ye*rs by millioui» oftnotbers for their NEW YORK WORLD. children while teethiug, with perfect success. blood and n.ucous surfaces of the It soothes the child, softens the rums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. snd is the best reme The Twice-a-week Edition of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold edv for Is pleassut to the taste Sold by Dr aggles in every part of the world. . 1. 2.. . 1 a bottle Its value is inval3 New Yo.’k World has been convert­ by all druggists. Testimonials free. Twenty_«ver?nts a I He sure and ark for Mrs. Windslow’s Hall's Family Pills are the best sooth lug Syrup, and take no other kind. ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur­ Arrivas at Ontario in 42 hour« nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, I Leaves Burn« daily at 6:30 p m . or eighteen pages every week, at Fare One way «7.50. Round trip 915.00. the old price of One Dollar a year. < This gives 156 paper a year for One Through freight Sjcta. a pound. Dollar and every paper has 6 ¡>ages [ Two days ntice at any P. O. on the route and covered cov.-hei *>1 I eight columns wide or 48 columns H. A. Williams. Prop«* in all. The Thrice-a-week World ’* furnished for passangers. is not onlv much larger than any weeklv or semi-weekiv newspaper. i but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and HUNTINGTON. OREGON. promptness. In fact it combines, all the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special, features of a weekly. ade | Arrangements have bee. Proprietär bv which we can furnish th’» per - H M. HORTON, , and the Thrice a-Week N ’ fork 3110 Worldboth for 92.25 a year. Take advantage of this ofler a I get DDT’ * —nEAl.KRS TW , your own local paper and the or 8 M®DrCTNES. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES. Thrice a-Week World at this special | ATIONERY. DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES rate. T he H erald , i PIONEER DRUG STORE. I I Burns Ontario. Stage Line. THE O. C. CO Sold more goods in 1895 than any other House in Eastern Oregon! U7IIV0 II11 i ; They Carry the Coods Make the Prices. Mote Goods for a Dollar Than Eier Before. FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TOBACCO , CIGARS ETC. All good* lower in Price.—Send or call on them. Wines & Liquors for Medical Purpe9«s Strictly one Price. Get Their Prices. I Prescriptions accurately compounded. First Class Dental Work Doo«.