• 4 « j I * u n n <> l! Í; a Given Away Every Month • ; □ » \ * / < > » r V» I ' — such as Do Jong's Hook aud Evo. J that Hump, ’ "Safety I'm.’’ •’Pigs m t lo ver." "Air Brake.” eU Almost ■ very one conceives a bright idea at s-.m<- time or other. Why not put it In prac tical use? Yol k tHlenUmuv 0 ho in this direction. May make your fortune. " by not r 1 try? :: u a u « I ' j VWrite for further in', rmatlon and meutiou tills paper. • » II < • »> • 1 > W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE Thousand« cf Dell«.-« ■ Rewards foi Bible Readers. NO SOILEAMNS- 4 3.5P P0LICE.3SOLE5. 42s? »2-WORKING^ EXTRA FINE. »2? I.7-5 BoYSScmSwES. •LADIES- SEND FOO CATALOGIE I W-L’OOUGLAS, BROCKTON. MASS, cr.n save msney by ««rebasing W. 1*. necauve. we n’re "beUrgesTmaanfarturers of them so ». .nnra iuuo. We we have sweuK-i« “ ’ — 1 every- wk'^ftlwer prices for the value given VmU invo.hcrr ake^ T ke no suhxlitu^ If your dealer caimul supply you. we van. -oui brf 1 □ u u •OKI? F. STRATTON’S CELEBRA',' HD !! •¡ the press claims co r e, Philip W. Aviretti Aiire’.t, Geu. Mgr., ft 618 F Street, Northwest, ............ WASHINGTON. .. D. B n Per F ^CAVEATS, I nAUt MARKsSr V COPYRIGHTS.^ u » -, 'ATTAe?VAeriT§: vwt.wiACSTi , WAeOWMW M Vfilä« SÓttUt. H < C'«! ’A*), »»••»••C4C FOR SALx t-, r CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT» Fora ompt answer and an bones! opinion, write to ...I NN «V CO., who have bad nearl, fifty years' experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A 11 u nd bonk of In formation concerning Palenta and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive special notice in the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, eleuantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample coptee sent free. Building Fdition, monthly, f?JUs year. Single copies, -J.5 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plate«, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plana, enabi-ng builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN A CO, NkW YOKE. 361 B roadway . I Caveats.and Trade-Mark« obtained, and all Pa.- eut bv- -s condii et e-1 for Moîlcra'e I ees. Oar 0 ' te -s Oeecsi’e L'. S. Patent Office, vnà •» cm sve-tre patent in lesa time than those -emote from Washington. feeuu model, drawing or photo., with deecrip- ior.. V.'t- advise, if puieatahle < r not, free or barge. Our fee not due t-li patent is securer!. A P nol i-1. "How to Obtain P itents,” with uv . s >f r : .-I cliente in y rotate, county, or town, sent free. Addres •. C.A.SfJOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. W.sh itati. 0. C. FO’ TEL YEAR ------ rr------ SMALL INVESTMENTS. ' ' ’ ': :i: I v - - • 8| W 11 of ’ er« fot $io p fr - I * CO • b Dll. HI tr All T > THIS PAPER— -—WITH---- THE S N FahNCiSCO ti-s A'| Mtccccssful «peculator»-»p^micon :t regular ?vstt-n, y i kti i'vn fact that there are thousand» of men in all parts ’•i Siat.s who. by systematic trading thro-igh Chicago brok •am mnts every vear, ranging from a fww thoueand dollars ■i ’i!ii invrs’.s a h in-lred or two d »liars np to $50,000 to tn -r • by tho»e who invest a few thousand. ' ' * ‘ ’ 1'»«t in >se wh > make the largest profits from com i i i : iV‘--tm -ti’s on this plan are persons who live away • nn-l invest through broker.* who thoroughly understand » y a»!ing. • »■•« not ii«k the whoD amount investe 1 on any trade,but l<--, mi i lit wlreth-r the market rise« «r falls it brings ■ it pib-s upi-nortn »u»lv in a short time. !•'>.{ (ON\!\’CI\(J PROOFS, aln> our Manual •nliti m ami onr |>ii|y Market R-ptrt, full of money r* ALL I REb Our manual expl «ins margin Hig’ie-t r. f rence* in regard to our standing and -r further inf i<*inn'i> n address ’• '■ S'. '^ankers ......... and ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFG. CO r\ r 1 •■■Y 4 *s ' —i-C q ; < ? 4 —< j . cv I S - Sir: I -e er £ Co., Year: * 519 MONTGOMERY ST., s. P„ HARPER’S MAGAZINE .. $4.01 HARPERS WEEKLY . 4.M HARPERS BAZAR .. 4. <x HARPER S YOUNG PEOPLE....... .. 2.<x Postage Free to all Subscriber« in the United States, Canada, or Mexico. STOCK BRANDS. The volumes of the Ma^^eine begin with the Numbers for June and December ot eac h year. When no time ts ,<n>ecitied, sub I M-riptions will begin wi ll the Number cur rent at time of receipt of order. Botind volumes of HarjMr’s Magazine for three years haes, in neat doth binding will be rent by mail, | Mist-paid, on reviipt of $3 ¡•er volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 5it cents each—bv mail. po ;t-paid. Remittances should be made bv PostotHce Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS, Nev York. FREE BRAND COLUMN. HARPER’S PERIODICALS. Eleger t and exclusive designs for Out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod- els by S asix z aud chapois .are an importaut ferture- These appear every week, aecompau- ied by miuute aeseriptions and details our Fat is Letter, by K athari . xk de F orest , is a »» eekly transcript of the latest stiles and capri- ' ett in the m de. Under the heap ot New York Fashions. plain dis< riptioi s ami full puticu- iais aie ian ate given as o shapes, shapes. fabrics, trimming« trimming«, . ess. sics of the e.»s(i _______ of ________ —_ , and access..ales costumes well-ertssed women. . Ukiidrena . " “ ‘ i loi hing receives practical attention. A fortnightly ___ ____ ______________ Datteri; sheet ,__ .-»upple inent enables readers tocut and mrketheirown guwh The woman who 1_ takes ..1__ ____________ HAKBEK’d ____ BA- Z »S is prepared for every occasion in life, ce rt muni-ms »r informal, where beautifu. dress is requisite. PER can thev i; 1 ii < i r.ii ti OO fOH f 1CH D HL-H HVtSTEj CIN BE MACE BI OUn • — Sjfslamitis Pin t-f Sjunlalim of*.- : ifr »» - Í . .C ILLUSTRATED. + p • V r* r ' Hap’ Baza , THi FRIO: GF ONE. nig pro<| I Li USTRATED h X - u n i I Lltvd Suites. n-i t „ BEST-- 5 s ' n ■ ▼ HARPER’S PER Ot’ICS ___ The responvibinty of t. » •mpany it.ay !>♦» judged by ti.e t that Its stock I« vol'l by ovvi ••uv il.iiusati-l ■ t tlie 1,^3111^ IL thr «» b : [ a T bs L adtvs F owb MioAXtvr pr-sen'« I” Fan V ‘•tL.l Cun.|<iit!.»n t« »he public ot A bt v The ®i»< uorwl ILLUSTRATED • i »»er t«» d e f«4! wing queeGen« r ceite*! m;l »e SI O.C in • net; the ncrnd. « u h; .»nt Giand The Simpleton, a new no.sel by T homas C n». Fato; 4ih. La-'».» Seni C««; <,I-’an» J1”» H ardy , w i 111 be tegu tn ber N u m ber. _ u i n t he Dece ______________ V I ~'-i U,»M. G< d V.’auh; 7th. J»iU Dre?* Tb<u f.-.w»« X ' ■ Siher T<a ScU to the n« it r^o-rt’t aniwe.«. 1 m )4. a:itf continue« to November Ult5. Who •—7 l * ,y Io- beauti nl Socluck S-Ser >ervic «, ao»l kU-b o i ej ever may bo oue’s favorite among E> glish Nov uncle» of MiTemare, making the woot expensive nnn elists, it will be conceded by all critics that UAg;!« fi . . Ft >t r ward» ever offered by > PL Li f all- * ’ r T homs » hardy stands forem<«t of a tnastei 1 i O f ESii’-xn—(1> How u anjr Ik ‘kx doe« the BLlet« n- artist in fiction, and The Simpletons may be >’n? ft) How winy Chapter«T (3) How many ver ea expected to arc use enthusiains not inferihr in Lif E»trj ldit ot answers rvust be a v mpan ed by > - -C degree to that which has marked TriiD.v—the -X * Sy fur six Ui"n’i.s subeuriptLon to the L adies H Mi m. st successful story of the year. Another agazinb —«/tie oi the Lrightesr and bcsl lUust uiod ’eauii-g feature will be the Personal Reeollec «¿1 Ikaiione of the day . t I.A'T PBtZl - In addit on to the abnre we will rn tious of Joan of Ate, by the Sieur Lovis Da I CoSTE, Her Psge and Secretary, under which ,0 l *‘ prices cous^it.ug of majfnthcent Silver Services, nve à »clock Service«, he he, fur Last Correct Ansaers, re- guise the mist popular of living Ameriian aited Lefre tne close of the Com pent mo, which will L« magasire writars will Present ahe story of the » I)eceoilier 31, 1591 L--S « r* even The object in offering th««e libera! prirea 1»to establish Maid af Orleans In the January Nil uber Will he I* ai » i » s H omx M auazixk in NEW homes in the appeal a drofuaely illustratee paper on Charles Jnited States aud Canada. Present «ubecribef« can ton and the Carolinas, the fiist of a series of Lo 3 <s Lt ve: nail themst .vee of it by enduing |1 iN with list of S’ 'iibcrii l'spars. koswers and the address of some friend to whom the Noaihern Africa is attracting more attention A -oi.r llagax ne t an be sent for • ix months, or have their own at any othertime sicte it was the seat of ein- txtended beyond the time already raid for. Prizes to l-pires The next volumes of HARPe-s MAGA- A 3o:it jubeenbers reaid ng in the United States sent from our ZlsE will f. v.r illustrated artie'eson this regin, Ssw Yo>k I ranch American currency and postage ‘ and A a -OU l three of 'hem will depict the present life Camps wiil ha taken Be sure and register all ■» >uej lhere. fVLlAN IULf-H will prepare for the •’tern. Addrtae T»x LxDin« H oma Ma.ua.xiM’ MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting tear borough. Canada. typii al phases of Chinese Life aud Manners. Resides the long stories, toere will begin in the Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three I Part Novelette, by R ichard H ardisg D avis — the longest work yet attempted bv this wri er. Complete shout stories bv popular writers Will continue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE '.. ule JV s ' íc » bl sil km3« ” r..>Mf-CAL ‘.I. C. ’i • •-■ ; ^»a^FiNECALf&KANGAPCl to the person auhmitting the most meritorious invention during tho preceding month. W K 8 BCU It B PAT E N TS FOR INVBNTORS. aul th« object of this offer i< to en courage person* of an Invent ive turn of min-1. At the same time we wish to iuipress the fact that s s » It’s the Simple, trivial Inventions That Yield Fortunes U 1893 Hora* brand bar ten on left shoni-ler; Csrtl« bar ten on left hip and upper clip on but« ears. T. A. McKinuon, Burns Ore. Hantln <fc Rilev. cattle braude.l Von leitet« Horae brand T left aide, r o. Bura«.O'<ioe J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on rignt «Ids Horae brand — on left shoulder. Cattle brand, IL. on left rit nuler Mt Is left ear. aider slope in rizht ear Horasbrss-i 71 ou right sntie. R E J. A. Williams P.O. Riley Or. Horses brsndcd Mon left stifle, csuiebrt’ii ed on leit hip. Marion Buuyard, PO Far:« Cattle diam ond on left hip: hor shoulder. Charles H Voe<tlty. Bar >s » year : I HZ SAN FRANC’S O' PRICK »e.o HE «AN FRANCISCO WEEKLY FALL 1« a ba d'Uti:e right, page pups r. Il is i««u< d every Thursday, a d contains all of U m iutp rtant news of the week, gleaned fretn every qu >r- ter of the glob.-, compì- te up to date of pubi cation, It fun. nishrs the latest and most reliable 6u 'ne'al news and market quotati '.in, a- d give« sperisi attenti n to liorticuU turai snd agricultural news, ani is in every rest eet a firs'. (lass family t-at-er, app--< t g to the interest o> every We‘. ber ot the household. HF MOKMNU CAI.I, (S bvvm Issm » w kbk > Is a live !»,• troioiitia daily. It i» li e MOST RELI A« I IM E. and is rec<wiis*M a* being the LEADING XKW8- PAPER <1 the Pactfie Coast. Either of the abate , atx-r« we * will *et>d tx>-to id as a pre. tnium on r eel t «■( the follow, mg sab«eriptio<i prlese (cr U m eC’ubit ail m: DAILY G" L' HD .Mi ! *6.On 1 » All. «Vit W r.771 V S‘2 .ui *' m 1 Horse branded Pon rtebî «hanWer. cinto P on right hip. K. A. Hendricks. P.O. Lawn Or HARPER WEEKLY........................... HAU’ EK> MAGAZINE ............. HAR u .K’5 BAZAR............................ Horae brand 36 on left ahculder. s so ’hr*« dots.', m share of triangle, cattit branded »st E. E. Grout burns Or. IiAl.i’E!;- YOUNG PEOPLE l‘.xi H,e Free to ab subscribers in the t-tates. < a-iada, cr Mexico. Tile Volumes of the Weekly will be< the first Number for Ja i unv of ea . When no time is mentioned, subs cript I b<--,i:i with the Number current at ti eeipt of order. l -iuu-1 Volumes of Harper's Weekly years ba«'k. in r.eat cloth binding, will by mail p. stage paid, or by express, fr pense (provided the freight does uutex ¡■er vuhitne for $7 ix> a volume. < lo-h «'«sea for each Volume, suita . bn-ling will ce sent bv mail post-paid evict of $1. . h - c ' FU-ini'lances sh-iu’.d lie male by Poe Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance o Address 1IABPER A 8RJT.4ERL Ne Miss Rosa Dickerson Horae brand suril si lef’ stifle, ’ attle branded bar.R ou left hip. ? O. I.awen Ore. J. P Dickenson cattle brand J P conneetsd«» left hip Horae brai.d anvil on left stias r. U Laweti Ore. Cattle brand figure 7 on either hip: markllri* crop off each ear. Blip in each ear, aad ash on left jaw. Horse brai d flxure7on ?i her hip J. H. Bunyard.Duns.Ota. Geo Williams, horses and ntnlss bra rounding w, on tight stifle. P. O Bi s y Horse brand bar m on left brand bar-m on laft hip and rita. Catbanat Marshall P O Narrows Ore. Horae brand on left shoulder 8 I LLTST RATE D. y!;ss Laars Stanclift. Bums Ore. H \ RPFR’S Weekly is a pictorial history of the iiutes. It presents every important eve-t I.r mptiy. a- r urately, and *xhausti~e!y In II- i.» i*.L.n and ce»cnptng,text of the hignest order■ Ti.e man-er tn which. «g 1S$4. it has trta ed the Chi-ago Railr<«a strike-« and the Chino-Japanese War, and the at. onnt of Uxht it was a lie to thru.»- «>• Korea the insta.it aueu- iion was diiecte.i to that litt'e-knuwu county, ' are example« of its alui. st bontid'esa renoiir. ea. . Ju ia.> Ka ph. -he <i*s mguisne-i writer aad r ot. cspoBdent, his been sent to ihe scat «if war, a--d there j. it-e.1 t.i C D. Wrid-.u, now f».r ■rauv y ears >e«idact lu Japan, who has been ei ga e-d to<-•»-«.perme ai b Mr. da’j-h in ser.d- tion i! tRI’s R’s w F.EKLY cxclusiie informs Hon arid illcstration. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Horse brsnd U ou left sh wider sad sat»» •• o mnsels of right hind leg. Tbil Smith Buras Ore. 8, Lampshire and Son cattle brand Q connected. Far mark swallow fork in right s«r nn-ierbit in left. I*, O. Burns Ore. I H 'rses and Cattle brsn.lei J P on ’•* der a »me b ended JP win nee! cd. Price, burns Ore Herman Ruh ratf brand Jf 1 •*“ •r crop --.ff and sw«' w fort in lef. ear car under slot«. P. O. Lawen. I Per Year Cat:',« brand. M O. on left hip. »" right e»r and a crop and split in H ’• «•“ left shoulder. A. Hem*» »art Cattle and horae brand T with ha’f etrele der. G. W. Th«imr»uu. Lawsu » H a RPF.R-S BAEAB ......................... ...... « « H a RFKR' s »! » - »ZIN.: . . .. ... F» HARPER'S WEEKLY .. ... F <* KA REEK'S YO’, Ni. F-tloPi.» î « D. a■ tee Free to all su «erit-«ra in the Unite« Mtn Canada, or ïetk o. BEAUTS PIANOS Kx-way«* Dante, The volume« ot thè Basar ‘-egia with -he tir» f.-r catalogue r.nmber for Januarv «if ctu h ytar. *bta tw Washington, New Jersey. istine la tr.eu:k>tied. su'wripti.>n vili t-egii «Ih 'he Sumh-t -arrvut at ihettns vf receipt of oirder Dou ni volume« of Harpers Basar lor thre, year In neat cloib bindir«. wiU be aant bv mai p-stage pal i* or by exi-r,*«. tire of expeuse (fruvided tha fr«igb- do-s n«x exceed one dui la: per volume) or «7 a t - usie. .w-w t io-b c»s -» 'ofea; n vo u-ne.,u>-«l le ’or tlrd tnt wHl be «eutby mai) p-«paid oa recaip vf I k 1 f- •■«< h. Kcmi'r«w.rea abouM tw matte by P««toff)ca M- r.ey <>rder or Iirari. tu ss, id chance oflass Adrrw HARPER A FR *TMKBS “ a, a;a e a.-e uot tc copy aay one aor I r