ND » th BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, MA) à lie Mirrafd. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report How t Prevent Croup. '-»k. APni n, is»« , _ i L) d J t E rald : News is not very published EVERY WEDNESDAY i plentiful but still I think I can give Croup is a tarror toj’oung mothers BY something of interest to your read­ and to post them concering the W. C. BYRD & SON. ers. The pen, they say, is mighter 1 cause, first symptoms and treat- and P roprietors , than the swo’d. When we read ment is the object of this item. PUBLISHERS that our first communications were The origin of croup is a common ...... "*• ¿engraved on stone, that we think of cold. Children who are subject to SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year ............................................... : as being away back in the dim vista it tske cold very easily and croup Three Mouth«................. .......... ................... 7J of the past, and think how it would is almost sure to follow. The first HERALD CLUB LIST: —Got one of I, S. Geer & Co’ —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under­ 5.00 be if we had at this age to move symptom is hoarseness; this is soon Herald aad Harper’s Magazine... 5.20 so slow. The methods then were Herald and Harper’s Weekly .... followed by a peculiar rou3h cough, taker and cabinet-maker. His work­ premiuiii purchase .pickets. This 5.20 Herald and Harper’s Bazar. ... Herald and Harper’s Young.People... 3.<5 simple and rude, compared with which is easily recognized and will shop is in the old saloon building firm agrees to give tke holder of I Herald tied Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia, .2.90 ’ e*.-h additional volume after Vol. I 55 cents: the grand achievements of this age. never be forgotten by c.ne who has next door south of Worthington’s. i such tickets a fine life size Crayon 10 cents extra ver volume, postage. .There was a time when there were heard it. The time to act is when Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at J Portrait absolutely free of any ew-Copieeof all the above works ean be ex- »•»¡ued at leisure in the Reading Room. but two churches, the jew and the the child first becomes hoarse, If prices to suit the hard times. Cof-1 charge, by purchasing $20 worth Will take pro of goods for cash at their store. It /^■Publishers of periodicals are solicited gentile, or jew and followers of the Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is fins made to order. x> send clubb ng rates, a copy of their work for Mesiah, now we have many different freely given all tendency ’ to croup duce partly for work and balance in is not necessary that the whole jnr Eire Readins K)om—We file and bind the latter at close of every half-volume, sod v*v ci Christian churches, all professing | will soon ' disappear. Even after |CaI7-5BOY5'5CHOOLSHOE1 | been bitterly opposed to secret our readers want another live paper, j range the whole system when en- •¿.Axsica« 1 tering it rhrough the mucous sur- political organizations. I have al­ the Enquirer is that paper national : Call or send orders to this office, i . ' < • . , fnddent ........... . ............. .. .Grover Cleveland I faces. Such articles should nevtr Vice-President.................... ... Adlai Stevenson ready annexed Cuba and declared ££?£°acdTAlf3E» Secretary of state .......... Richard S, Olney | be used except on prescriptions aROCKTON,MA35. Secretary of Treasury....... .. John O. Carlisle its independence, but that doee not Over One Million People wear the Secretary of Interior .. Hoke Smith make it so. and I have a kick at from reputable physicians, as the secretary of War .. Daniel S. I.aniont Secretary of >'avy 1CIUC„ W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes Hilary A. . Herbert damage they will do is ten fold to' Secretary ..f Agriculture J. Sterling Morton the great power England, but she All our shoes are equally satisfactory Attorney General ... ’ ’ Judscn Harmon is beginning t® wane, the lion is the good you can possibly derive' They give the best value for the money. Postmaster General Wm. L Wilson They equal custom shoes In style and fit. STATE—OREGON : ( fast losing the kink in his tail and from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, Their wearing; qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform,-..stumped on sole. ... j I ('j.'H.Mhcheu’ I trembles when he hears the scream 6*or information and fr« a •to. ^-ntendent in all such you get colors but as a MUNN a rn urt TJ^G Ha»<’buolc write to ’•*** Ihfipector ............ Geo. Tregaskis rule not very rich dirt. i A. B. Marks iasione re Geo. Small and Felix Duncan rRl S R. R. Sit«. talk of starting east in a short time HABXF.Y V. s. LAND OFFICE: Juister ..........................Thomas Jones with horses. John O Farrêl has ««•river wo7ïdrt Cb^n"udJVOHhr.tI^,'dnt,'J? I’"bcr fn th« .........................A. A. Cowing man without gone to San Francisco for medical rear; should eu» .lx be mÄ “ Addr««^ Intelligent « Bigger and Better attention and to visit his mother. CiaÎlîrrJ 'ÄeaÙ°Ut a.Parn11®1 •” the history of imedicine Miss l^ta McGee N.G. All druggists are authorized to aell iton a posi 1,500 TOPICS. . I | Hive cattle here that can be bought S _ Sam Mothershead, Rec. 8ec’y. guarantee, a teat that no other c ?e^a„ •Ian Gut String, f r ('nr sblllty : h,| ,, , .. reasonable. A tramp the first of aucces.rully stand. That it may become on tourMUerai,,r tlllim ,hju,ü bc known, the Proprietor. . at an enoÌmou. eT A O. r. w. Rurn. Lodge, No 47 Tello Everything You Want the season called here this morning pense afo placing a Sample Bottle Free into '"'^«»‘HUthThur.d.y. 1 to Know When You ’■ ours truly, CARI. TnORCASy nt? LO,ne ~he VnitH’ 8ute" ••»nd Canadiu H M Horton, M. W for his breakfast. T. M. Christman Want to Know It. lui? “ haT0 * Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron- __ J- * Sayer, Rec'd JOBS F. STUATT02I ,or “ wl" «•« T""’ Mwu our town merchant has gone to ’XA VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA child haa the Croup, or Whooping Cough7use L odge , NO. 77 I. o o F------ *®W YORK. lay in his spring stock of goods. th?tÄ JSKS.ST* B akd L vstrumexts *•*—A“ COBr‘d' a —. T.L1 • rr ’•••n^2«p«rtadally, ■ PVice 10 cte., M eta. and JI .00. If yonr I nn„ pr1n,ck Hhiloh’a Poro«« Jafarn - «o ■A>rrA.crT7BBB.a, itew rota. } READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. Piyce 2S ce HT s . (Poatjabl By MalL ) T he W orld , Pulitzer Building, New York. Burns-Canyon Stag r TT H* A' WlLUAM®. contractor. Carryng U. 8. Mail, and Eastern Oregon Expre,, Bn,„. dy fo, C.njon c.(Zj and Go’s Expess