’■arr- MILLINERY STORE was done hv arbitrary act of gov 000 of gold in this country Car- I eminent and neither commet ce nor 1 lisle must know that these figures 2 ProprietreM. business had anything to do with are incorrect, and that the tables M iss S allik H udspeth ,. — — — given out by the director of the it. WEDNESDAY APRIL». «• “As there cannot be a general mint are worthless, because it ap- rise in prices without an increase pears from his report for 1892 t'nat its. The Proprietress is in the volume of money, must not he assumes that every dollar pu», here to «Uy »nd de«ir« f Pka,‘ P“lrons.'.'’ Qu“li,y °f °00d’ 1 the present paralysis and stagna in circulation since 1872 in this On Corner North of Meat Market. Governor Altgeld Replies to the tion continue in the world until the country is still in circulation except and Prices. Chicago Speech. the volume of money is again re­ where a record was made of it ex­ stored to’ what it was before silver poration, and that he has made no Springfield, Ill., April 25,—Gov was stricken down? allowance fur the money that was ernor J. P Altgeld, in an open let There are in ttie United States carried over the northern boundary ter. ha? made a reply te the speech over 9000 t anks. The comptroller and our southern boundary for 24 of Secretary Carlisle, recently de of the currency, of Carlisle's assist­ years, nor for the money carried livered in Chicago He quotes ants received re-oits from these back by Chinese during that time, fron' Carlisle’s speech on the cur­ banks showing the total amount of nor for gold coin used in the a-ts rency question in 1878 in congress, money of every kind that each and not reported during that time as to the disastrous results follow­ bank had on July 11, 1895. From nor for all that was lost, nor for ull AND ing the demonetization of silver. J thia report it appears that there that was carried across the ocean fie says in part. 1 he language . wePg jn r0U1;(j numbers only $127,- in the packets of our people during used by Carlisle then was clear ai d 000 000 of gold in all of the banks all those years. Y^t the director emphatic, and has none of the J of the United States. This was all says in his report of 1891 that, dur­ sophistry and pettifogging about it , of the available gold in this country. ing the Paris exposition, the total that are found in his Chicago I There were about $100,000.000 in spent by our peop e abroad in one speech His awful predictions • the treasury at that time, but this! year was over $90,000,000. made in 1878 came to pass He IS THE ii not available. Carlisle did not “Why does Mr. Carlisle use figures not pnlv saw his own prophecy fill that he knows are incorrect and are refer to these figures, which are manifestly given out oply for the filled but saw the misery cf hi PLACE TO GET BARGA INS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, known to be accurate, but, intead, purpose of misleading the American country 1 ecome even greater than he cited the figures given out by people on the question as to the GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. he had predicted. Finding that the directors of the mint, also one amount of money they have in cir Located first block East of Church. his views had been correct, he con­ of his assistants, io which he culation. tinued to hold them until he en­ claimed there are about $600,000,-1 W. H. C anaday , Manager. [ continued on sixth page .] tered Cleveland’s cabinet, when in some mysterious manner there was a change of heart, but for some rea­ son he seems unwilling to ta k j about it. 1 “There are two other members of I T HET AME OTE NEXT the cabinet, Hoke Smith, of Georgia 1 _2>»-.DO YOU KNOW A GOOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BU8INES8?_3*L t ». and Herbert, of Alabama, who, like I ----------- ------ - ----------- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carlisle, had made their ’ voices | *1 heard for nearly a life time in de- 4 zJ mantling the restoration of silver | | I H\ IIIHI I j I If you are in a position and in denouncing the great con­ Jo do Busin ss spiracy that struck it down; and, i Let Peoub Know it- strange to say, when these two men eutered Cleveland’s cabinet they WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN underwent a change of heart, and, like Carlisle, they ayoid talking about it. 1 H|1 “All of these men now denouncel I fl A those people who are opposed to the I A 11V single gold standard as being scoundrels and lunatics. Y’et they « are only following the doctrines 0 NOVEMBER 4th 1896 which Carlisle & Company preach ed . Are we then to infer that Car­ lisle and his two cabinet associates were scoundrels and lunatics until Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men they got to be old men, and that whose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the when the tinsel of a cabinet posi results under the administration they elected, will make the campaign the most intensely exciting in the history of the country. tion not. onlv made them hon'st but gave them brains? If not, then how are we to know which end of their career was honest, intelligent, and patriotic? For, in the absence the leading Republican family newspaper of The United sut«, „il of any explanation, some of us publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American • Ä might think that they were honest citizen regardless of party affiliations. Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover­ and patriotic when, in the vigor of ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to ------ . .1 urpniiuieiit seconu none - • - • • • their manhood, they were standing l_ in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, fascinat­ by a wronged people and that it is ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the ^humorous humorous' | papers, foreign and domestic, with their best comic pictures fashion the latter end of their career that is 1 plates and elaborate descriptions of woman ’ s attire, with a varied and destitute of honesty, intelligence or attractive department of household interest. The “New York Weekly patriotism Carlisle should have ( Tribune” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that told us. of any other weekly publication in th? country issued from the office of a.erybody '/tends “Carlisle should have explained a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give TlZJÿ W. ’ * 200 — years gold * 't grater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women why it was that for and young people of the household. Advertise ist it. and s lver held the market rati) of A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid iournwl about 15| to 1. If only one of the and THE HERALD for '»«pienard journal metals can be a standard and a measure of the yAlue of things, and it a combined standard of both gold I and silyer is as impossible as it is to have two yard sticks of different lengths, why was it lhat some of the greatest gnanciers of the world, PAY UP YOUR H’I’SC RI PTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. and particularly Baron Rothschild, stated in 1860 that it was the sum THE HER4LD DOES of the two metals taken together SA B8< HI PTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIME. the best job prntg which formed ths measure of the Address or call at ▼alue of things? 4T LOWEST RATES. ______ _ HERALD OFFICE 1 arlisle shotdd have explained \\ rite your name and address on a postal card, send it to w ^WBEN YOU WANT GOOD JOB PRINTING *hy it was that, in *”cry county Room 2. Tribune Building, New Y'ork Citv and a ... 1 W' Besf) done , consult the herald .«»— THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNi ’ w*Sl ¿ “ X ’ ’ where silver was stricken down, it Rare Selection of Millinery Goods LOOK! Jolinson's LISTEN!! Cash Store of the United States' if you have anything You want to Sell Let People Know it. York Weekly Tribune Subscribe for the The New York Weekly Tribune EAST OREGON HERALD TWO $ ONLY TWO $ CLUBBING RATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPERS. ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2 9