East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896, April 29, 1896, Image 4

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    ‘ . There was an
| you. just to keep of the snake* and ing oyer the ‘ blue,
air of quiet and peace in it that con­
She looked wistfully out at the trasted with my own sensations.
wood. I can see btr now, leaning Then I saw a man on his knees be­
from New York Weekly
on her racket, deliberating —if such side something he was rubbing. I
a precess can be called deliberation turned my head aside, and saw it
I remember it as well as if it werejwhere the ccnclu8ion is predeter- was a little figure—Julia. She was <
yesterday. At the door of my rojne(j—the straight, lithe figure cold and stark.
house, in Camden, N. J., the car­ poised between I he racket and the i My agony was far greater than I
riage stood at the door that was to j foot, one little leg crossed l»efore when 1 had plunged after her into
take me back to school for the the other—peering out at the forest. the stream. Then I hoped and be
spring term. My mother gaAe me Suddenly, without any warning, lieved that if she were drowned, I
innumerable instruction«, smoothed she dropped the racket auid started would be also. Now I saw her be­
side me, lifeless, and I lived
my collar, and adjusted my hat on for the wood.
Then some men came, and the I
ray head properly, then gave me a
We were not long in crossing the
who was rubbing Julia said to
kiss and stood looking wistfully at field, and were walking in the dense
me as I went down the walk and shade, when she stopped, and. look thorn:
got into the carriage. A month or ing at me with her expressive eyes,
“Take care of the boy; the girl is
two later—it was in June, I think said:
| too far gone.”
—after a hard struggle, one after-* “How still it is here! It seems
They took me up and carried me j
noon, with some figures, all about I to me I can almost hear the worms away, and laid me for awhile on a
a ship and a cargo and the profit moving in the earth.”
bed in a strange house. Then 1
and all that, I went cut to join the
“Yes, it is pretty solemn, ” I re- was driven to the school.
boys. Whenjl reached the play-1 plied. “Let’s go on; the river
The next day my father came
ground they were gone, and there ( winds about down there, and we I and took me home. I was ill after
was nothing for me to do but to can see the water go over th • dam ” that, too ill to ask about Julia; but!
amuse myself as best I could I
I heard a distant voice exiling when I recovertt/, what a load was !
strolled about the hou^ with my “juiia” it was very faint; she taken from my mind to know that,
hands in mv pockets (which my did not hear it; I stood a moment, by dint of rubbing and rolling, and
mother told me distinctly I must hesitating.
a stimulent, she had been brought
not do), and suddenly remember­ “Come, Jet’s go,” I said, starting to and recovered. I also learned
ing her instructions, took them out forward.
that the man who had cared for us
again; then, for the want of better
“Julia,” I heard again, more had seen Julia fall, and had res I
amusement, I began to whistle
faintly than befere.
cued her. When I saw him run
Next to the school there was a
I hurried her on, fearing
ning along the planks, it was to his
pretty cottage, separated from the would hear the voice and
boat chained to the end
schoo house by a board fence. The!j)ac^
That summer my father removed
two houses were not one hundred I Presently we emerged from the with his family, to Scranton. I’enn-
feet apart, and there, on the tennis- wood, ami stood l»v the river. I sylvania. He wa« obliged to wait
ground, stood a girl, a trifie young- was familiar with the ground, and I some time for my recovery, but, at
er than myself, lookiug straight at led my little friend directly to the last, 1 was ab>e to travel, and left,
without seeing the little girl whom
’ Now, when a Loy suddenly finds
“Most of the boys are afraid to 1 had led into danger. I oi lv heard
himse f observed by a pretty girl, walk out on that dam,” I said.
tiiat I had been blamed by eyery
he feels quite queer, I remember
”l’d be afraid.”
that very well. Mv hands went
‘‘But you are only a girl; a boy
right into my pockets, but, remem­ oughtn't to lie afraid.”
bering that was not the correct
With that, I started boldly out, »
thing to do in the presence of a girl, occasionally standing on one foot, I
I took them directly out again. and performing sundry
Then I concluded it would be a 1 show how brave I was.
good way to show how little 1 was cam«- part way back and
to America’s Great Danger
embarrassed by turning twice her to come.
around upon my heel, a «uovrinent
“Oh, no,*’ she cried; “I'm afraid ’’
on which I greatly prided myself.
“Afraid! You little goose! With)
Sai J an eminent Engli .1« eeienti.-t recently ;
After that. 1 don’t remember now — me t i hold on to?”
“ The danger that confronts thegieat Anici i
it was to long ag«>—what new ea-
Betw’xt her fear ¿and a di^posi .Jean p.ftple to-day i« not the ppK-ible uJvp*
of a wiotig financial policy for the
pers I cut. But one thing is cer- lion to favor a boy older and strong­ lion
nation, or the spread of socia.ism, cr tl.c
tain. I was soon hunting for some- er than oerself, it was not long be | im rca.-e of corruption among ----
pul iblic 1: cn.
... J hmj a v
,o be
««e olire, I
e »...<*
b..d ciiouKu,
enough, to
thing I pretended to have lost in foie 1 was leading her out on the they aro r-t n« tliinge «mpuréd to t'10 te. r.l
the grass Iwside the fence.
I n.r ional disease—1 had almo t said OatiCD :
c ime of overwork. The mail rush 1 .
“If it’s your knife you've lost,” I
“Don’t you see it’s notili ig?” I :
th is set at a kiliirg p ice, and thousands
full by the w y eve y year.
heard a pleasant voice »ay, 'it isn’t said.
You are likely ti bo cne cf tho vici,«. '
St. shrank timidly as I led her
there. I picked up a knife there a
1 low do we k tow ? l ee nine it is tho CXCC[
Week ago, but it was all rusty anti along, 1 determined that she lion to timi a inaa or woman < f adult ago i
no gaod.”
should go to a point where the wa perfect health. Nervous L«sordeT3 L c
i spreading
«prtading with fearful rapidity. Ainony l.,
‘ Oh. never mind,” 1 said, look ter poured over a portion of the \vmptonm, a. v—Radon he, •hiiotisia--, G a!
ing up into two eyes |H»eping out dam lower than the rest, I lurm d I ' lb’1’!* .I1, «1 1 eel, I)izzii>c*', Hot I Lain-.-..
Fluticrjng Sen.'-ui'n, l ai ting, Head die t
from a sun-bonnet, “it wasn’t much my back to step upon the post. Il III
Ily-.nii, Jrri l>':ty of the 11«art, Mi lan
of a knife, and I’ve got another.”
was but a moment. 1 I heaid a cry, dioly, 1 aili g Meni< ry, Palpitation, l.hiu
n> t s:n, Mi >t 1> <ath. Flecplexne.-is l «r
“Are you one of the.boys at the and saw Julia in the t tlood.
fiie tons I 'yqwpMa. .S xnal Debility, 1 its, «t,-
R ev . t . A. C arroll .pastor First B p i t
expresai >n that was in her eyes is. ! Cbnrcli
YdlowSpri gH,O..wrilesas fi.l < i...:
to this dav, stamped clea*ly on inv “ 1 luven cl Dr.Mile»' Restorative Nervine
p »t six ni ntlitu 1 tind it acta lii e t
“What class arc you in?”
•nemori—an i xpres.-iou of mingled ' ' » f«r «'i the
'rm o i the whole nerv, us system. 1
“Ths thir.1 ”
reproach and forgiveness.
; have not found its equal in giving immediate
’ f. Dr. Miles’ litt'c N< rve and l iver I
“l>o you study geography?”
i could scare« ly swim a dozen ■ 1 l*i di htonly
rod a trial arxi t!.“y will reeom-
“Yea ”
strokes but not a a< c >nd < lapsed I men 1 themselves to be tf e lest r:!ls in the
What is the capital of Austria?" before I was in the water.
" . or fire years I Imre anfleretl from Ner­
I Mratch«*d my head.
i swaia and striicgb-d and buffet­ vous I* «Mr «tion, I was unaMe to work or
“I don't remember that," 1 ad- ed to reach nei; ali in vain An ►I «p. The first«’,.- of Cr. Miles’ Restore
live N-rvIne g i* e m • n-l « f, and cne th u
mitted, reluctantly, l’m first-rate eddy whirled me in a differ« nt di Ml
>1 do'l >rs WtHlId not COVrr t 0 ps d it i a»
on capitals, but I can't recollect ruction. My strength *.»s soon ex- dene «■>• —JOHN MINCH EK, Youngs
town, t »hio.
thnt one.”
hausted l was lairne down the Dr. Mile*’ Restorative Nervae i* un-
“Why didn't you go off with the river, sinking and rising, till i same sqtia led in cvrimg Nervous Diseases. It
n • opiates <>r dang*ri'ii*d'Uira. Sold
to a place where I caught a glimpse xmiains
in a jx»stive guarantee l>v ail druggist«, or
“I was Is-hind with inr ruma. 1 as I rose to the surface, of a man Ur. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
expect they've gone to ’.he river, I running along some tloala extend
like the wood* pretty well, they re ing over tin* river, ami raised alatve
full of sqeirrela.**
the water on posts. My feet l>e
“And »nak«-*.” she added “I'm came entangled in weeds ( sank.
Celtbralcd Russian Gut
not afraid of soak«-* I suppose I heard a great roaring in my ears,
Violin Strings
you’re afraid to
then oblivion.
Th. H m M in th* World.
“No, I’m not ”
\t hen I caum to I was lying on
trrrv String Warranted
“I< you want to go there now, and my back
Jebn F. Sirillon,’7^j*
1 Veinembtr the first
Srntu 1.H
are afraid, I don’t mind going with thing 1 saw was a light clou«! sail-' Cif*«*
M l. NJ, 81».
E. 9th St.
mew YORK.
Ì ■
What Chas. H. Hackicy h-s Done for Wes* —
Michigan—tiow the cr y Cloud in the L ?- ‘‘
of an Honored Mun was BrusuvJ
away by Science.
Frvm Grand F'-tpidl, ifi ,fc, Firniny P> .
m .
I and what they had
The most beautiful spot in Muske­
gon is inseparr.bly associated -.'...t
the name of Ilacltley, ar.d in all West­
ern Michigan there it r. 4 a name bet­
ter known. an«i a.-r.onj the studious
and those interested i'n deeds cf phil­
anthropy. this name is known and ad­
mired. Chas, ah lhackley l.as been in
the lumber business continucur'.- rlnce
1856, ar.d in that t ate lias atnarred a
fortune, whirl« gives I im a rating
among the v.ealtl.y men cf ti e n .-
tion. But with wealth the: ? did n t
com? tiiat tightening cf the purse-
atrings which is generally a marked
characteristic of’wealtky m- n.
There is no prettier rpct i.t tha Ctate
than Hacl'.lej’ Park in u square rrr-
rounded and pierced by done wails,
emphasising with their whiteness ti.o
green of faultlessly kept lawns, i.s
crowning pride a .towering soldier s
monument cn the ton cf which stands
a bronze fig» re pointing ever in r -
mcmbrance cf the heroes who di?J
that ti e nation might live. Surround­
ing th.is park ar? the mayniii; ent
llacl.ley ruLlia Library—a p<r?m in
granite—with its 0.000 velum .->. and
the equally stately Hackley sc’.oel,
like a b. e-hive with its C 0 children.
Other elegant buildings testi/y like­
wise to the liberality and munificence
of thia man who has pulled wealth out
o' the forests of Michigan.
It is n<? wonder then th..t the ram
of Charles II. Hackley i.t I.-.cv : f.
home and al r.vtd. ITis rvunidccnce t
i.’::s':e::'’n n! :.? r ■ ■?: .n. • an eu.l.:’
cf marly h Jf a r. ¿..ion. Per th? past
twenty y«,... j he 1 s been a constant
suf'vrer from neuralgia and rheuma-
ti. i, ch'
numbm 3 cf the lower
li.-nt s. so much so that it 1 as seriously
i’.terfcr«. J wi.h his rl ar. re in life.
For some lime past Lis frknds l'.avc
noticed that l.e l.as s med to crow
young o' ::i. and to 1 .. ■» r overed
tne health v.-Lkh l.e 1.. I in y uth.
To a err : pend -nt cf tl.a Press, Mr.
Ila-kley cxpl.ined the secret cf his
tr.-.nsf rm ii n. and to Lis friends
»V’lO ! >.ve known how
____ ____
he suffered, it
Is ini cd a transformation. “I have
Bufferò«! fcr over twenty years,” he
said, sealed in 1 is pii te cilice, “with
r.a’ns in my tower limbs ;• '• severely
that tie < r.‘ ly r Ir.f I could get a:
nipht was 1?;, pitting • col.« water com
presses cn r ;v limbs, I was bothered
m re at r. - t tl an kt
l ti e <1 y time.
The n>-«t;
.’.C r>nd : r’.,:;natL' pain:
in riy li .
wl.. h 1 ad I .-.n £- t -.vi.:
ia o.lc.a-
f- ■ yer.rt r. f..-
Vh,-nr !■? i r*...
tl r r-e trf’-s t f •
Hot <'rrt
With r;:
part.j.I r«li«-f
and then f II L.1el. to rr
state. I ce» .' I" t sit stilt, end ir­
..«An to m; Le tifi ire«!.
ver ’. i.—. Two years ajo li st S -r>.
1 r. a ac<"c>>r>t ef Pr,
i r br I pot
A J .Li for 1*__ ; V * '-’-A . •
V.. - ...
and some cases so nearly ,.
mine that I was ktierert ««J
‘ 1
not know whctl . t
were genuine or not. .
wi,:. to
.o be hu:
hur l.
one who had g.
-Ji-en a tett::-;.wuli
eminent profess«.
-... r.-. ■ ' ::
Tlie reply I raceivjd w
•I «str r...
er than the printed tes
aau ;
gave me faith in th • ,« u Mat.
“I began taking th. : • II? and iron l
them to be ail thet t) ? nr-r. sror h*»
!,a i
toll me they r.-cubl i; j ■ It ".*a* tws • »
thr o months bet-
perceptible betterm« nt of’-v .’L^7
tion. My distese
dlser?.? v.x.« f .
standing that I did r. t —j . t
. I
nvrrv end
nrt*1 v.--
was a tL i »..j .
relieved. I prcsrec. 1 : J
ì::- ’
ever, towards recovery,
z. j
lart cis r months
hue f,;.; _ ,..
perfectly well
T.-U! man.
rr?-. 1 I
mended the pills tj r. : -'•y pe?;l?. ani
am only too rl_d to r ■'“.■t ctl'.rn t»
health thrcv~’i t* ? n ■.■ •¡1 cf t 3
wonderful medi-in.
I rr
t say uj
much for what i. ) -*» t
• frr mo.'-
Dr. V»*i:Iianis’ link 7 i’L'. f-»r pas
People have tn zcr.
enormous . n .,
le, «;j
. rinx M,
r porta
. adl
cf ti e excel! ; -
s : .. - .
inn: their usa. ?.n ar. b"i? ■
•- •
they contain in r. r.oil.nr’ l f .-r. : i
t’. 7 elements necessary t«> r;-’ --,
1 ri j.nccs t > tl e I
J ,-r ’ T -
sto--» r" attere! -ncr-??. 7:
; ,
vnf- ¡Uns' specific : r :
- j
locomot«-r ataain. parti. I -ar-.L ;?:. : •_
Vitim’ dance, scinti a, r .a.
tra ll.-m, nervetm I.?,.«’
a.’ :
ci.wts of la prippx :
n d . >
heart, pale and cal'..?— « —. I;:.: --,
tl at iir«-«l feeling i—. : !. . • f n
cus prostration; all d;s._ . s r. =':!': ;
from vitiated ! umers i.i t! ■ I:.- ...
rudi rs Bcr-ful.-.. chirr. -
etc. Th.-;.- are r.’.xi r. r
f r tr c-
l les peculiar tn f m-i
rh as
yrc-iPions, irre.-’da: i’i-.-.nJ II f r-i
cf wea'.n ra. T! cy L- !d v t tl- I
and rrator? the g! -v,- <I ?al:h to pa?
rr. 1 sallow cheeks. I . m::i they e.’-
f?ct a radical cure in a’.! c:.-:3 trkins
from mental worry, c" -r : \ er
cesi-e3 of whate-'cr nan
no i’l effects following ti c- use of this
wonderful medicine, a -. 1 it can be
S?vcn to children with perfect safety.
These pilts are mar.v'a: ture-11" ’ ’
Dr.u4.:s2.;-.di .'.o'.
tioctedy. N. T.. ar.J are
r.«y ia
boxes bearing: tka firm’s t« D iaarX
i.d wrapjH-r. at . • cents r. i-x er »t
I.- o - cj for $ j . *.\ an«l sr»- never r-«I- ’>
bulk. They mav 1-? Lad ■ “
ris*s or direct by rr t'.l i'rcmi p- ' ’
iiams Medicine C r... ar.y. T;.-? i *
at w’ ich these ; ¡1;- are s- M r -«i » *
of tro.i . nt i ’ r
Cc—. —red t...., «—.-T *.—• *•
■•»e Wi TeCwManm Fw M Tran.
•a W ho fMrm the dealers’ profits. We are the Olde«t
and Larg**t manufacturers in America telling
this way Ship subject to approval.
both trava if not »ati a factory. Everything war­
ranted Why pay an Agent >10 to 160 to order for
▼onl Write jour own order. Boxing free. We
tahe all the
of damage in shipping.
Sprinc Wacons, *30 to >49. Gnarantmd
•aine .« .ell for
to MS. 11 ntyles of Road
Wawona. Surreys with Ion? tender«. *60,
same as sell for W5 to G10Q Top Buftgi
«M5. Phaotons aslow as ses.
rle. Potable end F.m Ri lle
■ly ><*.< Send « eeaU la
lit pnare ratal.«ve.
No. 41. Wa<on. MO.
B. PRATT, Secretary. Elkhart, «no.