J ohn R ohrman ly grown in favor and popularity For sale at 50 cents per buttle bj B rewer druggists. Administrât™ Editor Notice is hereby given to all per­ sons holding claims against the estate of Victor S. Ottmer. deceased, to present the same to the under signed at bis place of business in Bur is, Harney county, Oregon, ver­ ified as by law required within six months fiom the date of this notice.. Dated at Burns this 11th day of BURNS December, 1895. H. M H orton , Administrator. bmockatic ticket pOR SHERIFF. JOHN McKINNON. pOR ASSESSOR. „ JOHN 0. CAWLFIELD T. A. McKINNON. loRCOVXTY SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. IOR COMMISSIONER W B. JOHNSON R CORONER. THOS STEPHENS THOS DODSON OREGON FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES Don’t Tobacco Spit or Hmoke Life Away. *y ? I nd >s the truthful, startling title of a Look about No-To-Bac, the harm­ less, guaranteed tobacc«) habit cure that braces up i nicotinized nerves, poison, eliminates the i nicotine makes weak men gain strength. You run no vigor and manhood I physical or financial risk, as No-To- We received, since our last issne, 1 Bac is sold by druggists every where N. W. Ay»jr & Son’s American under a guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Address Newspaper Annual. It is the mist Sterling Remedy Co , New York or BURNS carefu’lv prepared and complete Chicago. annual an 1 contains more valuable I H. M. Horton, Burns. information regarding newspaper circulation both in the United States and Canada than any book of its naturue heretofore published of which we have ¡any knowledge j New Ballot Law CONSTABLE OF THE FAMOUS Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON Proprietors OREGON Wines Liquors, and Cigars Good Billiard tables, Pleasant'Card Rooms, etc., etc. Saloon is first class in every particular. America’s Great Danger | Experienced bartender Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Said an eminent English scientist recently: We wish to call the attention of “ The danger tiiat confronts the great Ameri­ voters to an amendment in the man­ can people to-day is not the poudhle adop­ tion of a wiong financial policy for the ner of voting. Our last legislature nation, or the spread of socialism, or the amended the method of making un rvHse of corruption among public men. ill Uieso me bad enough, to be sure, bi.t ‘ I allots. You do not strike out the ihey aro es nothinge mpared to the terrible oad names of the candidates you do not na« tonal disease—1 had al mo.-1 said nation I C, ime -of overwork. The mad rush f r the desire to vote for, but instead a wealth is set nt a killing pace, und thousands are cross is made at the left of the fall by the way every year. You aro likely to bo ono cf the victims ' an- name of the candidate of your 1 low do we know ? Because it is the CXCCj ord choice. tioil to find a man or woman < f adult age in un i of' We give the amendment: “On. l’vr!v‘,t. heajth. Nervous Disorders . B . l ii ipreading with fearful rapidity Among the see, the receipt of the white ballot as symptoms, are— Backache, p -1— " Biliousness, Co:«' i*, llot 1 l.isbe,., ere aforesaid the elector shall forthwith ' Hand, and Feet, , Dizziness Fluttering bens-it Ion, Fainting, Bead che asi- end without leaving the enclosed Hysteria, Irritability of th« Heart, Melon pon space, retire aloi e to one of the i cl,°ly. I J*'1’ K Memory, Palpitation, l.h«u f ' I matism, Hi rt Bieath, Sleeplessness, N«r iber compartments provided, and shall VOus Dyspepsia, Sexual Debility, bits, etc ■»us. there prepare his ballot, by making R ev . C A. C arboll ,pastor First B: pi1.1 uo r , r r Church. Yellow Springs, O.. writes as fid.« v ¡on across immediately to the left of I “1 havou eeen t pair of crutches and bought a Dr. Mile*’ Restorative Nervine i. uh- . . . ... , , . , r, • r> i I »quailed in curing Nervous Diseases. It bottle of Chamb<*lain s 1 ain Balm 1 contains no opiatesordangerousdtugs. Sold 0VP for inflammatory rheumatism I 1?u*1r*nteeky “11 druggisu, or ight . • . , . j . Dr. Mile. Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. * whicb-had crippled me up. After using three botth s I am completely MFlf j A w . iz & j ’ mhmiv jmmu cured lean (fheerfully recommend ' ■ of ,aVC . it—Chutk« H. Wetzel Sunbury,1 I I and cu". JOHN SAYER Proprietor, Situated on Sil vies river 1 mile East of Burns, near the bridge Good Whea Shop opposite the Brewery Sa’isfaeti ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS MFC. CO. Permanently all en rrled In vestpocke. ■ 1 ■ ’»” r P> »n>I».