craW- BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRII. WILL BREAK THE TROCHA. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report How t Prevent Croup. Croup is a tarror toyoung mothers and to post them concering the cause, first symptoms aird treat-’ mem is the object of this item., The origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to ABSOLUTELY PURE it tske cold very easily and croup is almost sure to follow. The first svmpton is hoarseness; this is soon —John Sweitzer,carpenter,under-, —Get one of I, S. Geer & Co’ followed by a peculiar rou^h cough, taker and cabinet-maker. Hiswork- premium purchase tickets. This Herald and Harper’s Bazar ’ which is easily recognized and will shop is in the old saloon building I firm agrees to give the holder of Herald and Harper’s Young People .. 3.75 f<>r<>n« i Ier»id and Alden's Manifold Cyclopedia 2 98 each additional volume after Vol. 1 &o cents' J ~ The rebel general has sent word never bo forgotten by tne who has next door south of Worthington’s, ; such tickets a fine life size Crayon 10 cent» extra ner volume, postage. ’ ' to his friends in Havana that he heard it. The time to act is when Mr.Sweitzer guarantees his work at, Portrait absolutely free of any Copie» of all the above works can be ex w'll break through thetiocha when the child first becomes hoarse, If prices to suit the hard times. Cof i charge, by purchasing $20 worth i'íhiéd at leisure in the Reading Room. he is ready, and that when the first; Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is fins made to order. Will take pro , of goods for cash at their store. It x^-publiahers of periodicals are solicited *rTOtUeX^ rahl falL the CaP,ai“- freely given all tendency to croup dUce partlv for work and balance in | is not necessar}’ that the whole Even after ca^|;. amount should be purchased at one general’s plan will turn to dust. will soon disappear. ___ time, but any amount from 5 cents It is certain that General Maceo the croupy cough has developed it to $20 as explained upon the tick has some sure means of suddenly will prevent the attack. There is ADVERTISING RATES: ets. A good ranch belonging to H. G. no danger in giving this remedy for assembling his roving bands on ir-LCE ! 1 wk ! 2 wk 1 mo 3 mo b mo « 1 Campbell, containing 160 acres 12 some say it contains nothing injurious. /Inch 11.50 12.50 |.->00 $b 00 »11.00 »15.00 this side of the trocha; 18.00 28.00 4 00 0.50 12.0) Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy miles south east of Burns. This 40 00 by means of colored paper balloons 24.00 8.00 15.00 5.00 50.00 32.00 1 I 4.oU fi. 00 10.00 28.00 ranch has aboivt 100 acres of good cures colds, croup and whooping There is 54.00 and others by messages. 48.00 9.00 15.00 28.00 80.00 120.00 r . 00 ■28.00 48.00 TWO FOR ONE. 1 meadow land. Price $800 or will cough. It is pleasant, safe and re- 30.00 40.00 (10 00 110.00 140.00 a growing belief here that if Gen- | eral Weyler is outmaneuvred, trade for sheep. •--------- • JOB WORK B yrd & K ing . Spain will presently welcome th« ( Send for free sample ami judge )t every description executed with neatness friendly mediation of the United j thereby. D and The E. O. H eral »nd despatch, at reasonable rates. Pamphlets 7treulars, rosters, States. . Even the Spaniards share | Cincinnati Weekly Ei quirer, both I Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Envelopes, one year for $2. mnt. r Catarrh r ot Cards, Ticxets, Note Heads, Statements, this feeling. Dodgers, Memoranda. Invitations. The Enquirer is a 9 col u tn ,8 page . that contain Mrcury, Prisoners of war are condemned paper, issued each Thursday. I T ais H erald is kept regularly on file for re IS THE BEST. terence, in the Geo. P. Rowell N FIT FOR AKINS. to death as incendiaries without the Laru ist ’•) size.cheapest in price,] rferliung Bureau. 10 Spruce st.. New . CORDOVAN, proof ot guilt. Evidence that a • most reliable in'news,all large type, as mercury will surely destroy the FRENCH AENAMFLl ED CALF. rebel soldier belonged to a column (plain print, good white paper. If sense of rmell and completely de •3 w F ine C alf MC angarm OFFICIAL DIRECTOR* our readers want another live paper, range the whole system when en ♦ 3.50 police , 3 SOLES. | of the enemy which burned property the Enquirer is that paper tering it through the mucous sur- is sufficient to insure his death. Call or send orders to this office. N IT IlSAL : President Grover Cleveland I faces. Such articles should nevi r «2 >1.7? BOYS’SCHOOlSHOEX viee-t’re»ideut Au ai Stevenson The prisoner’s death depends upon LADIES- secretary of State Bichara S, oh ey I be used except on prescriptions whether he joined the offending iecretary of Treasury John G Carlisle iecretary ot Interlor Hoke Smith from reputable physicians, as the iecretary of War Daniel S. Lamont hand before or after the incendiar- leeretary of Navy Hilary A. Herbert | damage they will do is ten fold to '1 sm occurred. It is said that near imam» Iecretary of Agriculture. J. sterling Mortoi DROCICTON. MAS3. attorney General Judarii Hartnoi. the good you can possibly derive' a hundred prisoners will be shot Over One Million People wear the Postmaster General Win. 1. Wilson from them. Hall ’ s Catarrh Cure, STATK -ORE..ox: incend aries within a few days. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes AMERICA'S STANDARD YEAR-BOOK. G. W. McBr < e. manufactured by F. J. Cheney <fc All our shoes are equally satisfactory Senator» J. H.Mitchell. They give the beet valuó for the money. (Dinger Hermann Co., Toledo, O , contains no mer They equal custon «hors in style and fit. A HAUNTED HOUSE. uonzrensnien iW. R. Ellis Thslr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. Attorney General . .. V. M. ldlernan cury, and is taken int rnally, act The prices are uniform,—stumped on sole. inventor Wm P Lord $i to $3 saved over other maker. Secretary of State .... li R Kincaid ing directly upon the blood and mu From If your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by Guthri , O T , April 20—Th> r Treasurer Phil. Metsehnn supt. Public Instruction . GM Irwin cous surfaces of the system. In “Dealora everywhere Wanted, agent to Atate Printer W II 1 .»eds I is much excitement oyer the alleged Write buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure take exclusive sale lor tbi« vicinity Bean. | haunting of the house in which Ella 'Uprewie Judge# .e C. Wolverton GtOWOG. _____ ’’ you get the genuine. It is taken ) F. A. Moore Mayer«, the unfortunate girl from NINETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. . idternabv and is made in Toledo, two iUtrict Ju4ge M. D CLIFFORi. Pueblo, Colo., was found dead D Biitrict Attorney C. W. Parrish. Ohio, by F. J. Cheney <fc Co. Tes The inmates have all loint-itopreientative (R) . O. L. Patterson. we< ks ago. foint-Senator .................. (R) ......... A. W.Gowan timonials free. moved out because of fear, and j Solentifio American COVZTY—-HARN K Y ! fMF*Sold by Druggists, price 75c. neighbors say that the girl's spirit . Agency for fonnty . jdge C. P Rutherford. per bottle. Gerk and can be | ..(D). C. E. Kenyon appears every night Treasurer .. .. 1. 8. Geer (R) iurvevor hou«' , D T A.McKinnon seen wandering about the fherifl . A. Gitting« (R) L«ae««or and crying for help. S. W. Miller moaning .(!>;. <ch«)ol .Superintendent (R) C has . Newe 1 itock lnapector ........ .. Geo. Tregaskis There are rumors that the girl was <D) ♦ A. B. Marks lommisiionara not dead when found, but was R. K Sit«. /Ri Ç uasiQN FAT! buried alive. Her br ither has ar HARKEY Ü. 8. LAND OFFICE -, . . COPYRIGHT«; ’ mun Ñ'T íy J*oee H“<»>ook write to Kegi»ter rived from Colorado, and will have Receiver ......... . ......... A . A. Cowing the body exhumed and an examin ation made. Bigger and Better New York, April 20—A dispatch to the World from Havana says: If General Mae*o succeeds in W. C. BYRD à SON. P ublishers and P roprietors . crossing tne 18 mile barrier,in spite of the 50,000 Spanish regulars pressing him on all sides, General SUBSCRIPTION RATES: I Weylef must confess, as General One Year Six Months Three Months.... Campos did, that the campaign is HERALD CLUB LIST a failure, at d that Spain cannot Herald and Harper’.« Magazine Herald and Harper's Weekly . end this war by her own unaided PUBLISHED EVEKY WEDNESDAY Powder W. L. D ouglas CUAF Than Ever Before. BtX'IETIES. SYI.VA REBEKAH Degree No. «3. Meet»every 1st and 3d Wednesday.. Miss Le a McGeè N.G. Sam Motherihead. Rec. Sec’v A. O. ü. W, Burn» Lodge, Xo 47 Meet»every 2d end 4th Thur»day» H M Ho-ton. M. W J W Sayer, Rec’d IIAKNKY LODGE. WO. 77, I. O O F. Meet» at Odd Fellow« Hall, every Saturday, r jepm, W C. Byrd. N. G. B. I). McIntyre, Secy. 'www umiu« *'n> v («viz •« '« •nejj po||*K -a^ooq >x»i pao|jd Üpi áuuiu uuqi «janapjuS puu ua.iuwj joj uo|iwuuoyti| |wo|l ovjd ajout «u|V)uoj yn joj lenuuy pw$ t.Lutj j..3 -juvpl noX ajojafl -94»qMÁJ»A» pío» pu» naouyi npw»H a.Xzjoj iu«|d inq ‘dojo jnoX •n|tujw|«»p wurqa i<q 1.u<>G •apMM ».¿ijaj Xq u»M niawtf eaop j|«q «) anZ«q n« H A RNKY POFT WO. «, G. A. R. Mee’«everr let and 3d Wednuulay of each • onlb. «I Odd Fellow«’ Hall. All Cuarnii in r.HHl »tandlu« invited. 584 PAGES. 1,500 TOPICS. Telia Everything Yon Want to Know When Yoa Want to Know It. k VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Invaluable and Unrlvallad Political and Popular Hand-Book. The succesR of tb'.-i Great Cough Cur* la without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggints are authorized to «ell iton a pos itive guarantee, a lest that no othe. c re can ■uccenafnlly stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use It, for it will cure you. If yoni child has the Croup, or Whooning Cough, use ft promptly, and relief Is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURB, Price lOcts., M eta. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Baek lama, use Shiloh’s Porous Piaster. Price M eta. For sal« by all Drug- gists and Dealers. I C3 ............. M Music; 1 Director. . m J t Tbeuiro rt Tnortoahn ’V <>wuann - - - — - Orchestra c*— go, I’le. Aorll. 14, 1S9« Kersrr. .Tol.n.F <trnlt Chic .. Dear otra —I tun pi< n «. stati- A' 1 can high! «•vi I > Is nVle to Iv r< <•< n re <1 y> er Hue siati Gut «'rii u- f r i t’Hr-lbUity i lol tin Yvur i.nlur.i f-.r t tucul sUudid Lu tre menù- on-’ ’.our»truly, CARI.TnORUAnw READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. Plaice 25 ce HT s . (Postpaid tyMaiL ) N. MAILI. SII»»- ULI » rrlvesand depart« daily. vu «■■—CAUTO* CtTT t ’•••■d Doran» daily, sxeowt lundsy 1 SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION filetti if ir ¿««fam CURE MUSICAL MCRCMANDIt Gallar«. *MjM. Ä-.eort. a««, Parmu» h«.., : -ici I-<*». »tc. T he W orld , Pulitzer Building, New York. Oua't 0 Without ItTuis Presidential Year. E? urns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon E I xpress Co’s Expess. StagesLeave Burns dy for Canyon City, ard intern id: Fare $5.