•SO1WH Paito.J .»tn m » i M*.I» m »O Kiiipuai oqi jo piiwno'll »'!■' I*AO Xq Pl»'l *1 XJ«l* sil mui l’"» »'<» -{,1 pj*pnf PH i,'n dua.liu > > *’’li |O XiH|<tl»uodso4 rfiU—e» * •3 ’O ’NOIONIHSYM ‘jsDwtijJOM ‘jao-HS J 819 <4 •-afflM •“’D '»»*»I*V ’M dum«! ♦l 09SWIV19SS3MJ 3W1 I 4 « ( •jodnd stqy noiiuaui puu tio|)nuijoju, j.iqiJUJ -*oj oi FJ a V-AI s: :: :: H :: |OU Xq W -.»untAoj xnoX Oguui .<«« -UO|19<M!P S|qi U| oq Xwiu viui>(<u M.'JOA i1»»" |«O|i -osati ui h ind p>u X mm ’JUM'I1» jo mu|i ituitm >s sap) iqjl|J<| s soAiootioo into Xjo.vt i»oui|V “n* »IV.. .. J»A e nt SJftJ.. ,.’UM X|»J»H., 'duttili Dtqt ooq„ í».<3 pus g.Kijj s.huo J o<j su qJitu-- < < fidunpoj pp!A JolIX i i [diuig oqi -wrrrt k ¿\K p TI feU H1 .T>r^ CAVtAI 0. inAUt MARKS COPYRIGHTS. > out coat to the inventor. Thly aplendld paP«. lasued weesly, elegantly llluatrated Ibaa by far the largest circulation of anr scientific work in the world. «3 a year. Sample coble» sent f Building Edition, monthly. fiM a fear- Blnyle copie». -25 cent», fcvery number contain» beau tiful platen, in colors, and photographe of new bouse*, with plana, enabling builders fo show the latest design» and »ecure contracta. Address MUNN X CO, NSW YOltk. J«1 B»OIUWAT. B and I nstruct : i iminosjatn WiU »I« mir N KXT CUE-1R■; Now I* »he time to form new Band* for Caitnr* ‘TQ our- We are offering sper.’al inducement* <oi !’ */- IrftirU u .tiD-s * « PT ON Simpleton, a new noxei bv T homas Hutov, will be l.rguu in the December Number, j 1894, and coulinneti to November 1895 Who- 1 ever may lx- ,.ue’e favorite among Et glish Nov- ■ elists. it will be conceded by all critics that T homas H ardy stand» foremost of a mastet I ’ artis' in fiction, and The Simpletons may be I expected to ar< use enthusiams not inferthr in , degree to that which has marked Trilbv—the m< st successful story of the vear. Anothei 'ending feature will be the Personal Recollec lions ot Joan of Arc. bv the Sieur Louis i>a Opposite Patent Office, W«»hii qton, 0. C. C08TE, Her Pane and Seeretarv. uuder which guise the tn. st popular of living American magazit e writers w ill Present ahe storv of the Maid af Orleans lit the January Nu uber Will appeal a drcfusely illustratee paper on Charles ton and the Caroliuat, the first of a series of Southern 1’apats, . I N,.athern Africa is attracting more attention at any other lime sir.t e it was the seat of em- I pires 1'he next volumes of HARPers MAGA- 1 ZI n E will four illustrated articleson thisregin, and three of them will depict the present life Thousands of Dollars in Rewards foi • there, culian R alph will prepare (or the MAGAZINE a series of eight stories, depicting Bible Readers. typical phases of Chineio Life ami Manners. I Besides the long stories, tocre will begin in the Twa I.tn’vs Hoxs M aoaziss preen». It, yre,t Fall Competition to the public of An, r v The first correct Jauuary Number the first Chapter of A Three ■ i ewer to U e foil, wing question» received at this office I Part Novelette, by R ichard H akihng D avis — will f-e $»i,UU0 in cash; the seer nd, $500 cosh; 3rd, Grand the longest work yet attempted by this wri'er Piaio; 4th, I.a, ie» Heal Coat. 5th, ib J organ; (th, Complete shout stories by populur writers Will Louie* Gold Watch: 7th. Bilk Drerv Then follow., 10m. eoutinue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE C. A.SNOW&CO. »!<■, ,nt Sdver Tta Set, to the neat I'JOU correi t aniwera, UX a > l»eaii i ol 5 o'clock Silver Servic s, and 20J0 other ipuoyv ÁJQA3 ADM\ MDAirj 00’001$ W. <9 L. D ouglas QQ IS THE BEST. fl WL NO SQUEAKING. ♦ 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH A ENAMELLED CALE ^.*3.5-0 FINE CALf & KANGAR01 ♦ 3.W POLICE. 3 S oles . ♦2?1JJB ov & hool S hoei •LADIES« «■«•’’BmTOtt-ioU. artictoa of Silverware, waking the n'.mt expensive and xtagn t’< ■••nt lol of r ward, ever tiered by at y pirl,l »her Qi r.si to • (1 i How mo , Book, doe. the B bl, con jon! Il'i» nmny Chapter»’ (3) How many verse, tz, Fiery 1 ,1 of »naweta must be accompanied by >1 ro j«y for month» anliw-ription to the I.ADlss H< Mr Meionr o,.e o toe brightest and best illuaoaleJ nihli.i> »r.a ol the day 1.A-T l iuzis In audit on to the above we will give OUO prizes consist ng of niagu fieent Silver Service-*. fir, I'clock Ser> h e-, Ac Ac, tor U-l Correct Ams-ers re wired before t e eloae of the Competition, Which will bo hi l>ecenii>er 31, 1832. The object in offering th1 ae liberal prizes is to establish he L a tri - a IIou a M siiaz NX io NEW hemes in the Jnited Stars and Canada Pre:ent sul>sc>ibers can vvsil theinsi vra of it by enclosing *100 wiili list of inswers »nd the address of some friend to whom the Hagaz ne can Ire sent for a is months, nr have their own »»tended beyond the time already paid for. Prize» to lubttcribers residing in the United State, »ent from our 4«w Yo k > ranch. An erican currency and po.raga tamps will '*e taken. Be sure and register all as me, attera. Addnws. T hs Lzirtae H ums M auazim - Felerberyugh. Canada. SEND FOR CATALOGUE « W‘l-"DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. You tan snve money by purchasing H. L. Dougina rihoew, ,<*v. WOODWORK' cíó¡w^M> H UNIO« S ’UARI I ILLUSTRATED. GREAT BIBLE COMPETITION THE ATTIATTO-’ <t«iudm| »1 M’tM iiM ouqi u Uli at ' uqi *✓ 'i11 111 J° uin’ -Ittaaui tin to suosjod oJtsunou -U.» oi s| Jaiio »IUI J° 3¡>.»fqo oqi pus 'bliOXNMANI UO.l SJNH.I.Vd JGIH.IÜ« J’,-'',,,, ■qiuotu hutp.'io >Jti mil ilu|Jhp OOfiu.-VAUI MNOfaotfJOlU ISOBI oq| ffui)HUK|li» uo-Jud uqi o| I L i U STRATED Caveats, and Trade-Mark» obtained, and al! Pat ent bn sines» conducted for Moderate lees. p^5 i.VeBrT^,".nlonP4tTo&’ writ, to Oar Offlcs is Opposite u-S. Pal«n* Ol*1®*! »nd ’ we can aecnre patent to lees time than those GTV n A co .who have had nearly fifty yews nieÎen* in Ww »ustn^ -emote from Washington. ,.. . Bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tlona strictly confidential. A Handbook or in ion. We adv-iae. if patentable or not, free of formation concerning Paient» and bow tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of median- barge. Our fee not due till patent is secured A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patent», wi.h leal and acientlfio txxika sent free. Patent« taken through Munn A Co. receive names of actual clients inyourPtate, county, or special notice tn the Mcienllfie Americaa, and town, »ent free. Addresa, tCua are brought widely beU?™ t!îS-nd?d ' mom ' SllOnilOAU] plAIJ i :: PATENTS CHANGING * •' »»’iTus.azza'Ml»»’» M. FOR SALL ÖY Because, we are the largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and guarantee the value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protects you against high prices and the middleman s profits. Oitr shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them »old every, where at lower prices for the value given than nuv Other iitiihe. 1 ike no substitute. If your ... jk r caunol supply you, w.- cau. Sold by HARPER’S PER OtHCS HARPER’S MAGAZINE... . HARPER’S WEEK 1,Y . . I HARPER’S BAZAR.................. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE ____________ Postage Free to all Subscribers United States, Canada, or Mexico. FOH THIS YEAR. ------- ------------- —THIS PAPER— -----WITH----- THE S N FRANCISCO THOMAS & CO. Banker a nnd F^o’cers Railto Oh cago ELKHART CARRIAGE and HARNESS NFG. CO. IM Weekly Call I Tlie volumes of tlie Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December oi eac h year. When no time is specified, sub scriptions will begin with the Number cur rent ut time of receipt of order. Bound volumes ot Harper’s Magazine foi I three yeur.s bacK, in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 [ per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 58 cents each—by mail post-paid. Remittances should be made by Postofflee Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chanc o loss. Address HARPER A BROTHERS. Neu York. ■ '■»""OR HARDER WEEKLY......... HARPER’S MAGAZINE HARPER’« BAZAR... HARPER’S YOUNG PF >P(.E ....... Morning Call! PRICE HB.IM PER VRAM. ------- ■+•------- TT%HE SAN FRANCISCO ¥1^ WEEKLY CALL J-RfO b a handsome elght- page paper. It is issued every Thursday, and contains all of fie important news of the weak, gleaned from evepy quar ter of the globe, complxte up to date of publication, It fur- nlshes the latest and most reliable financial news and market quotations, at d gives epeclal attention to horticuk tural and agricultural news, and la In every respect a flrat- tlass family paper, appeal! ,g to the interest of every uae tuber of the household. ------ ------------- ■T*HK MO11MNG CALL ilia I*“*“" •••’’■e * *»»«) -MfC Is a live no tropoiltia daily. It t* the MOST RELIA BLE. and la recognised a« being th» LEADING NEWS- PAPER of the Pacific Coast. Either of Hie above t aper* w» will send po-tt’rid as a pre mium on rreeii t of tlie follow ing aub-erlptlun prices for the eembioatl u: D a W. B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Inch PER YEAR: 1HK SAN FRANCISCO lfl.00 « « Elegent and exclusive designs for Out-door and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mod- mod els by S anooz and C iiapi ' is . are an iniportaut ferture- These appear every week, week accompan ied by minute descriptions and details atharine ds iib F orest , is .„ „ a Paris l.etter, by K athakink weekly transcript of the lati st 1 . stilts and capri- /»A* I •> ♦ V> A . v - - t I ». zl — — 1- — - V • • — ■ ' ce» in the modei Under the ht ap of New York Fashions, plain descriptions and full paatlcu- lars are given as o shapes, fabric s, triininingr. and aceessoaies of the costume* of well-eressed ■ women. Childrens Clothing receives practical attention. A tortnightly Pattern-sheei Supple incut enables readers to cut aud tn t kc their own gowh The woman who takes H ARPER'S BA- Z \ S is prepared for every occasion in life, ce remonious or informal, where beautiful dress is requisite. PRICE Hi.85 rr.RK. Ak, AÄD lEB F m L ’, PÜ YEA sh . V3N TEN CTG Í OVE TEN CT< Lasts Seven times |onrTcr *». o t» o »a e 2 i Looks -even times befter Tn, About <-even tunes cleaner Sto* About Two times chea a k * 'T* • ’ -iper Bohsh About I wo times handier o • o if your grocer doesn’t keen ¡t send us his name with iOc J get a fee box and a va|uablt family household book f . .fl.Of 519 MONTGOMERY ST.. S. F.. cal . . 4.0C .. 4.01 . 2.00 in the ILLUSTRATED. Cur Premiums originated by in All suc.^ceHsfnl ppeculators operate on a regular synteri. It is a well known fact that there are thousamls of men in all parts of the l'nit>’<| States who, by Hystem itic trailing through Chicago brok era, make large amounts every year, ranging from a fvw thoueand dollars t for the mm who invests n hundred or two dollars up to $50,000 to 11OO.OGG or in >r<’ by those who invest a few thousand. It is nls » a fact that those who make the largest profits from com paraliv 'lv small investments on this plan are ’u rstins wh i live away from Chicago an.I invest through brokers who thoroughly understand systematic trading. Our pl in does not risk the wind»’ amount invested on any trade,but covers both -ide*, so (hat whether the market rises or falls it bring- a steady profit that piles up cnorinnusly in a short time. III I I'. I'Olt CONA I \'CI Nt) I’lvOOb'S, also our Mamai on sue - Haful sp (’ulation and our Daily Market Report, full of nrmey ’H iking point i> ALL EREE. Our manual expl tins margin trading fuil Highest r< fcrences in regaid to our standi' g and success E »r further infonnaiicn address TEN OT8 STOCK BRANDS. Hap’ Baza --------- U2in 00 FOR EiCHOatDR INVESTED CAN BE MADE Bl OUR *J>I w. : Sysfeinitic Plan cf Sjunljnon Is hard work COrPTtti changing the aPPe^ruiKe or stove Per Year: i A HARPER’S PERIODICALS. IL’turning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make ho much within a short time a« by succeRsful Speculation in (train Provisions ami Stock. oua f. Magasi tv I? 50 I im 1«. Postaxe Free to all »ubHcriber» iu tho state». Canada, or Mexico. Thi VoliiineR .if the Weekly will be< I the first Number for Jai uatv of es W hen no time 1» mentioned, »ubs crlpt bexln with the Number current at ti eeipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper'» Weeklv f vear» back, in neat cloth binding, will by mail Postage paid, or by express, fr , jx’tiae (provided the freight doein.it ex per volume) for J7 00 a volume. Cloth Cases for each Volume, suita bindiug wfll be sent by mail post-paid eeipt of |I. Remittances should be made by Pos Money tinier or Draft, to avoid chance o Addreaa; HARPER A BaarHERS, Ne « W Haio’s . ILLTSTRATED. •'•R s " e»k’y is a pictorial history of the times. It presents every Important event pr< mptly, accurately, and exhausti-el.v in il lustration and descriptive text of the' hlgnest j orrie-. The manner in which, during 1894, it has trni ed the chi »ago Railroad Strike* and the Chino-Japanese War. and the ai. oiiiit of light It u as able to throw on Korea the instant atten tion was »tiueeled to that little-known county, arc examples of its aim. st Ihnind’ess resourt es. Ju la.i Ra'pb. the dis iugulshed writer and correspondent, h.ia l>een sent to >he seat of war, end there joine»! tn C 1». Wi-niou. now for mauv years teal lent In Japan, who has been | engaged to co-opera'e with Mr. Ralph in Send- tion HARPe.R'S WEEKLY excluaive informs lion and illustration HARPER’S PERIODICALS Per Year H arpers bazar 4 Oi HARPER'8 M VGA ZINE 4 Of HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 (M HARPERS YOUNG PEOPl.n, 2 <X Preface Free to all aut>x'ri!»era in th* Unite« State* t anada. or Mexico. FREE BRAND COLUMN. Hone brand bar ten on left shoulder; Cattle bar ten on left hip and upper clip on boto ears. T. A. McKinnon, Burns Ore. Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von«eftif4r Horae brand"? leftside, r. o. Burns,Ortsos J. C, Foley, cattle brand = on right lid* Horae brand = on left shoulder. Cattle brand, IL, on left rit under bit in left ear, tinder slope in right ear Horse brasd 71 ou right stifle. R E J. A. Williams P, 0. Riley Or. Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattle brand ed )-( on left hip. Marlon Bunyard, PO Burns Cattle diamond on left hip; her shoulder. Charles H. Voegtliy, Bur.»« I Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle P on right hip. R. A. Hendricks, P.O. Lawen Or Horae brand on left shoulder, also three •Iota.', in ah ape of triangle, cattle branded aarne. E. K. Grout Burna Or. Miss Rosa Di< kenson Horae brand anvil «• left »title. Cattle branded bar.R on left hip, r O. Lawen Ore. J. P. Dickenson rattle brand J P connected an left hip Horse brand anvil on left stifle P. 0 Lawen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7on eitherhip; mark light crop off each ear, slip in each ear, and watt on left jaw. Horae brand figure 7 on either hip J. II. Bunyard.BunisjOre. Geo. Williams, horses and mules bra rounding w, ou tight atitie. P.O. Riley Horae brand harm on left shoulder; < at’1* brand bar-m on left hip and ribs. Catherine Marshall P O Narrows Ore. Horse brand on left shoulder S Mia*i*®rt Stanelift, Burns Ore. Horse brand J ou left shoulder and same on unscle of right hind leg. Ore. Phil Smith Burna 8, Lampshite and Sou cattle brand Q connected. Ear mark swallow fork in right ear underbit in left. P, O. Burns ore. Horses and Cable branded J P on left <!er i tme b anded JP connected. Mary Price. Burns Ore Herman Ruh cattle brand on i.a« er crop off and swallow fork in left ear right ear uuder slope, P. O. lawen. Cattle brand. >-f O. on left hip. nn ri ght ear and a crop and split in left )-( O. on left shoulder. A. Hembr Nerro Cattle and horse brand T with ha'f eir de Her G. W. Thompson, la.ve", u BEATTY S PIANOS The volumes ot the Basar begin with the firs, Ex xayor Daniel r- number for January of each year. When ns for catalogne is.Un s is mention^!, sulwcription will begix Washington. New Jersey, w ith the Number enrrent at the lime of reeetxl of order Bound volumes of Harpers Bazar lor th ret Davo Braham the prmninr compeer year in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mai’ »nd Direct or of Music at llarrigu »Theatre. i-otare raid* or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dol lai tier volutnel or »7 a volume. New York. March l»L Cloth ra^a to »la. h vo<ume, aultable for bind Mt asrx J.hn F. Stratton lug wilt be suntby mail poopaid ca receip of Dear Sin —I have given your Russian Gat 11 ea< h. Remittances should bu made bv PodtOtnc« Violin Strings a thorough trial, and am pleat- Money Order or Draft, to av. id chance of lees ed to state that they an the best t”’*’1 *“• * drees HARPER A BROTHER.«1 Newapapurs are sot to copy any one nor moat durable string» I have ever used Yoara rw»p, DAV» B-iAHA* I