------- ————————— I "Mr poeition obliged me to see ai “It was myself, dear fellow. The. great deal of company at borne, and , stratagem cost me five hundred dol­ lars, which I gave to my cook It I feared that some oi mv numerous BY TRI of an Honored Man v/as Brus I and my comrade«, who are free bought this hoose. where I previ eompanied his sister. I bave bro't away by 5c;encc. . , . , from every taint of guilt, thank oaslv usd cucrtCr&rted in secret, be- , - . .. - .. . . vou a key, which I have found in 3' you, who have so haply saved us— hind ttis mantle, a narrow eloeet. 3 Jfi.X, Ecrnir.j desk, and. as it does not seem poorfvictims of the Rornian tyran- from which I could bear all that your ’ and wbat Cey h- 1 <» ; and some case* so ne to belong to any of the locks in this passed in this room, wherein my ny?” mine that I r/as •• bouse, some friend of yours must not know ehe-y-ei »» "By iollowir g^me. dearest, she wife received her visitors. vi'ie genuine er n.-t. have left it benind him.” “For a lwig lime Espeodole con Wish Io be l.ur t’.yj.-' •aid. in a low. hurried voice "All one wt.o had eiren a Th« banker, deeply blushing, tented himself with depicting, in eminent profesé r. f is prepared, a sled awaits u« oot- took the key He had recognized The reply I rec:: Tj the moet vivid colors, the passion side the village my old servant, er than ihe printed t-* it as the key to nis private closet gave me fai’.h la ... Moutcha. drives, so don't be fright­ which consumed him. My wife! "I began taking tj;> "My dear,” said Clotilda, "I have them to be ail that t' . listened without making any an-, ened when you see him ’’ tell m? they woe! : b? his giuen Edward my conseut to three months bet >r? I < Once more «he kiase»j his flushed •wer. At last, one day he became | perceptible betterm-nt marriage with the daughter of Mr. more impatient than before, and I cheek, and the three companions tion. liy ¿'serse xra® Es pendole.” standing that J known and ad­ mired. Chas. IL liackiey has been i.x Pecóle Lave an the lumber business continue us!/ cinse fren all quarters r- i Ilackley rubila Library—a pc.:m in pr>sr: .ns. irrern’.-.ri granite—r.-fth its 6-l.C •) volumes; and cf wt-ai.nesB. Ti •>/ Lt .12 t- x! b. i the equally stately Hockley rchcol. an«l restore the g’ tv < ’ a\., t. j-a. like a b -hive v.i h its C m childr'n. r-nj sai’ow cheelix la men they c., Other elegant buildings testify like­ feet a radical cr.re in . !1 c_. ex­ wise to the liberality and munificence from mental worn-, eve. rer2 cf this man who has pulled wealth out cesses of whatever rats’---. The--arx no ill effects f ■ . ■ : tail of the forests of Michigan. AN ENGLISH COMMENTARY. Count Alexis Pattowa and his love-1 “The cook came, as pale as death,, It is no wonder then that tho car: wonderful medicine. enJ it enn ef Charles II. Hackley is 1 r.own t given to children with perfect safety. ly wife live within ten miles of and, with a long face, he told . me ,| SaidaneminentEnglisliscientistrecentlv: home and a’ road. I*is munideen ro-1 Mu.-!, r -i alone re; resen’s an cullivi Lyons, France, an I often, when tha he had hat morning received *TI m dangerCiiatcuufrontstliegreatAmerF cf r. rly h.;!f a m.¡ ..n. I'cr ti.. pAst a package containing ten fiftv dol- can to-layi» not the pvsbible adop- alone in their drawing-room, the , tw< n’y yair 3 j he I 1...3 . s been a constant . , • i ' , l oil of a wrong financial l*olitr for the I suf.Vrer fi,m r.eurulria end rheuma­ lar greenbacks, a small vial, and a | nation, or the f-prvud of socialism, or tl.e count imprints a kiss on his wife's tism, clro numbnfj cf the lower corruption public men. note telling him to put the contents h»'r.ase of orrupn. n among pul limbs, so m inch so tliat it l as seriously fair brow, whispering, as he does so, ..f » rl... „I-! .......... .. «... .......... -.„.-I I )'* III »In MJ Sd Do sure, ci. interfered ’ v.-kh ___ his pl wre in life. UHMJ " ‘’A bud ’“1 enough, to he .ore, hoi of the vial into the first oyster pate they are ss n..iliingc tnp.ired to the le. rild For some time p; Ktst _ _ l.is fricnd3 have the sinister word; noticed that he Las s. r'rr.cd tae grow na'ional disease—1 - had almost said natiOC I he hade. (You well know my ex- 11 — — -------- — .---- ••Siberia!” young ag.-ln. a nd to 1 a vs recovered e . , . crime Crime — -of of overwork. 1 The n« uiau mad rus.i rush i f r the health v.hl h l.e _______ _.... had ... in youth. treme fondness for oyster paties, wealth is set at a killing pace, and tbousai; ud« To a correspondent cf tl.e Frcss. Mr. full by the way every year. Hackley ex ; ¡.lined ’ ’ the ‘ while mv wife cannot bear even , secret cf his transfer-rant i n, and to his friends Yes are likely to be one cf the victims' the odor of them,) w ’ io 1 ?.ve known how he EuffercJ, h How do we know ? Eecause it is the CXCCS !;< lii'k ed - a tr. ••■ansformation. “I have "He was promised even a great- tlon r to finds manor woman of adult agon suffered for o r twenty years," be * i _ » »• m. a •“ said, seated in l.is private ¡ oifice. "with er recompense if he fathfully exe­ perfect health. Nervous Disorders' •[irewiing with feariul rapidity. Among ti. r.ains in my lower r limbs co severely It was a wintry night in Chicago, cuted the commission. ll.at »1 e only rc’l i f I c«?u!J get ai Fearing symptoms, are—Backache, B.liotlsux-^, Co d uifh.t was by px-f.i ing cola water com- the thermometer marking at least' *otnr]treachery, h« had hastened to 1 lands and Feet, Dizzine«', llot 1 l-.sLe:- en rr.y 1.. . ’>s. I was bothered EACH LET PAHE Fluttering Senaath n. Fait ting, flead chc. presses m re at rb»’ t ti . n In the da y time. five degrees degree« below luefore his cheerful grate fire, 1 immediately put a few d’ops roue Ihrspepaia, Sexual Debility, Fits, *k- Cino: i I m r.r le :■ t; ti .■ .,-e e •«« to t ! -,:.d rrraiHx-r. at W cents a box or six rrl-tfs x-ith with only < Het fprint-s partin’ relief I boxes f r • . R kv . C. A. C arroll , pastor First 11 pd.-t ar.d are n?ver s 'Id ’□ ahoking a cigar, ami la-side him was of the liquid contained in the and then f l! back to rry or ¿inctj bulk. They may be bad of el! dr”"- ' *‘l Church. Yellow Spri-pi, O.. writes as f.l <•. state. J I ccul. eeul 1 bi n t sit sti-l, and nr ' cists or dlr.-ct by mail from Dr v < his intimate friend. Henry Cassidy, on a lump of sugar, anti gave it to ** have ti ed I»r. Mile»’ Restorative Nervine < gs L.-an to make life look i Hams Medicine Company. The rri J i ..i dog. i ti , lit . f-r the p st six m nths. 1 find it acts li! e . sufferings 1 !i e. wr Ilio, "v.o --ears ago last S-r- ' who was similarly occupied my wife ’ s little The poor mv wile s little dog. I he poor lit M tj, nM on ,he whole nervi us system. ) t.b r I r -tb » an accoi-rt »f Dr. at w! ich these pills are soM ma’s -s a i«-nr-e of treatment inexpersive «-I Mrs Burnham and her two grown | tie animal was taken with violent have not found it» equal ingiving immediate Vii.— uf i u... 1 ,IL> for 1-.. A cio..—a^J v..._ w M.*r i,...-«.a "Of a truth, my love, y a have a : “\ And if you were a widow?” ovafcr pate in the larder, which, I assure you, does not contain the elwver little head, but you have for-( urged the Lothario, I slightest portion of poison.” gotten one thing." “ ‘i Sir!’ said my wife. At these ■ woids she retired. Hard*] “And that is?” ” ’If you become a widow,’ insist­ "To divest him of his weapons,” ed he, ’swear to give me your hand.’ ly was the door closed, when Casai-i he continued, doing so himself as "To this proposition my wife an- dy sa;d to Burnhim. "You are pro-, be spoke. ewered only with tears, and he left’ perly caught in your own net. She I has been in your secret^clo-et He Five minutes later they were her. that digs a pit fur his enemy shall speeding noi«ele*-slv westward. "The next morning an extraordi- fall into it hiuiself.” • • • . nary occurrence greatly increased the agitation of Clotilda. During But little remains to be told AS breakfast, a servant came and whis- ter countless danger, i the ’ parly I in my ear that our cook I reached England three months lat wished te apeak to me privately. er. 1 wo of them were subsequent­ « “ ‘Jjet him come in.’ said 1, ’I ly pardoned and returned to R ub -' si*, a third lives in Paris; while! have no secrets from my wife.’ • • America’s Great Danger THE HUSBAND'S EXPOSURE. u- children had gone fc a party, so the two friends, sure of not being inter­ rupted, conversed confidentially. W hat can be the reason,” said Cassidy to Burnham, “that you will not consent to the marriage of your son to the daughter of Will iam Espend uh?” ".My dear fellow, I do not oppose the match It it my wife who will not hear of it.” “But what reason can she have to refuse her consent?” convulsions and expired in a mo­ ments. There was no doubt that intention was to destroy me “That same day Espendole came, as usual, but Clotildi r<-fu»ed to see him, and wrote to say she would confess all to her husband if he ever dared to show hi max It* again, Having uselessly tried to rwlore hims-lfiv her fa»or, he resolved at last to matrv, and since that our families have had no communica­ tion. except that my son has fallen "I dare not tell you,” answered in love with hie daughter, and. al­ Burnham, lowering his voice. though I have given my consent, "A mystery'" exclaimed Caasidv. my wife opposes it.” "Come, yor know how discreet I "She is right,*' indignantly ex* am ¡art me learn the reason.” claimed Cassidy. ’ I never should "But will you promise to keep it have thou girt Esper.dole cap* pie of a aeciet?” such a vile action ” “I promise faithfully.w "Ha, ha, ha! ’ said the banker, "Well, it is now »¡a and-twenty bursting with laughter. "Do vou years since I was married, and I then, too, accuse him? ’ frankly confess to you that 1 was "Who, tlien. could it be, if be was jealous of mv wife. I not the culprit?*’ relief. l»r. Miles' little N«rve and l.iver Pi .la only ne»-d a trial and they will rceom- I mend themselves to be the beet pills in the market." “ For five years I have suffered from Ner- • tons p <>str.ition, I was unable to w.»rk or »1.. p. The first d<#o of Dr. Miles’ Reetora* < five Nervine gi-e ni • relief, and one tlv u »■ d doiivrs would not over ti e co d it I as done me"—JOHN M1NCHER, Youngs­ town, < »liio. Dr. Mile«’ Restorative Nerv’ne la un- «qua.led in cvrimg Nervous Dweaaes. It wmtaina n > opiates or dangerous d ags. Sold an a positive guarantee bv ail druggists, or Dr. Miles M edical Co., Elkhart, Ind. JOHN F. STRATTON’S Celebrile^ Russi« Got tolta Stringa 1 S» hnnt in II» W crM. ► vwy Slnng Waev»*t*4. John F. Stratta. r1^‘ MI. 813. 813. 817 E. 9th St. N(W VOMR. n » g £j • lilts *w » * • • I*« n»lk . ,rrre.hîrr«*—A> lkLi»l*s IL x i««K 5vw \u>« L;tl $21.50