Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1896)
1890 mentó I AVEAIÒ.HÌAUt MARKs^ COPYRIGHTS.^ OBTAIN A PATENT» » or a wer and an honest opinion, write to CO., who have bad nearly fifty year»' In the patent buninei*. Comniunlca- ctly «influential. A Handbook of In- conceruing I'atenls and bow to ob- sent free. A lao a catalogue of tueeban- rlentlflo books sent free, taken through Munn A Co. receive otlceln the Mclenlllic Atiiericnn, and brought widely before the public with- to the Inventor. Thia splendid paper, eekly. elegantly Illustrated, baa by far the circulation of any scientific work In tbs 3 a year. Sample conies sent free. - Edition, monthly, »liOa year. Single A cents. Every number contains beau- tee, in color., and photographs of rltb plans, enabling builders to show ths Igna and secure contracts. Address & CU„ Naw Y okk , 301 B hoadwaf g Miga 21 U S T RATED Caveats. and Trade-Marks obtained, aud all 1 at- eiit business condueted for Modera-e I ees. _ S.W-MWgWjSKffiL.. 'S .B'.l’Kffi“' pw° ■ •»’■.'E'S C.A lions ei loan of Ate. bv Opposite Patent Office W»smroton. U C. TL.usar.ds cf DeHart sa Rewards foi B ayd I. vstic V,. . I„r. «■ » ,'.T « « t.. 1. V lignes *'Î Libie Readers. T he T. ad »»"' H ome M ag .».? nf pr?i«rr?8 i « pr^at rail ............. be fi i >t - coned Ct n •>p'iti-n e» il e pptilic or Anp-r * 1 -....... i 11 V lug <pn n-ceiv-4 at lliix oil ee ■ ■ ................. 11 .' sr ■ I ti ■ ÿôbiJ ( I *1 h ; 3 i 4 Grand mu I e ti, I in Í. J Gitan • »i o; If»* 1 '• . s Pi a! Coat • ■ • K Dr*'* T. < n HT .acn b ' -"¡4 V» :Ucii ; 7i»i, anil ------ itb4-) o Lei r erv c », ---- ? o < * Tn ^U'.^rwr.’p, .¡ng tl ft ii.oat eipcn. iy’* and r um M s » vf f . Pere t I y &> y prbl aber. 1 ~ !f w a» j E ka does the B 1 ....... u an« < ’»?:' (3) Ho# inany *cr. e» • RWMf !■ ’ I I'«- • 1 -n P( i 1 ’> • tC 3 bili? < tO tiift LADIES II» ? h the L.^i.lvat and beat illuauulttJ s nt the day in E'»dit on to the above we will g ve ■ riR st ng ol mag!; i • < nr Silver St rvice , five r»ice-, f. _ ___ lor Last Correct Answers re- ttre t e cíese cf the Competition, which will be iU r 31, 1332 ret in offering th« s»« liberal prizes is to establish s H ome M ai az ne in NEW homes in the tair.i and Cai a. Tre ent si 11 »sc il »ers CM s» vea of it Ly S1.0U wi h list of uni ;be address of some friend to whom the » an l»e sent for a ix months, or have their own beyond the t-nn- ». In-ady paid for. Frizes to fs t tsid ng in die United States sent from k • ranch. Ai■ erican currency and postage iil Le taken. Be sure and register all ■ mej Addrras. T bm L adik » H um » may I m * Houk it* id tin l< UlUnJ blMlCM. ILLUSTRATED Simpleton, a new nose! bv T homas ................ H aksy , will be 1.« guti In the December Number, lS-.H. and continued to November Db.ifl ind vc c^an secure Who- I ever may bo one’s favorite among Ei jliah Nov- e’ists it will Ie eon< eded by.a.l cri itB ihar We advise, if pate'table <>r not. free U THoJias itAKi’Y B'aniis foremost of u mar ci harg' Oi:.- fee Dot due till p»»'’'” artis in tietion. am! The Slmpletvna mav A > ,’.nM«t. ■ How io Obt : n I ,ten,%J*1’., , expei :ed to ar« tiae enihusiamB n«it infcrilir in LLtLC.G factual c H cij L- in your > L- av J, coun degree to lliat w hich has marke 1 Trilby—the town, sent free. Address, m< st sii< e< ssful Btory of the year. A not het 'caci g feature will Lethe l’ers mal Recollée CREAT B CLE COMPETITIF -rt.' v-r. CHA? L Î. 5 T; ¡ a : z.iv.r a -;;: the Sieur Louis ns i oste . Her I’ m e and Secretary, under which guiaethe in. s' p jitilar of living American rr.agBzii e wiitdis «Iil Present ahe story of the Mahl ai : Tieni 8 In the January Nu rtbrY Will appeal a drofnaely ill us ratee jiuperon Charles ton and ihe I'ar.diuat, the first of a series of Soul hern Fa pars, Noalhern Afri< a is attracting more attention at any other ;ime Bini e it was I he seat of em- [pires. The ricxt Volumi a of HA RPe 8 M AGA I ZI Ni’, wiil f> ur illustra ed articles oli ibis regin ■nii three of • hem will depict the present life iliere. itlian R alph will prepare fits. I he M AG A ZI NE a series of eight stories, depicting tj pica'phases of chinete Life and Manners, i isides ihe long stories, toere v. iii begin in the Jnuiiary Number ihe hist Chapter of A Three Part Novelette, bv Ki< hard H akihng D avih — ihelotigts’ work jet attempted bv this wri er < omple'e shout stories by popular witters Wiil •ontinue to be a feature of the MAGAZINE HARPER’S PER OiTCS Per Year: HARPER ’S MAGAZ NE Ji.ot ARPEli S WEEKLY HAR PERS HAZAR HA < P Eli’S YOUNG PEOPLE... 2.0f Postage Free to all Siibceribers in chi Uniteti Slates, Canuda, or Mexico. is h::r. chan yin stove TEN CIS / TEN CTi vr C.-LOG CT • Lasts Looks About About About Lines Ion-' □even tunes better Than ^even times cleaner Siov. 1 WO times cheaper Tv, o tir Bes h..ndier If your grocer doesn’t ke send us his name ¡oc ; get a large box and •li*' " finable Family household book tree Desellan & Co., A 519 MONTGOMERY ST., S. F STOCK BRANDS. Ihe velum«* of the Magazine begin will he Numbers for June and December ol *ac ear. ....... O .. \ ........ When no time is speciiied, sub •criptions will begin with the Number cur . rent at time of receipt of order. Bourul vobfmes or Harper’s Magazine foi hree ycar> bacK, n neat clc h binding will 1 oc eni by m.iii, -l aid, on receipt of f3 .ur volume. Cloth Cases, for binding 50 ' •ents each—by mail post-paid. Remittances should 1 »e made by Postoffici Money Order, or Draft, to avoid chaac o ri F Address HARPER Jt BROTHERS, Net fork. . tit < A8O. & LuUli.hAl ra unici o- <ro» .M FOR Ü/Áut Han’ Baza uz.-j.Aiie*- I L L U S T R A TED. FJ, THUR CIUF GN ■ —— _ Our Premiums FO . TH S YEAR. ------ -H THIS PAPER— ----- WITH THE S N FRANCISCO ! •turniii.; prospuiif . will m ik make much wit Irti a nhort time as rr<»vi-»i«rm ¡m I Stork. THE SAN FRANCIS 0 originatoti l>v ti » • \ i Nil! ■ssttll S|l it i< a w.-ll kno vi» f iel tliit tlier <it tin* I nit- I Staiti« who. bv Avalon»- i'i «. nriki’ larj- :nn'»nni'i evt-rv » i-ir. i >r i|i>' ni ri wh i inv.'slN a loin Ir«'«l 4' 11 )¡ I 11 hi , »r III >r.- 1 >Y ill l-t‘ wl’.ll i IVI'S Iti« piratIV !v fr mi ( • n vsti'iiri» i i ! n i a f let th it lb •«<• AVI I II : 'I i I V«’>t III ‘Il's 111 till iil invf‘«t tl»’«nis'1i I>r t r.ti.pii;. » • r- .i-i ¡ i « n •» ri-k the a h-il , tli it « !» t!i r t1 ! i it inle« i ’rtn n rt»\\ xuixii • I »! I Ii'ir lt|l Morning Call! FKU E S6.0 ) P: R YEAH* HE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CALL L a page paper. liamDuin • eight- It is itKued every Ihursdav, ad contains alt of the important news of (he week, glenaed from every qu ir- ler of the globe, compiute up to date of publication. It fur- ni»h es the latent and most reliable ini a urial new* and market quotations, »■ d give. Rpecia attention to horttrnl- Hirai and agricultural news. ami it in every reluct a first Rias» family paper, appetii ,g to the interest of every member of the houaenold. Is a live tn< troiolit «»> daily. It ia the MOST RKL1 K- ELKHART CARRIAGE Bl E and is ree<«tilied b< ing the LEAVING NEWS. PA PER if the Pacido Coast. r. tiier of the abavo t apers we will send pO'ti* id a* a niltim on r'Cri. t of the follow. :ug subscription prices for th* re iddi.stimi : Pi. teas . WHOLE h'a 1. Farm |larn<«w • pring Wacona, •amw M Mil Tur »M wigoni, Surrey •ama a« Mil for tv» to Mill Phaeton W. B. P HARPER’S PERIODICALS Hors bran 1 bar ten on left shoulder; Catti, barten on-left hip and upper clip un boti Elegei.t and exclusive destgns for Out door ears. T. A. MeKiunou, Burns Ore, and Indoor Toilettes, drawn from W orth mud s by ■'iNm z and t' it a puts, are an impurtaut Hardin Ar Riley, cattle branded Von left si I« erture- I hese appear every week, ic compau Horse brand "C left side. p o. 3urns,0rif<M ted by minute uescrlptior s and delai’s Taris Let er, by K athaiiink pe F oiiest , veckly trat script of the ¡attst stilts a:i<t’<ai»ri- ’ C, Foley, cattle brand =ou rignt aide vs in th • mode. I t.der the h< ap of New Yoik - ashioiiB, piain descriptions ami Jull pajtlcu- Horse brand -on left shoulder. iob nrc given ns o shapes, fabric B, trimming!, ■mil access ■•sies of ihe c »stumes of eve!1 ere Heed women. Childrens Clothing receives piactlca: Cattle brand, II., on left rib under bit in attention A fortnightly Pattern-sheei b’lpple left ear, aider slope in right ear Horse brand nent enables readers to cut and mi ke t he’r own 71 on right stiile. R E J. A. Williams P. 0 zowh I I.e woman who takes HARVf R’ri HA- is pre] ared for every oceasfou in life, Riley Or remind, im or informal, where beautiful dress Horses branded )-( on left stifle. Cattlebrand k requisite. ed )■( on left hip. Marion Bun yard. TO Burna PER year : i’llICE •!.».> I'Ptt Y. AX, i I > i.;.'»» AIA IMK FREE BRAND COLUMN. II \R?ER WEEKLY. IARBER’8 MAG.YZINE I KRI’ER’S BAZAR. .. HARPER’S YOUNG PEOPLE I’ n age Free to all subscribers in tile •'tat« s. Canada, or Mexico. l’he Volum s of the Weekly will beg lie first Number for Ja i ubiv cf fca \x hen do time is mentioned, subs cript •vgri i u’th the Number current at ti i eipt of order. »und Volumes of Harper’s Weekly f years ha'*k. in neat cioth binding, will y P. r .a»’,> paid, or by express, fr oense pnivioed ihe freight does uotex per volume,» L»r |7.00 a volume. Cloih ( HSis fur each Volume, BU’ta ■'Hiding will be »eut by mail post-paid eiptofli. Kemittat:'es should be ma le by Pol L»n •« Order Draft, to avoid chance o kdtireM .1 uti’EK k BK »Trf ;<RS, Ne W Kan’s I I. LTST RATED. II \Kl k.i’s Wcck’.\ is a pictorial >ry the times. it presents every imp*»rtant evei t pr. mptly. a< < n aret . and cxhausii- ely In il ur: Alton a id ue»< riptive text of the higueat »rd- • Ttsc turut er in which, during ls.M, it has »ren edthei hi a. » Kailr< Hd Strikes and the • hino-JapHi tse \\a and the at..omit of iiuht it was a‘> e (•» ihro^ n Korea : he ii;»taiita*ten- IV m i e!i«n t,» tbnt li;r <« knew n rountv, i « »’ .\H I ■ ’ h joo d cm rvfe'iirt ev. siuDnfl '•er mihi «- i rm hi I. n .R : ee.. i‘» t io ¡h»‘ sea» of war. »• d •! • now for » a..t uJppi i. uh? I ibf been i»p« r«i • ui b '.r. ¡ h in bvM . r. \ LY i xc Inai ve in foi ma I. li ■>. a:io . KÍÜJR Al.S P< t Ye..r HARFSP •< » z » n. K \ HFFR i n k JABI*’ K: I IM HARPkrt vi. 'MIP! i is saw Fi ft-v k‘ A«i » 1 <»i» tu the < nítec PtftKB t anil, ur.Uedfo. Toe volumes ot the l.ssar 1-egiu with the tine number for January of eaeli year. V»hen nt ¡■tine is mentioned, subscription will begia « th the Number current at thetime of receiit of order Bound volume of Harper a Bazar tor threi year in neat cloth binding, will be sent bv mai' p. • age part!' or by express, trac >f expense il'rovioed ths frvight d«ies not exceed one dol lai per volume» or V a volume, > • h < as, . «o fea, h vo uine,suitable for bir d Ing wit; be aentby mail pospald cn revelp ol 11 ea< h. R« miiia-.cee aheuld be made bv PostOfflce Money Order or t’ra’t, »o av. id chance .if loss A.irtaa --------------- ---------- _ K HARPRtt * BROTHER* 1%-'»»« *ve a are cot to cope any ene nor Cattle diamond on left hip; hor Bhoulder. Charles H. Voegtl’.y, Bur s J Horse branded P on right shoulder, cattle r ou right hip. R. A. Hendricks. P.O. LaaeuOt lT.irsc brunt! M on left Bhoulder. *l«o three dote.'. in Bliapeof titangle, cattle branded S. E. Grout Burns Or. MI bb Roan Dit keiiBon Horse brtind »11VU 0« .eft filie. t attle branded bar.R oil left bip. r ■ O. Lawen Ore. J. P DfcketiBon cattle brand J P «»nnBct«!»» left hip. Horse brand anvil on left stifle r. u La wen Ore. Cattle brand figure 7oil either htp; jnurk ¡if crop off eat h ear, s'ip in each ear, *n l uu left jaw. Horse brand fl ;iir“7 on ei'her J. It. Bunyard.BnrBi.dr* Geo Williams, i. horsti and mules hi* rounding w, on right B'Itie. Horse brand bur-m on left .*i-e brand bar-m on left hip and rila*. Cu’tieu“» Marshall P O Narrows ore. Horse brand on left ahoulder ■ MiM LA«:» Stanclift. Burn» Ore. left »houlder and ume * Home brand nsele of right hind leg. Phil im»» BnrM S, Lampshire and Son cattle brand > ß connected. Earmark swallow f'rkitirif ntiderbit tn left. i) Burn» <»«(« Horses and Cat le brun ici J 11 \<,- t J. tier sime b sntled JP conmeted. Price, burns Ore Herman Ruh eatt'e brand rt >n •. fork in er < -op » dfnn .. — l ewallow - ear under slope, P. o. Ijioeii. Cattle brand. H ft-oil,h<£’ ".'p'^Ho** wn. ri ¡h e r and a < r >p a nd split V in Hembree i-i o on let » shoulder. sarro«* brand T »>>•> h'^ote’ Cattle aed horte -- G. W. rboBip**11 -I»* EX-MBy°r for caialoira** Washington, New Jersc). 1 • .-..-»r —r . e 4 I i Run