She Mirrati. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! WKUNKHDAY APRIL R>. 1816 A New Consumption Cure I offer my Entire Stock of Goods at Cost for BURNS. (CASH OR APPROVED NOTES.) I . .4 This popular Hotel holds itself in I point of rank equal, it not super- ior to any inland hotel and in fact compares favorably with many railroad houses. My Stock is Complete. r OREGON Berlin, April 11.—(Copyrighted M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. 1897 by the Associated Fre*u.) In­ tense interest has been aroused in inedical and other circles here by the announcement of a young phy­ sician, Frit h Langheld at the inter­ Having determined to close up my business, a good opportunity l national physician* congress at is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in Weitffiaderi coday, that he had dis­ laving in a full years supply. covered a new remedy for tubercu­ losis, named antimicrobia. Ils principal ingredients, it appears, Mnev attempting to gel back. There will ba a lot of suffering before the Alaska boom is over and it is rank foolhardiness for anv person to go there without he be provided with money or u p rmanent position. ! On Corner opposite Post Office. H W WELCOME, Proprietor. DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI­ CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC jfdF Prescription« carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist ANDERSON & GOODMAN, Proprietors. The best brands of Liquors, wi es and cigars. and one pool table. Two billiard K0 PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. Work Guaranteed to be first class. We mix our own Paints, and Our Work Sioeaks fo" it e f. JAPANESE GOODS AND LAUNDRY. >ix weeks ago 1 Buffered with H vt r. severe cold; was almost unable At the old stand South East of the H erald oflice. Ben’s mo t to speak. My friend* all advised ment of Japanese goods is very fine and, considering the quality yer; me to coiiHtilt npvnician. Noticing cheap. Cliamberlian’s Cough Remedy ud- ver* lined in the St Paul Volk* Zeil ting I procured a bottle, and after taking it a short while was enivrely well- 1 r ow most heartily reeoiiiinend th)» reinedv to anyone euflcring with a cold. W m . Kill.. 678 Selby Ave , Minn For s . le In CARPENTER, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER 1st Prize, Kimball Plano, “Style 3.”................. $ 6 600 00 Rlnvd« fnr man Bicycle, for id » nr or wnman woman _ _ 75 00 3d Prize. Cash ........................ 50 00 ! i 10 Cash Prizes, each $25.............. 250 00 10 Cash Prizes, each $10.............. 100 00 i 60 Cash Prizes, each $2................ t 120 00 83 Prizes.................................. S 1,195 00 Vv Th* Hr«» prise will be given to th*----------- — * THOS. LA HEY, Burns, Oregon. | 2d 7fl Prb« Prlzi. **- TV. Klu.wwl .*4 ttaainaa. H IKM I u »u.,lw this PMTVM FroeMUo*. COUGHS and COLDS ELY'S r IN KOLA BALSAM Io s «uro Keawdy tuvs ibo.l aid fa Mima It SOOtlwS, f ■ ( «. * I r sl-suw IS* co„«h, ai <1 rendvrs sapwl* orauuu easy. Consumptives dart a« be. Hit h.wn it. us*. Many wb* * ruler this contest more then once. .Aeutences . an not be corrected or substituted after^Uiey in- n,-rived. Real dents at Omaha are not permitted to compete, RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE HULKS FOW YUK SKNTKNOK— be meat u ml by the number of |< tiers It contains, but no letter can be uml or counted more than three times. No word eicent -s? J* ** w“.p* .“,an "• Th,> consist of complete wools. 81 tn«. «cures. abbrs» iatl ns or po ,tract on«, et-.. must not be used The nnwoun “I* and the article s' will be accepted as complete Words n'.uL eln .oT b* uosd Kart .»nW. tan I must luuieate by «'¿res st th.- endVf hli wnten2 how « , . UW WUK uve now I THl--. remarkably liberal offer I mads by the Waster Womn-Hru.m which ' wuica I ths distinguish. u • I-eon a esarnau. On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street. JOE GILL - - - - - Proprietor. WILLIAM J. BRYAN, Is Editor. Everybody knows Joe and a hors* under hi» car« will never suff for something to eat. and tt Is required that -art aoasp tins wnlem-e be each wed with on* dollar fr,» a year n sub*, rip- i -n Th.- W a. v W - hui Htuu. i, w," klv wh - I ti w«. and hmn-e . ••’■»r.y m olui dally It Is the «, stern champloS of Free silver Oulass* and the i.-adtn« family aewspaper of Nebraska. amp,.w ot tree Aadr\5B* Weeklu World-Herald, Omaha. Neb. I Parties Desiring Cabinet W ork that excels any done in this place heretofore, call and examine my work. .. 4th PRIZE CONTEST ■ ■ rrnvdy for Comutnplion. By its timely uss lihHlMttdS cf Kvk-'-S CIS« hlVB l«HI llrrtkty pcrnunetMy cured. S<» proof positive am I ot its power that I consider it my duty to »/»»./ frM to those of vour readers who twv« Consumption.Throat. Bronchial or Lung TnxiNe, if they wilt write me their express and postoffiee address. Sincerely, T. A. «LOCUM. M. C.. !•> hei St.. Mtw Tort. Burns, Oregon. CULP BROS, I rfW Further Joe if an old stable keeper, havinff had several T®*r exprne.icein a first class stable in Corvallis.