. MILLINERY STORE I the republican majority resitonsible the United States, providing for a for the present condition of our survival pension of the Indian war ( - - - ■ - Proprielre... public debt and high rate of taxa veterans of the United States, and Jill. SA1.L« HUP.UETH, WBDÄ18DAY APRIL 15. If« tion. pass said bills. “Fourteenth—We favor the pres ‘‘Eleventh—We favor a judicious DEMOCRATIC PLATGOKM expenditure of the public money ervation of the salmon industry of .tee. The Proprietress is for the purpose of opening up and the state by abolishing all fishtraps, here to stay and desires to Please Patrons in Style, Quality of Goods HoutKl by ‘b« State Conienti»!! improving our waterways and har- fishwheels and small mesh gear, and Prices’ On Corner North of Meat Market. and denounce the republican party ■ , bore. at Portland. “Twtlfch—Religious differei ces of the state for refusing to keep its The democratic party of the state should find no place in Anunican p’edge to afford such urgent relief.” of Oregon, in cor vention assembled, politics, and the democratic party do make, declare, and adopt, the is unalterably opposed to the spirit of intolerant bigotry fostered for following resolutions: t.Firgt_Whereas, the present de political purposes by those who I pressed condition of the country seek to breed disc.>rd and animosi I I and the shrinkage ot values are ties among the citizens of the re largely due to the financial system public; secret political l>o?i. s are a which has controlled the nation for (curse to party, state and nation. AND more than 20 years last past, we; We heartilv welcome the assistance the democracy of the state of Ore of all good citizens who will co-op gon, hereby declare ourselves as un erate in the suppression of any’ The success of th’/i Great Cough Cure Is alterably opposed to the single gold political movement organized for without a parallel in the history of medicine. standard, and demand the immedi religious proscription. All druggists are authorised to sell iton a pos itive guarantee, a test that no otherc recau ate return to the constitutional | “Thirteenth—Resolved, that we, successfully stand. That it may become the Proprietors, at an enormoua ex standard of gold and silver by the I the democratic party of the state of known, pense. are placing a Sample Bottle Free into home in the United States and Canada. restoration by the general govern Oregon in convention assembled, every IS THE If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis. use it. for it will cure you. If youi ment independently of any foreign hereby earnestly ask the congress child has the Csoup, or Whooping Cough, use PLACE TO GET BARGAINS IN HOSIERY, UNDERWARE, power, of the unrestricted coinage it promntlv, and relief is sure. If you dread of the United States to take up Hie thit insidious disease Consumption, use it. of both gold and silver into stand your Druggist for SHILOH S CURE, GLOVES, MITTONS, TOWELS, FLANNELS, ETC. f . | bills now pending before their re- Ask Price 10 ets. !M)ets. and $1.00. If your Lunge / 6. ard money at i-- the — ratio ----- -- of lb to 1,1 spective bodies, viz: the house ol are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Located first block East of Church. Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by oil Drug and upon terms of Jexact equality, representatives and the senate of gists and Dealers. W. H. C anaday , Manager. as they existed prior to 1873, the silver coin to be a full legal tender equally with gold, for all debts and dues, public and private, and we' denounce all discrimination by the government against either gold or THE NAME 0 T TE NEXT silver currency of the country. We demand that the secretary of the , _^g»-,DO YOU KNOW A OQOD ADVERTISEMENT MEANS INCREASE IN BUSINE8S?_^t— treasury shall coin into standard silver dollars, as soon as practica ble, all the silver bullion now in treasu-y of the United States, which represents the silver seignorage oi ¡To do Busiû ss coinage profit to the government; I Lôt People Know it- also all silver bullion that may > hereafter be offered for coinage. , WILT, BE ANNOUNCED IN ‘‘Second—We demand the repeal, of all specific contract laws, state | and national. . “Third—We favor the construc tion of the Nicaraguan canal and its control by the general govern | ment. ■ “Fourth—We are in favor of a > 0 NOVEMBER 4th 1896 tariff for revenue only, so adjusted | that it shall affect alike our com merce, our agriculture, our labor | and our manufacture. ( Publio interest will steadily increase, and the question how the men “Fifth—We demand of the gen-j "hose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the eral government rigid enforcement I r“U'" u.nd'r lh*‘, thfy elected, will make the campaign of the Monroe declrlne. < ‘he 'n<”t ,nle"'el-v ««“"» 111 the >■ Pt »he country. ihr Mirraid. Rare Selection of Millinery Goorfs- LOOK! SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. LISTEN!! Cash Store I I President of the United States,! if you have anythin * You want to Sell let People Know it. The New York Weekly Tribune Subscribe for the EAST OREGON HERALD “Sixth—We demand a reduction ®f all salaries, federal and state, comn ensurate with the depressed condition of the country; 1 that the the leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, wil HP XXT O WT T 'V Fll ITT ZX V Xd X X W U k 9 compensation of all state i officers | publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American A . , . citizen regardless of party affiliations. shall be kept strictly within the de i .. - . ter nf iU ^»».1«.. .i » n . Alpo Reneral news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover- onstitution, that all, jng the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none laws now existing providing extra in the country, market reports which are recognized authority, faecinat- fees or compensation for any duty I ’nK 8hort stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous 1 or services imposed by law upon | PaPeri1’ foieign and domestic, with their best comic pietpres, fashion such offices shall be repealed 1 p,ate8 and Jelaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied and U’ J JU . attractive department of household interest. Th« “New York Weekly Smemh-Wc demand lhe re.; I Tribune” if on an ideal lamily pnpri. p»per. wivn with u a circulation eiroul.lion larger lerg-r than that . r lurai innuiv than that p<*di Ot the laws creating the rail-1 of any other weekly publication in th"» country issued from the office of > ^t-etybody Ueadt mad commission, and all other use I | a * daily. *‘f*“ ’ Largv ------- changes ’ are ' being ’ made in its details, — tend Ing To gi ve 1 it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the women T-Hrt JfE'RjlL'D. less commissions. Adrertiee tn it. ft tritt pay. “Eighth—We instruct our dele- and young people of the household. eatas elected to represent us in the A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid iournal P journat national convention to support on and THE HERALD for ly a candidate in favor of the free and unlimited coinage of silver at1 the ratio of 16 to 1. “Ninth—We demand the re en •ctinent cf the mortgage tax law and the amendment/of our asaess- PAY UP YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND GET THE TRIBUNE. nient laws go that all recorded in debtedness of the taxpayers »ball THE HERALD DOES be deducted from bis assessment. | Il'BK RIPTIONS MAY BEGIN AT ANY TIM«. the best job prntg lentb—We denounce the ex Address or call at -AT LOWEST R4TES. travagant acts of the last legislature _______ _______ ’ * HERALD OFFICE *• coextensive with fraud, jobbery, Wnte your name and address on a postal card, send it to Geo W R. / YOU WANT QOOU ,O, fR,RT^ *nd squandering of the people’s ^-Tribune Building. New York City, and a sample eonv DON«, CONSULT thk HERAI.Dr— tueney, and we censure and hold THE NEU Y ORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you I • The New York Weekly Tribune CLUBBING BATES WITH ALL THE LEADING PAPEBS. ONE YEAR FOB ONLY $2.